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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

July 23, 2021

“So when I was a young girl, Uncle Sherman taught me to play chess. He said, ‘You need to know, life is like that chessboard. There gonna be all kinds of players on that board. They’ll have all kinds of different moves. You have to think strategically. You have to learn to think about what that tenth move will be before you make that first move. And if you’re smart,’ he taught me, ‘that pawn can take out that king.”

--- Kamala Harris, July 2019

With President Biden in the news because of the horrendous, incomprehensible performance he gave at a townhall meeting on Wednesday, it seems like a good idea to take another look at the person who is positioned on that chess board to take his place. We’ve known her lately as someone who seems in over her head, who is given huge areas of responsibility and then ducks them, who giggles and cackles uncontrollably and inappropriately. Who is she, really? How did she get to this position on the chess board, and what does it mean for the country if (when) she “takes out the king”?

On October 14, 2020, Trevor Loudon at THE EPOCH TIMES had a detailed article about her background, and it seems like a good time to revisit that.

Loudon, an author, filmmaker and public speaker from New Zealand, wrote the book “ENEMIES WITHIN: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress,” and also filmed the 2016 documentary ENEMIES WITHIN. Here’s a trailer from that movie.

Of course, we knew Kamala was raised around radical leftists; her father was an professor in the Economics Department at Stanford University, where he used to say he was too far left even for them, and her mother was a longtime political activist, first in India and later in California. "Uncle Sherman" was an activist lawyer. Recall that Kamala, on the campaign trail, spoke of being wheeled through protest marches in a stroller, calling for “Fweeedom!!” (We don’t know if THAT story is true, but we do know for certain that her parents and their circle of acquaintances were radical left activists.

But there’s much more here, about specific organizations, their heroes (such as Fidel Castro and Che Guevara), and their ultimate aims. RedState has a good summary, which also first appeared in October 2020, of the information turned up by Loudon. (All of it was available to the curious BEFORE the election, even though the mainstream media seem to have put it in the same category as Hunter Biden’s laptop and pretended it didn’t exist.)

The RedState piece was written by retired U.S. Navy Capt. Joseph R. John, who’s formerly with the FBI is currently chairman of the Combat Veterans for Congress PAC.

It’s not disputed that Harris got into politics after having an affair with then-California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, Jr., who was 60 and married at the time. We know he guided her fledgling political career, which led to her being elected attorney general of California. But aside from that, I wonder how many know that when Brown ran successfully for mayor of San Francisco, he strongly endorsed Marxism and was, in turn, endorsed by the Communist Party USA. In the RedState article it states, “Willie Brown is widely regarded as one of the Chinese Communist Party’s best friends in the San Francisco Bay area.”

I don’t want anyone to be tarred with guilt by association. For example, Van Jones is mentioned in Loudon's piece and is perhaps overzealously described as a Communist, but the fact that I count him among my friends --- a brother in Christ who has been a guest on my TV show --- should never convince anyone that I share his views on politics or economics. He might be far to the left on those issues, but if Communists are atheists, he isn't either of those things.,as%20we%20continue%20to%20turn%20…%20Continue%20reading

That said, Kamala Harris has been steeped in radicalism her whole life through her closest connections. (Imagine if a conservative candidate and his family and friends had associated exclusively with John Birchers and such.) Read on to learn about the Chinese Communist ties of Kamala’s husband Doug Emhoff and also of her younger sister Maya, whose close associate is one of Kamala’s major financial sponsors, the wealthy leftist Steve Phillips. (How is it that so many leftist, even Marxist, men marry very wealthy women?)

If Harris had been appointed to a federal position that required confirmation, Loudon’s article postulates, she would not have passed the background check because of her 40 years of close ties with Marxists, Communists, Maoists and Communist China. But as an elected official, she is not subject to the security clearance process. (I would add that this observation applied to Barack Obama as well.) As the article states, “Harris would never have been approved for acceptance to any of the five military service academies, been appointed to a U.S. government sub-cabinet position, or would have been approved to fill a sensitive position for a high-security defense contractor. Yet if Joe Biden were elected, Harris would be a heartbeat away from the President.”

The article goes on to cite not only Harris’ ties to the Communist Chinese, but Hunter Biden’s business dealings there. (Remember –- this came out BEFORE the election, but only conservative media were focusing on it.) As RedState says, “If the American voters read the background information [in Trevor Loudon’s article] about Kamala Harris, they would never support her election as Vice President of the United States. Joe Biden...will continue to decline in cerebral awareness; he will never be able to fill out a four-year term of office. If Biden is elected, the Socialists, Marxists and Communists who control Kamala Harris are planning to enact provisions of the 25th Amendment in order to remove Joe Biden from office, so Harris can become the first Communist President of the United States.”

Obviously, Bernie Sanders, as a Democratic Socialist, wouldn’t have been able to win the general election, but “moderate” (ha) Joe Biden, with a female and black running mate to check a couple of boxes, had a much better chance. So that’s how Kamala’s chess piece ended up where it did on the board. The moves started much earlier.

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Comments 11-20 of 83

  • Sue Collins

    07/25/2021 09:52 PM

    We have to blame the outcome of the election. Nothing correct about our election.

  • Patricia Linszky

    07/25/2021 07:58 PM

    Ehen I think if all the True Patriots that fought & died for this country only to get her is the epitome of a slap in the face. Is this what my 5th GGfather fought in the Revolution for? Is this what my father & uncles fought in WWII for? I pray EVERY DAY that God will save us again! I only hope ALL of America is praying too!

  • Steve Sega

    07/25/2021 04:07 PM

    If Biden is impeached, Harris should be as well. Hunter's laptop showed Harris and her husband were getting money from China as well. 2022 should see the impeachment of both of them, with a Republican Speaker taking over as the interim President.

  • Sherry Glascock aka Sharon and Gary Glascock

    07/25/2021 02:53 PM

    How in the world can she be President of a country she hates? Will I know she wants to make it a Communist Country. I pray everyday that she and her family will move to a communist world away from our America. Will I know that is just my dreams. I'll be watching tonight.

  • Jacquelyn Etchison

    07/25/2021 02:48 PM

    We are praying for G-d to forgive us & heal our land.

  • Dr. Mikeal Hughes

    07/25/2021 02:31 PM

    So we have Communist, Marxists on the left and fascists, Nazis on the right! We are doomed either way! Better pray for more Libertarians!

  • Susan Galloway

    07/25/2021 02:23 PM

    Interesting!! Us conservatives here in California knew she was a bad pick (hands on!), sort of figured out the game plan, but this article explains it loud and clear - also Obama's fascination with her, ugh! America's future is hanging in the balance and we all need to speak out, stand up, and PRAY!!

  • Gail Myer

    07/25/2021 02:22 PM


    I enjoy reading your newsletter everyday. The Bible verse and the exposure to our National Parks is truly a daily uplift.

    Based on Kamala Harris' ancestry and parents background, can you clarify how she fits the criteria to be a President of the United States. I have talked to many who are confused (including me) about how she satisfies the citizenship requirements. I'd love to hear an explanation that clarifies the requirements and lays out her background in detail.

    Thank you for considering!

  • rodney Burke

    07/25/2021 01:38 PM

    Kamala best serves the US from a cell in Chino. You've adequately documented she is a practicing communist. Most of her party are the same. why isn't this a crime? Why is it that left are the only ones being arrested for crimes and put in jail?

    We are invaded from within and we aren't allowed to defend ourselves? What!!

  • Debra Ellison

    07/25/2021 12:58 PM

    I knew we were as country ( or should I say as a government )going in this direction. To read all this and see how far back it goes is really something. It is sad but it is all part of Gods plan. I take heart knowing he is fully in control. If this is part of a one world government we must work at winning those to Him. And pray for the strength to endure these sad and troubling times.

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