Today's News Stories

October 26, 2022

Before I get into the details of last night’s shocking Pennsylvania Senate debate between John Fetterman and Dr. Mehmet Oz, I want to say something that needs to be said and repeated far and wide:

What we saw last night was not merely a sad display of someone struggling to do something he was clearly not capable of, it was also a live televised expose of a major conspiracy to commit election fraud on the voters of Pennsylvania.

I don’t blame Fetterman himself. It’s possible that he’s not even aware of how impaired he really is. Maybe in his mind, what he’s saying seems perfectly lucid. But the people around him, his wife and campaign team, obviously knew better. This is why they tried to lower expectations the day before the debate. It’s also why they tried to avoid a debate at all until they were pressured into it by even the liberal media outlets.

RELATED: The Pennsylvania Senate Debate

Even then, they delayed it as long as possible in hopes of racking up the maximum number of early votes before the public discovered the truth (this is another reason why I don’t like early voting and urge people to wait until they know everything that’s going to come out.)

As one commentator pointed out, that was Fetterman at his absolute best. That was him after months of therapy and recuperation, with weeks of debate prep, the questions written out for him on a 70-inch monitor, and the chance to rehearse with the monitor. Even with every possible advantage, that was the best he could do. Imagine what he must be like when it isn’t all teed up for him and he hasn’t had weeks of rehearsal.

And the people closest to him KNEW that. They knew this man was incapable of doing the job, but they tried to hide that fact from voters. If you voted early for Fetterman based on their false assurances that he was completely fine except for a tiny auditory processing problem, wouldn’t you be furious at being hoodwinked? Maybe you’d like your ballot back so you could change it. Tough luck, sucker! It’s too late now.

I never again want to hear some Democrat pushing the ridiculous notion that there’s no such thing as election fraud (or that it exists only when a Democrat loses an election.) The next time someone says that to me, I’ll dare them to go to YouTube and watch this entire debate all over again. I can’t think of better evidence of naked election fraud, or a more painful punishment to have to endure.


YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Dr. Oz takes the lead

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Comments 11-20 of 40

  • William Appelt

    10/27/2022 09:28 PM

    So, did anyone consider the wife as being in control. Speculation, he wins and dies in office then she will gladly step in and continue the service.
    Maybe the plan? Another Hillary?

  • Denise Miller

    10/27/2022 12:39 PM

    I totally agree with you but does it really matter? I've read that people think he's going to do a great job for PA and I'm talking voters. Are people really that clueless? And I think it's just a ruse to get his wife in. There was even an article (I'm sure you saw it) that said PA was going to have issues in their election counting but it was nothing to worry about, another sign they're planning on cheating. What can be done about it? Nothing because no one wants to do anything about it and it just goes on and we just accept it. I don't believe there will be a red wave because they are going to cheat. Call me cynical. Call me disappointed. Sometimes I just feel like giving up.

  • Donna Martin

    10/27/2022 08:04 AM

    There are numerous jobs that you need to have and pass a standard medical physical to be employed. Truck or bus driver, airline pilot, school teacher, so why dont political officials? Maybe the real question when it comes to voting should be
    "Would you want this person driving your children's school bus, or flying your plane?".

  • Michael Manoogian

    10/27/2022 06:27 AM

    How many early votes were cast for Fetterman prior to the debate? The Dems were not honest with the PA voters.

  • Mary Cirucci

    10/26/2022 10:04 PM

    It’s actually not too late to change your vote for John Fetterman. In Pennsylvania if you show up to your poll on voting day and ask for a provisional ballot you may vote via provisional ballot and it will replace your mail in ballot!

  • Valerie Blount

    10/26/2022 09:04 PM

    I just vote and I can only hope it gets counted...correctly. I have so little faith in
    the voting system it's pathetic. We'll know soon if we are being 'had' or not as
    there is no way on God's green earth the dems will do well this Nov. Never mind in 2024. A Trump/DeSantis ticket would be a dream. In all actuality...I didn't think you DID read these notes! Maybe you do...cuz you SAID you do! I trust you, Gov'nor.

  • Patricia Baker

    10/26/2022 08:20 PM

    Fetterman knows nothing about running for government office. He is worthless human that has never worked a day in his life, just being kept by his parents. When he was mayor in Braddock, he never went to the meetings and ruined the town. And as Lt. Governor he never done his job there either, didn't show up to work, just kept talking about legalizing drugs and letting murders out of prison. He was capable of doing anything before his stroke. Anybody that votes for him doesn't have any more brains than he has.

  • Sandi Eby Eby

    10/26/2022 07:49 PM

    gov huckabee - i know this is not the right story to make this comment on but i would like to encourage h. walker to admit that his views on abortions have changed - as have mine. see i aborted the only child i would ever have and have worked thru it with Jesus. i am now COMPLETELY pro life. our views/opinions can easily or not so easily be changed as you live & learn! i would just hope he would say he's seen the Light! God bless u!!!

  • Kathy J Moore

    10/26/2022 07:34 PM

    Well articulated, Mike Huckabee! Thank you for your bravery and honesty.

  • Randy Kizer

    10/26/2022 07:15 PM

    It's really the same reasoning with Biden. Both these men's families should have talked them out of running. Fetterman for his obvious health concerns and Biden because of his obvious mental de line due to his age.

Election 2024 Coverage

October 26, 2022

Before I get into the details of last night’s shocking Pennsylvania Senate debate between John Fetterman and Dr. Mehmet Oz, I want to say something that needs to be said and repeated far and wide:

What we saw last night was not merely a sad display of someone struggling to do something he was clearly not capable of, it was also a live televised expose of a major conspiracy to commit election fraud on the voters of Pennsylvania.

I don’t blame Fetterman himself. It’s possible that he’s not even aware of how impaired he really is. Maybe in his mind, what he’s saying seems perfectly lucid. But the people around him, his wife and campaign team, obviously knew better. This is why they tried to lower expectations the day before the debate. It’s also why they tried to avoid a debate at all until they were pressured into it by even the liberal media outlets.

RELATED: The Pennsylvania Senate Debate

Even then, they delayed it as long as possible in hopes of racking up the maximum number of early votes before the public discovered the truth (this is another reason why I don’t like early voting and urge people to wait until they know everything that’s going to come out.)

As one commentator pointed out, that was Fetterman at his absolute best. That was him after months of therapy and recuperation, with weeks of debate prep, the questions written out for him on a 70-inch monitor, and the chance to rehearse with the monitor. Even with every possible advantage, that was the best he could do. Imagine what he must be like when it isn’t all teed up for him and he hasn’t had weeks of rehearsal.

And the people closest to him KNEW that. They knew this man was incapable of doing the job, but they tried to hide that fact from voters. If you voted early for Fetterman based on their false assurances that he was completely fine except for a tiny auditory processing problem, wouldn’t you be furious at being hoodwinked? Maybe you’d like your ballot back so you could change it. Tough luck, sucker! It’s too late now.

I never again want to hear some Democrat pushing the ridiculous notion that there’s no such thing as election fraud (or that it exists only when a Democrat loses an election.) The next time someone says that to me, I’ll dare them to go to YouTube and watch this entire debate all over again. I can’t think of better evidence of naked election fraud, or a more painful punishment to have to endure.


YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Dr. Oz takes the lead

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Inconvenient Truth

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Comments 11-20 of 40

  • William Appelt

    10/27/2022 09:28 PM

    So, did anyone consider the wife as being in control. Speculation, he wins and dies in office then she will gladly step in and continue the service.
    Maybe the plan? Another Hillary?

  • Denise Miller

    10/27/2022 12:39 PM

    I totally agree with you but does it really matter? I've read that people think he's going to do a great job for PA and I'm talking voters. Are people really that clueless? And I think it's just a ruse to get his wife in. There was even an article (I'm sure you saw it) that said PA was going to have issues in their election counting but it was nothing to worry about, another sign they're planning on cheating. What can be done about it? Nothing because no one wants to do anything about it and it just goes on and we just accept it. I don't believe there will be a red wave because they are going to cheat. Call me cynical. Call me disappointed. Sometimes I just feel like giving up.

  • Donna Martin

    10/27/2022 08:04 AM

    There are numerous jobs that you need to have and pass a standard medical physical to be employed. Truck or bus driver, airline pilot, school teacher, so why dont political officials? Maybe the real question when it comes to voting should be
    "Would you want this person driving your children's school bus, or flying your plane?".

  • Michael Manoogian

    10/27/2022 06:27 AM

    How many early votes were cast for Fetterman prior to the debate? The Dems were not honest with the PA voters.

  • Mary Cirucci

    10/26/2022 10:04 PM

    It’s actually not too late to change your vote for John Fetterman. In Pennsylvania if you show up to your poll on voting day and ask for a provisional ballot you may vote via provisional ballot and it will replace your mail in ballot!

  • Valerie Blount

    10/26/2022 09:04 PM

    I just vote and I can only hope it gets counted...correctly. I have so little faith in
    the voting system it's pathetic. We'll know soon if we are being 'had' or not as
    there is no way on God's green earth the dems will do well this Nov. Never mind in 2024. A Trump/DeSantis ticket would be a dream. In all actuality...I didn't think you DID read these notes! Maybe you do...cuz you SAID you do! I trust you, Gov'nor.

  • Patricia Baker

    10/26/2022 08:20 PM

    Fetterman knows nothing about running for government office. He is worthless human that has never worked a day in his life, just being kept by his parents. When he was mayor in Braddock, he never went to the meetings and ruined the town. And as Lt. Governor he never done his job there either, didn't show up to work, just kept talking about legalizing drugs and letting murders out of prison. He was capable of doing anything before his stroke. Anybody that votes for him doesn't have any more brains than he has.

  • Sandi Eby Eby

    10/26/2022 07:49 PM

    gov huckabee - i know this is not the right story to make this comment on but i would like to encourage h. walker to admit that his views on abortions have changed - as have mine. see i aborted the only child i would ever have and have worked thru it with Jesus. i am now COMPLETELY pro life. our views/opinions can easily or not so easily be changed as you live & learn! i would just hope he would say he's seen the Light! God bless u!!!

  • Kathy J Moore

    10/26/2022 07:34 PM

    Well articulated, Mike Huckabee! Thank you for your bravery and honesty.

  • Randy Kizer

    10/26/2022 07:15 PM

    It's really the same reasoning with Biden. Both these men's families should have talked them out of running. Fetterman for his obvious health concerns and Biden because of his obvious mental de line due to his age.

Message from Mike Huckabee

    Help me fight back against Big Tech censorship. If you would like to subscribe to the daily, advertisement-free version of my newsletter for $5 monthly or $36 annually, on Substack, go here.

    Latest News

    October 26, 2022

    Before I get into the details of last night’s shocking Pennsylvania Senate debate between John Fetterman and Dr. Mehmet Oz, I want to say something that needs to be said and repeated far and wide:

    What we saw last night was not merely a sad display of someone struggling to do something he was clearly not capable of, it was also a live televised expose of a major conspiracy to commit election fraud on the voters of Pennsylvania.

    I don’t blame Fetterman himself. It’s possible that he’s not even aware of how impaired he really is. Maybe in his mind, what he’s saying seems perfectly lucid. But the people around him, his wife and campaign team, obviously knew better. This is why they tried to lower expectations the day before the debate. It’s also why they tried to avoid a debate at all until they were pressured into it by even the liberal media outlets.

    RELATED: The Pennsylvania Senate Debate

    Even then, they delayed it as long as possible in hopes of racking up the maximum number of early votes before the public discovered the truth (this is another reason why I don’t like early voting and urge people to wait until they know everything that’s going to come out.)

    As one commentator pointed out, that was Fetterman at his absolute best. That was him after months of therapy and recuperation, with weeks of debate prep, the questions written out for him on a 70-inch monitor, and the chance to rehearse with the monitor. Even with every possible advantage, that was the best he could do. Imagine what he must be like when it isn’t all teed up for him and he hasn’t had weeks of rehearsal.

    And the people closest to him KNEW that. They knew this man was incapable of doing the job, but they tried to hide that fact from voters. If you voted early for Fetterman based on their false assurances that he was completely fine except for a tiny auditory processing problem, wouldn’t you be furious at being hoodwinked? Maybe you’d like your ballot back so you could change it. Tough luck, sucker! It’s too late now.

    I never again want to hear some Democrat pushing the ridiculous notion that there’s no such thing as election fraud (or that it exists only when a Democrat loses an election.) The next time someone says that to me, I’ll dare them to go to YouTube and watch this entire debate all over again. I can’t think of better evidence of naked election fraud, or a more painful punishment to have to endure.


    YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Dr. Oz takes the lead

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    A bounce back?

    Inconvenient Truth

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    Comments 11-20 of 40

    • William Appelt

      10/27/2022 09:28 PM

      So, did anyone consider the wife as being in control. Speculation, he wins and dies in office then she will gladly step in and continue the service.
      Maybe the plan? Another Hillary?

    • Denise Miller

      10/27/2022 12:39 PM

      I totally agree with you but does it really matter? I've read that people think he's going to do a great job for PA and I'm talking voters. Are people really that clueless? And I think it's just a ruse to get his wife in. There was even an article (I'm sure you saw it) that said PA was going to have issues in their election counting but it was nothing to worry about, another sign they're planning on cheating. What can be done about it? Nothing because no one wants to do anything about it and it just goes on and we just accept it. I don't believe there will be a red wave because they are going to cheat. Call me cynical. Call me disappointed. Sometimes I just feel like giving up.

    • Donna Martin

      10/27/2022 08:04 AM

      There are numerous jobs that you need to have and pass a standard medical physical to be employed. Truck or bus driver, airline pilot, school teacher, so why dont political officials? Maybe the real question when it comes to voting should be
      "Would you want this person driving your children's school bus, or flying your plane?".

    • Michael Manoogian

      10/27/2022 06:27 AM

      How many early votes were cast for Fetterman prior to the debate? The Dems were not honest with the PA voters.

    • Mary Cirucci

      10/26/2022 10:04 PM

      It’s actually not too late to change your vote for John Fetterman. In Pennsylvania if you show up to your poll on voting day and ask for a provisional ballot you may vote via provisional ballot and it will replace your mail in ballot!

    • Valerie Blount

      10/26/2022 09:04 PM

      I just vote and I can only hope it gets counted...correctly. I have so little faith in
      the voting system it's pathetic. We'll know soon if we are being 'had' or not as
      there is no way on God's green earth the dems will do well this Nov. Never mind in 2024. A Trump/DeSantis ticket would be a dream. In all actuality...I didn't think you DID read these notes! Maybe you do...cuz you SAID you do! I trust you, Gov'nor.

    • Patricia Baker

      10/26/2022 08:20 PM

      Fetterman knows nothing about running for government office. He is worthless human that has never worked a day in his life, just being kept by his parents. When he was mayor in Braddock, he never went to the meetings and ruined the town. And as Lt. Governor he never done his job there either, didn't show up to work, just kept talking about legalizing drugs and letting murders out of prison. He was capable of doing anything before his stroke. Anybody that votes for him doesn't have any more brains than he has.

    • Sandi Eby Eby

      10/26/2022 07:49 PM

      gov huckabee - i know this is not the right story to make this comment on but i would like to encourage h. walker to admit that his views on abortions have changed - as have mine. see i aborted the only child i would ever have and have worked thru it with Jesus. i am now COMPLETELY pro life. our views/opinions can easily or not so easily be changed as you live & learn! i would just hope he would say he's seen the Light! God bless u!!!

    • Kathy J Moore

      10/26/2022 07:34 PM

      Well articulated, Mike Huckabee! Thank you for your bravery and honesty.

    • Randy Kizer

      10/26/2022 07:15 PM

      It's really the same reasoning with Biden. Both these men's families should have talked them out of running. Fetterman for his obvious health concerns and Biden because of his obvious mental de line due to his age.