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March 5, 2021

As expected, the House voted 220-210 to pass HR1, the astoundingly misnamed “For The People Act,” a massive voting “reform” bill that could more accurately be called the “Cementing a Democrat Majority Forever By Legalizing Vote Fraud” Act. Think I’m overstating it? Read what’s in it, then contact your Senators to let them know they had better bury this deeper than nuclear waste.

Incidentally, the bill passed the House with only one Democrat opposing it and all Republicans opposed except for two who didn’t vote.

Meanwhile, as all the attention was on the vote for the bill to prevent ballot suppression of such stalwart Democrat voting blocs as Imaginary-Americans and the Living-Challenged, Pelosi’s House also passed the “George Floyd Justice in Policing Act,” another bill with a name designed to disguise its noxious contents.

Critics say it should more accurately be called the “Federal Defund the Police Act,” since its unfunded mandates would cost police departments nationwide hundreds of millions of dollars, the equivalent of removing over 3,000 cops from the streets. (Only one Republican, Texas Rep. Lance Gooden, voted for it; but he later said it was a mistake and corrected the record.)

Do you know what the House really needs to do if it wants to protect the American people? How about a bill to force Congress to abide by the same truth-in-advertising laws that everyone else has to follow, so they’ll stop trying to sell us poison while calling it candy?

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Comments 26-29 of 29

  • Jessie Teddlie

    03/06/2021 03:00 AM

    Thank you for all your honesty in helping people who care to really know truth from fiction! The two bills just passed by the house are usurping state’s rights and taking away voters rights to stop Congress! Every state government should be stopping this!

  • David Berry

    03/05/2021 07:25 PM

    It's obviously a Make Fraud Easy bill.

  • Ellen stout

    03/05/2021 07:06 PM

    Why Re these Nti Americans getting away with this
    Americans have had their balls cut off .some one needs to start euthanizing these fucks yes I have the balls to say it .
    I am so ashamed of the American people for letting them ( democrats ) to lie burn and steal and no one does anything trump tried but ballless politions stabbed him in the back .
    America got no palls .because if it had balls this shit wouldn't have happened .coward politians yall need to be in a room and ??

  • dave allen

    03/05/2021 09:20 AM

    real name.... For the People (Who DO Commit Election Fraud) Act

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