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Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

Three Stories Worth Reading

1. "When Paradise is Lost," by Col. Ken Allard.

2. "Anti-Semitism and Israel's Future," my latest video. 

3. Lawfare update: Judge Merchan and “Special Counsel” Smith seen for what they are.

Election News

The Democrats still have a chance to ruin everything!!!

January 29, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse Of The Day
  • Biden Meets Reality
  • Facebook Censors Newsom Recall Campaign
  • The Real Attitude Of Liberal Elites
  • Tragic Anniversary
  • A "David Versus Goliath" Story
  • New Test


Mike Huckabee



Biden Meets Reality

By Mike Huckabee

The media love to talk about all those poor, deluded Trump voters who just don’t realize how misinformed they are and how much they need to be “deprogrammed.” Funny, I’m one of those, and I read news and talk to newsmakers for a living, so I don’t feel brainwashed and misinformed. Those might be the terms I’d use for anyone who actually listens to the leftwing propaganda outlets that think anyone who questions leftist policies that have brought nothing but failure, oppression, starvation, poverty, corruption and misery everywhere they’ve been tried for the past century is deluded.

In short, each side thinks the other is deluded, but our side is the only one who can prove it.

Mark Ellis at PJ Media has a great column that bolsters my prediction that Biden’s biggest enemy won’t be Republicans but reality.

That’s already coming true as Biden voters who thought they were getting “normality” are instead watching with shock as a deluge of executive orders is destroying their jobs, raising fuel prices and advancing a radical leftist agenda on the environment, illegal immigration, speech, abortion and trans-rights that’s going to make their lives and the lives of their families infinitely worst. They’re being shaken from their cozy delusions about the Democratic Party in the violent manner of a sleepwalker who was jolted awake by cannon fire.

As Ellis spells out, if you feel betrayed by Biden’s orders now, wait until the consequences start showing up in your everyday life. He lists a few that are coming that should help shake off any remaining delusions about what you were just bilked into electing.

Facebook Censors Newsom Recall Campaign

By Mike Huckabee

Facebook has banned ads for Reform California, a grassroots group promoting a petition to recall the state’s tragically awful Governor, Gavin Newson. Scott Hounsell at has an amusingly blunt account of this latest attempt to censor conservatives and protect incompetent leftists.

It’s not clear what rationale Facebook has for this censorship, but leftist politicians and media have tried to falsely tie the group to the violence at the Capitol (remember when liberals were against guilt by association? Those were the days!) Reform California describes itself as the real peaceful “resistance.” It seems when conservatives peacefully exercise their right to petition the government for redress of grievances, they’re “inciting violence and insurrection,” while leftists attacking cops and burning down buildings is “democracy in action.”

Well, since Facebook won’t let them pay to tell you about the petition campaign, I consider that newsworthy. So it’s my duty to share their website with you. You might want to share it with everyone you know, too, especially everyone in California.

And in the interest of being thorough, here’s another recall petition website.

Say, on an entirely different subject, if you happen to be fed up with Facebook and want to leave, but you’d like to save all your posted photos and videos first, here’s a tutorial on how to do that. If you’re sticking with Facebook but want to tighten privacy settings to keep Mark Zuckerburg from mining your data, there are also tips for that, too.

The Real Attitude Of Liberal Elites

By Mike Huckabee

Good piece by Noah Rothman at Commentary Magazine about how the dismissive “just get a different, green job” comments by Pete Buttigieg and John Kerry betray the real attitude of liberal elitists toward American workers. They have no more interest or understanding of how working Americans live than a dog understands cats. They see people not as individuals with their own skills, desires, experiences, values, hopes and ambitions, but as cogs to be moved around as needed to create their grand “Green New Deal” vision.

The title is perfect: “You Will Be Assimilated.” For those who don’t watch “Star Trek,” that’s what the Borg, a robotic hivemind civilization, say to every culture they encounter: you will be taken over and turned into robots to serve the collective. Rothman also makes a great point about the cruel irony of Biden’s people saying that workers need to make better choices of jobs. It’s frighteningly clear that to them, your choices are utterly irrelevant.

Tragic Anniversary

By Mike Huckabee

Thursday was the 35th anniversary of the tragic explosion of the space shuttle Challenger, which took the lives of the entire crew, including the first civilian astronaut, “teacher in space” Christa McAuliffe. Steven F. Hayward at the Wall Street Journal has a fine article about that terrible day when the Challenger crew, as President Reagan put it, “‘slipped the surly bonds of earth’ to ‘touch the face of God.’” He also recalls how Reagan handled that tragedy and brought Americans together, but also reminded us that the future belongs to the brave who are willing to take great risks.

This is behind a paywall, but if you don’t have a WSJ subscription, you can read a lengthy excerpt at Instapundit. If you do have a subscription, you can click through to the full article.

A "David Versus Goliath" Story

By Mike Huckabee

The “David takes down Goliath” story of the day traders on the website Reddit who ran up GameStop’s stock price and cost a short-selling hedge firm that was hoping to bankrupt the company nearly $3 billion continues to reverberate.

For instance, the Robinhood small trader platform barred trades in GameStop, AMC and some other companies. Some analysts accused the CEO of destroying his own company by betraying its users to protect hedge funds, while others pointed out that the real clients of Robinhood are hedge funds that pay for data on how people are trading. Either way, Robinhood appears to be robbing the poor to give to the rich, which is the same longstanding situation on Wall Street that the Reddit crowd set out to upend.

Robinhood is already facing multiple lawsuits, including a class action suit, for allegedly colluding to protect institutional investors and harm retail investors.

Now, we also have Nancy Pelosi and other government figures suggesting an investigation of the Reddit traders, as if it’s their business to punish investors for daring to make a profit at the expense of the Wall Street vultures who fund their campaigns, and for using their own tactics against them.

As Instapundit reminds us, Senators got advance briefings on the coronavirus before the public and sold off millions in stock, and that didn’t result in any consequences or new regulations. But then, the people on Reddit aren’t Senators or hedge fund billionaires. They’re just American citizens, so why should they think they have the right to follow the same rules as the elites?

And here’s the least surprising news of the day: President Biden’s Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has big money connections to the hedge fund.

For a MUST-READ article on this story, I direct you to Matt Taibbi, a liberal reporter formerly for Rolling Stone, but one who has lately been distinguishing himself for his bravery in reporting honestly in contradiction of leftist narratives, especially about double standards on free speech and financial laws. Taibbi not only explains what’s going on now, but gives a great history on how the predatory practices on Wall Street laid the groundwork for the fed-up small investors using those same practices to turn the tables.

This story is evidence that there are some things liberals and conservatives, even AOC and me, can agree on, like our lack of sympathy for the billionaire stock manipulators crying about losing in the casino they created. As Taibbi puts it, “The only thing ‘dangerous’ about a gang of Reddit investors blowing up hedge funds is that some of us reading about it might die of laughter.”

Incidentally, I think one of the most important lessons from this tale is that while the billionaire elites think they run us, there are a lot more of us, and if we combine our economic power, we are more powerful than them.

So when you hear of retail stores firing conservative employees or dropping products like MyPillow because of the founders’ political beliefs, you might want to remind them that they are ticking off 75 million (possibly former) customers. I don’t know why, say, Bed Bath & Beyond would want to lose the business of 75 million hard-working Trump voters who actually care about having nice homes to placate a relative handful of loudmouthed Twitter trolls, many of whom (as I can guess from close exposure to some of them) live in their moms' basements and never even take a bath.

New Test

By Mike Huckabee

China has unveiled a COVID-19 test that involves an anal swab. I hope they tested it on the communist leaders of China, and that it required a pool cue instead of a Q-Tip, preferably a pool cue with a lot of splinters.

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Comments 26-43 of 43

  • Sue VonderOhe

    01/29/2021 02:48 PM

    Mike, for that new test, I’d think a pitchfork holding the test wud be the best. Altho your pool cue wud be accepted.

  • Elizabeth Crouse

    01/29/2021 02:46 PM

    I am supporting My Pillow and Sara Huckabee Sanders

  • Glenda Mills

    01/29/2021 02:41 PM

    Dear Mike,
    I appreciate you keeping us updated, but your last comment on China's new cover 19 test doesn't look good coming from you. Dear brother in Christ, please don't stoop to such degrading remarks. Pray for our enemies.

  • Walt Miller

    01/29/2021 02:36 PM

    Biden has no idea what is doing or what he is signing. He is just a puppet for the Obama administration. He does what he is told to do.

  • Linda Wolfe

    01/29/2021 02:28 PM

    Loco joes biggest ememy is GOD. The Fake president and all his handlers are fighting the very thing that made America great. When you murder children, promote sodomy, steal elections,
    tell lies, and sow discord, you are fighting against GOD.

  • gregory weinman

    01/29/2021 02:20 PM

    Thank you governor,
    For readers who are unfamiliar with stock trading the 'short trade' is one where stock is borrowed and sold. The position is called a short trade. I take short positions all the time in options and futures.
    What happened driving the wild swings in those shorted stocks in those stocks? AMC, Blackberry, and GameStop are the most well known. Traders poured over a mountain of filing information and thanks to AI found stocks with oversized short position. GameStop actually reached 140% of all its stock borrowed and sold. Borrowed stock must be replaced when the original owner wants it back. As those stocks rose sharply the original owner wanted to sell what they owned. The person or institution with a short position scrambled replacing the stock with orders to buy driving the stock even higher. Enter the day trader. Buying and selling in the same day requires no money from the trader. Day traders have an account minimum ensuring their broker is safe from losses one of their traders takes. However, day trading a stock that moves up and down by $100 at a time several times a day risks tremendous losses.
    RobinHood had a very high risk requiring a loan of billions. It had to halt trading for its own protection. Day traders weren't able to close their positions. The SEC saw huge risk and had to stop trading. Some traders suffered losses and now the litigation begins.
    In futures trading the exchange adjusts the size of the performance bond when a commodity or index has increasingly larger price swings. That was the solution for larger firms like Ameritrade, eTrade, and Schwab. Require 100% of the cost remain in the account prior to executing a trade,

  • Walt Miller

    01/29/2021 02:19 PM

    Did these people really believe senile Biden when he told them he would give them everything?

  • Cynthia L Simmons

    01/29/2021 02:06 PM

    Do you have any update on Parler?

    Do you have any hope for our 'republic'?

  • Arthur Fox

    01/29/2021 02:01 PM

    Mike, I like your newsletter and have subscribed, but as a brother in Christ I would point out in a mild rebuke that your comment in the latest newsletter,
    China has unveiled a COVID-19 test that involves an anal swab. I hope they tested it on the communist leaders of China, and that it required a pool cue instead of a Q-Tip, preferably a pool cue with a lot of splinters.

    is not worthy of a disciple of Jesus Christ. It is profane and cedes ground to a world that hates him by reducing you to their profane level. Please do not do that again.

    Arthur Fox
    Pastor, New Hope OPC, Hanford, California

  • Floyd Unger

    01/29/2021 02:01 PM

    Thank you

  • James Evart

    01/29/2021 02:00 PM

    You sell your soul to the devil, and the devil will take his due....

    Those who wondered why China chose to give $1.5 billion to Joe Biden’s son Hunter need wonder no more. Three executive orders issued during his first week in the White House made clear the payback Biden is giving China in return for its generosity to his family.
    1) Biden repealed President Trump’s order that banned investments and materials from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in America’s electric power grid.
    Trumps order noted that “foreign adversaries are increasingly creating and exploiting vulnerabilities in the United States bulk-power system.”
    He explained that “unrestricted acquisition or use in the United States of bulk-power system electric equipment designed, developed, manufactured, or supplied by persons owned by, controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of foreign adversaries augments the ability of foreign adversaries to create and exploit vulnerabilities in bulk-power system electric equipment, with potentially catastrophic effects.”
    On January 16th, the week before Biden’s inauguration, Trumps’ secretary of energy Dan Roulette supplemented the order to prohibit utilities that supply electricity to critical defense facilities from doing business with the CCP.
    2) A week later Biden ordered US officials from calling the Covid19 epidemic “the China virus” as former president Trump accurately called it. The virus was developed, released, and concealed by China, so the phrase was completely appropriate.
    3) Biden also killed the Keystone pipeline this week. China opposes the pipeline because it sends Canadian oil to the United States. If the pipeline is not completed, China will likely get the oil instead of us. The oil now earmarked for Keystone would go to Canadian Pacific Ocean ports to be shipped to China.
    Why on Earth would Biden issue these orders, especially in a week when the Chinese air force flew incursions into Taiwanese air space, a move that would normally have led to American condemnation and a response?
    Biden’s executive order on the power grid was issued with no explanation or justification, so we can only speculate.
    Could these orders be partial payback for China’s bribes to Hunter?
    China manifested its demands for a radical change in US policy in a speech by China’s president, Xi Jinping, delivered on Biden’s inauguration week. He warned of a “new cold war” unless Biden reverses the “protectionist policies of his predecessor, Donald Trump.”
    The decoding of President Xi’s speech should read: “Its time to pay the piper.”

  • Jerry

    01/29/2021 01:58 PM

    I think solar energy is a good idea If panels can harvest energy when the sun goes down during the winter in the northern part of the country the day are short that means the sun is not available for the 24 hour cycle so does the solar panel produce energy when the sun is on the other side of the planet? The wind mills take up space and I have watched the hundreds of mills stand still either by lack of wind or stopped because of Maintenance or other reasons they are expensive to maintain and they kill flocks of birds. Do the wind and solar energy sources pay for infrastructure produce revenue for schools and help fund government institutions or communities? If not what happens to schools police fire departments when they run out of funds? has biden looked ahead to that problem? What happens when electricity becomes to expensive to purchase?

  • Lewis R Floyd

    01/29/2021 01:18 PM

    We have recall options for most elected officials, is it time to start one for recall of a president or vice president?

  • JP

    01/29/2021 01:16 PM

    As discuss creeps across America the creepy Biden let everyone know that he is a creep sneaky behind women and sniffing them grabbing them as if he thought he was a wanted stud after 12 seconds his prey said wow what a dud. The same identity in his politics are unwanted dismal and life ruining policies thats the Biden and Obama Bio. I still wonder how Fathers are going to react when the boys come in to the girls restrooms and watch his13 year old daughter use the facility in tears . I remember When our son or daughter used a public restroom I would stand guard outside to keep perverts from entering at 6 foot 3 and 260 none even tried today my sons and grandsons will do the same for all the girls to keep them safe from the perverts. How are the biden voters handling the boys competing with the girls in the girls programs biden is your kind of President not mine.

  • Stephen Russell

    01/29/2021 12:26 PM

    Joe & Jane investor:
    Time overhaul Finances:

    Morgan Stanley
    etc since they guard elite
    Scrap them 2
    Favor small investors nationwide
    Need more
    Go millenials to use phones for Trades Hoorah
    Love it
    Take down the Wall St elites
    like DC & CA NY elites in 1 swoop
    Change securities & investing overall Update
    Bust up the Elite class.

  • Stephen Russell

    01/29/2021 12:22 PM

    FB censor Recall Newsom:
    Now we see Big Tech alliance to Left.
    Glad I quit FB 3 years ago+
    Need to have site on Telegram, Gab, Rumble

  • Renee Kendrick

    01/29/2021 12:03 PM

    Cue, instead of Q, the CCP...hilarious! ROTFL!!!

  • William Bourne

    01/29/2021 11:56 AM

    I live in Indiana, pre January 20th gas was $2.15/gallon and after those executive orders, today I had to pay $2.44/ gallon. By this summer I wonder what we will be paying. Afterall, higher gas prices effect all of us.

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