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July 28, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!   

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Matthew 7:12
  • Leftist idiots blow whistle on GOP for asking questions
  • New Podcast
  • Update On Simone Biles
  • Leonard Pinth-Garnell Presents “Bad Political Theater”
  • America The Beautiful
  • New Biden Administration Plan
  • Texas Justice


Mike Huckabee


Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

Matthew 7:12

Leftist idiots blow whistle on GOP for asking questions

By Mike Huckabee

Four Republican members of Congress --- Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar --- walked to the doorstep of the Department of “Justice” headquarters on Pennsylvania Avenue at midday Tuesday to express their concerns about treatment of those jailed for participating in the Capitol Hill “breach” on January 6. They had serious unanswered questions for Attorney General Merrick Garland.

The doors of the DOJ building were closed to them. The members of Congress were not allowed inside.

But guess what happened? Some leftist protesters showed up who seemed to take their inspiration from January 6th. No doubt the only reason they didn’t “breach” the DOJ headquarters themselves is that the doors had been shut to keep out the Republicans. Would those leftist protesters have been tossed into sweaty jail cells and held without bail for three months (and counting)? I think we know the answer to that question.

It was only a matter of minutes before the four Republicans speaking outside the entrance were swarmed by leftist protesters, one of them incessantly blowing a shrill whistle to keep them from being heard from their podium.

The Right Side Broadcasting Network aired their press conference live, not knowing, of course, what it was going to turn into. So now we can see from their recording the lengths to which intolerant, idiotic leftist protesters will go to shut down attempts at reasoned discussion. Video starts about 30 minutes before the press conference begins, but this time is used by reporter Liz Willis to read the letter to AG Garland and give some background, detailing some truly horrific allegations of beatings and denial of sleep and medical care.

Note: their video was removed from YouTube, but as far as we know, you’ll still be able to see it in its entirety here. If sometime between this writing and your attempted viewing it has been taken down, C-Span should have it.

As soon as Greene took to the podium and started asking substantive questions, the loud, piercing whistle started, and it never let up. “We’re here standing up for due process,” Gohmert said as the whistle shrieked nonstop. Gohmert is a former defense attorney and Texas district judge, so fighting for due process and other basic civil rights has been an integral part of his career. He said that when he was a judge, he used to make unannounced visits to jails to make sure the conditions weren’t abusive.

Matt Gaetz spoke through the whistle as well, pointing out that Antifa “set fire to this country for months” when law enforcement didn’t seem to be concerned about that.

Rep. Gosar (yes, through the interminable whistle) called for all 1400 hours of security tapes from that day at the Capitol Building to be released and for all those taken into custody to have their due process rights respected.

Leftist protesters edged closer and started circling, to the concern of staffers and security personnel. To interrupt the press conference, they simply invaded, walking right up to the podium area and causing participants to scatter.

I hope you will listen through the headache-inducing whistle; they used this appalling tactic it to try to keep anyone from hearing. As it went on, they also used drums, horns and other instruments along with the whistle to prevent the members of Congress from speaking. They did manage to speak for about 15 minutes, mostly to stress that they were there to get answers concerning January 6.

As THE EPOCH TIMES has reported, “According to numerous reports, January 6 inmates have been beaten, held in solitary confinement, and denied access to evidence about their own cases.” The attorney general should provide thorough answers to questions on this, but he has responded with silence for months.

“To the guy who’s blowing the whistle, we are not deterred,” Taylor Greene finally said. They were there to ask questions, she said. It was at that point that the leftists stormed the podium and created a situation that made them have to leave. Cars were blocking traffic, and a loud band with crashing cymbals played as well.

As it turned out, the loud whistle-blower interrupting the speeches was standing directly behind the reporter and refused to stop when he was asked. She said after the event that her ears were still ringing. That’s “the intolerant left,” she said. “You’re being censored if you’re a conservative,” she said.

I would encourage you to watch the entire video, as there are some great comments from onlookers after the event ended. “These savages, they belong in jail,” said one onlooker after the speakers dispersed. She called for an investigation of what Nancy Pelosi knew about plans for the Capitol breach before it happened.

Another bystander called for interested persons to contact their representatives for an appointment to tour jail facilities where detainees were being held. She said that in one facility, the temperature had reached 114 degrees. We would add that during the winter it was freezing --- that’s how long these people have been detained! There have been reports of beatings, and of at least one detainee losing an eye in one.

THE EPOCH TIMES has a “premium” report of today’s event.

On the same day this happened, the hearings called for by Speaker Nancy Pelosi into the events of January 6 began, with an extremely dramatic depiction of what happened from the point of view of the Capitol Hill police. Republican committee member Adam Kinzinger of Illinois got all choked up. California Rep. Adam Schiff also appeared to weep at one point (right), and a staff member was handing out Kleenex. Tucker Carlson had a field day with this on Tuesday night.

Here are more highlights –- or perhaps I should say lowlights.

We'll have more on this as it unfolds. If only it could be a nonpartisan attempt at fact-finding, but it won’t be. Recall that Pelosi rejected two of the Republican choices for committee members (a first), Jim Jordan of Ohio and Jim Banks of Indiana. Pelosi says the “bipartisan” panel “will pursue the truth,” but I have no confidence that it will do so, as that is not its purpose

A real investigation would do what that bystander at DOJ headquarters suggested: find out what Pelosi herself knew and why she didn’t order even the barest security, when President Trump had offered her the National Guard and essentially anything she wanted. We also deserve to know more about the killing of Ashli Babbitt, but what do you think are the odds of that?

New Podcast

EPISODE 70:  Last week, Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch filed a brief with the Supreme Court in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health abortion ban case, a major milestone in the half a century long fight to end abortion in the U.S. Here this week to discuss this monumental Supreme Court case development and what it means for the pro-life movement is Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of the Susan B. Anthony List.


Update On Simone Biles

By Mike Huckabee

The Olympic gymnast who was expected to dominate the Tokyo Games pulled out of all team events and has now dropped out of individual events as well and will not defend her title.

Without her, the US women’s gym team lost the gold for the first time in 13 years, coming in second to Russia.

Ms Biles explained that she was not physically injured, but was feeling too emotionally shaky to go on. She said, “Once I came out here (to compete), I was like, ‘No, mental is not there so I just need to let the girls do it and focus on myself.’”

Her last-minute withdrawal drew harsh criticism from some analysts, who accused her of being self-centered and said if she couldn’t compete, she should have let someone else take her place rather than leaving her team in the lurch. Kylee Zempel at the Federalist took that view.

Others took Biles’ side, noting that she had been one of former team doctor Larry Nassar’s sexual assault victims, and people shouldn’t judge her if they don’t know what she’s going through.

One of the best commentaries was from radio host Mark Davis, who didn’t rebuke Ms Biles but considered what this says about how attitudes have softened and how the value of exhibiting mental toughness when the going gets tough is slipping away.

As for me, I will pray for Ms Biles to achieve her peace, and also root for the US Women’s Team to call on their mental toughness to succeed without her.

Leonard Pinth-Garnell Presents “Bad Political Theater”

By Mike Huckabee

There were plenty of phony tears and histrionics at the opening day of the House’s January 6th “investigative” committee (as Mary Chastain at Legal Insurrection noted, it’s no wonder Hollywood and politicians get along so well: they’re all actors.)

Among those testifying tearfully were Capitol Hill police officer Harry Dunn. He claimed that the protesters were chanting the “N-word” at him. To my knowledge, and from both my quick search and research by, he’s the only person who’s ever made that claim and no video or audio has surfaced to substantiate it. That doesn’t mean it isn’t true, but it’s so incendiary (and perfectly on the nose with the leftist narrative about Trump supporters) that it seems that someone else would’ve heard it and mentioned it before now. And since he also claimed under oath that officer Brian Sicknick died as a result of injuries sustained that day, which an autopsy proved was not true (he had a stroke), then he’s already established himself as an unreliable witness.

That story also includes a lot of Dunn’s previous tweets that were widely distributed by conservative media outlets and that suggest he is not exactly an unbiased, objective witness. He has a history of making nasty and even racist comments about prominent conservatives; calling his commander-in-chief, President Trump, the “racist in chief;” defending radical anti-Semitic Rep. Ilhan Omar; and most tellingly, defending the violent George Floyd rioters, even after their rioting got people killed. He tweeted to Tucker Carlson, “Why is murder an appropriate response to property damage but property damage isn’t an appropriate response to murder?”

Ironically, some people might point to justifications for the shooting of unarmed protester Ashlii Babbitt and the refusal to hold anyone accountable for it as evidence that the people running this commission think murder is an appropriate response to property damage.

Maybe the Democrats are right: some cops do need better training.

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve, visit its website here.

New Biden Administration Plan

By Mike Huckabee

Tuesday, the Biden Administration released a 21-point plan for processing asylum seekers more quickly.

It would allow some to bypass immigration courts, which have a 1.2 million-case backlog, and let their cases be decided by asylum officers. (FYI: the courts would be backlogged even worse if Biden would let immigration authorities schedule court dates or if those who did have them were actually showing up for them.)

They claim the plan would also promptly deport those who don’t qualify (question: would there be any of those under Biden?) There’s a lot of nice talk, like, “We will always be a nation of borders, and we will enforce our immigration laws in a way that is fair and just,” but is that just camouflage to hide the devil in the details?

Color me skeptical, considering that the White House statement declared that “asylum and other legal migration pathways should remain available to those seeking protection.”

Do you know who’s currently seeking protection from deadly threats by a genuinely oppressive government? Cubans.

Texas Justice

By Mike Huckabee

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has come under fire from the right for not making good on his vow to arrest the runaway Texas Democrat legislators and forcibly return them to the special session they fled. Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan apparently is not so forgiving.

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Comments 11-14 of 14

  • Floyd A Unger

    07/28/2021 01:56 PM

    Thank you

  • Stephen E. Shenk

    07/28/2021 01:34 PM

    My question is why was there not someone bold enough in the crowd, either with security personnel or police to know the spit out of the mouth of the individual blowing the whistle? Better yet, surround said individual and intercede for them in tongues. Sheesh. 3 time combat vet, Christian, and 30 year veteran.

  • Stephen Russell

    07/28/2021 01:25 PM

    Leftist whistle blowing for 1-6: Maybe rigged anyway or Truth coming out
    Seeds for Civil War2
    & blocking 14K hours of video, why?
    All for show & No Go

  • Vernon Thompson

    07/28/2021 01:04 PM

    The weepy, whiney Adams' again display their class with poor acting performances. They need some remedial acting lessons as they apparently failed that part of their Lawyers aka Liars Training. Maybe they should contact Chuck Schumer and see where he went!

Monday, the government issued this long-overdue announcement: by Mike Huckabee

HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said, “Anti-Semitism – like racism – is a spiritual and moral malady that sickens societies and kills people with lethalities comparable to history’s most...

Read on Substack


Trip of a Lifetime: Join Chonda Pierce and other Christian conservatives for another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

Newsom moderates on trans activism by Mike Huckabee

He sparked controversy when conservative guest Charlie Kirk got Newsom to admit that he agrees that letting men compete in women’s sports is unfair.

Read on Substack