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We weren’t expecting Huck PAC to have to come to the rescue of 3 more races immediately following the 2024 elections, but the Democrats see this as their chance to un-do what the American People overwhelmingly voted for in November. Please support Huck PAC with a donation in the amount you can afford. Every dollar helps→ Donate - Huck PAC

December 28, 2022

Congress passed the outrageous and unnecessary $1.7 trillion+ Omnibus spending bill, with the support of 18 Senate Republicans led by Mitch McConnell. Here are their names, and most will come as no surprise, although some are a real disappointment.

Here’s Mitt Romney explaining his vote, and I didn’t think it was possible, but he actually made it even worse.

All that was needed was a stopgap spending measure to keep the government running for another few weeks, at which time the new GOP House, elected by Americans to end the Democrats’ runaway, inflation-fueling spending and civil-rights crushing government, could have written a real budget. But nooooo. These Senate Republicans had to join with Democrats to take away their own party’s power, given by the voters in November, to rein in this Administration. So yet another Democrat assault on "our democracy."

Deroy Murdock has an excellent article on this atrocious bill, which he points out is three times longer than “War and Peace,” spends an average of over $469 million on EVERY page, and the Senators were given about 48 hours in which to read and vote on it…and they actually did (well, voted, anyway.)

In an era of unsustainable debt, this bill blows boxcars of tax dollars on such vital projects as building LGBTQ+ museums and “community spaces for gender-expansive people in Ohio;” a $3.6 million “Michelle Obama Trail” in Georgia; $212.1 million for federal prosecutors to continue hounding Americans over January 6th, which as Murdock points out is basically a slush fund for the government to keep harassing Trump and his supporters; and $410 million for “enhanced border security” in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, and Tunisia, but not here. There’s over $1.5 billion for processing more illegal migrants into the US, but the bill specifically bars any of that money from being used to keep them out.

In addition to all the pure pork and payoffs, this turkey is stuffed with Congress members renaming various things after themselves, like the “Nancy Pelosi Federal Building” in San Francisco. Personally, I’d say the $32 trillion national debt is a far more appropriate and permanent monument to their legacies than any building. But why should all these buildings be renamed after Democrats? Here’s something that deserves to be renamed after Mitch McConnell.

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  • CLAUDIA J. Bush

    01/01/2023 03:40 PM

    Dear Mike Huckabee: I wish I had time to read each and every one of your articles that I receive each day but I am totally in agreement with everything you write in your articles that I have had the opportunity to read. I love your wisdom and skill in putting together all that you publish. I have always loved and admired your sweet daughter, Sarah Elizabeth Huckabee Sanders. I thank God for people like you and Miss Sarah! Love & God bless, Claudia Bush

  • Barbara Hamilton

    01/01/2023 01:45 PM

    Why do we vote for blackmailed Republicans?They have sold conservatives down the river for year. Mr. Huckabee the evil is growing and we can only pray for our savior to come again. China and Soros(spelling?) bought them all.

  • Mark Hannah

    01/01/2023 01:16 PM

    Proof that the federal government has violated the limits imposed upon it by the Constitution is the fact that it spends far in excess of the 3% of the GDP spent by the federal government for decades following passage of the Constitution even while paying off our debts due to the war of Independence. To put the federal government back within the bounds of the Constitution, we need an Amendment to limit the annual federal budget to a maximum of 3% of the GDP from the previous year.

  • Paula K Wold

    12/30/2022 08:50 PM

    I am afraid the our Politics, will never again be the same. The left are doing something to undermine democracy, elections, and free expression of ideas and beliefs. I guess Romney does not surprise me! Is there not a way that Mitch M, can be removed. He is not a Republican anymore. He and and former Speaker, Ryan never really supported the conservative views or agendas; and especially aTrump’s. This country is never again going to be the way our forefathers intended.
    I THINK, Pelosi and Schummer, have a list of certain deeds by others in Congress, and checking them off?

  • Mike Rhea

    12/30/2022 12:38 AM

    What payoffs did each Repub Senator get in the new bill just passed and signed by Biden?

  • Ruth Cavanagh

    12/29/2022 06:04 AM

    Thank you for condensing all this factual information for us to read. What do you suppose the cancer are that any trail is named after Melania Trump?

  • Nena Close

    12/28/2022 08:33 PM

    No wonder voters across our nation are so apathetic and don't bother to voter. When decade after decade these overinflated "pork spending" bills gets pushed and passed at the 11th hour before year's end. Remember when Obama pulled Park Rangers out of the park one Dec. year to save the government from going broke? What a joke. If only the politicians had to survive on social security, medicare and medicaid (which aren't entitlements BTW Romney.) perhaps they would see the majority of citizens are struggling with.

  • Helen Hurst

    12/28/2022 08:33 PM

    So disappointed in our Arkansas senators!!!

  • tom jeffs

    12/28/2022 07:38 PM

    I know you DON'T read comments anymore MIKE but wonder where did all those people who wanted to adopt babies disappear to ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    the evangelicals used to have large groups that wanted babies . . . . . . .

    WHERE'D they all disappear to Mike ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    they provide a strong anti-abortion opportunity - - - - - - -

  • JW Vaughan

    12/28/2022 06:08 PM

    This is disgusting! This mess will add a minimum of $3 Trillion to the deficit! These RINOs need to go home & resign in disgrace! Except for CA & NY, I think the other 48 states are disgusted with their “supposedly Republican Reps & Senators” who were elected to STOP the Democratic spending, not help it out!??????

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