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We weren’t expecting Huck PAC to have to come to the rescue of 3 more races immediately following the 2024 elections, but the Democrats see this as their chance to un-do what the American People overwhelmingly voted for in November. Please support Huck PAC with a donation in the amount you can afford. Every dollar helps→ Donate - Huck PAC

January 4, 2021


In response to Byrnes’ charges, an official with the Fulton County, Georgia, elections department told the fact-checking site that the extra ballots seen in the warehouse were not counterfeits but emergency extra ballots required by law in case they had to go all-paper ballot. More on that here.


As promised over the weekend, here is our full report on Patrick Byrne’s account of secret nighttime ballot-shredding in Georgia.

Byrne, founder and former CEO of, has been working on behalf of President Trump to expose massive, targeted fraud in the 2020 election, and he appears to have hit some serious paydirt last week. Acting on a tip, he sent an operative to get what he claims are pictures, video and samples of fake ballots being transported last Wednesday night under cover of darkness from the Fulton County Warehouse to a shredding facility. A screen grab of everything he tweeted on New Year’s Day, complete with pictures, is included in this piece from AMERICAN THINKER.

Note that every tweet in the thread is labeled in bright red by the helpful folks at Twitter: “This claim about election fraud is disputed.” Twitter automatically sticks this warning on anything having to do with election fraud, even –- perhaps especially –- on tweets from President Trump. Ludicrously, they do this even if the tweet itself includes evidence that clearly shows wrongdoing.

The timing of this alleged shredding party is quite interesting. Last Wednesday, the Georgia senate subcommittee on election fraud held a meeting to hear evidence, during which Jovan Pulitzer, the inventor and patent holder of the electronic barcode scanner, testified that he could look at ballots and tell right away exactly what had been done to commit election fraud. He wanted just TWO HOURS with the ballots from two different areas of Fulton County, he said, and that would tell the tale. As if that weren’t enough, he stunned his audience by dropping the bomb that as he spoke, his team had hacked into the Dominion voting system that was used November 3, the same one that is now being used to vote in the Georgia run-offs for U.S. Senate. He said they WERE IN. Dominion claims that the machines are not connected to the internet and that this cannot happen.

Pulitzer said all they had to do was hack into one of the electronic poll pads and use that as a way in. It’s apparently easy as pie if you know how to do it. They can siphon information out of the machines, change it, and put it back in, essentially without detection, he said. In the days since he made the claim, we the public have not yet seen his proof, but everyone’s been really quiet about it, including, as far as I know, Dominion. Byrne did say in his tweets that he’s got to run everything past lawyers before he can reveal it to the public. So we’re waiting.

But Pultizer said it was the ballots themselves that would tell the tale. He can spot any counterfeits and tell the type of paper used, he said, and even where it came from –- China, perhaps? Likewise with the ink. He can tell if a person filled out the ballot by hand or if a machine marked it. Numerous election workers have already testified they saw ballots that looked as if they’d been printed on different paper and marked by machine, with one perfect little oval in the space for Joe Biden and the rest left blank.

It’s possible that ballots used in heavily Democrat district were the real thing, designed to be counted by the machines, but that the ones used in Republican districts were fakes, misaligned to generate errors, which then have to be “adjudicated” by election workers who did that job far, far away from the prying eyes of Republican poll watchers.

Anyway, at the end of Wednesday’s meeting, the subcommittee voted unanimously to recommend that Pulitzer and his team be given access to the ballots. This recommendation still had to go before a judge, so a hearing was set for 11AM Monday in Superior Court. Unless Chief Justice John Roberts is moonlighting on that Georgia court, Pulitzer might very well be given access to the ballots for a couple of hours on Monday and at that point, either put suspicions to rest --- wouldn’t that be nice, Democrats? --- or confirm them.

But it was on Wednesday night, just a few hours after that unanimous vote, that the rented Enterprise trucks allegedly pulled up to the warehouse where the ballots were stored. Here’s AMERICAN THINKER’S earlier report, written before anyone knew about Byrne’s tip and the documentation his operative was able to get that night.

Ballots were loaded up and, according to Byrne, driven to a specialized document shredding company, where they were shredded not just into little strips but military-style, into tiny “spitballs” roughly the size of individual molecules. I would imagine processing that much paper in that way would be extremely expensive, but probably worth it if you're trying to keep people out of jail.

In the photos, Byrne’s got boxes and boxes of ballots with close-up pictures of their labels. He’s got stacks and stacks of ballots sitting in the Fulton County Warehouse, presumably awaiting pickup. He’s got close-ups on individual ballots, which I would think could be blown up large enough for Pulitzer to find any problems with the printing on them. But that might not even be necessary, because Byrne says he also got sample ballots.

Oh, and one slightly hilarious "coincidence": the labels on these boxes show they were addressed to the attention of Dwight Brower at the Fulton County Department of Voter Registration and Election. Mr. Brower is one of the people who reported the burst water pipe at State Farm Arena as a reason for stopping the counting on election night.

There was no burst water pipe. No service call was even made. The only problem involving water was a leaky toilet or urinal, apparently in a bathroom on the floor above. Oh, no --- man the lifeboats! Abandon ship! Except for a crew of four who are going to stay behind and drown--- I mean, continue counting ballots that appear magically from under a table.

AMERICAN THINKER did a great job of fact-checking the “fact”-checkers who tried to debunk the claims of improper counting at State Farm Arena.

As for Wednesday night’s shredding party, Byrne even has a map tracing the route of the trucks. Video apparently exists as well; Byrne tweeted that the file was too big to load. I like to think that when Georgia’s vote is challenged during Wednesday's joint session of Congress –- as we know now it definitely will be –- and the House and Senate retire to their separate chambers for two hours to talk amongst themselves, this video, along with a complete report from Pulitzer on any problems with ballots or voting machines –- will be part of the evidence presented. Cross your fingers.

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  • Nancy Sobo

    01/04/2021 12:52 PM

    We The People Will NOT ACCEPT CHEATERS as our PRESIDENT ever! LIBERTY & JUSTICE FOR ALL! PRESIDENT TRUMP WON THE ELECTION FAIR & SQUARE! And even if they don’t give us a chance We Will continue to Follow President Trump. BIDEN/HARRIS are CHEATERS-CRIMINALS we will NEVER EVER condone them. Watching them ruin our Country will be hard, but We will overcome.

  • Greg Maddox

    01/04/2021 12:51 PM

    So let them hack the system tomorrow and make the count 1 vote for David and 0 for John. Hack it on the day it counts and show them for good. That will take care of it!

  • Norma R. Brown

    01/04/2021 12:51 PM

    we are all despondent not because Trump lost. I have always been a supporter of the alternation of power -- until the other party decided it wanted permanent power at any cost. We are despondent because "at any cost" meant stealing an election more blatantly than any could imagine, a slap in our face with its contemptuousness. Did the fools not realize that there would be security cameras? Obviously not, as all the countless videos show is sneaks looking around to see if anybody on the floor was look his/her way. So yes, we are despondent, and outraged, and offended and I think anybody who believes we are going to quiet down and go away is in LaLa Land.

  • Mark Conley

    01/04/2021 12:49 PM

    This coverup needs to be spread far and wide. If it’s an honest election no need for a coverup.

  • Deb Hillis

    01/04/2021 12:46 PM

    When are people going to go to jail?!! How much more evidence can possibly be needed before action is taken? The average hard working American would already be behind bars!!!!!

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