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We weren’t expecting Huck PAC to have to come to the rescue of 3 more races immediately following the 2024 elections, but the Democrats see this as their chance to un-do what the American People overwhelmingly voted for in November. Please support Huck PAC with a donation in the amount you can afford. Every dollar helps→ Donate - Huck PAC

October 20, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Isaiah 25:1
  • Biden's new motto: "Lower your expectations"
  • Democrats want to slash border security spending
  • McAuliffe's campaign appears to be faltering right before the finish line
  • Wokeness spreads into our national parks
  • More COVID deaths under Biden than Trump


Mike Huckabee


Biden's new motto: "Lower your expectations"

By Mike Huckabee

The Trump Administration’s motto was “Make America Great Again.” The Biden Administration finally has one of its own (no, not “Build Back Better;” that was always just a phony label for more tax-and-spend lunacy.) The phrase that will become synonymous with the Biden (four) years is: “Lower Your Expectations!”

The Biden palace guard media aren’t even trying to finesse that message, they’re just coming right out and lecturing Americans to stop expecting success, greatness, abundance or even a baseline level of competence. That message is being sent out (likely straight off the DNC email blast) via such outlets as MSNBC and the Washington Post. Lower your expectations, America!

Stop expecting that there will be Christmas gifts or electronics or even food or toilet paper on store shelves, just like you had to stop expecting that cops might come if you called 911 in a Democrat-run city, or that the government might do something to prevent waves of illegal migrants from flowing across the border. Stop expecting that, even if you do find some product you need, you’ll be able to afford it (Procter & Gamble just warned that prices on household staples will be going up week after week, just as gas prices and home power bills already are.)

Those things are simply inevitable. There’s nothing anyone can do about them. Well, nobody who’s in office at the moment can, or will.

Unfortunately, not all Americans have gotten the message that this is the “new normal.” Some are actually upset that store shelves are thinning out while prices are skyrocketing.

If they think it’s tough buying groceries, they’d better not complain to the White House about not being able to find a treadmill. That's the kind of “high class problem” that our bubble-dwelling “leaders” seem to think ungrateful Americans are whining about.

If it’s any comfort to them, they should know that they don’t need to urge me to lower my expectations. I lowered them severely the minute I heard the results of the 2020 election.

Democrats want to slash border security spending

By Mike Huckabee

The Washington Free Beacon’s Joseph Simonson examined the Senate Democrats’ proposed budget bill for Customs and Border Protection and found that, in a time of unprecedented illegal immigration, it would slash the budget for border security by half a billion dollars.

While it would cut funding for enforcement and migrant detention centers, it would increase funding for building new migrant processing centers along the border to reduce migrant time in custody. Oh well, good. As long as we’re going to continue letting them swarm in by the thousands, we certainly wouldn’t want to slow them down in any way.

McAuliffe's campaign appears to be faltering right before the finish line

By Mike Huckabee

You know that Democrat Terry McAuliffe’s campaign for Governor of Virginia is not going well when he starts accusing his Republican opponent Glenn Youngkin of “taking his words out of context” by quoting him directly (yes, McAuliffe really did say he didn’t think parents should have a say in what schools teach their children.) He tried refuting that by pointing out that in his previous stint as Governor, he spent a billion dollars on public schools – the same public schools that are now trying to silence parents that criticize them, so I’m not sure what that proves.

Then you know it’s really going badly when McAuliffe storms out of a live TV interview after 10 minutes, snapping that the interviewer should have “asked better questions.”

As noted at the link, before McAuliffe’s televised meltdown, the interviewer asked him about schools, parents’ rights, crime and public safety, topics I'd assume voters might be interested in.

While this is good for Youngkin’s campaign (and one poll shows him a point ahead), don’t count on it sinking McAuliffe. Virginia residents are used to awful Democrat leadership crushing the rights of the people, and there’s a good chance McAuliffe will be elected to impose more of it.

That’s largely because the state’s politics have been skewed by a massive influx of liberal federal government trough feeders in the DC suburbs, which are now among the wealthiest communities in America, a fact that would horrify the Founding Fathers. And Democrats are already desperately trying to change Virginia election laws even after voting has begun (sound familiar?)

Still, with Youngkin so close in the polls and McAuliffe repeatedly shooting himself in the foot over an issue like parental rights in schools that cuts across party lines, the GOP might actually have a chance. So if you are in Virginia, don’t count on Youngkin winning, but don’t despair, either. Just hope for the best, get to the polls and take as many Republicans as possible with you.

Wokeness spreads into our national parks

By Mike Huckabee

These days, you’d expect to find a giant load of politically-correct, racist “anti-racist” buzzwords and speech policing on college campuses, but in our national parks? The National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA) has issued a language guidebook for parks and recreation professionals, and it spews wokeness like Old Faithful spews steam.

There’s so much cringing white guilt and self-hatred for our own country (I’m surprised they even like our national parks) that I won’t try recapping this thick, rich batter of leftist linguistic goo here. Just click the link to Redstate, but brace yourself first. I will mention two new ones, though:

They tell people not to use the offensive term “alien,” even in reference to plants. I guess alien plants are very sensitive about what you call them. Heaven forbid you should call them an “invasive species”!

And now we even have to avoid using the word “Americans” when talking about the communities US parks serve because some people in those communities aren’t US citizens and might be offended. I’ll bet most of them wish they were US citizens, but after reading this and seeing how insane some Americans are becoming, they might rethink that.

By the way, I apologize if I offended the people behind this guidebook by what I called them in that last sentence. Not “insane,” but “Americans.” They might be offended by “Americans,” but “insane” is a given.

More COVID deaths under Biden than Trump

By Mike Huckabee

Remember when Trump was in office, and candidate Joe Biden blamed him personally for every COVID death in America? Recall that Trump was a monster who just didn't care if people died.

Trump was in office during the beginning of the pandemic, when we were trying to get a handle on this new disease, we had no vaccines and didn’t know how to treat it. Biden came into office with multiple vaccines (developed under Trump, although he refuses to acknowledge that) and far better understanding of how to treat the disease. Yet even though Trump dealt with the pandemic for 10 months and Biden has been in office for only eight months, there have now been more COVID deaths under Biden than under Trump, according to Johns Hopkins University.

And who does the Biden White House blame for those deaths? Why, unvaccinated people, of course.

But if that’s true, then shouldn’t most of the blame go to people who spread distrust of the vaccines? And who might that be, hmm?...

For more news of my news coverage, visit my website here.

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Comments 11-17 of 17

  • Linda Caldwell

    10/20/2021 11:17 PM

    When the Delta variant was filling up ICU beds and our health care system was stretched to the limits, where were the hospital ships and the field hospitals? Biden did nothing!

  • Floyd A Unger

    10/20/2021 08:50 PM

    Thank you

  • Douglas Noel

    10/20/2021 08:08 PM

    The acceptance of mediocrity or at least denigrating social development was put forth by Obama, if I remember correctly. Perhaps this is another indicator of who is calling the shots, not puppet-man I'm sure.

  • Wallace Rowan

    10/20/2021 07:54 PM

    Lower your expectations indeed! Isn't this the same malignant, incompetent misery signaling we got from Obama when he was never able to lift the country about about a 1% growth rate in his eight years in office? Well, his ventriloquist's dummy for a side kick is even more malignant, incompetent and stupid. At least under Obama I don't remember having gasoline approaching $4.00/gallon in the southeast. The two things both of these incompetents have is they illegally occupied our White House and they both are bent on destroying our country, our society, our morals and our trust in God.
    Oh and the other thing they both have in common, is they represent the Party of Cain. The Party of Evil. And their strings are being pulled by forces even more malignant and depraved than they are. That is what is the most worrisome.

  • Sharon Faulkner

    10/20/2021 07:32 PM

    Well said on the VA Gov race analysis. But these states didn't go blue overnight or for nothing.
    When their Blackface GOV suggested killing babies AFTER birth and attacked peace loving 2nd Amendment activists -- well, that's the story right there.
    The VA Gov race will mean nothing.
    Sad for them but you get what you ask for.

  • ken moore

    10/20/2021 07:26 PM


  • Helen Nees

    10/20/2021 07:19 PM

    I hope the Biden voters will wake up. Little did they know that voting for this fool who has never held a real job in his entire life would lead to this "Lower your expectations" idiot. Can we say that dems are not the sharpest tool in the shed? Trump voters knew what to expect-Biden voters are fools and didn't think this out thoroughly. Can we say we told you so?

An attack on the free flow of information by Mike Huckabee

Leftists who once loved Elon Musk when he was making electric cars a reality have turned on him since he’s fighting the government waste, fraud and abuse that funds their political rackets.

Read on Substack


Trip of a Lifetime: Join Chonda Pierce and other Christian conservatives for another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

FBI handing over records on “investigation” of J6 pipe bombs, but NOT on the Seth Rich case by Mike Huckabee

So far, the FBI has sent the House Judiciary Committee over 400 pages “on topics the committee had long been seeking,” going back to the Biden information.

Read on Substack