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June 30, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day
  • Intel agencies target Tucker Carlson; our follow-up
  • Interesting Article
  • A 5-4 Vote
  • Democrat Governor Vetoes Abortion Ban Bill
  • EIGHT Days


Mike Huckabee


By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

John 13:35


Intel agencies target Tucker Carlson; our follow-up

By Mike Huckabee

Yesterday’s story about Tucker Carlson’s claim that, according to a whistleblower, his electronic communications are being intercepted is sending some shock waves, at least through conservative media. On Tuesday evening, the National Security Agency released a formal statement, which reads:

“On June 28, 2021, Tucker Carlson alleged that the National Security Agency has been ‘monitoring our electronic communications and is planning to leak them in an attempt to take this show off the air.’ This allegation is untrue. Tucker Carlson has never been an intelligence target of the Agency and the NSA has never had any plans to take his program off the air. NSA has a foreign intelligence mission. We target foreign powers to generate insights on foreign activities that could harm the United States. With limited exceptions (e.g., an emergency), NSA may not target a U.S. citizen without a court order that specifically authorizes the targeting.”

That statement appears in the updated story from the WASHINGTON EXAMINER.

Recall what we said yesterday about the responsibilities of the NSA as opposed to other intel agencies such as the FBI. If we're going to split hairs, the NSA’s statement might be said to be accurate, though very misleading. The NSA isn't necessarily “targeting” people or “monitoring” Tucker Carlson. That’s because what the NSA does, as far as we can tell, is scoop up communications indiscriminately. They have all the data: yours, mine, Tucker’s, everybody’s. And they just...hold on to it.

What their statement leaves out is that the FBI does the actual targeting. If we understand correctly, when FBI agents want to target you, an American citizen, and go before judges to get a warrant –- remember, we’ve seen with Carter Page how they can falsify the evidence –- that makes THEM the ones doing the targeting and the monitoring, not the NSA. The FBI can also get you by “hopping” from someone else who is targeted. The NSA gives them the data they’re looking for.

On Tuesday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked about the alleged targeting of Tucker Carlson by the NSA, and she stuttered quickly through a non-answer. Here is her entire response: “Uh, well, the NSA, as I think you’re well aware, I’m sure everyone’s aware, uh, everyone on this plane is aware, I should say is aware, is, uh, an entity that focuses on foreign threats and individuals, uh, who are tr-attempting to do us harm on foreign soil. So, uh, that is the, their, uh, purview, um, but, uh, beyond that, I would point you to the intelligence community.”

Um, well, uh, is that a, well, denial?

The story at TRENDING POLITICS also brings up something we mentioned on Tuesday, that Tucker has been looking boldly into the FBI’s possible involvement in the January 6 “insurrection.” It is our contention that all roads lead to THAT, and that the FBI wanted to know what Tucker knew about it. They also wanted to find out who was leaking information about it to him.

“We made a very straightforward claim,” Tucker said Tuesday night. “NSA has read my private emails without my permission...Tonight’s statement from the NSA does not deny that.” And he’s right; it doesn’t.

Again, given my understanding of the division of labor among departments within the intel community, let’s see what the FBI, not just the NSA, has to say about whether or not they’re monitoring Tucker’s communications. Will they, um, well, uh, deny it?

Tucker said he’d had a “very heated” conversation 20 minutes before Tuesday's show with officials at the NSA. He asked them the very specific question, “Did the Biden administration read my emails?” and “again and again” they refused to say. They couldn’t even tell him why they wouldn’t say.

“The message was clear,” Tucker said. “'We can do whatever we want. We can read your personal texts, we can read your personal emails, we can send veiled threats your way to brush you back if we don’t like your politics. We can do ANYTHING. We’re our own country! And there’s literally nothing you can do about it. We’re in charge; you’re not.'”

“Orwellian does not begin to describe the experience,” he said. “It was like living in China.”

I would stress that the Biden administration is trying to make this level of intrusion the “new normal,” something we all just need to get used to. But it’s NOT normal –- it’s un-American and something we should deeply resent and strongly resist. The only thing more chilling is imagining this “what-if”: What if this whistleblower had not contacted Tucker and the surveillance had simply continued with no one ever finding out?

Tucker said that as long as the Biden administration has classified tens of thousands of Americans as “domestic terrorists” and “white supremacist saboteurs,” there will be a lot more of this.

Tucker brought on civil rights attorney Harmeet Dhillion, who said she was not surprised by this. Ever since 9/11, she said, she and other civil libertarians had been “screaming about the Patriot Act.” Even so, since 1947, our laws have specified that the spying is supposed to be limited to people outside the United States who are not American citizens. Intelligence officials will say that your information is “incidental” to their spying on foreign individuals, she said, going on to bring up what was done to Carter Page to be able to spy on the Trump campaign.

She called that “a huge dragnet.” Under the current incarnation of this law, the phone companies gather this data, and THEY have to store it, but the NSA can “go shopping” there, “in a treasure trove of billions of pieces of data.” Anyone who might be considered “an enemy of the state” should expect that there’s some way in which the NSA can get hold of them, or somebody near them, get an order, “and then all of a sudden, they have all that information, and a bunch of unelected, faceless bureaucrats are going shopping in your data, and then talking to the guy next door [or] in the cubicle next door...”

Thus, the war on terror has been re-directed inwards, by corrupt partisan ideologues, and used against Americans who challenge the political narrative. The corrupt partisan media are helping.

According to Dhillon, no lawsuits against the NSA have been successful. If you think you’ve been spied on, they’ll say it’s a matter of national security, we can’t give you any information, you can’t prove your claims, and so you essentially have no recourse. These are self-policing agencies, she said. After what happened with “Crossfire Hurricane,” that seems obvious.

But Tucker demands answers. As big a podium as he has, this could get really interesting. I still say this all leads back to Tucker’s reporting about the FBI and January 6. That's coming out, no matter what they try to do.

Interesting Article

By Mike Huckabee

This is an interesting article from Jonathan Moseley at American Thinker about those “criminal charges” that Manhattan D.A. Cyrus Vance reportedly plans to bring against some Trump company executives. It explains why most of the alleged big corporate crimes that liberals have dreamed of sending Trump to prison for are simply impossible; and why Vance and his staff, with their politicized indictments, pressuring of Trump colleagues and alleged leaks to the media, may be committing larger ethical (and possibly, legal) violations than anything they might accuse Trump of.

A 5-4 Vote

By Mike Huckabee

Tuesday, the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to keep in place the CDC’s moratorium on evicting renters for non-payment.

Landlords claimed the pandemic action was a vast overreach of the CDC’s authority and was saving renters at the expense of bankrupting property owners.

There’s a lot that could be said about this, but it’s important to note that this doesn’t set any precedents for expanding government power. Chief Justice Roberts (stop me if you’ve heard this before) voted with the three liberals. Justice Kavanaugh was the swing vote for the 5-4 majority, but he made it clear that he agreed with the judge who struck it down and only voted to let it stay in place because it’s due to expire in a month anyway, and the extra time will allow rental assistance funds to be distributed. In other words, if the CDC tries to push it to September, the vote would be 6-3 to strike it down.

Democrat Governor Vetoes Abortion Ban Bill

By Mike Huckabee

North Carolina Democrat Gov. Roy Cooper vetoed a bipartisan bill banning abortions based on discrimination. It would have required doctors to sign an affidavit affirming that the abortion was not due to the race or sex of the child or to it having Downs syndrome.

That link includes Cooper’s professed rationale for vetoing the bill, and a response from its sponsors, who point out that race, sex and disability are protected classes in all other contexts. By vetoing this bill, Cooper is sending the message that some human lives are more valuable than others, based on immutable characteristics.

I agree, but don’t all abortions send the message that some human lives are more valuable than others?


By Mike Huckabee

As if the weird whispering news conferences weren’t disturbing enough, President Biden couldn’t seem to remember that his recent trip to Europe lasted eight days, not 13 days.

Granted, for those of us forced to watch it, it did seem to drag on much longer than it really was.

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Comments 11-17 of 17

  • Arlynn Oliver

    06/30/2021 04:49 PM

    Poor Jen Psaki! You almost feel bad laughing at her because she has one of the hardest jobs on the planet, but it is pretty pathetic. And when the Vice President has to watch the President so very closely so he doesn’t make TOO many gaffes, it’s getting scary. Thank you, Governor, and enjoy your newsletter so very much.

  • Al Perrotta

    06/30/2021 03:59 PM

    About the Tucker story. Isn't this a very strange sentence from NSA denial? "the NSA has never had any plans to take his program off the air." First off, NSA wouldn't be the ones to "TAKE his program off the air." The allegation is they would leak information that would be used to force Fox News to take him off the air. How would NSA take a program off the air even if they wanted to? But then again ...
    Second, "has never had plans" is a far cry from "NSA has nothing to do with US television programming." For example, "I never had any plans to watch CNN last weekend" isn't "I never watch CNN. I don't have cable."
    Very slippery wording.
    By the way, is the media going to treat this whistleblower the way they treated the bogus whistleblower who ran to Schiff with second hand and bogus info about Trump's Ukraine call?

  • Margaret A Gallegos

    06/30/2021 02:59 PM

    How long must we put up with a President who is not in charge of anything because of his health issue? Someone is running the office like Pelosi: et al; definitely not Kamala who is also incapable. This must change now! Only with God are all things possible; please help us Lord God!

  • Jerry

    06/30/2021 01:34 PM

    I am still stunned by people of color remaining loyal to the Democratic party. the mayors of color pushing the Dems policies of Defund the police in the urban areas are the major reason protection from the murderers is fading fast. Take Chicago the Mayor Lightfoot a racist and and low IQ oversee the slaughter of people of color by people of color and blames white supremacy what ever that is and the beat goes on and on the people of color are not immune to gun shot wounds mayor Lightfoot and just maybe drugs may have an effect on why so much killing is going on in your city just a thought Mayor. How you got elected to be mayor, that I am not stunned by; voter fraud is my first guess, the second guess u may have one number higher on the IQ chart than the voters or third your city is so corrupt it just doesn't matter what sits in the mayors chair the dumber the better just like our oval office.

  • William Fuhrer

    06/30/2021 01:29 PM

    The Socialists, Antifa and Black lives Matter must love AMERICAN INTEL but if INTEL was doing average work President Donald Trump would still be in cities occupied and the border would be secure with no flood of drugs and gas would still be low

  • Robin Gonsalves

    06/30/2021 01:21 PM

    The supreme court stuck it to the landlords, but if the landlords lose their property then the renters will lose anyway.
    If our stupid government had any brains they would stop paying for illegal invaders hotel rooms their food and medical and help pay for the AMERICAN families and landlords that are caught in this mess our government created!
    Also if the Republicans takes back the white house and house and senate do you think they'll have the balls to fire ever alphabet soup employee and start over?

  • Neal Adam

    06/30/2021 12:43 PM

    because I have contributed to your fund before, and I trust your judgment, I responded to your request to contribute to Sarah's campaign. This morning I received a 'reminder' that I had also pledged an additional $50. The statement said "We wanted to remind you that you also pledged an additional $50 donation to our Last Line of Defense Money Bomb ????, which will process later today. " I have no idea where that came from, or how it got snuck in - so I cancelled it. On the bright side, they sent me an email that it was happening; however, it seems rather under-handed to sneak it in there. The additional attempts/questions to tack on further donations to the original donation are annoying enough, and it brings up further reasons that I am so hesitant to donate to anyone anymore - at least one is that I have no way of knowing who all gets that money. There are enough idiots/traitors in the Republican party that I don't want my money going to the RNC in general, just to specific individuals that I am willing to support. These concerns must be addressed. The RNC cannot be trusted with donations (I think that they are responsible for a lot of the mess we're in right now, due to their historic and continued failure to act), and this tactic of Sarah's webpage was dishonest as well. I will also be trying to find a way to get this message to Sarah's webpage.

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