Merry Christmas!

Twelve Christmas Stories

1. Never forget what it is like to be a kid at Christmas.

2. A Christmas Miracle.

3. Christmas memories that last forever.

4. The best gift this Christmas is giving to others.

5. Treasured Memories of Christmas.

6. A Simple Christmas.

7. This Christmas Story Will Touch Your Digestive System.

8. Coming home this Christmas.

9. Setting the Pattern For Christmas Traditions.

10. We have survived hard times.

11. The best Christmas gifts of all.

12. Christmas is about what we give, not what we get.

January 22, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • National Guard Troops Used As Props
  • Kicking Things Off Predictably
  • "Whataboutism Updates"
  • Day 2 Antics


Mike Huckabee

National Guard Troops Used As Props 

By Mike Huckabee

Having served their purpose as security/partisan media prop, thousands of National Guard troops in DC, who were already insulted by having their patriotism questioned and their political views investigated, were kicked out of the Capitol and told to go sleep on the ground in a parking garage with one electrical outlet and one bathroom for 5,000 troops. After a huge public outcry, including from Democrats such as Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, they were allowed to move back the next day.

Many are demanding to “get to the bottom of” who is responsible for this unconscionable treatment of our troops, but Matt Vespa at says the answer is obvious, but the media don’t want to report it.

With such disrespectful treatment, it’s no wonder Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is recalling Texas Guard troops immediately, after already threatening never to send them to DC again.

As one Guardsman put it, “Yesterday, dozens of Senators and Congressmen walked down our lines taking photos, shaking our hands and thanking us for our service. Within 24 hours, they had no further use for us and banished us to the corner of a parking garage. We feel incredibly betrayed.”

I’m sorry to say that I suspect that’s a feeling they’d better get used to. It’s also a feeling that this article in Redstate suggests may be hitting suburban Republicans who voted for Biden because they didn’t like Trump’s personality. They may quickly discover to their regret that good, pro-American policies are more important than mean tweets.

If Trump’s rhetoric was indeed the factor that cost him suburban votes, then it’s all the sadder that he didn’t heed the advice my writer Laura Ainsworth tried to give him way back in September. Reading this article again now, it’s almost scary how prescient it was.


Kicking Things Off Predictably

By Mike Huckabee

The Biden Administration kicked off its tenure in predictable style by changing the official White House website so that it simultaneously claims to stand for science and scientific facts, and also implies that basic biology doesn’t exist.

And that’s not the only assault on logic and clear and correct English that this Administration is undertaking…

As promised (or threatened), President Biden has issued a flurry of executive orders, undoing many of Trump’s policies, and apparently with zero regard for how they’re going to harm America, our allies, and American workers.

Canadian leaders, labor union heads and even many Democrats are furious over his axing of the Keystone Pipeline project, which immediately killed 11,000 union jobs and set the stage for rising fuel prices and re-empowering Russia and OPEC. His immigration “reforms” and cutting of funding for the border wall virtually insure a new massive wave of illegal immigration that will kill American jobs, depress wages and force Americans to pay higher taxes for all the social services they’ll be given. I’ve already written about him trying to rejoin the Paris Climate Accords and the disastrous Iran nuclear deal, which hopefully will be challenged by the Senate or in court, because they’re both clearly treaties that require two-thirds Senate ratification.

I know how angry many Republicans are at Sen. Mitch McConnell right now, but he did hit the nail on the head with his comments yesterday about how Biden is beginning his Administration by immediately hurling America off in the wrong direction, one that is destructive, dangerous, and that most Americans don’t want and didn’t vote for.


"Whataboutism Updates"

By Mike Huckabee

“Whataboutism” Updates: Say, remember when President Trump was denounced by politicians, the media and even some church leaders as a ruthless dictator because officers in DC used tear gas to clear rioters away from historic St. John’s Episcopal Church? They were called “peaceful protesters” who were gassed “without provocation,” even though they burned the church and spent four days attacking Park Service officers with baseball bats, metal poles and glass bottles.

Well, when Antifa rioters pulled the same kind of “peaceful” violence in Portland on Inauguration Day, guess what federal agents, now under the command of President Biden, used to bring them under control? If you guessed tear gas and pepper balls, go to the head of the class. Now, guess how much outrage there was in the media about it.


As I wrote just yesterday, the Antifa thugs think they’re invincible and ungovernable because Democrats let them run riot all year so they could blame their violence on Trump. Now, Trump is gone, Biden is in, and they’re a nuisance that’s outlived its usefulness. I predicted they will quickly learn that they are not “ungovernable,” they are expendable.

“Whataboutism” Part Two: Remember all those months of the media blasting any Republicans who inadvertently mispronounced Kamala Harris’ first name (it’s “Comma-la,” not “Ka-mah-la”) as racists? Well, during the swearing-in ceremony at the Inaugural, guess how Supreme Justice Sonya Sotomayor pronounced it?

Day 2 Antics

By Mike Huckabee

On only his second day as President, Joe Biden snapped at an AP reporter (“Come on, give me a break, man") who asked him a challenging question about how he could possibly keep his campaign promise to distribute 100 million vaccine doses by April. To be fair, it’s been an awfully long time since anyone asked him a challenging question.

Actually, it’s entirely possible that 100 million doses will be distributed by April, but I’m sure nobody in the press corps or the Biden White House would want to admit why. It’s because, as of yesterday, nearly 38 million doses had already been distributed, and 17.5 million have been administered.

That’s because while they were all trashing President Trump’s response to the virus, mocking him for saying a vaccine would be available by the end of 2020, and claiming he had no real response to the disease, he was setting up an unprecedented public-private partnership that created a vaccine in record speed and that was already distributing it well before Biden took office.

And that leads us to our “Fake News of the Day.”

With Biden yanking the US to the left with his flurry of executive orders, it’s nice to know that some things remain reliably unchanged. For instance, Trump may be gone, but CNN is still churning out fake negative stories about him. The latest involves the bogus claim that Trump had literally no COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan, which anyone should immediately spot as hooey, since (see above) 38 million doses had been distributed before Biden even took office (reminder: he and Kamala Harris already received them!)

It was sort of a milestone for CNN: an anti-Trump story so transparently false that even CNN’s own hosts admitted they didn’t believe it.




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Comments 26-39 of 39

  • Ann Atwell

    01/22/2021 06:39 PM

    I just read on the Western Journal that Donald Trump offered to allow the troops who had to sleep in a parking garage ,shelter in his hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue. Another case of how much the democrates care about the people they are supposed to serve. People have long memories . There will be future elections.

  • Jerry Nelson

    01/22/2021 06:23 PM

    We can't let go of the voter fraud. If we don't continue to investigate and determine who orchestrated this, it will just continue into the future. Regardless if Biden has successfully stolen the Presidential seat or not, we have to get to the bottom of things. I've also seen a few articles that state that if the military determines there's is sufficient evidence of voter fraud and they can determine who spearheaded it, they are allowed to take because that is treason and threatens our Constitution.

  • Janell Paul

    01/22/2021 06:23 PM

    Thank you for your view. I am saddened to think that this stuff could happen in America.
    There were a. couple things that bothered me. about President Trump, but, He always put Americans first no matter what.
    Thank you for being honest.

  • Joshua B Kukus

    01/22/2021 06:18 PM

    Love this Mike, first time reading the evening edition, thank you. Heard something today about Trump wanting to distribute 1 million vaccines per day and saying as much publicly. "100 million vaccines in 100 days." -Joe original.

  • Stephen Russell

    01/22/2021 06:12 PM

    NG DC abuse:
    I blame: Incoming Secty Defense, local NG commanders, DC Police,
    Mayor DC, VA Governor.
    Until otherwise resolved.
    Good call TX send the Units home

  • Stephen K Lentz

    01/22/2021 06:11 PM

    "which hopefully will be challenged by the Senate or in court, because they’re both clearly treaties that require two-thirds Senate ratification."

    No worries!!! The rinos don't have the balls or backbone to go up against creepy jo the ho and the jackasses!!! All I hear already from the rinos is the same old rhetoric they spew from their pie holes to feed their huge arrogant obscene obnoxious egos but the NEVER DO ANYTHING TO BACK UP THIER EMPTY WORDS!!! THAT is why Trump is no longer in our White House and why the jackasses are running rough shod over America!!!!!

  • Carl "T" Smith2

    01/22/2021 06:07 PM

    The Progressives, aka known as Socialist now CONTROL Washington D.C. and Big Tech. is all in for Global world Order!
    MartinNiemoller German Pastor: First they came for the Jews. Then they came for me and no one was left to speak for me!
    Call me Jaded, but the left is digging their own graves. Being intellectually Ignorant will not save them from what they are endorsing. Seems they know not what they are doing! I read that someplace?

  • Stephen Russell

    01/22/2021 06:03 PM

    NG abuse:

    Who ordered Units to that parking garage
    Why cant they use hotels from where based
    Why werent any plans drawn up for Units post swearing in
    Why not locate to local bases IE JB Andrews?
    Will this be repeat for the 7K left behind for 3-4?
    Or can the Pentagon house some units alone?
    Wheres the chain of command here?
    Or spread Units out around DC area?

    More could have been done

  • Floyd Unger

    01/22/2021 05:58 PM

    Thank you

  • Diane Rowlands

    01/22/2021 05:49 PM

    Bible verse part of Apostles creed.

  • Nancy Nolen

    01/22/2021 05:48 PM

    The fact alone that our troops had to sleep on the floor if the capital bldg was unacceptable THEN to kick them out and move to parking garage w/o facilities is beyond words. They weren’t fed either? No beds, sleeping on the floor without ANY comfort offered? REALLY??? This is disgusting behavior in the part of those self-serving idiots that occupy OUR capital. I have other thoughts about the crybabies running our country (into the ground) buy I’m so mad I’d better quit before I forget I’m a Christian! UGH there are NO WORDS for their lack of class.

  • Gregory George Keller

    01/22/2021 05:44 PM

    I'm thankful for you. Keeping us updated on the democratic plantation Nazi party . But really do we have to look at the main idiot to. It would be nice not to post his picture instead post a picture of a clown or a deralick. Thank you

  • Stephen Thomas

    01/22/2021 05:38 PM

    "If Trump’s rhetoric was indeed the factor that cost him suburban votes, then it’s all the sadder that he didn’t heed the advice my writer Laura Ainsworth tried to give him way back in September."

    I love most of your insight, sir, but I have to disagree with the above comment. Votes didn't matter in this (s)election, only who counted the votes mattered.

    And honestly, anyone who voted for the existential threat of our currently selected Commander-in-Thief because "Trump mean" is one of the problems with our RINO Establishment anyway. And all they did was save the vote manufacturers 5 minutes of work.

  • elizabeth jennings

    01/22/2021 05:16 PM

    I am glad to have found your website and your wisdom. It is difficult to know where to turn to find truth and calm judgement. Thank you for that. Stay safe, keep the faith. esj

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