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June 16, 2021

Good evening! My Evening Edition for today contains the following:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • POLL: Texas Steps Up
  • Grandmaster Troll Level Response
  • President Trump Returns To The Border
  • A Federal Judge Issues An Injunction Against The Biden Administration
  • Voters Blame Biden For Inflation
  • “Abortion-Related Violent Extremists.”


Mike Huckabee


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

Gal 5:22 ESV


POLL: Governor Abbott has announced that Texas will pay $250 million to continue construction of the border wall that was started by President Trump. Do you support this?

VOTE HERE>>>>$250million

Grandmaster Troll Level Response

By Mike Huckabee

It has been said that former President Trump was the ultimate master at trolling his opponents, at dropping comments that got them so furious and addlepated that they embarrassed themselves. I hate to admit it, but I think Vladimir Putin might have learned something from him because this is a grand master troll level response to Biden and the media calling Putin a killer (which he undoubtedly is.)

President Trump Returns To The Border

By Mike Huckabee

Former President Trump announced that he has accepted an invitation from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to visit the Southern border. Trump said, “The Biden Administration inherited from me the strongest, safest, and most secure border in U.S history and in mere weeks they turned it into the single worst border crisis in U.S history. It’s an unmitigated disaster zone.” He then detailed the changes Biden made that have brought that about.

Trump plans to visit the border on June 30th, which at this rate means he’ll be there and gone long before the person Biden appointed to fix the border, Vice President Kamala Harris, ever arrives.


A Federal Judge Issues An Injunction Against The Biden Administration

By Mike Huckabee

A federal judge issued an injunction halting another of the Biden Administration’s assaults on the domestic oil industry.

Twelve states joined Louisiana in filing the lawsuit to stop Biden and his Interior Department from putting a “pause” on new federal oil lease sales and the issuance of new leases previously won in competitive bidding. It’s yet another unprecedented and illegal usurpation of power via Presidential executive order.

Ironically, while Biden’s people claim this was done to protect the environment, it would have blocked Louisiana from receiving millions of dollars in oil lease profits that are used to protect the coastline. Also, if access to new leases halts, there’s no point in oil exploration, so it kills the entire industry, making the US more dependent on foreign oil while raising gas prices. The price of a gallon of gas is a dollar higher than it was a year ago, so the consumer is already getting hammered under Biden. No wonder some commentators said Biden should be silently thanking God that this judge saved him from the consequences of his own stupid actions.

Now, I assume his next stupid action will be to appeal the ruling to a higher court.

Voters Blame Biden For Inflation

By Mike Huckabee

In a related story, a new Trafalgar poll found that likely general election voters blame Biden more than anyone else for rising inflation. Thirty-nine percent think Biden is responsible, 14.4% think the current Congress is responsible, and 17.7% blame former President Trump. I assume those are Democrats who blame Trump for everything, from inflation to their bunions.

Mark Meckler, president of Convention of States, commented on the poll, “On a wide range of issues that hit home for and impact everyday Americans…current leadership in Washington is not only getting it wrong, they’re focused on issues that only DC elites care about. And DC doesn’t pay the price, we do.”

Brace for that price to get higher and higher, and when it does, please don’t try to blame it on the guy who’s been out of office for six months.

FYI: Here’s how bad the inflation problem already is:

“Abortion-Related Violent Extremists.”

By Mike Huckabee

As I reported yesterday, the Biden Administration is planning a crackdown on the most dangerous and lethal domestic terrorist threat to America: white supremacists and rightwing extremists. Nope, not the communist Antifa radicals who are burning down our cities, or the BLM rioters or the Islamic jihadists, but white supremacists.

Oh, but that’s not the only existential threat to America. According to a report by Biden’s Director of National Intelligence (which doesn’t even mention Antifa and BLM), we also have to worry about pro-life groups, described as “abortion-related violent extremists.”

There are a few renegades who claim the killing of abortion providers is justifiable homicide and there have been a handful of violent incidents and killings, such as late term abortion doctor George Tiller, who was shot in 2009 by an anti-abortion extremist with a history of mental illness. He was sentenced to life without parole, and his actions were strongly condemned by virtually all pro-life groups.

A typical example was Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, who said at the time, “As Christians we pray and look toward the end of all violence and for the saving of souls, not the taking of human life. George Tiller was a man who we publicly sought to stop through legal and peaceful means. We strongly condemn the actions taken today by this vigilante killer and we pray for the Tiller family and for the nation that we might once again be a nation that values all human life, both born and unborn.” Wow, that sure sounds like violent terrorist propaganda.

Nevertheless, the pro-abortion side tried to blame all pro-life advocates for Tiller's killing and claimed that just saying that abortion is murder makes them to blame when some nut goes off the rails. Sorry, but abortion is the taking of an innocent human life, so what would any honest person call it? Planned Parenthood does it over 345,000 times a year. Why aren’t they on the list of violent terrorist groups?

Last week, Indiana Republican Sen. Mike Braun pressed Attorney General Merrick Garland on why pro-life groups would be singled out as a terrorist threat when no mention was made in the report of BLM or Antifa, who have a “clear, recent record of violent acts.” Garland replied that he didn’t know where pro-life groups fit into the “threat matrix” but suggested that they were not “listed at the high end of threat.” No kidding.

If he seriously believes that pro-life groups pose a violent threat to Americans but BLM and Antifa don’t, then he doesn’t know his high end from his elbow.

But then, nobody in his right mind believes that he seriously believes that, or that the biggest danger to America is white supremacists or pro-life advocates. This is nothing but a massive abuse of power, the politicizing of federal agencies in an attempt to demonize, delegitimize and criminalize political opponents. The writer Bonchie at nails it.

That piece also argues that the next time a Republican becomes President (let us pray in 2024), that these corrupted agencies will be dismantled from top to bottom because “what the country can’t handle right now is another influx of rabid ideologues into a bureaucracy that already has no credibility.”

Too true. It’s also ironic that one of the biggest mistakes Trump made was in not saying “You’re fired” to nearly enough people.

PS - Maybe the problem is that our hyper-partisan national intelligence officials are simply incapable of recognizing a dangerous terrorist threat when it’s coming from their own side. Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe needed to have someone connect the dots for him, which Rep. Steve Scalise obligingly did.

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Comments 11-15 of 15

  • Jerry

    06/17/2021 07:24 AM

    Has the Biden voter realize the increase in energy costs yet? Has the Biden voter realize the hacking of our food and energy grid or do they even understand the misery the their misfit leader Biden has no defense or courage to stop the hacking even Putin is laughing and mocking Biden the Biden voter and Biden himself are to stupid to be embarrassed

  • Kathy Spradlin

    06/17/2021 06:39 AM

    We just got back from a trip out west. Just wondering why in the middle of the dessert off I40 there are miles and miles and miles of semi trailers and cargo containers sitting on railroad tracks not moving. This was in New Mexico. I wonder if this is the microchips and everything else that we continue to have shortages of , sitting and not being delivered ,nust to make life here a bit harder. I don't trust the government and really wondering what is going on .

  • Sharon Faulkner

    06/16/2021 11:26 PM

    Trump was a non professional politician and gave people the benefit of the doubt they obviously didn't deserve but blame for that isn't really fair.

  • Jerry

    06/16/2021 10:15 PM

    The hyena family Biden and Harris caved in rolled over like a. circus animal Russia the Middle East will make its fortunes while the Americans will suffer will the highest gasoline prices Biden big talk and zero action when he can remember the words is a complete farce as a man we need to deport Biden what a coward and moronic

  • William Fuhrer

    06/16/2021 09:09 PM

    Charles Payne and Maria Bartiromo will tell President Joseph Biden's advisor to their face they are pushing voodoo economic and President Biden really was a screw up when he stopped the pipeline

An attack on the free flow of information by Mike Huckabee

Leftists who once loved Elon Musk when he was making electric cars a reality have turned on him since he’s fighting the government waste, fraud and abuse that funds their political rackets.

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Trip of a Lifetime: Join Chonda Pierce and other Christian conservatives for another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

FBI handing over records on “investigation” of J6 pipe bombs, but NOT on the Seth Rich case by Mike Huckabee

So far, the FBI has sent the House Judiciary Committee over 400 pages “on topics the committee had long been seeking,” going back to the Biden information.

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