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Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

Three Stories Worth Reading

1. "When Paradise is Lost," by Col. Ken Allard.

2. "Anti-Semitism and Israel's Future," my latest video. 

3. Lawfare update: Judge Merchan and “Special Counsel” Smith seen for what they are.

Election News

The Democrats still have a chance to ruin everything!!!

June 10, 2021

Democrats are so worried about the public waking up to the threat of Critical Race Theory in schools and demanding an end to it that they trotted out former President Barack Obama to poo-poo their concerns. In his patented condescending fashion, Obama dismissed parents who are upset that their kids are being taught toxic, divisive, racist hate-mongering by claiming that it’s just “right-wing media” like Fox News (the favorite bogey man of the left) “stoking the fear and resentment of a white population that is witnessing a changing America.”

First of all, I think people are right to fear anyone who wants to change America into a Marxist dystopia where people are judged entirely by their skin color. And if America’s white population are paranoid racists who fear a changing America, then who elected him President twice? It wasn’t blacks, they’re only about 13% of the population.

In fact, even his supporters in deep blue places such as Manhattan and New Jersey are standing up against CRT, not out of irrational fear but out of perfectly rational fear. I refuse to believe that the majority of Americans of any race want to see the “changing America” that the racist, Marxist radicals pushing CRT want to impose on us.

But take heart: the fact that the Democrats feel the need to employ Obama giving us one of his “I’m so disappointed in you” lectures is a great sign that they’re the ones who are afraid. And when power-mad politicians are afraid of the people, that’s a good thing.

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  • David zebik

    06/11/2021 08:01 AM

    CRT is yet another cog in the Democrats machine to divide our great nation, make us weak.
    It makes me wonder what their end goal is?
    It is obvious that it it is not good for America, even though they took an oath to protect us and make us stronger.
    My personal instinctive thought is a simple one, the Democrats have been infiltrated by a foreign government, through aids, cash, blackmail and even gifts across all material assets.
    If they have any allegiance to a foreign government, they will want to push Americans into a civil war, and divide us into as many groups as possible.
    “We live UNITED or die DIVIDED.”
    Everyone , all across the world can see that even big tech has been infiltrated by a foreign governments agents, whether is spousal, girlfriends, or monetary contracts, and gifts. Anyone speaking up supporting the great divide theory is anti -American, and pro corruption on the basic of basics of human quality of life.

  • Sheryl Kudelka

    06/11/2021 07:57 AM

    Keep pushing back America! CRT does not belong in our schools or in America.

  • Margot Lizardo

    06/11/2021 07:48 AM

    I am ashamed that I voted for OBAMA THE MARXIST twice. He is a Racist. AMERICA, just say NO and say it LOUD. Support are FREEDOM

  • Kayla Pfeffer

    06/11/2021 07:40 AM

    I think it's high time for Barry Osama Bin Obama and Michelle to go enjoy their money and stop cramming their faux oppression and blatant racist ideologies down America's throat. He had a chance to do great things for the country that made him wealthy, but because of his radical Islamic mind set and his disgusting racism he's done nothing of good merit. He and his wife had their 15 minutes of fame and it was ugly. They need to slip back out of public life, no one wants to hear what they have to say. Well, Oprah Falls for Everything may want to.

  • Terry Palumbo

    06/11/2021 07:25 AM

    After 8 years of Obama trying to change our country now we have a weak demented President trying to finish the job! I fear for my grandchildren’s future living in this mess! Whether you liked Trump or not, at least he loved our country and put Americans of all colors first!

  • Robert Marshall

    06/11/2021 07:00 AM

    A simple litmus test of is some project good for this country or not is see what the obummer thinks about it. If he approves then you can be sure it is not good for this country. Remember he was never a great POTUS, he only made it to full time POS.

  • Terry Whitaker

    06/11/2021 06:44 AM

    If common sense talking and requests from the parents to the schools to stop teaching CRT does not work. Maybe this fall parents should just boycott the schools for this. Form Pickett lines and strike just as if it is any other job. No violence of course.

  • LA Huston

    06/11/2021 02:21 AM

    Obama pushed racism and belittled police, a major role in today’s problems.
    Please check this information out -
    30 years ago Dr Robert Wilmer accused Anthony Fauci of Genocide at

  • Diane Wilson

    06/11/2021 01:10 AM

    You hit the nail on the head Mike. They are now witnessing an American public that has awakened and no longer accepts the “ it’s all good for you” mush they have shoved down our throats in the past.

  • Victor Passenheim

    06/11/2021 12:28 AM

    Of course he does! His entire administration was about stoking racism in America and making it acceptable to be racist against white people and the police. The seed of BLM and CRT was germinated during his administration.

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