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June 8, 2021

The latest large corporate entities that have prioritized leftist virtual signaling over the beliefs of their core customer base are…

Country Music Television (CMT), which is promoting the “Wear orange to support gun control” campaign. Many viewers – make that “former viewers” – are telling them bluntly that they only wear orange when they go deer hunting.

Pizza Hut is under fire for funding a fifth grade social studies “Critical Race Theory” curriculum that resulted in a shocking video of Brooklyn school children parroting the race-based, anti-American hatred they’ve been spoon-fed.

Incidentally, this isn’t just being used in Brooklyn; it’s even infiltrated to places like Iowa. Click the link to find out if your kids are being exposed to it. Also, it’s not just Pizza Hut: there’s a link to a list of a couple of dozen big companies that are also funding the teaching of racist CRT poison to our kids, including Intel, Ford, Ralph Lauren and, yes, Disney.

While we’re on the subject, here are some wise words from Dennis Prager to parents on the single best thing Americans can do to protect their kids and retake America from the hateful radical left.

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  • Beverly Alexander

    06/20/2021 03:55 PM

    In our stores around the Richmond VA area, Pepsi Cola shelves are looking "skimpy" (I can't find caffine free Pepsi anywhere on the internet for a reasonable price and none in stores.) Coke section is stocked to the gills, by comparison.

  • Harold Levi

    06/20/2021 02:19 PM

    I am starting a listing of all of the Woke businesses. I want to see all of them put into bankruptcy. I am aware you are opposed to such drastic measures, but these anti-America businesses must learn a lesson they will never forget. In the future they will be willing to support the Constitution not DESTROY it.

    Please destroy Coca-Cola! They have committed Treason for Southerners. In case you need motivation, Coca-Cola was invented by a Confederate Officer.

  • Eugene Curty

    06/20/2021 11:22 AM

    God Bless you, Sarah, and all your family... Keep on in faith believing and prayer... 'Prayer Changes Things'... Sincerely, Eugene Curty

  • Debra Bryant

    06/15/2021 11:28 AM

    Hi Governor Huckabee..I respect you and your point of view so I want to ask a question....Christopher Signs who died Sat ....what they are calling a “suicide”...I do not believe is true. He was 45 years with a wife and three sons...Being the author of “Secrets oh the Tarmac” about the cover up and President Clinton meeting Lynch on the plane on the tarmac for twenty minutes all the while his wife is running for President. I tried to buy the book which is no longer in print. On Amazon an individual is selling the paper back for $38.00 as this book is no longer in print. There is problem...this man didn’t commit suicide and neither did Jeffery Epstein....President Clinton went to his island.. My question is why do people die when the Clinton’s are involved? Will you address this on your show? I am a big fan and watch each week! Blessings

  • Tracy Threet

    06/14/2021 09:16 PM

    Dear Sir,

    Firstly, I want to thank you for your twice daily newsletters which get to the heart of matters and provide links to support your comments.

    I am contacting you because of the recent comments about "Dr. Jill Biden Ph.D we." It is my understanding that she is actually an Ed.D. which specifies a doctorate in education, but to my knowledge is less rigorous than a Ph.D.

    If you could please follow up and clarify, I would appreciate it. I know Ed.D.'s and Ph.D.'s. Frankly, I would be surprised by a Ph.D. if she had it based upon what I have seen for her written doctoral dissertation.

    Tracy Threet

  • Gerald Brock

    06/14/2021 06:23 PM

    if big a- - companies leave all alone there would hardly be any race wars , never happen tho . 2 many like to stur it all up to make big amounts of money . but surprize lot going broke by trying to cause trouble just dont trade with them and maybe others will learn

  • Karen

    06/14/2021 12:12 PM

    Hi Mike
    Thanks to our Lord for your honesty and righteousness.
    As to CRT I want to say theory “ the definition of is judgement, guess, opinion. So looking at this it is totally illogical in truthful thinking. These companies who have bought into these “theories” are totally without any sense of intelligence or rational thinking so why would we even take hard earned money and utilize these businesses?? Not me or my family. I agree: We must fight back.

  • Gina Rought

    06/14/2021 09:51 AM

    Have you read Live not by Lies A Manual for Christian Dissidents by Rod Dreher? I'm just getting started but it is excellent. It speaks to a lot of the same things you do. How the progressive liberals are trying to turn this county into a totalitarian state and how they are accomplishing it. So far it's a bit depressing because I haven't gotten to the part about what we as Christians can do to survive but I am plugging away at reading. Unfortunately I am convinced it's not going to get any better and we are on a fast track to the End Times. Not sure why God thought I was strong enough to handle this but your emails help. Thank you for all you're doing.

  • Lynette Mize

    06/13/2021 09:10 PM

    I agree that taking your kids out of schools should be done. But how would a single parent be able to work and home school their children? Too many single parents are in this situation.

  • Thomas Saneford

    06/13/2021 08:16 PM

    Governor, Today my wife and I listened to pastor Stephen Gaines sermon this morning. He is senior pastor at Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis. In his message, he stated that we all are related, going all the way back to Noah. The white race isn’t actually white, we are all some shade of brown from khaki to dark brown, we are all one race, the human race, all created in Gods image. To me that’s where all this CRT goes wrong, look to our Lord for guidance, and teach our children the biblical truths. He is also worried about the direction of Southern Baptist convention, I know you are on a board in the convention and possibly have some say. I was raised Baptist but in recent years have moved in the direction of the United Pentecostal Church that is more in line with my beliefs. Thanks for listening Pastor Huckabee.

An attack on the free flow of information by Mike Huckabee

Leftists who once loved Elon Musk when he was making electric cars a reality have turned on him since he’s fighting the government waste, fraud and abuse that funds their political rackets.

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Trip of a Lifetime: Join Chonda Pierce and other Christian conservatives for another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

FBI handing over records on “investigation” of J6 pipe bombs, but NOT on the Seth Rich case by Mike Huckabee

So far, the FBI has sent the House Judiciary Committee over 400 pages “on topics the committee had long been seeking,” going back to the Biden information.

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