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January 4, 2023

I’m disgusted with a small and selfish group of Republicans who probably feel they are “Spartacus” but the movie best fitting them is “The Gang Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight.”

Several of these hold-outs (I should say “hold-ups”) are friends and I supported and campaigned for many.  I won’t be in the future.  The simple of rule of politics is that you take your stand, but if you don’t have enough following to lead, then recognize that you simply didn’t sell your ideas very well.  Less than 20 GOP members of Congress are stopping 200 of their fellow Republicans from getting about the business of investigating corruption in the White House, FBI, DOJ, and in Congress itself.  Instead, without being able to articulate a specific reason for their objections, they have blocked the election of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker and in so doing making the Republicans look like a bunch of 6 year olds who refuse to play unless the majority surrenders to the tantrums of the few. 

Is Kevin McCarthy perfect?  Of course not.  But he has faithfully worked to recruit candidates, help fund them, and get them elected.  The ultimate outrage is that some he helped win and raised funds for now have shown they really DO think it’s about them and not the bigger principles of the conservative movement.  

Dr. E. V. Hill, longtime CA pastor used to say “If you think you’re a leader and you look behind you and no one is following, you aren’t a leader—you’re just out for a walk.”  The actions of the petulant circle of “Never-Kevins” don’t amount to enough votes to get close to winning.  But they may have enough to make sure their own team loses.  These guys are setting fire to their own hosue, but they are arsonists who didn’t even have fire insurance.  The mission is just “burn it down.”  And in so doing, empowering the very Democrats some of us worked very hard to put in the minority.

We did NOT work to blow up our own opportunity to take on the Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, and Squad team, but that’s the effect of the actions of the camera hungry Congress members who may deep down believe they are more “principled” than everyone else, but have shown a startling level of political immaturity. 

If the tiny crowd of political tots can’t convince a majority of their peers to follow them off the cliff, they should have the self-awareness to admit they fired their best shot and simply missed the target.  Now it’s time to fight for the American people.  If after taking leadership, Kevin and company don’t deliver, you might be able to make a better case for lighting the fuse to the bomb to blow up the place.


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Comments 211-220 of 281

  • Janette Gailey

    01/04/2023 03:40 PM

    I do agree they are acting like petulant children. However, MAYBE if they now get behind Kevin, they will have shown that the GOP is not behind all the Rhinos who want to keep padding their pockets and subverting the Will of the People!

  • Tom Qualman

    01/04/2023 03:39 PM

    You're out of your mind. McCarthy represents the cartel. The more of the same group in Washington. We don't need more of the same and that's what those 20 Patriots are standing for. I can't believe that you don't get that. I could go on and on about McCarthy but I've said all that really needs to be said about it. It's disappointing that you want to continue with the cartel. But hey to each his own.

  • Doyle Pruitt

    01/04/2023 03:38 PM

    The hold outs against McCarthy are playing to the Democrats, either because they do not like Trump or because The want to play as Democrats and are RINOS.

  • Marcetta Mulcock

    01/04/2023 03:38 PM

    Wel said. Governor!
    Could you please let folks know what we can do & who we can call to encourage these 20 arsonists to STOP IT NOW!!!

  • PK Horne

    01/04/2023 03:35 PM

    Well said! I am not a fan of Kevin McCarthy, but he is the best choice at the moment. It is embarrassing that my former and current representatives are taking this asinine stand to the embarrassment of the Republican party and the delight of the Democrat Party. There have been and will always be reasons to compromise in government, and I see this as an obvious time to do so.

  • JC

    01/04/2023 03:33 PM

    It cuts both ways. McCarthy arrogantly moved into the Speaker's office assuming he had the job. Whoops. Some humility would have gone a long way. And why should the party reward a guy who failed? The Rs barely eeked out a majority in a mid-term that should have been a blowout. McCarthy has also demonstrated a propensity for fluid morality and character. He is also boring. The party needs a fighter. It's been 30-plus years of Rs yammering about the "high ground". There is no high ground. DC is now a street fight, and a spineless jellyfish like McCarthy is not up to the task. The only point I agree is an issue is there is no alternative. But electing McCarthy means the party ONCE AGAIN chose not the best man but the only one. That alone renders the 2022 wins moot.

  • Ann King

    01/04/2023 03:33 PM

    I am very surprised that you are planning to refuse future support to the 20 holdouts because you disagree with them on this one issue. What about Reagan's "a colleague that agrees with me 80% is a loyal one and not a 20% traitor"?

  • Doyle Pruitt

    01/04/2023 03:33 PM

    Trump is right, the republicans need to get it together or we lose. Vote in total for McCarthy and strengthen the republican party, and weaken the Democrats. It is a no brainer. He has done a good job as leader and will do an excellent job as Speaker of the House. Republicans were elected to serve the people, not their biases.

  • Suzanne Fehr

    01/04/2023 03:33 PM

    Hi, Mike.... please please tell me in simple language what exactly these 20 holdouts do not like about McCarthy. I understand he has given in to almost every concession they were asking for. What else? I don't feel like I even have a party any more. It's making me not want to vote any more. What's the point?

  • Tony Glenn Spigariol

    01/04/2023 03:33 PM

    Although personally I'm not a big fan of McCarthy, I have to agree with you. It would be prudent to do so. I don't think the'll get anymore consessions from him. It's to bad were stuck with McConnell. He, in my opinion, is far more corrupt.

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