Today's News Stories

November 12, 2022

On Friday, we featured a reader letter on the future of the Republican Party as it relates to President Trump and the way he’s handling –- or not handling –- this post-election moment. She felt that it’s time for Trump to step back.

Trump has been reacting wildly on social media (Truth Social now instead of Twitter) in the very style that at times has put off even some of his most ardent supporters, and newly incomprehensible as well. He’s coming off as vengeful and bitter, and that’s not a good look if he’s getting ready to announce another run for President.

Certainly the pressure was on him to provide the coattails for the GOP, especially for certain candidates he’d endorsed. And the outcome is turning out to be disappointing and uneven, given the expectations many of us had. Losing the House would have been a disaster in many ways, but at this writing, late Friday, we’re almost sure of taking it. Still, another disappointment has hit, as it was reported Friday that Democrat Sen. Mark Kelly, a reliable Biden rubber-stamper, will keep his seat, with a win over GOP candidate Blake Masters in Arizona.

Note:  In speaking of this apparent win, I’m setting aside for the moment the serious vote-counting issues in Arizona and Nevada, which are addressed elsewhere in the newsletter. On Friday, we also asked questions about the Maricopa County recorder’s office, which it seems has found a loophole in Arizona law to continue taking money from an organization funded by Mark Zuckerberg. There’s no reason to trust the election in Arizona when it’s this partisan and even run by none other than gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs, Kari Lake’s GOP opponent!

But, aside from that, it does appear that there was quite a red wave, much more, I'm sorry to say, than is apparent in the appropriation of actual seats. Aaron Kliegman reported for JUST THE NEWS that according to Cook Political Report, Republican actually won 52.3 percent of the total ballots cast, at least as of late November 10, with the Democrats coming in considerably lower at just 46.2 percent. We checked for an update early November 12, and Republicans were still in the lead, though their margin was a little narrower, 51.8 percent.

This report is updated regularly, so you can check here to see how we’re doing.

Kliegman wrote: “It’s unclear at this point what explains the glaring incongruity between the GOP’s underwhelming performance in terms of winning seats on the one hand and its significant lead in the popular vote on the other.” That’s something to look at, certainly. But those overall percentages are at least something to celebrate --- and they’re no doubt very concerning to Democrats looking ahead to the next election.  Marc Elias must be lying awake nights coming up with more ideas for putting a thumb on the scale in 2024.

Certain races, however, particularly the Senate race in Pennsylvania where Trump-backed Dr. Mehmet Oz lost to cognitively-impaired far-leftist schlub John Fetterman, so irked President Trump that he took to his own social media platform, Truth Social, to say some extremely ill-advised things. The worst of all was his totally nonsensical jab at Virginia GOP Gov. Glenn Youngkin, which seems as though it might have been posted while Trump was under heavy medication. (One almost hopes we could find out that it was.) In a rant saying Youngkin wouldn’t have been able to win the governor’s race without him, he referred to the name Youngkin –- “Young Kin” –- as “sounding Chinese.”

This comment, seemingly from the planet Saturn, came on the heels of Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears’ remark that with these midterm election results, Trump should leave GOP politics. “A true leader understands when they have become a liability,” she told FOX NEWS on Thursday. “A true leader understands that it’s time to step off the stage, and the voters have given us that very clear message.”
Yes, that comment was surely upsetting fro Trump to hear.  But he reacted early Friday morning by taking that swipe at Youngkin, perhaps unwittingly proving Sears’ point.

Youngkin stayed above this. “Listen, you all know me,” he told reporters. “I do not call people names. I really work hard to bring people together...that’s not the way I roll and not the way I behave.”

The NEW YORK POST spoke to sources who had been around Trump as returns came in, and they didn’t paint a pretty picture. Trump had focused his ire on the increasingly popular GOP Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis when DeSantis had said nothing to provoke him, violating President Reagan’s “11th Commandment” about not speaking ill of others in the party. Trump succeeded only in making Republicans long for someone like Ronald Reagan at the helm of our party instead of what we have. And that makes the more measured DeSantis look even better.

Given what Trump has been put through by his political enemies ever since he first announced he was running for President, it’s amazing he came through it in one piece. He is still standing after attempts on every front to destroy him, and we love him for that. But he needs to demonstrate for us that the saying, “What does not kill us makes us stronger,” is true in his case. (Research has shown that this is not generally true.) Trump needs to be stronger, not flailing. Wiser, not more emotional. More strategic, not more impulsive. If he has been weakened, if he is now more of a political liability, he’ll need to understand that it’s time to embark on another phase of life, outside of politics, for the good of the country he loves.

Given all that the left have done to try to take Trump out, how ironic would it be if they were able to just stand back now and let him do it to himself?

On the other hand, when Dan Bongino addressed this issue during his Friday podcast, he said he’s not worried that a primary contest between Trump and DeSantis will weaken the party. Judging from history, he believes this would strengthen it, no matter how much aggravation and airing of dirty laundry is involved. It’s good, he said, “because by the time you get to the general, all the dirty laundry’s been aired.” He also reminded us how hard Trump campaigned for Ron DeSantis in his first, very close election, saying that’s probably what placed him in the governor’s chair. He credited Trump for Florida’s move to “red.”

But Trump was certainly wrong, Bongino (who lives in Florida) said, to call DeSantis an “average” governor, when he is an excellent governor. “He took what Trump started,” he said, “and ran with it in the state of Florida.”

“The best approach right now is to slow down,” he cautioned. It should be about the party right now, and the races currently at stake. “There’s no rush,” he said; “there’ll be more than enough time to attack each other [on issues].’ He’s confident they’re “not gonna hurt each other” but strongly warns they must NOT make it personal, because voters will be deeply alienated by that. I would say this warning might have come too late for Trump, though, as we’re already seeing him alienate them.

What do you think? Here’s the podcast; his remarks on Trump/DeSantis start about 43 minutes in…

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Inconvenient Truth

Comments 231-240 of 403

  • Nita Gibson

    11/12/2022 02:59 PM

    Thank you for your newsletters. You are the only source which I feel gives me accurate information. Re Trump: my greatest fear if he runs is that he will split the Republican Party (just a Ross Perot did -- which caused us to have Bill Clinton). I honestly feel Trump cannot win, primarily because of his personality. He should stay off social media and learn to calm down. Even then, I think he has too many enemies to win enough votes to be elected. Just my humble opinion.

  • Rosemary Raymond Horvath

    11/12/2022 02:58 PM

    Mr. Trump must NOT run for re-election. He is way too erratic and divisive at a time when our country needs unity to recover from the damage done by the far Left. I voted for him with a clothespin on my nose (Mr. Carson was my candidate) but though he did good things for our country, and I am thankful for all the good he did, Mr. Trump is now a big liability to our conservative cause.

  • Johnnie Austin

    11/12/2022 02:57 PM

    The media has jumped on this Trump/ DeSantis thing. Already saying DeSantis was running for president, when he has said nothing of the sort. BUT doing this has caused the friction to start.
    In 4 years I'll vote for DeSantis for president but for now it's TRUMP.
    People need to get over believing everything that they hear, so much is never truth all the way.
    Trump all the way, THEN DeSantis.

  • Raymond Willis

    11/12/2022 02:57 PM

    The Republican Party is also the issue. The National Review has been going afterTrump for months, along with quite a few other mainstream Republican media/information services. Republicans nationally and at the state level (like Colorado) are doing the too common fighting among themselves. This leads nowhere except to another defeat. I agree with your comments on getting Trump to focus on what is important for the Party. But the Trump critics must do the same. There seems to be little direct communications among those using the media to talk for them.

  • Audrey Wright

    11/12/2022 02:55 PM

    I agree that it's time for Trump to step down. He needs to say positive things about DeSantis & quit acting like a spoiled child that doesn't get his way. Trump did alot for this country & I believe that he was cheated out of his 2nd term. However, people get really tired of his emotional comments that doesn't help the right side.
    On the Arizona side. I wouldn't trust anything that Zuckerman has his money in! Everyone knows that if the Republicans don't win it was interference from the left. Also their system promotes the cheating!! Something MUST BE DONE before the next election to ensure fair elections across the country!! It's beyond me how the popular vote is higher for red but blue wins??? Who are the Republicans that are going to stand up & fight for our freedoms? I mean who will not stand down until justice is found. I'm sick & tired of these rich democrats & their donors trying to change our country to socialism!!

  • Nancy Bennatts

    11/12/2022 02:54 PM

    The President needs to be a little more presidential, and a lot less emotional for the sake of the republican party. We need someone to unite us and not devide us! If he can't do that he needs to leave politics!

  • Alan Conner

    11/12/2022 02:53 PM

    Hello Governor,

    I don't mind that our President, President Trump is saying things he is saying against others outside our party and some inside our party.
    This to me is simply politics and I think he is being very rational with his reactions and he of course does also say things that make lots of folks scratch their heads.

    From everything that has been shared currently. We know President Trump pulled many across the finish line. There is also inside information that the RINO party supported many of the Dems running against our America 1st Candidates. Based on the comments by the Vig Lt. Governor Sears. She should be pointing all her fingers at McConnell and McCarthy and others who are pouring huge money to support Dems who ran against our American 1st candidates.
    These are the ones who should be put out to pasture finally which would allow true Americans with American values to take over the Majority Chairs.
    Each one of us is a unique person and each one has a different approach to each battle.

    And our Red Wave was mighty even if the MM keeps quiet about it.

    Wishing you a great day.
    Alan Conner
    Multnomah County Republican Party

  • Judith Robertson

    11/12/2022 02:50 PM

    Was a great president, promises made promises kept. Time to bow out gracefully. Due to childish ranting, neither I nor husband would vote for him again.

  • Arlene Quickstrom

    11/12/2022 02:49 PM

    I agree with Rick Grenell who said there was a red wave!  Taking back the House and Senate will be a big help in curbing Biden.  Just because it didn't look like the red wave people in the East Coast wanted, having candidates in the West do so well—two senators and a full slate of state officials in Arizona being Republican is remarkable.  There still are many districts, etc. that have not finished counting, but I think that Laxalt of Nevada and Lake and Masters of Arizona will be tremendous wins.  There may be some upsets in California as well.  On Newsmax with Rob Schmidt, Grenell said that Trump picked many candidates (he named them) and they did well.  Just because the easterners didn't get Oz in Pennsylvania and Zeldin in New York doesn't mean there was no red wave—it just wasn't their anticipated red wave.  

    I can't remember who said it, but President Trump has been there! done that!  I think he is the only Republican who should be running for president!  Trump is the head of the Republican Party in spite of what the Establishment thinks (McConnell, McCarthy, and Liz Cheney, etc. Yes, I'm concerned about McCarthy. ) In spite of all the dirt, lies, and obstacles thrown him, he still got so much done!  It was unbelievable!  He has gone through the fire and came out successful!  the country was on an upward roll until the corona virus hit. Let him have another run! Trump has been tried and tested and can clean out the swamp now. Rob Schmidt said who could have stood all the dirt, lies, and evil thrown at him by the Left? and I agree, who? Give me a name and what he would do. Let's continue to support Trump and give him the chance to really get things cleaned up and moving in the right direction.  He fought many serious obstacles the first two years, yet the Democrats together in both houses were not able to stop him.  Our enemies will cringe if they have to face him again. Will a "nice guy" clean out the swamp? We need someone who is experienced, makes tough decisions, knows our enemies, loves America and Americans, will hit the ground running on day 1, and who is not running for money, fame, or whatever.

    President Trump helped DeSantas earlier in 2016.  If he hadn't, we might not have a Governor DeSantis today.   DeSantis is young, has small children, and hasn't been tried like Trump has. We don't really know what DeSantis would do under such tremendous pressure as Trump experienced, and Schmidt said don't think they won't do the same.  He may be able to stand in the fire, but the Left is ruthless!  Also, he is young and could run in later presidential races. 

    One other thing, the conservatives who watch Newsmax, Bannon, and Fox (especially Tucker) and read newsletters online hear about DeSantis a lot. That doesn't mean the rest of the country knows about him. The Republicans talked a lot about Biden's horrific administration and policies and people saw prices of gas and groceries go up, but the voting results don't seem to bear out the fact the voters knew the severity of it. I think the media took care of that for Biden. How could Democrats support such stupid and detrimental policies? How many more mentally-challenged people are they going to vote for?

    I also don't like the talk that we had some weak candidates.  Dr. Oz and Bolduc would have made outstanding senators and Zeldin would have been a great governor.  McConnell did a lot of damage by not supporting these good candidates. And I'd like him to explain why. The Democrats also outspent the Republicans by hundreds of millions. Weak candidates?  What about Fetterman?  What about Barnes in Wisconsin?  What about Warnock?  What about Beto O'Rourk?  What about Stacey Abrams?  The last two ran about five or six races all told.  What about the clueless guy in the White House and the laughing VP?  They can't give a decent speech between the two of them? 

    One of my main concerns is getting the Republican message out. We are surrounded on every side. If you have the Democrat Party who uses lies and cheating as a tool in their toolbox, the media who are a propaganda arm of the Party, Big Tech running interference all the time, and the Left with all its money, how can you get your message out? We need to do an end run around the media. We need face to face events. It was Trump who started rallies. We need more town halls, candidate videos of the issues (not just ads), billboard signs with comparisons of issues, debates on a short list of issues, (no moderators), etc. Lots of surrogates. We can change the way things are done if we put our minds to it.

    Thank you for letting me vent! (smiles)
    A Patriot,
    Arlene Quickstrom

  • Henry Walker

    11/12/2022 02:48 PM

    Conservatives and Republicans face an uphill battle. Democrats and their media colleagues control the political narrative. They have defined questions about troublesome electoral issues as "election denial." (The parallel with "Holocaust deniers" although not apt is purposeful.) They have labeled MAGA supporters as wild-eyed, racist, glass-breaking neo-Nazis. Their objective is clear. Destroy the man. Destroy the movement.

    Trump, the President, made great strides in cleaning up government and moving the country forward. Trump, the man, exhibits characteristics that many people---myself included---find objectionable. Consequently, some allies merely tolerate him but opponents and enemies hate him.

    Trump should step aside. Assume the role of king (or queen) maker if he wants to keep a hand in politics. The movement gains nothing when Trump tears down his fellow travelers. Indeed, much is lost by such actions. A principle of social physics is: More energy is required to change an image (whether negative or positive) than to maintain an image. Who can say how much more effective persuaders "Lyin' Ted" or "Ron DeSanctimonious" might be if they didn't have Trump-originated yokes around their necks?

    Trump should (must?) step aside for the good of the country and the MAGA movement. We are more than Trump or DeSantis. We are Noem. We are Huckabee-Sanders, Tim Scott, Elise Stefanik and John James. And as an Arizonan, the Creator willing, we will be Kari Lake despite the shenanigans in Maricopa County.

Election 2024 Coverage

November 12, 2022

On Friday, we featured a reader letter on the future of the Republican Party as it relates to President Trump and the way he’s handling –- or not handling –- this post-election moment. She felt that it’s time for Trump to step back.

Trump has been reacting wildly on social media (Truth Social now instead of Twitter) in the very style that at times has put off even some of his most ardent supporters, and newly incomprehensible as well. He’s coming off as vengeful and bitter, and that’s not a good look if he’s getting ready to announce another run for President.

Certainly the pressure was on him to provide the coattails for the GOP, especially for certain candidates he’d endorsed. And the outcome is turning out to be disappointing and uneven, given the expectations many of us had. Losing the House would have been a disaster in many ways, but at this writing, late Friday, we’re almost sure of taking it. Still, another disappointment has hit, as it was reported Friday that Democrat Sen. Mark Kelly, a reliable Biden rubber-stamper, will keep his seat, with a win over GOP candidate Blake Masters in Arizona.

Note:  In speaking of this apparent win, I’m setting aside for the moment the serious vote-counting issues in Arizona and Nevada, which are addressed elsewhere in the newsletter. On Friday, we also asked questions about the Maricopa County recorder’s office, which it seems has found a loophole in Arizona law to continue taking money from an organization funded by Mark Zuckerberg. There’s no reason to trust the election in Arizona when it’s this partisan and even run by none other than gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs, Kari Lake’s GOP opponent!

But, aside from that, it does appear that there was quite a red wave, much more, I'm sorry to say, than is apparent in the appropriation of actual seats. Aaron Kliegman reported for JUST THE NEWS that according to Cook Political Report, Republican actually won 52.3 percent of the total ballots cast, at least as of late November 10, with the Democrats coming in considerably lower at just 46.2 percent. We checked for an update early November 12, and Republicans were still in the lead, though their margin was a little narrower, 51.8 percent.

This report is updated regularly, so you can check here to see how we’re doing.

Kliegman wrote: “It’s unclear at this point what explains the glaring incongruity between the GOP’s underwhelming performance in terms of winning seats on the one hand and its significant lead in the popular vote on the other.” That’s something to look at, certainly. But those overall percentages are at least something to celebrate --- and they’re no doubt very concerning to Democrats looking ahead to the next election.  Marc Elias must be lying awake nights coming up with more ideas for putting a thumb on the scale in 2024.

Certain races, however, particularly the Senate race in Pennsylvania where Trump-backed Dr. Mehmet Oz lost to cognitively-impaired far-leftist schlub John Fetterman, so irked President Trump that he took to his own social media platform, Truth Social, to say some extremely ill-advised things. The worst of all was his totally nonsensical jab at Virginia GOP Gov. Glenn Youngkin, which seems as though it might have been posted while Trump was under heavy medication. (One almost hopes we could find out that it was.) In a rant saying Youngkin wouldn’t have been able to win the governor’s race without him, he referred to the name Youngkin –- “Young Kin” –- as “sounding Chinese.”

This comment, seemingly from the planet Saturn, came on the heels of Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears’ remark that with these midterm election results, Trump should leave GOP politics. “A true leader understands when they have become a liability,” she told FOX NEWS on Thursday. “A true leader understands that it’s time to step off the stage, and the voters have given us that very clear message.”
Yes, that comment was surely upsetting fro Trump to hear.  But he reacted early Friday morning by taking that swipe at Youngkin, perhaps unwittingly proving Sears’ point.

Youngkin stayed above this. “Listen, you all know me,” he told reporters. “I do not call people names. I really work hard to bring people together...that’s not the way I roll and not the way I behave.”

The NEW YORK POST spoke to sources who had been around Trump as returns came in, and they didn’t paint a pretty picture. Trump had focused his ire on the increasingly popular GOP Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis when DeSantis had said nothing to provoke him, violating President Reagan’s “11th Commandment” about not speaking ill of others in the party. Trump succeeded only in making Republicans long for someone like Ronald Reagan at the helm of our party instead of what we have. And that makes the more measured DeSantis look even better.

Given what Trump has been put through by his political enemies ever since he first announced he was running for President, it’s amazing he came through it in one piece. He is still standing after attempts on every front to destroy him, and we love him for that. But he needs to demonstrate for us that the saying, “What does not kill us makes us stronger,” is true in his case. (Research has shown that this is not generally true.) Trump needs to be stronger, not flailing. Wiser, not more emotional. More strategic, not more impulsive. If he has been weakened, if he is now more of a political liability, he’ll need to understand that it’s time to embark on another phase of life, outside of politics, for the good of the country he loves.

Given all that the left have done to try to take Trump out, how ironic would it be if they were able to just stand back now and let him do it to himself?

On the other hand, when Dan Bongino addressed this issue during his Friday podcast, he said he’s not worried that a primary contest between Trump and DeSantis will weaken the party. Judging from history, he believes this would strengthen it, no matter how much aggravation and airing of dirty laundry is involved. It’s good, he said, “because by the time you get to the general, all the dirty laundry’s been aired.” He also reminded us how hard Trump campaigned for Ron DeSantis in his first, very close election, saying that’s probably what placed him in the governor’s chair. He credited Trump for Florida’s move to “red.”

But Trump was certainly wrong, Bongino (who lives in Florida) said, to call DeSantis an “average” governor, when he is an excellent governor. “He took what Trump started,” he said, “and ran with it in the state of Florida.”

“The best approach right now is to slow down,” he cautioned. It should be about the party right now, and the races currently at stake. “There’s no rush,” he said; “there’ll be more than enough time to attack each other [on issues].’ He’s confident they’re “not gonna hurt each other” but strongly warns they must NOT make it personal, because voters will be deeply alienated by that. I would say this warning might have come too late for Trump, though, as we’re already seeing him alienate them.

What do you think? Here’s the podcast; his remarks on Trump/DeSantis start about 43 minutes in…

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A bounce back?

Inconvenient Truth

Comments 231-240 of 403

  • Nita Gibson

    11/12/2022 02:59 PM

    Thank you for your newsletters. You are the only source which I feel gives me accurate information. Re Trump: my greatest fear if he runs is that he will split the Republican Party (just a Ross Perot did -- which caused us to have Bill Clinton). I honestly feel Trump cannot win, primarily because of his personality. He should stay off social media and learn to calm down. Even then, I think he has too many enemies to win enough votes to be elected. Just my humble opinion.

  • Rosemary Raymond Horvath

    11/12/2022 02:58 PM

    Mr. Trump must NOT run for re-election. He is way too erratic and divisive at a time when our country needs unity to recover from the damage done by the far Left. I voted for him with a clothespin on my nose (Mr. Carson was my candidate) but though he did good things for our country, and I am thankful for all the good he did, Mr. Trump is now a big liability to our conservative cause.

  • Johnnie Austin

    11/12/2022 02:57 PM

    The media has jumped on this Trump/ DeSantis thing. Already saying DeSantis was running for president, when he has said nothing of the sort. BUT doing this has caused the friction to start.
    In 4 years I'll vote for DeSantis for president but for now it's TRUMP.
    People need to get over believing everything that they hear, so much is never truth all the way.
    Trump all the way, THEN DeSantis.

  • Raymond Willis

    11/12/2022 02:57 PM

    The Republican Party is also the issue. The National Review has been going afterTrump for months, along with quite a few other mainstream Republican media/information services. Republicans nationally and at the state level (like Colorado) are doing the too common fighting among themselves. This leads nowhere except to another defeat. I agree with your comments on getting Trump to focus on what is important for the Party. But the Trump critics must do the same. There seems to be little direct communications among those using the media to talk for them.

  • Audrey Wright

    11/12/2022 02:55 PM

    I agree that it's time for Trump to step down. He needs to say positive things about DeSantis & quit acting like a spoiled child that doesn't get his way. Trump did alot for this country & I believe that he was cheated out of his 2nd term. However, people get really tired of his emotional comments that doesn't help the right side.
    On the Arizona side. I wouldn't trust anything that Zuckerman has his money in! Everyone knows that if the Republicans don't win it was interference from the left. Also their system promotes the cheating!! Something MUST BE DONE before the next election to ensure fair elections across the country!! It's beyond me how the popular vote is higher for red but blue wins??? Who are the Republicans that are going to stand up & fight for our freedoms? I mean who will not stand down until justice is found. I'm sick & tired of these rich democrats & their donors trying to change our country to socialism!!

  • Nancy Bennatts

    11/12/2022 02:54 PM

    The President needs to be a little more presidential, and a lot less emotional for the sake of the republican party. We need someone to unite us and not devide us! If he can't do that he needs to leave politics!

  • Alan Conner

    11/12/2022 02:53 PM

    Hello Governor,

    I don't mind that our President, President Trump is saying things he is saying against others outside our party and some inside our party.
    This to me is simply politics and I think he is being very rational with his reactions and he of course does also say things that make lots of folks scratch their heads.

    From everything that has been shared currently. We know President Trump pulled many across the finish line. There is also inside information that the RINO party supported many of the Dems running against our America 1st Candidates. Based on the comments by the Vig Lt. Governor Sears. She should be pointing all her fingers at McConnell and McCarthy and others who are pouring huge money to support Dems who ran against our American 1st candidates.
    These are the ones who should be put out to pasture finally which would allow true Americans with American values to take over the Majority Chairs.
    Each one of us is a unique person and each one has a different approach to each battle.

    And our Red Wave was mighty even if the MM keeps quiet about it.

    Wishing you a great day.
    Alan Conner
    Multnomah County Republican Party

  • Judith Robertson

    11/12/2022 02:50 PM

    Was a great president, promises made promises kept. Time to bow out gracefully. Due to childish ranting, neither I nor husband would vote for him again.

  • Arlene Quickstrom

    11/12/2022 02:49 PM

    I agree with Rick Grenell who said there was a red wave!  Taking back the House and Senate will be a big help in curbing Biden.  Just because it didn't look like the red wave people in the East Coast wanted, having candidates in the West do so well—two senators and a full slate of state officials in Arizona being Republican is remarkable.  There still are many districts, etc. that have not finished counting, but I think that Laxalt of Nevada and Lake and Masters of Arizona will be tremendous wins.  There may be some upsets in California as well.  On Newsmax with Rob Schmidt, Grenell said that Trump picked many candidates (he named them) and they did well.  Just because the easterners didn't get Oz in Pennsylvania and Zeldin in New York doesn't mean there was no red wave—it just wasn't their anticipated red wave.  

    I can't remember who said it, but President Trump has been there! done that!  I think he is the only Republican who should be running for president!  Trump is the head of the Republican Party in spite of what the Establishment thinks (McConnell, McCarthy, and Liz Cheney, etc. Yes, I'm concerned about McCarthy. ) In spite of all the dirt, lies, and obstacles thrown him, he still got so much done!  It was unbelievable!  He has gone through the fire and came out successful!  the country was on an upward roll until the corona virus hit. Let him have another run! Trump has been tried and tested and can clean out the swamp now. Rob Schmidt said who could have stood all the dirt, lies, and evil thrown at him by the Left? and I agree, who? Give me a name and what he would do. Let's continue to support Trump and give him the chance to really get things cleaned up and moving in the right direction.  He fought many serious obstacles the first two years, yet the Democrats together in both houses were not able to stop him.  Our enemies will cringe if they have to face him again. Will a "nice guy" clean out the swamp? We need someone who is experienced, makes tough decisions, knows our enemies, loves America and Americans, will hit the ground running on day 1, and who is not running for money, fame, or whatever.

    President Trump helped DeSantas earlier in 2016.  If he hadn't, we might not have a Governor DeSantis today.   DeSantis is young, has small children, and hasn't been tried like Trump has. We don't really know what DeSantis would do under such tremendous pressure as Trump experienced, and Schmidt said don't think they won't do the same.  He may be able to stand in the fire, but the Left is ruthless!  Also, he is young and could run in later presidential races. 

    One other thing, the conservatives who watch Newsmax, Bannon, and Fox (especially Tucker) and read newsletters online hear about DeSantis a lot. That doesn't mean the rest of the country knows about him. The Republicans talked a lot about Biden's horrific administration and policies and people saw prices of gas and groceries go up, but the voting results don't seem to bear out the fact the voters knew the severity of it. I think the media took care of that for Biden. How could Democrats support such stupid and detrimental policies? How many more mentally-challenged people are they going to vote for?

    I also don't like the talk that we had some weak candidates.  Dr. Oz and Bolduc would have made outstanding senators and Zeldin would have been a great governor.  McConnell did a lot of damage by not supporting these good candidates. And I'd like him to explain why. The Democrats also outspent the Republicans by hundreds of millions. Weak candidates?  What about Fetterman?  What about Barnes in Wisconsin?  What about Warnock?  What about Beto O'Rourk?  What about Stacey Abrams?  The last two ran about five or six races all told.  What about the clueless guy in the White House and the laughing VP?  They can't give a decent speech between the two of them? 

    One of my main concerns is getting the Republican message out. We are surrounded on every side. If you have the Democrat Party who uses lies and cheating as a tool in their toolbox, the media who are a propaganda arm of the Party, Big Tech running interference all the time, and the Left with all its money, how can you get your message out? We need to do an end run around the media. We need face to face events. It was Trump who started rallies. We need more town halls, candidate videos of the issues (not just ads), billboard signs with comparisons of issues, debates on a short list of issues, (no moderators), etc. Lots of surrogates. We can change the way things are done if we put our minds to it.

    Thank you for letting me vent! (smiles)
    A Patriot,
    Arlene Quickstrom

  • Henry Walker

    11/12/2022 02:48 PM

    Conservatives and Republicans face an uphill battle. Democrats and their media colleagues control the political narrative. They have defined questions about troublesome electoral issues as "election denial." (The parallel with "Holocaust deniers" although not apt is purposeful.) They have labeled MAGA supporters as wild-eyed, racist, glass-breaking neo-Nazis. Their objective is clear. Destroy the man. Destroy the movement.

    Trump, the President, made great strides in cleaning up government and moving the country forward. Trump, the man, exhibits characteristics that many people---myself included---find objectionable. Consequently, some allies merely tolerate him but opponents and enemies hate him.

    Trump should step aside. Assume the role of king (or queen) maker if he wants to keep a hand in politics. The movement gains nothing when Trump tears down his fellow travelers. Indeed, much is lost by such actions. A principle of social physics is: More energy is required to change an image (whether negative or positive) than to maintain an image. Who can say how much more effective persuaders "Lyin' Ted" or "Ron DeSanctimonious" might be if they didn't have Trump-originated yokes around their necks?

    Trump should (must?) step aside for the good of the country and the MAGA movement. We are more than Trump or DeSantis. We are Noem. We are Huckabee-Sanders, Tim Scott, Elise Stefanik and John James. And as an Arizonan, the Creator willing, we will be Kari Lake despite the shenanigans in Maricopa County.

Message from Mike Huckabee

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    Latest News

    November 12, 2022

    On Friday, we featured a reader letter on the future of the Republican Party as it relates to President Trump and the way he’s handling –- or not handling –- this post-election moment. She felt that it’s time for Trump to step back.

    Trump has been reacting wildly on social media (Truth Social now instead of Twitter) in the very style that at times has put off even some of his most ardent supporters, and newly incomprehensible as well. He’s coming off as vengeful and bitter, and that’s not a good look if he’s getting ready to announce another run for President.

    Certainly the pressure was on him to provide the coattails for the GOP, especially for certain candidates he’d endorsed. And the outcome is turning out to be disappointing and uneven, given the expectations many of us had. Losing the House would have been a disaster in many ways, but at this writing, late Friday, we’re almost sure of taking it. Still, another disappointment has hit, as it was reported Friday that Democrat Sen. Mark Kelly, a reliable Biden rubber-stamper, will keep his seat, with a win over GOP candidate Blake Masters in Arizona.

    Note:  In speaking of this apparent win, I’m setting aside for the moment the serious vote-counting issues in Arizona and Nevada, which are addressed elsewhere in the newsletter. On Friday, we also asked questions about the Maricopa County recorder’s office, which it seems has found a loophole in Arizona law to continue taking money from an organization funded by Mark Zuckerberg. There’s no reason to trust the election in Arizona when it’s this partisan and even run by none other than gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs, Kari Lake’s GOP opponent!

    But, aside from that, it does appear that there was quite a red wave, much more, I'm sorry to say, than is apparent in the appropriation of actual seats. Aaron Kliegman reported for JUST THE NEWS that according to Cook Political Report, Republican actually won 52.3 percent of the total ballots cast, at least as of late November 10, with the Democrats coming in considerably lower at just 46.2 percent. We checked for an update early November 12, and Republicans were still in the lead, though their margin was a little narrower, 51.8 percent.

    This report is updated regularly, so you can check here to see how we’re doing.

    Kliegman wrote: “It’s unclear at this point what explains the glaring incongruity between the GOP’s underwhelming performance in terms of winning seats on the one hand and its significant lead in the popular vote on the other.” That’s something to look at, certainly. But those overall percentages are at least something to celebrate --- and they’re no doubt very concerning to Democrats looking ahead to the next election.  Marc Elias must be lying awake nights coming up with more ideas for putting a thumb on the scale in 2024.

    Certain races, however, particularly the Senate race in Pennsylvania where Trump-backed Dr. Mehmet Oz lost to cognitively-impaired far-leftist schlub John Fetterman, so irked President Trump that he took to his own social media platform, Truth Social, to say some extremely ill-advised things. The worst of all was his totally nonsensical jab at Virginia GOP Gov. Glenn Youngkin, which seems as though it might have been posted while Trump was under heavy medication. (One almost hopes we could find out that it was.) In a rant saying Youngkin wouldn’t have been able to win the governor’s race without him, he referred to the name Youngkin –- “Young Kin” –- as “sounding Chinese.”

    This comment, seemingly from the planet Saturn, came on the heels of Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears’ remark that with these midterm election results, Trump should leave GOP politics. “A true leader understands when they have become a liability,” she told FOX NEWS on Thursday. “A true leader understands that it’s time to step off the stage, and the voters have given us that very clear message.”
    Yes, that comment was surely upsetting fro Trump to hear.  But he reacted early Friday morning by taking that swipe at Youngkin, perhaps unwittingly proving Sears’ point.

    Youngkin stayed above this. “Listen, you all know me,” he told reporters. “I do not call people names. I really work hard to bring people together...that’s not the way I roll and not the way I behave.”

    The NEW YORK POST spoke to sources who had been around Trump as returns came in, and they didn’t paint a pretty picture. Trump had focused his ire on the increasingly popular GOP Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis when DeSantis had said nothing to provoke him, violating President Reagan’s “11th Commandment” about not speaking ill of others in the party. Trump succeeded only in making Republicans long for someone like Ronald Reagan at the helm of our party instead of what we have. And that makes the more measured DeSantis look even better.

    Given what Trump has been put through by his political enemies ever since he first announced he was running for President, it’s amazing he came through it in one piece. He is still standing after attempts on every front to destroy him, and we love him for that. But he needs to demonstrate for us that the saying, “What does not kill us makes us stronger,” is true in his case. (Research has shown that this is not generally true.) Trump needs to be stronger, not flailing. Wiser, not more emotional. More strategic, not more impulsive. If he has been weakened, if he is now more of a political liability, he’ll need to understand that it’s time to embark on another phase of life, outside of politics, for the good of the country he loves.

    Given all that the left have done to try to take Trump out, how ironic would it be if they were able to just stand back now and let him do it to himself?

    On the other hand, when Dan Bongino addressed this issue during his Friday podcast, he said he’s not worried that a primary contest between Trump and DeSantis will weaken the party. Judging from history, he believes this would strengthen it, no matter how much aggravation and airing of dirty laundry is involved. It’s good, he said, “because by the time you get to the general, all the dirty laundry’s been aired.” He also reminded us how hard Trump campaigned for Ron DeSantis in his first, very close election, saying that’s probably what placed him in the governor’s chair. He credited Trump for Florida’s move to “red.”

    But Trump was certainly wrong, Bongino (who lives in Florida) said, to call DeSantis an “average” governor, when he is an excellent governor. “He took what Trump started,” he said, “and ran with it in the state of Florida.”

    “The best approach right now is to slow down,” he cautioned. It should be about the party right now, and the races currently at stake. “There’s no rush,” he said; “there’ll be more than enough time to attack each other [on issues].’ He’s confident they’re “not gonna hurt each other” but strongly warns they must NOT make it personal, because voters will be deeply alienated by that. I would say this warning might have come too late for Trump, though, as we’re already seeing him alienate them.

    What do you think? Here’s the podcast; his remarks on Trump/DeSantis start about 43 minutes in…

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    Comments 231-240 of 403

    • Nita Gibson

      11/12/2022 02:59 PM

      Thank you for your newsletters. You are the only source which I feel gives me accurate information. Re Trump: my greatest fear if he runs is that he will split the Republican Party (just a Ross Perot did -- which caused us to have Bill Clinton). I honestly feel Trump cannot win, primarily because of his personality. He should stay off social media and learn to calm down. Even then, I think he has too many enemies to win enough votes to be elected. Just my humble opinion.

    • Rosemary Raymond Horvath

      11/12/2022 02:58 PM

      Mr. Trump must NOT run for re-election. He is way too erratic and divisive at a time when our country needs unity to recover from the damage done by the far Left. I voted for him with a clothespin on my nose (Mr. Carson was my candidate) but though he did good things for our country, and I am thankful for all the good he did, Mr. Trump is now a big liability to our conservative cause.

    • Johnnie Austin

      11/12/2022 02:57 PM

      The media has jumped on this Trump/ DeSantis thing. Already saying DeSantis was running for president, when he has said nothing of the sort. BUT doing this has caused the friction to start.
      In 4 years I'll vote for DeSantis for president but for now it's TRUMP.
      People need to get over believing everything that they hear, so much is never truth all the way.
      Trump all the way, THEN DeSantis.

    • Raymond Willis

      11/12/2022 02:57 PM

      The Republican Party is also the issue. The National Review has been going afterTrump for months, along with quite a few other mainstream Republican media/information services. Republicans nationally and at the state level (like Colorado) are doing the too common fighting among themselves. This leads nowhere except to another defeat. I agree with your comments on getting Trump to focus on what is important for the Party. But the Trump critics must do the same. There seems to be little direct communications among those using the media to talk for them.

    • Audrey Wright

      11/12/2022 02:55 PM

      I agree that it's time for Trump to step down. He needs to say positive things about DeSantis & quit acting like a spoiled child that doesn't get his way. Trump did alot for this country & I believe that he was cheated out of his 2nd term. However, people get really tired of his emotional comments that doesn't help the right side.
      On the Arizona side. I wouldn't trust anything that Zuckerman has his money in! Everyone knows that if the Republicans don't win it was interference from the left. Also their system promotes the cheating!! Something MUST BE DONE before the next election to ensure fair elections across the country!! It's beyond me how the popular vote is higher for red but blue wins??? Who are the Republicans that are going to stand up & fight for our freedoms? I mean who will not stand down until justice is found. I'm sick & tired of these rich democrats & their donors trying to change our country to socialism!!

    • Nancy Bennatts

      11/12/2022 02:54 PM

      The President needs to be a little more presidential, and a lot less emotional for the sake of the republican party. We need someone to unite us and not devide us! If he can't do that he needs to leave politics!

    • Alan Conner

      11/12/2022 02:53 PM

      Hello Governor,

      I don't mind that our President, President Trump is saying things he is saying against others outside our party and some inside our party.
      This to me is simply politics and I think he is being very rational with his reactions and he of course does also say things that make lots of folks scratch their heads.

      From everything that has been shared currently. We know President Trump pulled many across the finish line. There is also inside information that the RINO party supported many of the Dems running against our America 1st Candidates. Based on the comments by the Vig Lt. Governor Sears. She should be pointing all her fingers at McConnell and McCarthy and others who are pouring huge money to support Dems who ran against our American 1st candidates.
      These are the ones who should be put out to pasture finally which would allow true Americans with American values to take over the Majority Chairs.
      Each one of us is a unique person and each one has a different approach to each battle.

      And our Red Wave was mighty even if the MM keeps quiet about it.

      Wishing you a great day.
      Alan Conner
      Multnomah County Republican Party

    • Judith Robertson

      11/12/2022 02:50 PM

      Was a great president, promises made promises kept. Time to bow out gracefully. Due to childish ranting, neither I nor husband would vote for him again.

    • Arlene Quickstrom

      11/12/2022 02:49 PM

      I agree with Rick Grenell who said there was a red wave!  Taking back the House and Senate will be a big help in curbing Biden.  Just because it didn't look like the red wave people in the East Coast wanted, having candidates in the West do so well—two senators and a full slate of state officials in Arizona being Republican is remarkable.  There still are many districts, etc. that have not finished counting, but I think that Laxalt of Nevada and Lake and Masters of Arizona will be tremendous wins.  There may be some upsets in California as well.  On Newsmax with Rob Schmidt, Grenell said that Trump picked many candidates (he named them) and they did well.  Just because the easterners didn't get Oz in Pennsylvania and Zeldin in New York doesn't mean there was no red wave—it just wasn't their anticipated red wave.  

      I can't remember who said it, but President Trump has been there! done that!  I think he is the only Republican who should be running for president!  Trump is the head of the Republican Party in spite of what the Establishment thinks (McConnell, McCarthy, and Liz Cheney, etc. Yes, I'm concerned about McCarthy. ) In spite of all the dirt, lies, and obstacles thrown him, he still got so much done!  It was unbelievable!  He has gone through the fire and came out successful!  the country was on an upward roll until the corona virus hit. Let him have another run! Trump has been tried and tested and can clean out the swamp now. Rob Schmidt said who could have stood all the dirt, lies, and evil thrown at him by the Left? and I agree, who? Give me a name and what he would do. Let's continue to support Trump and give him the chance to really get things cleaned up and moving in the right direction.  He fought many serious obstacles the first two years, yet the Democrats together in both houses were not able to stop him.  Our enemies will cringe if they have to face him again. Will a "nice guy" clean out the swamp? We need someone who is experienced, makes tough decisions, knows our enemies, loves America and Americans, will hit the ground running on day 1, and who is not running for money, fame, or whatever.

      President Trump helped DeSantas earlier in 2016.  If he hadn't, we might not have a Governor DeSantis today.   DeSantis is young, has small children, and hasn't been tried like Trump has. We don't really know what DeSantis would do under such tremendous pressure as Trump experienced, and Schmidt said don't think they won't do the same.  He may be able to stand in the fire, but the Left is ruthless!  Also, he is young and could run in later presidential races. 

      One other thing, the conservatives who watch Newsmax, Bannon, and Fox (especially Tucker) and read newsletters online hear about DeSantis a lot. That doesn't mean the rest of the country knows about him. The Republicans talked a lot about Biden's horrific administration and policies and people saw prices of gas and groceries go up, but the voting results don't seem to bear out the fact the voters knew the severity of it. I think the media took care of that for Biden. How could Democrats support such stupid and detrimental policies? How many more mentally-challenged people are they going to vote for?

      I also don't like the talk that we had some weak candidates.  Dr. Oz and Bolduc would have made outstanding senators and Zeldin would have been a great governor.  McConnell did a lot of damage by not supporting these good candidates. And I'd like him to explain why. The Democrats also outspent the Republicans by hundreds of millions. Weak candidates?  What about Fetterman?  What about Barnes in Wisconsin?  What about Warnock?  What about Beto O'Rourk?  What about Stacey Abrams?  The last two ran about five or six races all told.  What about the clueless guy in the White House and the laughing VP?  They can't give a decent speech between the two of them? 

      One of my main concerns is getting the Republican message out. We are surrounded on every side. If you have the Democrat Party who uses lies and cheating as a tool in their toolbox, the media who are a propaganda arm of the Party, Big Tech running interference all the time, and the Left with all its money, how can you get your message out? We need to do an end run around the media. We need face to face events. It was Trump who started rallies. We need more town halls, candidate videos of the issues (not just ads), billboard signs with comparisons of issues, debates on a short list of issues, (no moderators), etc. Lots of surrogates. We can change the way things are done if we put our minds to it.

      Thank you for letting me vent! (smiles)
      A Patriot,
      Arlene Quickstrom

    • Henry Walker

      11/12/2022 02:48 PM

      Conservatives and Republicans face an uphill battle. Democrats and their media colleagues control the political narrative. They have defined questions about troublesome electoral issues as "election denial." (The parallel with "Holocaust deniers" although not apt is purposeful.) They have labeled MAGA supporters as wild-eyed, racist, glass-breaking neo-Nazis. Their objective is clear. Destroy the man. Destroy the movement.

      Trump, the President, made great strides in cleaning up government and moving the country forward. Trump, the man, exhibits characteristics that many people---myself included---find objectionable. Consequently, some allies merely tolerate him but opponents and enemies hate him.

      Trump should step aside. Assume the role of king (or queen) maker if he wants to keep a hand in politics. The movement gains nothing when Trump tears down his fellow travelers. Indeed, much is lost by such actions. A principle of social physics is: More energy is required to change an image (whether negative or positive) than to maintain an image. Who can say how much more effective persuaders "Lyin' Ted" or "Ron DeSanctimonious" might be if they didn't have Trump-originated yokes around their necks?

      Trump should (must?) step aside for the good of the country and the MAGA movement. We are more than Trump or DeSantis. We are Noem. We are Huckabee-Sanders, Tim Scott, Elise Stefanik and John James. And as an Arizonan, the Creator willing, we will be Kari Lake despite the shenanigans in Maricopa County.