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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

January 19, 2021

On Wednesday, when Joe Biden is inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States, Washington, DC, will host nearly 30,000 armed troops, more than five times the number currently stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. For the first time, the entire week preceding the inauguration was declared a “National Special Security Event.”

As described by THE EPOCH TIMES, the city has been brought “to almost a complete halt. More than a dozen Metro stations around the National Mall and the U.S. Capitol Building were closed...the streets of Washington are eerily empty. Buses, streetcars and other forms of public transportation, even bicycles, have been shut down. Most stores are closed, and many have been boarded up.”


The area for blocks around the White House looks like a war zone.

Now, if the new administration really were afraid of some kind of armed insurrection, they could've simply announced that the oath of office would take place inside the White House with streaming video for all who cared to watch. Truly, many of us will be finding better things to do. Even Trump has kindly RSVP'd that he and his "plus-one" will not be attending, thank-you-very-much.

The pandemic would've given Biden the perfect reason to take it inside. But no, Democrats WANT the accompanying visuals of an occupied city, a militarized zone, the rows of National Guard troops bussed in from every state, the bomb detectors, the dogs, the block after block of high fencing topped by razor wire. Because it makes a statement the likes of which we have never seen.

A statement about conservatives.

All this theater is to convey the message that anyone who didn’t support Biden, who (gasp) might have voted for Trump and who (double gasp) might even slightly question one single vote is –- like Trump himself –- a “dangerous extremist" and WILL be kept in check.

The media have their role to play in making this connection, of course. Don’t click on this link unless you have a strong stomach, but...this is CNN.

So far, though, things have been calm, and Trump has told his supporters to remain peaceful. He said, "In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking, and NO violence of any kind. That is not what I stand for, and it is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. Thank You.”

I will never make light of what happened on January 6 or try to shift blame away from those on the right who participated as some have done. That said, it was a relative handful of brain-dead protesters (augmented, as we have learned, by some Antifa and BLM) who breached the Capitol and horrified most conservatives.

Never mind all the looting, burning and assorted violence during 2020 in “blue” cities that were turned into occupied zones for real. And never mind the pathetic lack of crowd control around the Capitol. The left is using the Capitol Hill breach as an excuse to treat all conservatives like members of ISIS.

Think I’m kidding? Oh, this is going to get much worse.

As Tucker Carlson reported Monday night, Democrats, to ramp-up the drama, demanded that all troops sent to Washington for Inauguration Week undergo a sort of “ideological vetting” (their words), to make sure every one of them professes loyalty to the new regime. “Not loyalty to our country, not loyalty to our Constitution, but loyalty to the aims of a specific political party,” was the way he put it.

The concern among leftists apparently was that the National Guard is mostly white, male and conservative-leaning, with only about 25 percent of them having voted for Biden. Memphis Democrat Rep. Steve Cohen (also white and male, incidentally) assumes that the other 75 percent “are in the large class of folks who might want to, uh, do something.”

"Do something”? If Rep. Cohen stands by this –- he said it on CNN, among friends –- it sure sounds as if he suspects the 75 percent of the National Guard that is white, male and conservative of wanting to assassinate the incoming President.

I wonder how the more conservative members of the Guard might think about this. What about all those Americans who join out of love of country and would never dream of “doing something” to government officials of either party? Now they’re automatically suspect?

Gen. William Walker said on GOOD MORNING, AMERICA that members of the Guard are being “screened before they leave their state. It’s a “credentialing process so they’re screened and they’re repeatedly screened until they are actually put out on the street.” Also, “it's layered so the FBI is part of it, the Secret Service is part of it, and once they are certain there’s no insider threat, then that soldier, guardsman or airman is given a credential. Gen. Walker did not elaborate on the nature of the “inside threat.”


In a statement, the Army said they’re working with the FBI to identify all who were part of the attack on the Capitol to see if any of those people have a connection to the Army. And that makes sense if those individuals were part of the violence. But if they just happened to be in the huge, overwhelmingly peaceful crowd of Trump supporters, we are heading into dangerous territory.

Here’s another report about the vetting of troops, but leading into that discussion are pictures of something we don’t quite know what to make of. Are “armed” soldiers patrolling the streets around the White House and Capitol with rifles that don’t have magazines? We’re not offering any speculation about what this means, just expressing bewilderment.

It does seem we might have an intra-military conflict brewing, with those who share the ideology of the incoming administration to be trusted and those who disagree with it to be suspected. If it’s true, this is a far cry from what the military used to be, with Republicans and Democrats proudly fighting alongside one another, as buddies, to defend their flag and their nation. This radical change is a prescription for disaster.

And how will the new administration know who is with them or against them? Why, they’ll have to spy on them, of course, with a new internal spy agency created just to deal with “domestic terrorism.” And that is already in the works, in the form of a bill with over 100 co-sponsors in the House.

Leftists will love this new power as a way to go after “pro-Trump fanatics.” Every word uttered by every conservative white male in America (especially if he owns guns and a MAGA hat) will likely be monitored if this becomes law, and not just by Facebook and Twitter. It's like another Patriot Act for these times --- what could go wrong?


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  • Michael K. Garrett

    01/19/2021 02:30 PM

    Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2021 will be a day that will live in infamy. It will be the day that America sold its soul to liberal leftist fanatics, to Big Brother always watching us and the inauguration of the surveillance society. Everything we saw in the Obama administration will be even more magnified into what the book "1984" prophesized.
    We are in a spiritual good vs. evil warfare. If good isn't separated from evil and evil from good, we will lose our country. Everything coming out of the mouth of a liberal lunatic will either be a lie, a distortion of the truth or total deception.
    God help us, because if Biden-Harris are sworn into office, the snakes and scorpions of the D.C. swamp will again surface in full force, biting and backstabbing all that America holds dear to its Constitution and Founding Fathers, who must be turning over in their graves.
    We all need to boycott Biden and all that he represents and reflects. Don't show up for any of his public appearances and change the channel whenever he appears on TV. We must neutralize and nullify him and his cohort in crime, Kamala, his second in command liar in chief Cobra backstabber.
    Mike Garrett
    Trinidad, Colo.

  • Stephen E. Shenk

    01/19/2021 02:29 PM

    The point of soldiers walking around with weapons and no magazine in the weapon is a safety measure. The second step would be to have a magazine in the weapon with no round in the chamber. The third would be to have a magazine in the weapon and a round in the chamber. The first step eliminates a "negligent discharge" of the individual weapon (operator error). 3X combat vet with two tours in Iraq and one tour in Afghanistan as an Infantry Soldier.

  • Timothy Ward

    01/19/2021 02:28 PM

    This runs so much deeper, than the protest by over 1 million strong Americans who were in Washington DC on January 6th. Sure they were fortunate enough to be there to protest the obvious voter fraud that occurred, but that was just the tip of the global warming iceberg that NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT!

    True Americans are fed up with the lies, immorality, and constant attacks forced on them by democrats, and their cartels.

    It started well before Trump was a candidate! It has been ongoing as far back as the Clinton, years! I applaud the actions on January 6th! I find it both ironic and appropriate that it took place on the feast of The Epiphany.

    My biggest question is why it took so long for True Americans to finally get in the face of the corrupt, anti American democrats, RINOS, and media who have been attacking families, the constitution, and the very principles that built the greatest nation in the world!

    I disagree with you 100% about standing down, and your spineless position that violence never accomplished anything. You wrote a children's history book, perhaps you should read it. The brave men of the Revolutionary war certainly did not cower at the thought and implementation of violence against a tyrannical government. Nor did the brave men at the Alamo. Nor did the four brave men on September 11th 2012 in Benghazi as result of a covert treasonous arms deal with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood by the Hussein Obama Regime!

    The people have not yet begun to fight, but those that do will be Patriots, equivalent to the aforementioned.

  • Shauna dickerson

    01/19/2021 02:19 PM

    Gov. Huckabee, so often you write things exactly as I would like to express them on my FB page. Just this past week you wrote a piece on Biden, Government and Unity, that I would like to quote. My question is, can I use your words, if I specifically attribute them to you? It's a scary world out there and I don'[t want to cause trouble. It's just that you say things so much more clearly than I can, and I'd like to share with anyone reading my FB.

  • Mary McCourt

    01/19/2021 02:16 PM

    Hello, Gov. Huckabee:
    This is indeed a sad day for America! I served as a government employee for nearly 32 years in DC. To see the streets of the Nation's Capital barricaded in this way is as if we are not viewing DC, but a corrupt "banana republic" that is afraid of the citizens. I never thought this would happen in my lifetime in the Country of my birth. It puzzles me that they have found 30,000 National Guardsman gullible enough to respond to such a survey of their "allegiance" to a political preference rather than the Country that many served in uniform protecting before in their work life. I just hope the Conservative movement can rally round in the next two years, and then for the Presidential election in four years, to create a well-informed grassroots organization to take back this country! Take care and may God bless and protect our Country!

    Mary McCourt

  • Lucretia Maples Samuels

    01/19/2021 02:15 PM

    You should encourage Trump supporters to NOT ATTEND THE BIDEN/HARRIS INAUGURATION!!!!
    There would be a small number of Biden supporters. Anyone who wanted to infiltrate Trump supporters and cause problems would not succeed in their plans.

  • Andrea Jacobson

    01/19/2021 02:05 PM

    Mr. Huckabee, thanks for all that you do! I love your newsletter and look forward to reading it everyday. God Bless you and your family. Take care, Andrea

  • Patricia Van Duinen

    01/19/2021 01:59 PM

    If you have to protect yourself from the people, then this government is not about or for the people. We need to fight this takeover with everything we have...or our Republic is dead...this is not about the people but about power and greed...As Jesus did, we must throw the money changers out....and so we must throw these people out of our government..

  • michael requadt

    01/19/2021 01:57 PM

    If you have conservative leanings, you might want to get out of the country while you still can.

  • R. Vaiden Holmes

    01/19/2021 01:54 PM

    Isn't it interesting that the same Democrats who demanded to know if National Guard troops were used by President Trump when the church across from the White House was burned are now bringing them in by the tens of thousands!

  • Margot Plummer

    01/19/2021 01:54 PM

    Kohl's and Bed, Bath & Beyond are two miles away from me. I will no longer shop in either one. Mike Lindell deserves better than Communist companies boycotting his business. That door swings both ways.

  • Martha Lockwood

    01/19/2021 01:53 PM

    A friend forwarded this to me recently, "If you need 30,000 armed soldiers to protect your inauguration from the people, then probably you weren't elected by the people.

    In all dictatorships, the armed forces are mobilized to silence the people."

  • Margot Plummer

    01/19/2021 01:50 PM

    Kohl's and Bed, Bath & Beyond are two miles away from me. I will no longer shop in either one. Mike Lindell deserves better than Communist companies boycotting his business. That door swings both ways.

  • Marnie Fitzgerald

    01/19/2021 01:50 PM

    Anything being parroted and stated by the paranoid Democrats is nothing short of grandiose delusions of dangerous mentally unstable, unhinged people. The same people making absurd allegations while ANTIFA and BLM destroyed cities and businesses all while terrorizing the citizenry for 4 years, whereas it was found that the Democrats sponsored and bailed out on many occasional these people so they could continue their arson, looting and rioting unabated without the protection of cities and states. Their behavior to Conservatives is absolutely insulting. Perhaps if the Democratic party and Joe Biden didn't rig and steal the election, they would have nothing to be paranoid about. It comes down to this, we know what they did. They all should be impeached and imprisoned. We will never accept a "faux" president and Manchurian candidate.

  • Cissi Parton

    01/19/2021 01:42 PM

    If there is any violence in DC or any other areas, it's not from the right. Just saying.

  • Katherine Willliams

    01/19/2021 01:41 PM

    It is very sad, if true news, that Democrats want to punish Trump voters, and yet Biden states he will bring everyone together. Well, starting out with threats to other Americans is not going to bring people together.
    Also as a senior, it will be hard on so many of us to be able to afford gas/utilities. Fueling homes, driving anywhere will be so costly, food costs will be more due to hikes in gas prices. I am also afraid our prescription prices will go up.

  • Joanne Schmidt

    01/19/2021 01:36 PM

    Sorry, Governor, but I am leaving the Republican Party now that Mitch McConnell and the GOP have stabbed President Trump in the back. If Biden is sworn in Wednesday, we will become a Socialist/Communist country owned by the CCP. I doubt we will ever have honestelections again.

  • Erika Maurer

    01/19/2021 01:35 PM

    I'd like to propose the fence and guard containment around the Capitol, and federal government in general, be retained for 4 years or until the trash is taken out, whichever comes first.

    p.s. Pardon my non-participation in January 20 festivities; I will be out elk hunting that day. I will not be wearing a mask. (Upholding both the First and Second Amendments seems like a fitting way to spend the day : )

  • Mable Alford

    01/19/2021 01:19 PM

    All these left wing antics are disgraceful, anti American, and unconstitutional. They should be ashamed. I have never heard such bigotry spouted against true Patriots.

  • Robert Simes

    01/19/2021 01:17 PM

    This domestic terrorist bill sounds eerily familiar. How do we stop the USA from becoming Nazi Germany?

  • Frances Rockey

    01/19/2021 01:11 PM

    Years ago in the riots of Wilmington, DE, National Guards were sent into the danger zones with guns but they had to be empty of ammunition. They were allowed to alarm their guns and then disarm them immediately. They pretty much stayed up all night doing just that. Very scary.

  • steve citron

    01/19/2021 01:11 PM

    After reading, and thinking about your news letter this morning. I archived it to refer back to when we reach the next season. It seemed so prophetic, and if I may, SPOT ON.
    WHERE do we go from here?
    As you and i see, the entire Nation is in the throes of a complete break down, and a turn away from justice and turned our face away from GOD, and his grace.
    MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON OUR CRIMES and turn our faces back.

  • Carol Mathews

    01/19/2021 01:08 PM

    Is it possible that the guard is there as much for guarding as to have a crowd since very few would have attended without it?
    Now is the time for conservatives to "pretend" agreement until the ballot box in 2022 and then come out in mass to vote them out. If they think we are compliant they will not feel they need to "stuff" or as with GA use paper that machines will not read, to rig an election. Everything they accuse us of, they are doing. Hillary was the one talking to Putin, not the President Trump, tearing things up, as Nancy did the transcript of President Trump's speech, she set the example, their intimadation of voters like Maxine Waters. They set the example and now want to put it on to the conservatives. You can only accuse someone of something that you, yourself have already thought of.

  • Sherry Glascock aka Sharon

    01/19/2021 01:06 PM

    I will stand and watch what my God is going to do with the happenings in American and its people and this Democrat party. He is in control and what ever happens will be leading up to when Jesus calls his Children Home. Our Service men and women give an oath to our Country and our Flag they do not give an oath to overpower the colander and chief and yes I cannot give him Capital Letters in that Name. They will protect him but I do not feel there is anyone stupid enough to kill him but I did not think anyone would kill JFK and RK but they did. We all know that Biden will not be in office long but I think the democrat party will eliminate him for another stronger person to dictate to the Country. God Help Us All To Be Strong In Your Word and Your Teachings

  • Charles Sigars

    01/19/2021 01:04 PM

    Who authorized the Troops to go to DC? Who is running this show?

    It can't be Biden, because until Noon tomorrow, he cannot command the military.

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