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April 29, 2021

Last night, President Biden finally made his first joint address to Congress, a Bizarro World variation on a State of the Union Address in which only a tiny group of 100% fully-vaccinated people showed up, all wearing masks and social distancing, despite being in a massive room with a two-story ceiling. It was like sending a message to the entire world that our own leaders don’t believe the vaccines work. But I digress.

Here’s the entire speech on YouTube:

Here are all the key moments in 10 minutes (it would’ve been nice if his speechwriters had tried this).

And if you don’t want to sit through the whole thing but want to know precisely what was said, here’s a full transcript you can speed-read.

And here are Fox News’ “Top Five Moments” from the speech.

Note the “Bonus Highlight” moment, when you could actually hear someone’s cell phone go off in the nearly empty chamber during Biden’s speech. It would’ve been even funnier if the phone had a cricket chirp ringtone. Or snoring.

Biden spoke for over an hour, but if I had to sum it all up in a nutshell, it would be with the familiar conservative adage, “The government that’s big enough to give you everything you need and want is big enough to take away everything you have.” Because that was basically what his plans amount to.

In more detail, it was everything you would have expected, at excruciating length. A lot of boasting about the success of the vaccination program, with no credit given to Trump for helping create the vaccines in record time through Operation Warp Speed and already administering 100,000 shots a day (including Biden's) by the time Biden took office. A lot of talk about working together and listening to the other side while demonizing the other side and proposing bills he knows we adamantly oppose. Claiming that by raising taxes and the minimum wage, shutting down domestic oil and gas production and targeting the gig economy for destruction (that’s the “PRO Act” he touted, the national version of the disastrous California AB 5 law) - all things proven to destroy jobs -- we’re going to create millions of new jobs.

He even said, “For me, when I think about climate change, I think jobs.” He mentioned all the jobs retrofitting buildings to be greener, and installing 500,000 charging stations for electric cars. And where will all the electricity come from? Why, sources like wind turbines, of course. He said he sees no reason why they can’t be built here instead of China. Except they require heavy metals that now only come from China.

And who will pay for all these jobs? The government, of course! If this speech had a theme song, it would be, “I’ve Been Workin’ For the Government, All the Livelong Day.” (Another good choice might be, “Don’t Know Much About History”:

And it will all be paid for with money only taken from the super-rich and big corporations. If you’re not one of those, you’ll enjoy endless free stuff with no downside at all, and a bill would never come due. If you believe that, I assume you also dream of living in Fantasyland at Disney World.

Truly, Biden’s mask was finally off, in more ways than one. We’ve heard all this before; it’s the Obama years on steroids: destroying existing jobs on a promise to replace them with government-created “green” union jobs that never appear, largely because the same liberals making these promises have made it impossible to get permits to start any major construction of anything. It’s why Obama himself admitted that there were no “shovel-ready jobs.” Too bad, I could’ve used a shovel during this speech.

Ironically, you could only do this if you slashed regulations like Trump did, and that’s one of the first things Biden reversed by executive order, along with destroying union jobs by killing the Keystone XL Pipeline. He also wants a government program to lower prescription drug prices, and never mind that he inexplicably reversed a Trump executive order that did just that.

The biggest news out of the speech was his promoting of even more massive spending in bills which, as always, come with “Who can oppose this?” names to hide the actual contents, such as “The American Rescue Plan” or “The American Families Plan.” I’m sure there are some good things in them, like expanded child tax credits. But the names are also cover for a raft of government-expanding, freedom-crushing, budget-bloating programs. Some analysts pointed out that Biden didn’t include means-testing on some, like free community college, so even kids of millionaires could qualify. If Republicans proposed this, Democrats would call it a “giveaway to the rich.”

Conservatives noted that in just three months in office, between the COVID-19 bill that was mostly not directly related to COVID-19, the “Infrastructure” bill that spends only a fraction of its cost on actual infrastructure, and now this new $1.8 trillion proposal, Biden has endorsed about $6 trillion in new deficit spending, or about half-again as much as the entire annual federal budget. I hope the Green-New-Deal-Under-Another-Name that he’s proposing includes funding for planting a billion money trees, because we’re going to need them.

Senator Tim Scott Responds:

The GOP response to Biden’s speech was given by Sen. Tim Scott, and it was terrific. It was filled with inspiring personal stories, ideas for finding common ground, and much-needed common sense. I urge you to watch it all. It’s less than 15 minutes but says more than Biden did in over 60 minutes. My favorite line was his description of how partisan the Democrats’ “infrastructure” bill is: “They won’t even build bridges to build bridges!”

He also reminded viewers that when he proposed a bipartisan police reform bill that Democrats said they wanted, they used the Senate filibuster (that they now call “racist” and want to eliminate) to block it from a vote. As Scott said, they preferred to keep the problem as a political tool than to solve it.

Here’s the transcript.

You can tell how effective Sen. Scott’s speech was because the left was panicked enough to resort to their standard fallback: hurling racist slurs at a black man for daring not to think the way they tell him to. Ironic, since Scott even mentioned the racist attacks made on him by so-called “progressives.” Meanwhile, Twitter, which will censor any conservative for any reason, allowed a racist leftist hashtag to trend.

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Comments 51-75 of 91

  • Laura Osborne

    04/29/2021 06:07 PM

    As a single mom, I appreciated his thanks of his mom and other single moms out there! I appreciated his Christian witness too. He did a great job of presenting facts -- MANY facts -- and I certainly hope that more and more black Americans will listen to his speech and give serious consideration to supporting conservative values and political candidates!

  • Bubba Humphries

    04/29/2021 06:02 PM

    I appreciate everything you do for our country, it’s Veterans and it’s people.

  • John William Randt

    04/29/2021 05:50 PM

    Sleepy Joe told so many lies that i thought i was watching a pinocchio convention.Also so many masks being worn, i thought the Lone Ranger was going to show up and sign autographs.

  • Donna Cornell

    04/29/2021 05:45 PM


  • Susan Hanley

    04/29/2021 05:13 PM

    Well said Mike. I read everything you have on email and watch you on utube.
    Our country is in God’s hands and we need to act on his behalf and be patient.
    Thank you for all you do......and Sarah too.

  • Charlene Nadorff

    04/29/2021 05:03 PM

    Thanks for this breakdown of the speeches. You are great! Spot on.


    04/29/2021 04:58 PM

    Thank you for the excellent synopsis of the Biden speech. It is hard to imagine how this country could spend that much on "pie in the sky". I also thought it was absolutely amazing that the congressional chambers was empty and yet attendees still wore what should be unnecessary mask. WOW. Instead of money trees maybe we should plant trees to LOWER carbon emissions if that is even a problem. My thanks also to Sen. Scott for his excellent response...he is a great guy!

  • Jeffrey Mcgovern

    04/29/2021 04:54 PM

    I like your statement about the racist attacks. I just heard a Black PhD say about the recent police shooting of the Black girl trying to stab the other Black girl. If it was real racism, the White officer would have said they are both Black, who cares and not stop it" That made a real impression on me.

  • Carolyn Gail Spawr

    04/29/2021 04:37 PM

    I could not have said it better myself:)

  • Ona Thacker

    04/29/2021 04:36 PM

    Thank you to you and your staff for keeping the truth alive. I count on your newsletter and some of my other sources to get the full truth of what is taking place in our country.
    As a retired social studies teacher, I am appalled at the rewriting of our history to our students. Too many are being lied to by people with Marxist agenda.
    God bless you, your family, and staff.

  • Frank A Manthey MD

    04/29/2021 04:32 PM

    I do not believe that "Sleepy Joe " can last very long as President. I do not believe that he had much to do with writing this speech & probably does not even know what was in the speach.

  • Ray Cowden Witter

    04/29/2021 04:23 PM

    Do you think that the American citizens will trust him?
    Warm Regards,

  • Judy Lee Smith

    04/29/2021 04:22 PM

    This was truly a speech given by someone who knows what is going on in the world today. He is really an asset to our legislative branch of the federal government. Every time I've heard him speak, I have been clearer on whatever is going on at the time. Just like those other times I have heard him commenting during news programs, he had no time to write a speech and choose his exact words ahead of time. He is completely alive and awake and knows what is going on in the world. This may sound trite, but I truly believe that it is important that our leaders know every angle that the government is charged with covering all the time. As a Senator, Tim Scott is both a leader and a decision maker.

  • Karroll Hauseknecht

    04/29/2021 04:21 PM

    I could not bring myself to watch Biden, I get to upset with the total nonsense, he lacks any sense, let alone common sense! He will bankrupt this Country and the programs are stupid! I was raised that there are no free rides in life, well Biden is about to prove me wrong him and his ilk will drive this once great nation straight into a hell hole!!!!


    04/29/2021 04:20 PM


  • Susan C. Moncada

    04/29/2021 04:14 PM

    Biden twists the truth in such a way you have no idea what he is talking about. He really wanted to reunite the country he would start telling the truth about covid19, climate control and deport all illegal immigrants. I have had enough of him already destroying the country.
    Senator Tim Scott is correct that this is a power grab for the democrats.

  • Lee Swann

    04/29/2021 04:04 PM

    Did you count how many times Sleepy Joe started his comment with "LOOK"...I'm surprised he didn't say, C'mon, Man.....I noticed when the camera showed him walking up to the podium (log shot) Creepy, kinda walked like Tim Conway's "old man" in his skits. The speech was lackluster in that he did not say ANYTHING useful; all pie in the sky...TAX the corporations; GIVE free education to ALL, give citizenship to the "Dreamers". He is creating a complete WELFARE country. His proposal of 500,000 "charging stations" across the USA, for the "electric car of the future", is ridiculous! Obama "promised" thousands of "shovel ready jobs" in one of his campaign speeches. DID NOT HAPPEN. Uncle Joe stated he is a UNION MAN...when it has been proven, Unions have outlived their usefulness! In short, Joe Biden is NOT a leader; never has been, NEVER will be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Melinda Smith

    04/29/2021 04:04 PM

    Biden's speech was reminiscent of his rebuttal while as Senator to President Reagan's speech. After all these years he has the same tired government is here to help rhetoric that never amounts to anything but a huge expensive failure. He hasn't learned anything.

  • Susan C. Moncada

    04/29/2021 04:04 PM

    Biden twists the truth in such a way most people of no idea what he is talking about. He continues to divide the nation; but that is the plan divide and conquer. If Biden really wanted to reunite the people he would support an entire election audit across the country and be willing to step down if it is discovered that he did not really win. Biden also needs to uphold the constitution which means DC cannot become a state. Term limits for everyone in congress.
    Senator Tim Scott is correct. This is a power grab for the democrats.

  • William J Sutton

    04/29/2021 03:55 PM

    Biden’s plan I’d diametrically opposed to what they taught me at Harvard Business School. His tax plan will bring growth to a standstill and promote inflation.

  • Jayne Hampton

    04/29/2021 03:50 PM

    I couldn't bear to listen to boring Biden, but I heard all of Tim Scott's speech, and thought it was terrific! So ironic that he was attacked by leftist racists, when he said nothing that should have been found objectionable, unless you find the truth to be offensive. I wish job-killing Joe had listened to Scott's ideas, but I doubt he heard any of it.

  • C M Ciebiera

    04/29/2021 03:34 PM

    When Obama was elected I thought give him a chance. I did. He failed to deliver on literally anything no hope no change. It was like going from HS baseball to starting in
    majors. Unfortunately his challengers were crappy. To
    his credit he was smooth enough to camouflage and I
    don’t think we realized how fully
    the Media was on the DNC team. Shame on us. Now Biden (he hasn’t earned Mr. President or even Mr) Has driving the USA bus with great speed to ruin. Last night let me see: liar, prevaricated classist, incompetent, took credit for stuff he never had a lick of input. Are there any honest fact checkers left?
    Finally does he have any clue that at least half the country thinks he is weak, Chief of Nepotism, patronizing racist, old fool.
    Keep up the good work Governor!

  • Rita Rasmussen

    04/29/2021 03:23 PM

    You, sir, are one of the few people who can make me laugh about Biden's speech last night rather than cry and howl in pain. Thank you for serving as such a wonderful representative of our nation. Have you considered running for a federal office again?

  • Lisa Chambers

    04/29/2021 03:20 PM

    I would follow Tim Scott in a store, too. I would like to meet him and shake his hand -- or even do the elbow bump thing. He is a great leader for our country.

  • Merry-Sue Adair-Gill

    04/29/2021 03:15 PM

    Love reading your morning and evening newsletters. I didn't watch Ole Joe give his speech, just a few clips. I was never so glad that they were wearing masks as having to look at the smirks on both of the faces seated behind him would have had me throwing something at my TV screen. I totally approved of Senator Scott's speech. It was heartfelt and with so much vitality and common sense.
    The difference between both speeches could not have been more evident. This wasn't about the age difference, for me it was again, the vitality and common sense way of the Senator's words.

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