Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 5:51 PM, October 17


1. Both sides are reacting to Kamala Harris' interview with Brett Baier.

2. Jonathan Turley's latest column is all about Kamala Harris surrogate, Liz Cheney.

3. The plagiarism scandal around Kamala Harris' 2009 book is growing.

4. ABC debate moderators may have "fact-checked" President Trump over his claims about crime, but it turns out he was right.

5. Mike Huckabee is raising the alarm about apathy among Christian voters.

6. The Left's hysterical attacks against Trump are bordering on hilarious now.

7. 2020 Throwback: Jack Smith's latest court filing against President Trump is his wildest yet





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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January 10, 2021

This has been a tough week for America. It’s been an embarrassing and disgusting week for those of us who believe that the recent Presidential election was tainted with unanswered questions about fraud and massive voting irregularities. Whatever hopes we had that there might be a sincere investigation into the evidence that the media claimed didn’t exist was wiped out by a hot-headed mob at our nation’s Capitol. To be clear, of the tens of thousands of protesters and demonstrators who descended on Washington, most really were peaceful, law abiding patriots who love God, their families and their country. But those who stormed our Nation’s Capitol, ignored and fought the police, broke windows and doors and vandalized the offices of members of Congress and the Capitol itself were not patriots. They were a mob. A violent, lawless, and reckless mob engaged in criminal acts. Some of those participating in this mayhem or who tried to defend it tried to compare the actions of the mob to those of our Founders in the American Revolution. The violence at the Capitol this week was not at all like the American Revolution.


The Revolution of 1776 was carefully thought out. It was meticulously planned, and carried out by people who had exhausted all avenues to peacefully secure their liberty and to rid themselves of the intolerable behavior of their mother country, England. They declared their independence in a carefully crafted document and pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. They did not act spontaneously or compulsively. Their actions were thoroughly contemplated and the consequences were fully understood. What happened this week was carried out by hot-headed people moved by raw rage. There was no rational consideration of the consequences. There are no excuses or explanations for endangering innocent people, destroying public property, and challenging the authority of law enforcement. Even if 95% of that crowd were God-fearing law-abiding citizens who are rightfully angry that their beloved Republic is being taken over by Marxists and the useful idiots in the media who follow along, there is still no justification for the mayhem. Some of the rioters even quoted Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but Dr. King NEVER got so fed up with the horrible and unjust treatment by the government and said, “That’s it—let’s storm the Capitol and break windows and occupy the chamber.”

The American Revolution indeed became violent and resulted in a war but they were not a mob, who in a blind rage launched something they had no plan to fulfill. They articulated their grievances, requested relief, and only after all possible remedies were rebuffed did they declare independence.

WE must be the voice of reason and rationality. The mob set back the conservative patriotic cause of limited government and a government that provides justice equally. This angry mob of played right into the hands of the press and the left.


I support the many policies President Trump implemented to put America First. I’m glad he stood up to China and Russia, brought manufacturing jobs back to America, cut taxes because he believed that you could spend the money you worked for better than the government, fought to protect the lives of unborn children, protected religious liberty, stood with Israel against those who sought to annihilate her, and who appointed Constitutionalists to the courts. I don’t blame him because some who supported him devolved into criminal activity and tried to take over our nation’s Capitol. But to be fair and honest, his language about the election being stolen probably cost us 2 Senate seats in Georgia and gave some people the false sense that it was justifiable to storm past police barricades and take over the Capitol. Joe Biden will be the next President. It’s not who I voted for but I won’t burn down the country because he’s President. I will speak out for my views and I will faithfully vote in every election. But as disgusted as I was when Black Lives Matter and Antifa followers were burning our cities, looting stores and attacking police officers, I’m equally disgusted when people who may share many of my views do the same thing. I don’t care what their politics are, they are lawless thugs and need to be found, charged and prosecuted. I can’t teach my children and grandchildren to obey the rules of my house if I can’t be trusted to obey the laws of my nation!

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Comments 51-75 of 497

  • Sheryon Rogers

    01/11/2021 08:02 AM

    I think the ' mob' was paid by the left to do this deed. Thank you ingredients our president.

  • Marci Howard

    01/11/2021 07:49 AM

    Do some research, Mike. Antifa played a large role in what happeneded at the Capitol. Look at the timeline of events. And, please, you think 75 million people should accept a stolen election? If you think we will ever have another free & fair election after this you aren't as smart as I thought you were. The purge is already happening even before Biden is sworn in. I'm sorry, but he will never be the legitimate president and this country will never recover from the damage his administration will do. Forget 2022 or 2024 - i don't care how many of us vote for constitutional patriots, the elections will be rigged. After the 20th all election fraud will be swept under the rug & NO ONE will be punished for the crimes committed. We will become a satellite country of China. We have no champions left. There is no Washington or Jefferson prepared to fight to preserve the republic. As usual, Republicans are capitulating and bowing before the radical Democrats. While 75 - 80 million voters can show their displeasure at the polls, it won't matter as our candidates will have no chance of being elected.

  • Jenny A Warren

    01/11/2021 06:41 AM

    I really like you and I love your daughter but if you think that we will ever have a fair election again if we do not stand up now you are crazy. I am a Christian and I believe in doing things the right way but the Bible tells us there is a time for everything. It may just be a time for war if the Democrats take over. They are already beginning their war on us and I for one will not set back and become their slaves.

  • Glenda Nolan Daniel

    01/11/2021 06:03 AM

    Can we get a list of the companies who feel they cannot either support conservatives or be neutral? I would rather not purchase their items. I have heard Coke is one -- but I don't drink Cokes anyway.

  • Cynthia Rucker

    01/11/2021 06:01 AM

    Thank you Mike for standing up for Trump supporters. We do not want violence, we want fairness. I am terrified for the future of our country. Please don't stop leading the way to help us have our voices heard.

  • deb smith

    01/11/2021 05:48 AM

    To be fair and honest, Gov Kemp cost us 2 Senate seats in Georgia!! just saying...
    -deb smith
    Gainesville GEORGIA USA


    01/11/2021 05:48 AM

    Your Excellency,
    And then there is God.
    We must, as saved individuals, fall on our knees and plead with the Almighty to save our nation, as well as, Israel, from those that would see us fall to Satan.
    Speak Psalm 59 and change me to "us", and my to "our" etal, throughout all 17 verses, DAILY. God wrote the Psalms specifically for us to speak back to Him. "We can do all things through Him who gives us strength".(Ph 4:13). "Vengeance is mine" (Ro 12:19).
    A new Pac, "MAGA", should form to encourage 5 US Senators and 25 US Reps to switch political parties from D and I to R. Non violent, unstoppable, and it will beat them at their own game.
    In Christ and by the leading of the Holy Spirit, Steve Place 508-326-5457

  • Joseph Hammer

    01/11/2021 05:28 AM

    IMPEACH: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer

  • William Goldsby

    01/11/2021 05:05 AM


    For some reason I believe that you and I read the same American History and World History Books to see how this is going to play our. We weren't playing with our Non-gender Specific toys, we were learning the Truth about the World and we weren't letting Google, Yahoo and Bing hide the truth from us. We dug deeper than the first 5 hits. It is time for our Government to step in and set rules about News Reporting and Entertainment. Also, with Search Engines, they need to tag their results as Fact or Misinformation by Mass Media! So that the Truth will be known.

    We also need to require School Textbooks to be written exactly as History occurred and no sugar coating it or politically correctness being added. It is time we toughen these kids back up for the real world, their parents sure haven't been.

    As for what happened in Washington, DC, I am Sorry, that was a total Media Diabolical, sponsored by none other than George Soros, Hillary Cllinton, Antifa, BLM and the Proud Boys, They got why out of hand, no one was supposed to die, but as usual with those idiots, it happened. The whole act was put on by the Liberals to disgrace President Trump, to force the hand of VP Mike Pence to not Challenge the Election and to try and get him to call on the 25th Amendment against President Trump, so he would be disqualified from running in the 2024 Election. They are also looking for criminal charges against the President for these actions.One thing, I believe they have failed to overlook, is that He is Still the Commander in Chief of all Military Branches of the United States of America. That includes the National Guardsman of New Jersey who have just been assigned to guard the Inauguration Party on January 20th. It makes me wonder with the comments of the New Jersey NG Commander how affected they are going to be or if they are going to swoop the entire group up for Treasonous Crimes against the

    If you closely look at the media's coverage of the Barricade attacks, those are totally fake, I have worked Barricade Lines before and had crowds attempt to crash the. When they do, you're not standing there trying to hold the fence up, you're moving into a different defensice tactic move to protect the property you are there to protect. Those Officers wee taking the fences down to allow the crowds access to the Capitol. someone up the chain gave thie an order to do that. Then a shot ABC, CBS< CNN and NBC all Claimed that the crowds were moving towards the Senate Chambers and away from the Congressional Chambers. Only problem was, they weren't doing that, they were leaving Statuary Hall all together and heading back into the Rotunda and stairwells. But I am guessing the news reporters telling us that have never been in the US Capitol before that dayl Too bad HE LIED TO THE NATION, However. I strongly believe that a Trump will challenge AOC for her seat in the upcoming Midterm Election and if One is Smart they will move into Diane Feinstein's or Kamala Harris' District and Challenge Feinstein or Alex Padilla for their seats . I for one would definitely back a Trump in California , Heck, Erick Trump, Jr. sounds great to me for California Governor right about now, with Rudi Giuliani as State Attorney General.

  • Barbie LeBrun

    01/11/2021 04:13 AM

    Take the comment about Trump's language having anything to do with the Capitol building event off. That is your own false statement. Stop adding to falsity. Trump had nothing to do with the mob who entered into the building.
    I had friends in DC that day. Not one of them chose to follow the mob or the people instigating it. It was a personal choice. Take it off and apologize.

  • Douglas Noel

    01/11/2021 02:09 AM

    Me, again. I read today an article in which Pelosi vented proclaiming that Republicans/Americans have to get over their "whiteness" and that this was the basis of the reprehensible behavior on January 6 in DC. I am fed up with racism. It is not "whiteness" or "blackness" or anything else due to color. As I tell my middle school students, "Below the skin we are all the same. We need to be respectful of each other." As i remember it, we were making great strides in America in getting over the color issue up until Obama focused on boosting the Black ego. Although he did not as I recall, it did provide fodder for Black pastors to preach segregation and Black superiority or at least dominant separation. Based upon what their pastor had said my students were coming into the classroom excusing their bad behavior because they didn't have to adhere to "white man's rules"; the rules were inapplicable to them.

    Although Pelosi is referring to attitudinal "whiteness" the very fact that she phrased it thusly is indicative of racism and improper. Has she looked into the mirror lately? Without question, Pelosi will say or do anything that advances her opinion or herself or anything else. It is clear she does not have the country foremost in mind, she has Pelosi as the primary concern. She could do well to listen to some of the lyrics of Michael Jackson, especially the song of "The Man in the Mirror" and the other where he indicates "I'm not going to spend my life being a color. Way before him, Jimi Hendrix said the same thing.

    Until we get over this color nonsense, nothing is going to change and we certainly can't look to self-centered self-serving politicians as leaders of necessitated change.

  • Rose Howell

    01/11/2021 02:06 AM

    Hi Mike,
    You say you will continue to vote. Why? We have just had an election stolen from us. Biden did NOT win. If you think he did, then you are very wrong. You just don't let that go without a fight. Are you kidding. A rigged election. An obvious fraud election. It is TREASON Mike. Why aren't you saying so?

    No, 75 million will not carry on as if nothing happened. "Nothing to see here" does not cut it Mike.

    I think that Trump is way ahead of us. I think he is working with our military, the military that he rebuilt from what Barry left us. Do you recall that Barry Soetero "retired" 200 generals? Maybe Trump hired them all back. How do we know?
    Biden will never be the President of our Nation. Just as Barry Soetero was never our President. They are both frauds.

    I will be very surprised if Donald does not point that out to the Nation and soon. What does you daughter think about all this? She knows Trump better than we do.
    I am hearing that he is holding four Aces in his hand and deciding which one to play.
    The fat lady has not yet sung.

    Rose Howell

  • Douglas Noel

    01/11/2021 01:47 AM

    Thank you so much for this explication. I agree with you wholeheartedly and have expressed these views to those that will listen. I have also continued to recommend your newsletter and the purchase of a subscription to The Epoch Times. I have also joined MeWe and Parler. Thanks, again. God bless.

  • Sarah

    01/11/2021 01:44 AM

    Mike Huckabee,

    I'm not sure that you actually understand what the issue that has come to light is or you don't want to understand it. It's not the rioting the other day that is being compared to 1776. The problem making people say we need our country back would be the same if that hadn't happened, however, that incident has caused many things to be revealed. The cheating in the election was more than obvious, judges choose not to hear it, state governments were ignoring orders and getting away with it, etc. The cheating is on video for everyone to see and it could be watched live. How are electoral votes legal and valid when they represent dead people, votes that have been switched, etc? The problem is no one is willing to do anything about it, they want to ignore it or tell you not to believe your eyes or accept outrageous narratives that aren't true. Those house members and senators didn't just decide not to object because of the few people rioting, that was planned and is a smokescreen. You don't decide on something as big as a presidency based on that. If that's the case, with all of the rioting this summer and the open encouragement by the Dems why do they want Biden and Kamala in so bad? Trump is hated by many of his governmental peers and the media because he is not in bed with, owned and controlled by the deep state like the Dems and mainstream and so called conservative republicans who pretend they are on the side of the people and are really looking for financial reward and status. They don't want people in the government who will cause average people to benefit and prosper. He is the only one like that in the government in many, many decades. He is strong, tells it like it is, and does what he says he is going to do. He is also honest about what the issues are and what needs to be done to fix them. He has grit and toughness, that's why he wins. His popularity and success shouldn't be a mystery unless you are completely out of touch which most in the government and media are. A lot of Republicans pretended to support him until now because he is popular enough they knew it would hurt their career in regards to the support from average people if they didn't. They put money, their own career and status over the people and what is right. In regards to honest elections, with what the Dems did and them controlling everything, do you really believe they won't continue cheating after getting away with it or they would fix the problem? In GA they were openly encouraging people to move there to vote, changing laws, reports of incidences like the presidential election. All without consequence. The Republicans there didn't lose because of something Donald Trump said. It's a situation completely out of control. The US government is made to be by the people, for the people. With marxism in place and them getting away with cheating, it is no longer, it changes America from the principal's it was founded on and how God intends to use it. Read and compare the Communist Manifesto (not much different than the Dems current platform) and Rules for Radicals to the Federalist Papers, the Constitution, etc. The differences in morality are huge. Part of Communism is abolishing religion. Is it morally correct to let communism be implemented in God's country? The ideology that caused over 100 million deaths and enslaved people? Is God's law less important than the law of power hungry men? Should we worship God, our creator, or the government? What is it when you do that? What is it when the government is as corrupt as it is now and blatantly doesn't follow laws and the constitution and won't listen to the people? What with the sudden extreme censorship? The right to life and liberty are not given by government, they are given by God. America is out of touch with it's biblical roots, people don't know where they came from anymore or what America's destiny is about and they don't actually read history or founding documents or the bible. That's another big reason why the corruption goes continually.

  • Lorraine Gray

    01/11/2021 01:41 AM

    The work of the left is what I saw. I am an inactive democrat but I understand a lot if their tactics. I won't go so far to say that certain political people set this up BUT I wouldn't put it past them. We already know what they do after the Russian hoax and to have their groups they supported all summer infiltrate the protest to turn the tables on the spineless Republicans is just what they would do. People say that it is proven false but consider the media and FBI and other agencies and their previous actions and I dont believe a word of it. I think some Trump supporters were caught up in it but mostly by going in out of curiosity. One report said they were staying in the ropes walk areas. Thank you for condemning what happened. It was very wrong and it played into the left's hands but that is exactly what the left wanted. They did not want each state to have one vote in the house. I hate seeing people on both sides condemn the Trump supporters when the blame is probably on the left's hands. The blood also. I wish we could have a fair investigation of it but you know that will never happen. Just dont get caught up in judging who are the real culprits. It may be the Trump supporters but with our police agencies we will never know the truth---DONT LAY IT ON TRUMP.

  • Tina Begue

    01/11/2021 01:11 AM

    I think the Boston "Tea Party" was pretty messy and not thought out rationally for many of the participants. We still hold it in high regard and even named a patriotic movement after it.

    I agree with so many things you say, but I can't possibly agree that President Trump lost us those Senate seats. But I do know it's comforting to blame others when things don't go our way.

  • Sue Lapinski

    01/11/2021 12:44 AM

    Have you heard President Trump comment on the chants “Hang Mike Pence?” I’m deeply troubled by the silence there seems to be from Trump toward his VP. What kind of people are these who shouted something so horrible? I hope that you have denounced this, Mike Huckabee.

  • Martha W Shuping

    01/11/2021 12:36 AM

    "his language about the election being stolen probably cost us 2 Senate seats in Georgia." I think not. I know the head of Valor America which is a PAC that creates ads to help pro-life candidates. Joe Arlinghaus, President and Founder, sent his assistant Phil Carpaso to Atlanta where he served as an observer during the Senate election and ballot counting. The photos that Phil took were included in an email but are not posted at the website, so I don't have a way to show you - but Republican observers were placed behind a barrier at a great distance from where ballots were being counted where it would not have been possible to observe. However, Phil apparently was able to place himself for some time at a place where he could see - and says "I watched one person tabulate for an hour hundreds of military ballots. In that hour, not one vote was cast for the GOP. Not one." He believes that incorrect data was entered, and it does improbably that out of all those military ballots NONE were for Republicans?

    Then, "At midnight, we were told that counting was finished but then when the vote tallies were announced and Purdue was ahead, it was announced that they found 4000 new ballots. When I asked the counting supervisor how long it will take he said 3 hours, know that they had the capacity to count 8k an hour. I think this was done to wear out the GOP staff. Both parties were allowed 2 staff to observe but the AFL CIO attorneys were given open access to the counting and were in the bullpen all night unescorted. We were escorted constantly."

    All of the above still does not give info on the actual counting machines - but I previously have seen a video of testimony before the Georgia legislature showing what appeared to indicate fraud. If it was fraud before, it seems likely it was fraud again. IF there was fraud in the first place which appears to be the case, if it was possible to do it in November, why would it be different now, and why would you not first think of that rather than blaming Trump for talking about fraud? Trump was not the one telling people not to vote, though I had of course heard that some were saying Republicans should not bother to vote because of the fraud - not a sensible thing to have said, though if one party is able to prevail in an election by fraud, with no consequences, it would seem they may be free to do the same repeatedly. I hope eventually there will be a full investigation, though with Democrats happily in full charge of both Houses of Congress and the Executive Branch, and with the courts seemingly uninterested in what has just occurred in November - I would think that the same party can continue winning for the next century, similar to the happy circumstances of President Chavez in Venezuela who never lost an election after he got Dominion voting systems in place. Happy for him anyway, not for most of his country. Interesting to see how quickly almost all Republicans are throwing President Trump under the bus and blaming him, as well "Trump supporters."

  • Pedro Tandoc Jr

    01/11/2021 12:28 AM

    I disagree with your statement - "But to be fair and honest, his language about the election being stolen probably cost us 2 Senate seats in Georgia and gave some people the false sense that it was justifiable to storm past police barricades and take over the Capitol." I have not seen or heard that his language caused us the loss of the two Senate seats in Georgia. I believe that it was nothing that he did that lost the seats. It was stolen just like the November elections was stolen from Donald J Trump. Dominion machines were still used. There were drop boxes. Millions of unsolicited absentee ballots were mailed out. Watchers were not allowed to do their jobs. It was not of the scale as in November, but it was enough and at Democrat counties that made the difference. And Donald J Trump was campaigning for the Republican candidates, who, by the way, became turncoats and rewarded him by opposing him. Also, nothing that he said encouraged or caused the attack on the Capitol. I believe that this was a preplanned attack orchestrated by Pelosi, Schumer and their billionaire financiers. They sent their war dogs from ANTIFA and BLM to "shake things up". Even some of the Capitol Police who let the rioters enter the barricade were complicit to the plot. Examine the evidence, Governor.

  • Susan Tully

    01/11/2021 12:18 AM

    Nothing was done to correct the fraudulent voting system in Georgia. For all you know, those two senate seats were stolen as well. If the president hadn’t called out the fraud in his stolen election, none of his supporters would have shown up to vote at all. You also need to be VERY CAREFUL in how you talk about what happened at the Capitol. Were you there? It was a disorganized MESS. What were the people who were let in by the Capitol police supposed to think as they quietly walked through looking surprised that they were let in. There were no announcements, no information shared with the crowd. I was moving my car when things went bad. When I came back, there were people all over the decking upstairs. I walked up there myself and saw the line of riot police. It was largely peaceful, then with no announcement or request to leave, multiple canisters of tear gas and other chemical agents were released with police suddenly pushing and corraling us with no place to go. Their leadership or lack thereof bears a significant amount of responsibility for the entire mess. And what actually happened to the other three demonstrators who died? Nobody is talking about that. Did they have pre-existing conditions and couldn’t handle being gased? Why are those deaths being lumped in as people dying from being part of the demonstrators??

  • Paul Budney

    01/10/2021 11:59 PM

    Truth. Well said. Thank you.

  • Gary Stilwell

    01/10/2021 11:58 PM

    Mr. Huckabee, thank you for some calming comments---you don't really id the the issue here. There were quite a few individuals in this "riot" (which I dissagree it was indeed that) that were also arrested/charged in the Portland and Utah 'riots'--even cnn interviewed one of them(sullivan) and never revealed he was an instigator of those "peaceful demonstrations" that burned down buildings(the very ones that the demonstrators were rioting about) -. No talk of the hypocrisy of our elected officials during the various dem State lockdowns--no retributions for good ole maxine when she demanded in-your-face violence to every conservative, pelosi gets a free ride in all her hipocrisy-so does schiff--so does nadler(the "tweedle dum" of the world), so does comey-, and schummer-----on and on and on-seems like they can't take their own medicine, you know?
    This election was a fraud--there is too much evidence--and the justice system is truly broken when video,verbatim documentation is presented and is rejected--even now we have admission by dominion execs that the system was intentionally corrupted(witness the Italian court transcripts just released)----
    And a murder by some worthless POS of an unarmed woman draped in a US flg with DC police all around her--
    And the videos of DC police "removing barriers" so the protesters can enter????--this is not a photoshopped picture--it is a video--just as the murder was.--this whole episode stinks of 3 day old fish--it was planned--and NOT by the conservatives(or trump)

  • Gail Harrison

    01/10/2021 11:51 PM

    Perhaps your analysis of the events was published before it became known that Antifa and BLM were involved in the mayhem.

    Another idea. I would like to see all Americans who disagree with a second stupid impeachment form a massive letter writing or emailing campaign to the democrats, specifically Pelosi. I think most of don't want another ridiculous impeachment.

  • marshall peterson

    01/10/2021 11:37 PM

    Governor Huckabee,
    Please receive this from a nobody, but one who truly enjoys your newsletters!
    I ve agreed with 97% of your newsletters. But, (you can tell whats comin'), I cant help but say, It ooks like you "shot from the hip," blaming the President and his followers for Wed. I ve heard enough Dem diatribes to know their fake outrage is misplaced as usual.
    What they accuse us of is, ... (fill in the blank). 58 times their brown shirts incited looting, rioting, the burning of cities and businesses. It will take years to restore these cities, while victims are hospitalized or worse, then, go on welfare rolls.
    Frankly, I expected more from you, Sir. At least wait for some preliminary examination, now that we KNOW BLM and other radicals spearheaded the raid. Yes, some supporters joined in. Yes, some exercised unwise judgment. (I dont understand why such faulty, unprofessional planning for this huge crowd took place. Either it happened as planned or resulted from stupidity! (You know his rallies are renown for peacefulness). A security expert, Anthony Schaeffer, familiar with Capital Hill said, This is a very secure bldg and certainly this was an anomaly! Why couldnt they protect the second most secure bldg in the nation? The timing and aggression alone points to a planned orchestration with weapons carried in. (Stupidity could be behind some of this, but not all of it. There were officers right behind the woman killed, in the line of fire!
    I ve run out of fire, Governor, but looking forward to your dau. running for Governor!
    Marshall Peterson

  • Mary Lunn

    01/10/2021 11:16 PM

    I am very disappointed in you. There was fraud and corruption in the November election. I don’t need for you to tell me that there wasn’t. I spent several days listening to people who signed affidavits of the things they saw and experienced. Nothing was done about it at the local level, nothing was done about it at the federal level, nothing was done about it at the judicial level, nothing was done about it at the Supreme Court level, or the FBI level. I am disgusted that people can cheat and get away with it and nothing is done about it and people dis the president for trying to get to the bottom of it. No one talks about the BLM and Antifa that were at the break in at the capital. All they want to do is blame the Trump supporters. Yes, I am very disappointed in you Pastor.

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