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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

January 14, 2021

Wednesday, to nobody’s surprise, the House voted to impeach President Trump a second time, on grounds that he incited the violent protesters who stormed the Capitol. They were in such a rush to impeach him before he leaves office that they didn’t take time for the standard legal procedure of presenting evidence and letting him defend himself.

The vote was 232-197, with 10 Republicans joining the Democrats against Trump.

One Republican, Rep. Liz Cheney, was particularly outspoken, declaring, "The president of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing."

However, the FBI later announced that they had picked up evidence of plans for violence at the Capitol as early as January 5, the day before the attack, and they suspect some of the participants left the Trump rally early to pick up supplies and meet at the Capitol.


If so, that would mean that Trump’s speech, while it might have been irresponsible, did not incite the Capitol rioters, who planned their attack in advance and left before his speech to launch it.

This could mark the second time the Democrats rushed to judgement to impeach Trump, only to have their efforts collapse once they left the hyper-partisan House because they substituted partisan anger for solid legal evidence. This article explains how a Senate trial might not even happen.

Joe Biden seems to have cold feet about continuing this impeachment trial in the Senate, at least judging by his statement yesterday reminding Senators of “other urgent business” and his suggestion that they split their time between that and other things.

The fact is that by pulling this final rebuke of Trump, the House may have undercut Biden by handing the Senate a divisive, time-wasting responsibility (a trial to remove a President who’s already left office) just as Biden will be coming into office and wanting to fast-track his agenda. Mostly because they hope to ban Trump from running again, which it's doubtful the Senate has the power to do. It also tells us that for all their vilification of Trump, they still fear he might beat them in 2024.

Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats seem to think that they have put a real super-duper stain on Trump by impeaching him twice, but more so, they’ve stained themselves as rabid partisans and permanently devalued impeachment. Being “double-impeached” without proper procedure of evidence as he’s leaving office anyway is as hollow as Dean Wormer warning the frat boys in “Animal House” that they’re on “Double Secret Probation.”

Impeachment of a President is the most drastic of all remedies for the most serious of offenses. It’s a grave Constitutional crisis that should be undertaken with the utmost seriousness. By talking about impeaching Trump from the moment he was elected, then impeaching him over a phone call and having the Senate throw it out -- and then impeaching him again when he’s leaving office over a riot incitement charge that not only wouldn’t pass legal muster, but if it did, the people accusing him of it would be as guilty as he is -- they’ve reduced that most solemn of last-resort responsibilities to a nakedly partisan political ploy.

Want proof? A Georgia Republican Representative announced that she plans to introduce impeachment articles against Joe Biden the day after he takes office, over corruption related to China and Ukraine.

Of course, it won’t go anywhere in a Democrat House. But as satisfying as it might be for Republicans who’ve had to put up with Trump being attacked from day one – and now accused of attempting a coup by the same people who enabled the Russian Collusion attempted coup, and of inciting violent rioters by people who’ve spent the past year defending violent rioters – do we really want a banana republic-style nation where impeachment is just a meaningless political weapon that every President can expect to get hurled at him by the other party, like a mudball?



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Comments 51-75 of 196

  • Michael Schwalen

    01/14/2021 05:37 PM

    It is my hope that Non President Elect Biden and Kamala Harris will be impeached. After all, they made worse statements than President Trump and they actually committed crimes, something president Trump did not do.

  • Marilyn Galvlin

    01/14/2021 05:28 PM

    This is an abuse of power when the FACTS or WITNESSES were not even present! It took you all 2 days to rush through this when you could have passed something to help the American people. This is pure revenge political hatred!

  • Susanne Heron

    01/14/2021 05:23 PM

    Dear Mike: I love your newsletter. Having said that, I have to comment that we as a nation have allowed the far fringes of our political parties way too much press and leeway. I believe that most Americans are nowhere near far right or far left in their beliefs. How about a new political party, for those of us who want logical government that actually works for we, the people? I believe that most of us are shocked beyond belief at the recent exposure of extreme actions on the part of social media, the news media, and most of all, our anti-rule of law "lawmakers" who seem incapable of logical thought or constructive action. Our Congress is a gosh-awful mess and have proven totally unworthy of their positions. I've watched them for many years, deteriorate into a body convinced of their royalty and of our status as sheep. Our constitution was set up to prevent too much power to any branch but they've found a way. I firmly believe that the voting system has been irretrievably compromised, and the sheer fact that our legal system did not step up to determine the true situation and causes, scares me to death. Without due process, on just this one question, we are truly doomed.

  • Sue Collins

    01/14/2021 05:10 PM

    Glad to read your articles. We are in a heap of trouble.

  • Walt Miller

    01/14/2021 05:05 PM

    People hate President Trump so much that they are willing to destroy the U.S.A. to get him out of office. Biden will not be the President because he can not remember what day it is or where he is most of the time. Kamala Harris can not be President because she is not smart enough to do the job of President. All Harris wants is the title of first woman President.

  • ken moore

    01/14/2021 05:05 PM

    fbi knew od a problem brewing a day before trumps speech that was patriotic not inflammatory unless you have a stupid democratic brain cell
    what is media and democrats going to do in 2 wks with no trump in office cry bigger

  • Robert Wellston

    01/14/2021 04:58 PM

    I would remind the Democrats what McConnell told Harry Reid when he changed the Senate Rules to eliminate the filibuster on Judicial Nominations. He warned Harry that it would come back and bite the Democrats and low and behold it did. Trivializing impeachment as the Democrats have done will come back and bit them in the ass.

  • Dorice Ramsey

    01/14/2021 04:42 PM

    Video circulating showing it WAS Antifa who entered White House, police letting them in, and Patriots who were shouting NO Antifa, STOP and prevented some of them from causing damage plus one Antifa member verbally admitting it was them on social website.

  • Betsy Weathers

    01/14/2021 04:32 PM

    What a joke. He did nothing to incite anything. Our government is so corrupt it makes me sick. This is totally unfaif.

  • Barbara Moreland

    01/14/2021 04:31 PM

    No but it won’t hurt to harass the demonrats like they have done to us. We need to peacefully and legally let them know we the people are well and alive.

  • Susan Scott

    01/14/2021 04:31 PM

    Is it possible that this is what the democrats want all along? If Biden is impeached, that leaves Harris as President. Scary thought

  • Jim Simpson

    01/14/2021 04:29 PM

    Rhoda - because every one is to busy Tweeting, Facebooking etc. STOP this or loose your freedom. Get off these platforms. I got to get off Google and Yahoo asap. No more. Reason #2 some of us Americans are just as Forest Gump said, "stupid is as stupid does sir." Reason #3 we have no justice dept. "God forgive them for they no not what they do." As stated above so eloquently " you can not impeach GOD.

  • William D Mizell Jr

    01/14/2021 04:19 PM

    Reverend it seems that very few members of Congress on the Republican side support we the people or our President. The lie that there was no widespread election fraud by those in the Fake News Media is based on the cases brought being thrown out with no evidence of fraud allowed to be presented. Which is a violation of law. To arbitrarily dismiss a case without allowing evidence to be presented is against the whole judicial system created by our founders. No one should have the power to dismiss a court case without evidence being presented. The failure of our Representatives in Congress to act shows that they have little respect for the rule of law & none for the people they represent. Our founders would’ve stormed the Capitol Building, if one existed at the time. Remember the revolutionary war started when British tried to confiscate arms. What do you think we will do when they come for ours? Do you think we will just relinquish them & lay down? Ain’t gonna happen. They have done their best to silence us by trying to kill Parler. This may back fire on them. We the people will have our day & it may look like the capitalol being invaded but tell me Slartibartfast is it not our house to begin with? Do we not have the right to enter it & make our voices heard when we have been silenced by the media & big tech? At one time we drug politicians out of office liberally applying tar & feathers & ran them out of town on rails. This isn’t wrong or violent. It is what happens to politicians who fail to represent their constituents. It is our history & our way of dealing with the corruption which is Congress. They have made enough laws to last 2 lifetimes. Time to end the Congressional tyranny of the American people. Revolution, you ain’t seen a revolution. Oh BTW John Lennon & the Beatles are the worst thing to ever happen to America. You love of them is suspect in many ways. How can you support anyone who hates God the way Lennon did & praises socialist dictators? It is moronic & unchristian to support the evil that was the Beatles. Just sayin. Remember We The People support President Donald J. Trump. We will not support those that attack him or do not stand with him.
    The Big Republicat

  • Tamera Tivis

    01/14/2021 04:17 PM

    This has been unusually difficult to watch. I believe I speak for many when I say that President Trump has done more to bring back The importance of God, Flag, Anthem and Country than anyone before him. He is and always will be My President!

  • Denise Mercer

    01/14/2021 04:09 PM

    How was President Trump to know there would be loons in the crowd? All of his previous rallys and gatherings had no violence. I really think he loves our country and would never do anything to damage it. Unfair to blame him for all of this. Congress should be impeached for their actions and comments for the last 4 years.

  • Dana maynor

    01/14/2021 04:06 PM

    All republicans and patriots need to turn off tv on 20th and also boycott the big companies that are plotting against us as much as they can. It’s hard but I’m going to watch gunsmoke and knit .

  • Roger Shofkom

    01/14/2021 04:05 PM

    The Democrats have comspired to commit a coup for the last four years. Some of them need to be rounded up and charged with treason. It appears our Justice Department has become like the major media - IRRELEVENT as they can not act and support our Constitution.

  • Marjorie Forrest

    01/14/2021 04:02 PM

    We (Christians) must start standing up for what is right, even if we are the only ones standing.
    Edwin Lutzer has written a great book, "We will not be Silenced," and David Fiorazo has written
    "The Cost of our Silence." Both are excellent.

  • Theresa Millender

    01/14/2021 04:01 PM

    As a Conservative Republican, I of course do not condone any violence. However, I do support the president. Republicans that turned their backs on him for a few trouble makers vs. 74 million supporters is beyond my understanding. Also, it is obvious there were BLM and Antifa rebble rousers there to stir up trouble. I believe the #Italydidit, and listened to the recorded telephone call about it BEFORE January 6!

  • M. Bennett

    01/14/2021 04:00 PM

    Hope the Biden impeachment for graft from China gets at very least noted in some record. This seems to be the most concerning issue all the smoke and mirrors can't waft away.

  • Rafael A SaLaz

    01/14/2021 03:59 PM

    Write an article for the whole nation read. Since the justice system closed the door on Trumps grievances to be heard in the courts . The media and the justice system said it was all lies and were not interested . The American people never got a chance to hear these for the selfs . This whole agenda is a communist style law . But everything the Democrats what to say and tell and do . The media the courts and the law is ready to promote the grievances for the Democrats no questions asked . Get this message out .

  • Sidney Patin

    01/14/2021 03:58 PM

    What a monumental waste of time and money to impeach the president when he just has a few days left in office and when there is no way to try the impeachment bill in the senate before he leaves office. That was just political BS and served no purpose other than to inflame the Democrat base and cause more diviseness in the country. And Liz Cheney is a jerk for voting against Trump. I think she just can't get over the fact that her father was a RINO (like Liz Cheney) and a disappointment to the country.

  • Sharon Gray

    01/14/2021 03:58 PM

    All the corruption that the American people has witnessed and no consequences for the Democrats, and the Republicans that turned their backs on our President,
    Republicans will not be voted back into office, we have seen enough of our country defaced! We are heading to communism! And know one has tried to stop this!

  • Steven Lechtenberg

    01/14/2021 03:55 PM

    Governor, our whole goverment has already turned into a banana republic. What do you think has happened over the last 4 years. The rigged election, and it was rigged, is a prime example for the whole world to see. Our 2 political parties are the biggest joke in the world. Neither side governs for the people. They only invoke the constitution when it serves their purpose. Because we no longer have a Constitutional republic, we have. Political monarchy our elected royalty does what they want and us loyal patriotic citizens are forced to except it. One party rule is called S-O-C-I-A-L-I-S-M. With the country so divided now and big business and big tech calling the shots, what is left for us conservatives?? The clock is ticking and we are running out of options in this socialist dominated country

  • Sally Driscoll

    01/14/2021 03:54 PM

    The final phrase of the article serms to indicate that impeachment (and the accompanying compilation of evidence) should not occur even when it is well warranted. It is well warranted in the case of a certain someone who is about to take high office. This final phrase negates what is true and positive in the article.

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