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August 16, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - John 11:25-26
  • Sorting The Numbers
  • Evil Triumphs
  • History Made
  • Wrong Side Of Issues
  • Pelosi, The Taliban And Social Media


Mike Huckabee


25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:

26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?

John 11:25-26

Sorting The Numbers

By Mike Huckabee

The media are upset again at Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for making it harder to mislead people about COVID death rates.

The state was reporting COVID deaths on the day they were reported to the state, which means that the combined weekend numbers looked like a surge. DeSantis ordered that deaths be reported on the day they occurred, to give a more accurate picture. This flattened out the surges and made it harder to blame DeSantis for them. There are also moves to separate patients who died of COVID from those who died of other things but just happened to be COVID-positive, which has caused large downward revisions in the numbers of previously-reported COVID deaths.

It's telling about how much this disease has been politicized when media outlets are angry that the data they’re getting about it is becoming more accurate.

Evil Triumphs

By Mike Huckabee

The horrific military and humanitarian disaster in Afghanistan is unfolding so rapidly that by the time you read this, it’s likely the situation will already have greatly changed. Simply having to write about it is one of the most difficult things I’ve had to do since getting into the media.

It sickens me to think of the magnitude of this disaster: the swift triumph of evil and the Taliban’s humiliating mocking of America as they seize our advanced weapons and vow to spread radical Islam worldwide from the Presidential palace on the eve of the anniversary of 9/11 (yes, the Taliban was speaking to the press while President Biden was hiding out)…

…the pain that our soldiers who sacrificed so much to help the Afghan people must be feeling as they watch everything they fought for unravel within days; and most of all, the terror of the people of Afghanistan, especially those who helped and trusted us, abandoned to face the wrath of pitiless conquerors. Some were so desperate to escape, they tried to cling to the sides and landing gear of an American plane taking off from the Kabul airport. There were reports that at least three fell to their deaths.

And of course, as the Taliban took control of Kabul, one of their first orders of business was to release imprisoned al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorists so they could go back to killing and enslaving innocent people.

Afghanistan’s first female ambassador Roya Rahmani tried to reassure American soldiers that their sacrifices were not in vain. She told Fox News, “You made a huge difference…in lives of people you haven’t met and will never meet," reminding them that Afghan girls were once banned from going to school or leaving the house without a male escort. Sadly, I fear that will happen again.

She also noted that 70% of the population is under 30 and has only known life under the protection of the US forces. That makes it even more tragic to think what might happen to them with the return of the brutal Taliban. It should send a chilling lesson to every over-privileged, Ivy League, America-hating socialist that if you tear down this country and its institutions that give you a level of freedom unprecedented in the history of the world, you may be shocked at how swiftly things can change for the worse. If you think you're "oppressed" in America, try Afghanistan under the Taliban. We already have China and Russia as threats, and now it appears we’re about to have a newly-empowered Taliban armed with our weapons. Do you still think Trump voters and the weather are our biggest worries?

History Made

By Mike Huckabee

Meanwhile, the Biden Administration now has a humiliating, tragic, international disaster on its watch that will go down in history (if we still have any honest historians) alongside the Bay of Pigs, the fall of Saigon and the siege in Benghazi. If any book is written about Biden’s handling of this latest and most tragic of his string of disasters, it could easily be named “Profiles in Fecklessness.” Biden has ordered 5,000 US troops in to help evacuate people, and there are reports of attacks by US bombers, but not on the Taliban. They're blowing up our own military planes and other weapons that the Afghan forces abandoned before the Taliban can seize them.

Biden was on vacation at Camp David when Afghanistan began to fall apart, and his silence was deafening (even his spokesperson, Jen Psaki, is gone for the week.) Filling the void were replays of his now-notorious July 8th press conference in which he assured us his Afghanistan pullout would be orderly and it was unlikely the Taliban would come back. Other high Administration officials also assured us that a Taliban takeover could be repelled because it wasn’t the type of thing that could happen between a Frida and a Monday --- which is precisely what happened.

Biden is facing heavy criticism from across the political spectrum in the US and internationally.

Former President Trump called on Biden “to resign in disgrace for what he has allowed to happen to Afghanistan, along with the tremendous surge in COVID, the Border catastrophe, the destruction of energy independence, and our crippled economy.” There have also been calls for the resignations of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley for bungling Afghanistan while focusing on wokeness in the military, Trump’s nonexistent “coup” plot and Tucker Carlson. Meanwhile, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was reduced to imploring the Taliban to act civilized, which is like begging a charging rhinoceros to behave itself and not trample you.

In return, Biden tried to blame Trump for sticking him with the Afghanistan pullout decision, which I guess was the only Trump policy he thought was not reversible.

But while it would be easy and politically expedient (and not unfair) to blame Biden for this catastrophe, the truth is that the real failure here is of our “intelligence” agencies and the current military leadership. Trump also planned to remove troops from Afghanistan, and his plans also relied on the “intelligence” he was receiving about the relative strength of the Taliban (although I assume that unlike Biden, he would have paid attention to military leaders who’d actually been there.)

Those agencies were completely blindsided by the Taliban’s swift advance and by news that they already had shadow governments set up in various cities and were paying off officials to surrender. Any President’s decisions are only as sound as the “intelligence” he’s given, and both Trump and Biden were assured that the Afghan government was strong enough to hold and any assault would take months and could be repelled. They were devastatingly wrong on every count, and a lot of people should lose their jobs over it, not that anyone is ever held to account anymore.

Biden’s not responsible for the failure of intelligence, but he is responsible for being caught flatfooted and freezing when things began to spiral out of control.

Countless lives will be lost and innocent people tortured, raped and enslaved, and other nations will hesitate to trust us again, because our CIA and top military brass failed miserably. Maybe they were too preoccupied with trying to frame the last President and his associates, or focusing on the “real” threat to America (white supremacists), and couldn’t be bothered to notice what was happening in Afghanistan. In a better world, they’d be going to prison, but let’s hope and pray that the next Republican President – in 2024 – will at the very least issue a blizzard of pink slips to the FBI, CIA, NSA and Pentagon, and have these deadly incompetents and useless political operatives forcibly escorted off the premises.

Wrong Side Of Issues

By Mike Huckabee

Richard Fernandez at PJ Media has some worrying comments about President Biden’s long history of being on the wrong side of issues, his inability to anticipate the disasters now engulfing him (and us), and his incapacity for coming up with any solutions.

Pelosi, The Taliban And Social Media

By Mike Huckabee

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been taking lessons from Facebook and Twitter: When Republicans ask uncomfortable questions about tragic Democrat failures, don’t answer, just silence them:

And on that subject, while former President Trump is still banned from Twitter for allegedly “inciting insurrection,” guess who’s tweeting away, uncensored. That’s right: the spokesman for the Taliban.

Note to Jack Dorsey and his Twitter minions: Afghanistan is what a real violent insurrection looks like.

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Comments 21-30 of 32

  • George W. Trever

    08/17/2021 06:56 AM

    The Taliban is now at a cross-roads. Either there will be mass killings in order to return to the tribal 14th century, or there will be a fundamental change to the Taliban. Perhaps American influence will trump the evil when there is no one left to fight.

  • JC Holland

    08/17/2021 06:51 AM

    Why is the VFW, AL, WW, and countless other military veteran groups not speaking out to the media about the incredible failures of Milley and Austin?

    Their silence is deafening!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Melvin G. Gamble

    08/17/2021 06:46 AM


    One thing I don't see a lot of news/discussion about is Trump's May 1 deadline to finish the drawdown vs. Biden's moving the date to August. It was pointed out by a guest on the Lars Larson radio show on Monday that Afghanistan is a highly mountainous country, with many small villages loosely connected by some very poor infrastructure - mostly dirt roads/trails. The Taliban was scattered among those remote villages and completing the drawdown by May 1 would have meant that individual Taliban groups would have had to slog through miles and miles of snow-packed mountain passes to group into anything resembling a show of force. Biden waited to start the drawdown during what's been referred to as the "summer fighting season" when travel is so much easier and allowed Taliban members to unite in a way they couldn't have under Trump's timeline. The eventual takeover by the Taliban was inevitable. The speed of that takeover and the cost to us and the Afghani people was not.

    Keep up the good work, Governor!

  • Jo Gonzalez

    08/17/2021 01:35 AM

    You speak of "Intelligence" in our current govt., surely you jest. Also, siding with your wife, the beard ages you 20 years, not attractive.

  • Anne Turner

    08/16/2021 11:42 PM

    While I often detect disgust and deep concern in your writings about what the administration is managing, this time I detect deep anger at the fecklessness of Mr. Biden and his crew. Of course, the media will just excuse Biden and somehow blame Trump. The majority of Afghan men must want the Taliban or this would not have happened. Those poor women. All Americans civilians and those who supported our troops, should have been airlifted out weeks ago. It became apparent several weeks ago that the Taliban were stronger than anticipated. I think our military leaders have suspected all along that the Afghan Army did not have the necessary heart. This is still a tribal nation with all the complex relationships inherent in that culture. They are also hampered by a religion that supports abject cruelty.

  • Terrie Ford

    08/16/2021 11:28 PM

    We should be bombing to smother ones the Afghan Presidential palace and every other location known to be occupied by Taliban.

  • Lawrence Foster

    08/16/2021 10:20 PM

    In fairness to Afghan security forces who abandoned plans and vehicles, word is out that Biden ordered that no "foreign (presumably includes US national) techs could come into Afghanistan and maintain the planes and vehicles for the Afghan security forces. We never set up any training program for mechanics, one of the key parts of a modern force. Denying maintenance techs sabotaged he Afghan forces as sure as Fat Teddy Kennedy's cut off of fuel to the Saigon forces in 1975 ended their chances of victory.

  • Steve

    08/16/2021 10:02 PM

    Mr. Huckabee,
    Supposedly just last week Biden and the DHS issued a high alert for terrorist activity from now until the end of the year. The terrorists we are to be on the look out for are.... American Christians and American Jews. The fear that we need to worry about the Taliban and ISIS and Iran and China is pure hogwash, since we already have been told to fear the Christians and Jews. I do hope you detect a freight train load of sarcasm in those statements.
    I am 74 years old and have seen quite a bit in my short lifetime including but not limited to: the Bay of Pigs, Assassination of a President, Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Assassination of a U. S. Attorney General, Flower Children (who are now leaders?), over58,000 service men and women in Viet Nam and the shameful fall of Saigon, and I survived the USMC (1967 - 1971), and now the Biden Administration.
    This is the worse administration that I have witnessed and what is happening in Afghanistan is the worse incident I have witnessed except for the Assassination of President John F Kennedy. I would like to say the worse since the birth of our Nation, but I am sure I would be wrong. I Know I am biased because this is NOW and all the others were way back then, and I am strongly biased against this administration.
    And I also believe that if there ever has been a time, at least in my lifetime, that a coop or a real "insurrection" is order it is now.
    Biden stepping down or removed for the 25th amendment, and then Kamala filling his shoes is not the answer.

  • Jerry

    08/16/2021 09:15 PM

    So with another failure attached to Biden long lists of failures how many illegals came into the country today look over to Afghanistan and all the weapons and ammunition left behind with so many successful events trump completed, Biden’s failures continues tomorrow a new failure will happen opec and Russia tells Biden to pound sand no extra oil today or tomorrow Biden’s collection of buffoons will fail something tomorrow can we wait and keep these idiots in office absolutely not

  • Jack macdonald

    08/16/2021 08:59 PM

    To put it simply, Biden is a total freaking idiot. A clueless moron who is a national security threat as great if not greater than foreign adversaries. The idiots who voted for him and those who cheated voting for him will live to regret their choice which endangers us all.

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