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We weren’t expecting Huck PAC to have to come to the rescue of 3 more races immediately following the 2024 elections, but the Democrats see this as their chance to un-do what the American People overwhelmingly voted for in November. Please support Huck PAC with a donation in the amount you can afford. Every dollar helps→ Donate - Huck PAC

June 2, 2022

The House Judiciary Committee will hold an emergency meeting today to put together a bill that will reportedly include eight new gun control measures. It includes “proposals to raise the minimum age for purchasing a semi-automatic weapon from 18 to 21, ban ‘high capacity magazines,’ establish a registry for bump stocks and more.” True to form, it’s not called the “Gun Control Omnibus Act” but the “Protect Our Kids Act.” So when you hear that term, you’ll know what it actually is.

Never let it be said that we don’t listen to all sides of an issue. Here’s an op-ed by Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut, detailing what he says are some small changes that could be made to gun laws and increasing support for mental health that could help reduce gun violence and prevent school shootings and that members of both parties could agree on.

I invite you to read what he has to say and tell us in the comments whether you would be willing to compromise on such measures, whether you think they would help, and why or why not.

For more, here’s Derek Hunter of analyzing a New York Times editorial demanding more gun control and explaining the holes in their thinking.

In his inimitable way, Kurt Schlichter explains that the problem isn’t a lack of gun laws, it’s a shortage of duty and accountability.

Finally, the uncle of one of the young victims of the Uvalde school shooting spoke out against people using their family’s name to promote more anti-gun laws. He said their own family are responsible gun owners, and they believe enhanced security at schools is a far better solution.

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  • Nancy Jo Braden

    06/05/2022 04:43 PM

    i do not think gun laws are the answer. They certainly haven't worked in Chicago! In addition, wasn't the shooter killed by a Border Patrol agent, who came to the school and took action. Gabby Giffords shooter was also killed by an armed civilian.

  • Nancy Jo Braden

    06/05/2022 04:40 PM

    I suppose we'll never know why the Police delayed in entering the classroom. It just seems unforgivable to me. After all, it is their duty to protect. In addition, it seems stupid to pay capitol police and erect 8 foot razor wire around the capitol when we can't offer ANY security ( like a single entrance and security guard) for our children.

  • Stephen Bliss

    06/05/2022 04:11 PM

    This is a nearly impossible problem to control however, doing nothing at this point is not an option.

    To me, the key is the early identification of potential shooters. To encourage more individuals and to report abnormal behavior, there would need to be changes to laws to protect these individuals (those who report) from legal liability.

    There would also need to be an infrastructure in place to make sure that those individuals who are reported can be thoroughly screened/evaluated to be sure no one slips through the cracks.

    HIPPA would also need to be modified so that mental health professionals become mandatory reporters of worrisome behaviors, again without fear of any legal liability.

    I also support raising the legal limit for purchasing ALL firearms to 21 albeit I'm not sure how much that will help.

  • Stan Jones

    06/05/2022 03:47 PM

    The Senator has some fairly reasonable ideas I could possibly get behind. But the problem is Democrats never stop at taking one or two things from you. It’s like they have a free pass to keep right on going.

  • Judi

    06/05/2022 03:40 PM

    Gun laws do not prevent anyone with criminal intent from getting a gun. Every time there is a mass shooting, the root cause (not the gun) is overlooked. Lack of enforced parental rules, structure, family time, and recognizing that kids are so confused by the media and libs.

  • larry lommel

    06/05/2022 03:40 PM

    there has been a suggestion to allow the teachers to be armed. Teachers can't even read Huckleberry Finn in class let alone use a firearm. The same fear that froze 15+ cops in the hall way listening to the rampage (lawsuit if a bystander is hit in a crossfire) would prevent their use.

  • Don W. Jackson

    06/05/2022 03:36 PM

    I don’t believe any of th proposals will change the situation. It is just a way to shift it he blame, from the President right got on down. It has to be someone else’s fault. I would like to know where the Uvalde shooter came up with funds to purchase 2 semi auto weapons and ammo on his 18th birthday. Some one is enabling these shooters. There are answers to the questions. The old saw about “if it saves one life it’s worth it” is poor reasoning. If that was true why are there automobiles,and cigarettes and liquor along with violent videos and movies or tv shows. Does it infringe on the rights of others. Or do some people have more rights than others. The constitution I read says no. What about the millions of people who own firearms and haven’t killed any body. Thank you for allowing my rant.

  • Lisa Peterson

    06/05/2022 03:04 PM

    I am not sure if my comments were received, so I will ask my question again. What will happen to 18 year old military, will they not be able to be armed until 21? How about the National Guard? Or, maybe they stay on military bases until 21, where they aren't wearing their firearm, we can expect radicals gunning them like before?
    But since they have been systematically eliminating people who will not comply to tyrannical mandates for religious and medical reasons from the military forces, perhaps my concern is mute at this point.

  • Nan Wysock

    06/05/2022 03:03 PM

    I have seen this congressman in a rant about gun control, so I am not sure that I could trust him. We all know that the Dems sneak stuff into bills that we were not told about and then the vote is called before anyone has a chance to read the bill. I cannot trust them to not do this with any bill that they really, really want passed. I would need to see more integrity for awhile before I could trust them.

  • Peg Thayer

    06/05/2022 02:59 PM

    Guns are inanimate objects. Humans that use them are the killers. We need to address the killers, not inanimate objects. While hardening schools and apparently better police training are better interim measures, the killers will still be looking to kill. Studies show that resilient children develop positive goals and healthy coping skills. There is a large body of research done on developing resilient children and yet I don’t hear anyone discussing the resulting information.

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