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December 8, 2021

CNN must’ve hated Monday even more than Garfield the cat does. The “news” network’s reputation, already covered with more mud than a Louisiana pickup truck, took several more hits on Monday.

First, newly-fired anchor Chris Cuomo threw CNN boss Jeff Zucker under the bus, claiming that Zucker was fully aware from the start of all the “help” Cuomo gave his brother Andrew. CNN issued a statement that Cuomo had made “a number of accusations that are patently false,”and “This reinforces why he was terminated for violating our standards and practices, as well as his lack of candor.”

Also, Chris Cuomo is reportedly preparing to sue CNN for the $18-$20 million remaining on his contract. A CNN insider said they have no intention of paying him, that there’s a standard morals clause in the contract allowing for immediate firing if you do anything of disrepute, and there would be an uproar if the network paid him a settlement.

Frankly, if you can’t fire someone for doing what Cuomo did, then what can you ever fire anyone for? Oh, and in a related story, Cuomo announced that he will also no longer be doing his SiriusXM Radio show, “Let’s Get After It with Chris Cuomo.”

Meanwhile, the farcical trial of actor Jussie Smollett also produced an unexpected mudball aimed at CNN.

Smollett claimed in testimony that the reason he didn’t want to turn his cell phone over to Chicago Police was that CNN anchor Don Lemon texted him that the cops didn’t believe his story. So once again, a claim that a CNN anchor was abusing his inside journalist contacts to secretly help someone the network was covering.

If that doesn’t remind you enough of Chris Cuomo, recall that the openly gay Lemon is already facing a lawsuit by a man who accused him of sexual assault and battery in a Long Island bar. The accuser called CNN “a network rife with predators and perverts,” and “a predator-protecting machine.” He said they have tried to buy him off and scare him off, but he’s looking forward to forcing Lemon to testify under oath because he wants some accountability. He said, “They are complicit. This is who they are.”

And will Lemon face any repercussions from CNN? Many are skeptical…

All this had even some CNN staffers fretting on-air that all this negative news might damage CNN’s credibility and undermine the public’s trust in CNN.

Noooo!! Say it ain’t so! The network that spent four years breathlessly pushing the Russian collusion hoax, that told us Nick Sandmann was a racist who confronted a Native American and Kyle Rittenhouse was a murderer, and that claimed Joe Rogan treated his COVID with horse medicine might have lost the public’s trust?!

Hey, CNN, I finally have some much-needed good news for you. You can’t lose what you didn’t have in the first place.

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  • Rick Emmertson

    12/12/2021 01:31 PM

    If I never hear the names, cuomo, smollett, don lemon, or cnn, I will be happy. Throw madcow maddow on the heap of $#|+ also.

  • Connie Freeman

    12/12/2021 01:15 PM

    I truly believe that this country would be better off without CNN. There are people out there that that’s all they hear, twisted or made up so called news.

  • Carolyn U Harrell

    12/12/2021 01:15 PM

    Mike--Lots of respect for the person you are--When we find our selves in difficult ,circumstances we---LEARN HOW THE WORLD REALLY IS---I GAVE TO THE SALVATION ARMY--YOU NAME IT--HELPED WHERE I COULD---My life changed--could not work due to a broken back ---Auto accident--recently divorced-----saving gone---Was starting to get around --a friend drove me to salvation army---I did not live in their parish--they could not help--no food stamp either--God brought was all I had--I called on him as never before--he came thru-- I am doing well now--I get request for donations now living out of the parish--they suck all the money they can from our parish but give no aid I have seen both sides now --I thank God for the experience to see the truth----

  • Peter Couchman I'm from Northern Ireland

    12/12/2021 01:14 PM

    I'm from Northern Ireland and a follower, your a breath of fresh air in a sometimes toxic world, God bless.

  • Dennis Powers

    12/12/2021 12:59 PM

    After the verdict was announced , I managed to view a YouTube clip of Dave Chappelle's rip of "Juicy Smoolay" the famous French, Gay , Black actor . I have recognized the Chappelle name but had never heard or watched any of his comedy . I learned he is not only very funny but also very subtle in creating his routine . I noticed that when he gets to a simulation of a veteran cop asking "Juicy" for the "facts" he channeled "Joe Friday" so well that he even knew to address a partner cop as "Frank" , straight out of "Dragnet" .

  • Janis Cross

    12/12/2021 12:39 PM

    Absolutely wonderful. No person could have said it better. I thank you Mr Huckabee

  • Nancy Verebely

    12/12/2021 12:39 PM

    CNN may just be the worst fabricators since the Weekly World News. (Bat Boy.)
    They don't even bother with half truths, it all full on garbage.
    An exemplary example of one man's trash (CNN) being another man's "treasure"
    (The ones who watch to justify their own ignorant opinions).

    MY question: who keeps throwing money down this gigantic sewer-hole to prop it up?
    Someone needs to flush that thing down.

  • Ed Thompson

    12/12/2021 12:26 PM

    I don’t watch CNN — did once a long time ago and now probably never will again . Why?? From everything I have ever heard on that entertainment show acting like a news outlet, I have no interest in hearing garbage being put forth as truth. They lost me when they started telling me stuff, telling me that I had to believe what they said, when the truth was so open and plainly visible to anyone with half a sense of intelligence. A lie is still a lie no matter how loud you say it or how long you repeat it. And so I will never watch them again. It would have to be something fantastic to even get my interest to go to watch them. And then even then I think there’s probably going to be a better choice available!

  • marilyn elsenpeter

    12/12/2021 12:24 PM

    So, Chris Wallace gonna take over for Chris Cuomo?

  • Claire Crawford

    12/12/2021 11:21 AM

    Amen and amen!!!!

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