Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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January 24, 2022

Well, that four-year vacation from American involvement in new foreign wars under Trump was nice while it lasted, wasn’t it?

Unfortunately, too many voters let the media convince them that it was important for foreign leaders to love our President, so the Mean Tweeter had to be replaced with the “moderate” lifelong politician who’s been wrong on every foreign policy issue of the previous 47 years. They failed to realize that one of the biggest omens that America is facing big trouble around the world is if our adversaries just LOOOOVE the choice we made for President.

I want our enemies to fear and respect our President, not chortle with delight at their good fortune in our choice of leaders. Right now, anyone wishing America ill is not just chortling, they’re cackling out loud and licking their chops.

In his big press conference last week, President Biden couldn’t have projected weakness more clearly if he’d borrowed the Bat Signal and emblazoned it across the sky. He’d already let the Taliban take over Afghanistan and dictate the terms of our tragic withdrawal. Iran was threatening America and Israel, and North Korea was testing hypersonic missiles, all with barely a peep from the White House.

And then, Biden stood before the entire world and admitted that he probably wouldn’t do much of anything if Russia made a “minor incursion” into Ukraine. Do you think Vladimir Putin didn’t get that “Go" signal? If Trump had sent such a message, the media would have been ablaze with “Trump is a Russian agent” headlines.

Now, we’re facing the grim consequences of having such incredible weakness in the White House. A report by UK intelligence claims that Russia is planning to invade Ukraine and install a pro-Kremlin leader, which is hardly a “minor incursion.” The White House calls it “deeply concerning,” which I’m sure has Putin quaking in his boots.


Now, as a consequence of American weakness, the winds of war are starting to blow. Biden’s advisers are reportedly suggesting that he try to clean up his mess by deploying Navy vessels and sending 3,000 to 5,000 of our troops to Eastern Europe. That is, if we have that many left after he forced out all the Trump voters, critics of his Administration, soldiers who think there are only two genders, and those who didn’t want to get vaccinated.


Meanwhile, NATO has to step up to fill the void of American leadership, so they’re sending some fighter jets and ships to Eastern Europe in hopes of deterring Russia.


But of course, Putin has a weapon he can hold over NATO that he didn’t have when Trump was in office and America was exporting oil and gas instead of begging OPEC for it. Rallying NATO might not even have been necessary had Biden not only laid out the welcome mat for Russia to invade, but strengthened Putin by greenlighting a Russian oil pipeline while targeting our own domestic energy industry for destruction, leaving European NATO nations at the mercy of Russia for oil.


All of this is setting up the game board for yet another costly, deadly foreign war that could have been prevented by simply having a strong US President that our adversaries took seriously. Unfortunately, that appears to be at least three years away. I shudder to think what the state of the world could be by then. In the meantime, China, which has already cracked down on Hong Kong and is threatening Taiwan, will undoubtedly be watching the US response to Russian aggression against Ukraine with great interest.

Sadly, Democrat “leadership” is proving to be a perfect storm of incompetence, weakness and wrongheaded policies. Many people around the world, from our own crime-plagued cities to Afghanistan and possibly soon in Ukraine, are paying the price with the loss of their rights, freedom and lives. I hope you’ll pray for them. And pray that 2024 gets here double quick. 

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Comments 21-30 of 71

  • Carol Butler

    01/24/2022 07:25 PM

    To my knowledge only one US President since World War II has served an entire term without declaring war or the threat of war. That President was Donald J. Trump. He came into office strengthening our military and he worked toward that goal for his entire term. As with so many policies and preparedness Mr Biden inherited from the former President, his lame and highly questionable decisions have undone that much needed work. Now, because of the all too evident weakness of Mr. Biden and his ability to sprinkle fear like fairy dust we wait on the brink of war to see how exactly he will stumble again.

  • Chris

    01/24/2022 06:43 PM

    We have GOT to stop being afraid to call a spade a spade, and a TRAITOR a TRAITOR, , , as Biden literally IS and as his cohorts and hench(wo/)men literally ARE. We have GOT to use "HARSH Truth" words in journalism, , , the SAME as our "mean" tweeting and "mean" speaking, Patriotically BRAVE, real, bold LEADERSHIP does : as Trump did and DOES, the same as Rand Paul against Fauci does, the same as Ted Cruz does against child traffickers at the border, the same as Florida's DeSantos does against FOOLS enslaving us over a communist-sourced flu virus, (which virus they deliberately make as deadly as they can by, SEVERAL times, outlawing prescription drugs that are curing many, by outlawing Vitamin D-3/ Zinc (such as Zinc Gluconate) supplements being given, , and so forth, for the DELIBERATELY SABOTAGING STUPIDITY of what they call "CDC protocol," in Fauci's Handbook For All Fauci-Controlled Hospitals... ...for those imprisoned in them and being forced to dwindle away and usually DIE by being hospitalized. The democrats and republicans ALIKE who are now reigning in TYRANNY over us have TAKEN millions of dollars from communists who were enriched by THEIR ENSLAVED, cheap- or even FREE-labor CITIZENRY who are in the billions in their population number, manufacturing almost EVERYTHING we Americans are now anyMOre ALLOWED in stores to get. All this BRIBING TREASON was started with the "rhino" republican "I Am Not A Crook NIXON" signing the CONTRACT for trade with mentally sick communists of China. Nixon was ALSO as power abusive and mentally sick as a communist always is, , , as a DISGRACED, lying president who resigned when he was about to be removed from office with the impeachment process. JOURNALISTS WERE HARSH in their words against Nixon, therefore: : : he got REMOVED from power!!! Journalists have GOT to get their Courage back, following examples of "give me Liberty or give me Death" Patrick Henry, George Washington, Thomas Paine writing "Common Sense," Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln who was ASSASSINATED for his DEFYING Enslavement of ANYone, John F. Kennedy who was assassinated for defying the military industrial complex in MANY scholars' views, and THOUSANDS if not MILLIONS of other FEARless, DEFIANT, HEROIC Patriots of the last few centuries since America was founded by the Intervening Help of God Himself. We have GOT to be BOLD in calling Biden and his evil cohorts what they ARE, , , which is NOT "weak," but DELIBERATELY and FULLY aware of their actions' consequences, EVILLY serving the communists' AGENDAS in their MINDFULLY committing TREASON by SABOTAGING their OWN COUNTRY, , , and then LYING about it inCESSantly.

  • Norman L Brown Jr

    01/24/2022 06:32 PM

    Can it get any worse?

  • Victor ryberg

    01/24/2022 05:58 PM

    You are right on. So sad for our Great Country.

  • Stu MacPhail

    01/24/2022 05:49 PM

    I totally agree!

    But where is the loud voice of Republicans? Who in our party's leadership is speaking out to stop this mess? Just because Republicans are not "in power" should not prevent Republican party leaders and prominent Republican leaders from aggressively and loudly exercising their influence at this critical moment.

  • James J Ferrari

    01/24/2022 05:26 PM

    After the winter Olympics.....big trouble.

  • judith jakub

    01/24/2022 04:17 PM

    Am holding my breath on the 2024 "election". I am terribly afraid it will definitely be ANOTHER RIGGED election. They did it once, and I'm sure they will do it again as was done here in New Jersey giving us this nazi fascist gov, murphy (I will not capitalize his name, due to total disrespect for this communist who has ruined our state, completely). How in God's good earth can a precinct that was closed down before 1 a.m. with Jack Ciaterrelli, as the winner, become the loser by 4 a.m.? Total corrupted voting and we are now living with this evil. He just signed into law, abortion to the time of birth. God help us all because of this evil murdering "irish-catholic"????

  • Bernice O’Toole

    01/24/2022 04:15 PM

    Your article on Biden’s Foreign Policy is spot on. I snapped it and will place it on my wall in Facebook. I do have many democrat friends that they only put President Trump down on his supposedly moral and sexual harassment. They can never come up with an argument against his policy, it will always return to his mean tweets

  • Allen Hare

    01/24/2022 04:10 PM

    ---------"To protect and DEFEND the Constitution of the United States Of America"------what are we waiting on..... for Russia to raise THEIR flag here?

  • Kerry Caudle

    01/24/2022 04:09 PM

    Re; evacuation of Ukraine. The Biden administration claims they were able to remove 6,000-8,000 Americans from Afghanistan after the troop withdrawal. I never saw any of them offloading airplanes or any personal interest reports from any news source. Where are they and when were they brought home?

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