Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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Updated: 8:56 AM CDT, October 24

1. Former Trump VA Secretary blasts the Biden Administration for surrendering to the government employees’ union, and letting down American veterans and taxpayers.

2. Thelma Mothershed Wair of the Little Rock Nine passes due to complications with MS.

3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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January 12, 2021

Activists who caused mayhem trying to crash the joint session of Congress last week –- tragically leading to one shooting death and several other fatalities, including one policeman –- have been characterized in news reports as right-wing conspiracy theorists who identify with such groups as QAnon. It’s not the first time Trump supporters have been reportedly associated with QAnon, and when this came up once before, some readers wrote and asked us, “What is QAnon?”

Heck if I knew. Seriously, we had no idea. And those readers must not have known, either, or they wouldn’t have asked us. Judging from typical news accounts, though, Trump supporters are deep into this and other wild conspiracy theories, like the crazy belief that some people actually commit election fraud. Of course we know that’s nonsense, especially when applied to the 2020 election, which we’ve been assured was the most accurate and secure election in our nation’s history and that’s good enough for us. (Sarcasm alert.)


And since news accounts are known for giving such keen and insightful depictions of Trump supporters –- how we think, what motivates us, what we like to buy at Walmart and order at the Olive Garden –- we were frankly a little embarrassed at our ignorance about QAnon. What kind of self-respecting Trump supporters were we, not even knowing what it was, let alone not believing whatever it was they were putting out there? So we did a little very basic research and tackled the question briefly in a months-old newsletter.

After the Capitol Hill riot last week, the topic of QAnon came up again, in a particularly sad context: Ashli Babbitt, the woman who was killed by a Capitol Hill officer inside the building, reportedly at least looked into it herself.

Here’s how the AP put it: “Her Twitter account promoted mainstream conservative views but also included references to the QAnon conspiracy theory, which centers on the baseless belief that Trump had been secretly fighting deep state enemies and a cabal of Satan-worshiping cannibals operating a child sex trafficking ring.”

Well, they kind of had us at “deep state enemies” but lost us at “Satan-worshiping cannibals.”

Please understand, we strongly condemn the foolish and destructive actions at the Capitol. Everyone involved should be ashamed of what they did and those who disobeyed Capitol Police, vandalized the building and led to the death and destruction should be prosecuted as fully as we called for that to happen to the Antifa and BLM rioters last summer. Their actions helped Trump’s adversaries wrongly paint the President and ALL his supporters as insurrectionists and even seditionists, giving the left an excuse to crush our civil rights, which they are now doing. Still, the AP report about Babbitt reads mostly like a hit piece, especially jarring since the woman had been killed just the day before. It includes a couple of nice remarks from her ex-husband Aaron, but otherwise paints her as a nutty Trump supporter who believed all those crazy things about the election and tweeted about gun rights and illegal immigration.

According to the AP report, “Babbitt, an Air Force veteran who identified as a Libertarian and supporter of the 2nd Amendment, frequently posted unsubstantiated views about election fraud by the President and his most extreme supporters –- activists whose conspiracy theories and unflinching support for Trump have attracted large numbers of online followers.”


Babbitt was once charged with road rage, it says, but acquitted. She reportedly supported a recall drive against California Gov. Gavin Newsome, which is at least one testament to sanity and good judgment.

Again quoting from AP: “Brian Levin, Director of the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino, said Babbitt will be remembered as a martyr by people with a wide range of grievances spanning from disbelief in the seriousness of the pandemic to beliefs in QAnon conspiracy theories.

“‘When you have people in an alternate universe, they will take a catalytic event and spin it in a way that is most appealing to their emotions and fears, irrespective of what the facts may end up showing,’ he said.”

Well, isn’t that special. I get the impression that to such a condescending person, gun rights and legal immigration –- and Trump support –- are right up there with a cannibalistic sex trafficking ring as crazy things to believe in. And many on the left eagerly lump us all into that same alternate universe.

I’d also say that anything called the “Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism” might want to focus just a little attention on the hate and extremism coming from the left, along with those wild conspiracy theories about Trump and Putin and Russian prostitutes. Bet they won’t, though. Because those examples are perfectly normal.

Another report, this from the AIR FORCE TIMES, refers to Babbitt as an “adherent" of QAnon.

Incidentally, this report tells us that Babbitt “was part of a mob that, after being incited by President Trump’s fraudulent claims of a stolen election, overran barricades and stormed Congress...” Hold on --- one timeline of events suggests the mob could not have been listening to Trump’s speech and get there in time to cause the chaos at the Capitol when it took place. We're checking into this, but It appears these people might not have even heard Trump speak, so I’m curious to know how he “incited” them.

Also, the event they were interrupting was an attempt by Republicans in Congress to present their evidence, which thanks to their idiocy, was not presented and never will be.

Apparently, Babbitt had posted a photo of herself in a “QAnon” shirt. We wish we could tell you more about this group, but we –- like most Trump supporters –- are just not into that. When President Trump was asked about it by incredibly rude town hall host Savannah Guthrie last year, he said he didn’t know anything about it. “I just don’t know about QAnon,” he said.

Guthrie argued with him (!), as she did repeatedly throughout the interview. “You do know,” she said.

He insisted he did not. Then he said they were against pedophilia, but it seems he was confused and really talking about Antifa. Apparently, even President Trump didn’t know what QAnon is, or had only a vague idea.

Here’s what the NEW YORK POST said about QAnon in a comprehensive report last October.

QAnon was supposedly named for “Q,” a shadowy figure who remains anonymous. But if some of those people who stormed the Capitol and dashed conservative hopes are members of QAnon, I say the “Q” should really stand for “Quixote,” as in Don Quixote, who famously tilted at windmills.

From this we get the word “quixotic,” which means “foolishly impractical, especially in the pursuit of lofty ideals.” Also, “Having or showing ideas that are different and unusual but not practical or likely to succeed.” That foolhardiness and its tragic end are all the “Q” represents to me.


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Comments 51-75 of 152

  • Nancy Klus

    01/12/2021 05:50 PM

    This is in reference to Nancy trying to get Pence to call the 25th into play. Poor Nancy...she is just so pathetic and filled with so much hate for Trump that she can't even wait a week or so before he leaves. All that hate has really messed her up. Taking all this time to "punish" Trump when she
    coulld be getting all the pork out of the bill for the American people which she says she wants to do so badly. The hate sure has overwhelmed all her thoughts about being a decent person. I do feel very sorry for her now. Never used to but now she is so pathetic, she truly needs counseling and prayers in the worst way. Sincerely, Nan Klus

  • Barbara Weller

    01/12/2021 05:45 PM

    I don't know anything about QAnon, but I must be worse even than that because, as a constitutional law attorney, I think the best course of action would have been for VP Pence to send the 2 sets of competing Electoral College ballots back to those 6 contested states whose state legislators had requested that he do just that. The Constitution says state legislatures must choose the Electors. On Jan. 6, the Congress chose between the completing Electoral College ballots that were sent to Congress from those 6 states. So Congress did not merely "count" the ballots. They chose between competing sets of Electors from those 6 disputed states. Things would have gone much better if VP Pence had sent those competing ballots back to those states. It would have only taken a week for those state legislators to hear evidence and decide which Electoral College ballots to send back to Congress. And that would have better satisfied the intent of the Constitution. It's all water over the dam now, but idiotic to say that VP Pence could not have done that. And why weren't the Dems anxious to have those investigations to reassure voters that the election had been above board. That in itself seems like proof the Dems knew what they had done. History will sort it all out. As usual though, Pres. Trump's instincts were correct.

  • Lisa Jackson

    01/12/2021 05:44 PM

    I am aPastor’s wife, a conservative Patriot and a Q follower. You haven’t the slightest idea about the Q group. You have to dig deeper than the AP, Mr Huckabee. You are way off on this article and I think I don’t need to read your emails daily anymore. Thanks for muddying up the waters for others. This offended me greatly.

  • Alvin Reed

    01/12/2021 05:26 PM

    For those who say there was no fraud in the 2020 election, we have over one thousand sworn affidavits and a significant amount of public information and verifiable proof and even though they have feebly tried to address some of it, I am not aware of them disproving even one iota of this massive evidence.

  • Linda Mantonya

    01/12/2021 05:18 PM

    Mr. Huckabee,

    I have so many questions that no one is answering. I hope you have some answers for me. First, let me state that I do not condone violence. What happened last week was not acceptable. But with the democrats doing what they have done for the last five years, what do they expect? How can they continue to get away with what they have and not expect 75 million people to say enough is enough? How can they continue to ignore the facts and continue to lie about what is happening? Why has no legal action been taken against Pelosi, Schumer, and all their minions for wasting taxpayer money for the scams over the past four years? Are there any democrats that have the common sense to stand up to them and say enough is enough? How does Pelosi have so much power? Are threats being made to senators and congressmen and their families if they don’t fall in line with the powers that be? How can people continue to believe the lies the mainstream media and the democrats are spouting?

    My husband pastored for 35 years. One church we served was so distraught about losing the previous pastor, they tried to destroy us in hopes that the previous pastor would come back. The deacons began telling lies and making accusations that were totally false. The lies and accusations were proven to be false, but half of the church continued to believe the lies and accusations. The church split right down the middle. Those who believed the truth left. Satan had such a stronghold on those who remained. My husband and I see the same thing happening with the country today. Satan has such a stronghold on those who believe the lies and accusations against Trump. This is a time where we need to be on our knees praying for this country!

    So many are fed up with what the mainstream media and the democrats have been doing for the last five years, that they feel the only thing they can do is to take matters into their own hands. Again, I do not condone violence, but I can fully understand.

  • Cindi Mason

    01/12/2021 05:17 PM

    Keep researching Mr. Huckabee. ??

  • Anne Amato

    01/12/2021 05:08 PM

    "Q" is actually probably the highest of security clearances in our gov't.
    Anyway....I think the movement started out as 4Chan...then that got banned as well as any QAnon information sites.
    And..no....there are "information drops" from "Q" (whoever that may be). They are generally coded in some way and dated in the past. But...the dates generally align (almost to the day) with the present or early future.
    And..NO....they do NOT promote violence of any sort. They ARE Pro-Trump and Pro-America.....but most of the information "drops" just list or hint at what is going to happen. They actually HAVE been fairly accurate. So...basically...have no clue who is doing this. But....some info fairly accurate. All I know is that they are American "patriots". And the movement is actually worldwide now. The slogan is WWG1WGA which means "Where we go one, we go all".
    Again...have NEVER seen any call to violence no matter who (and there are several sites) is doing the posting.

  • Silvia Jimenez Hyre

    01/12/2021 04:57 PM

    Thank you for trying to tell us about QAnon. I am still clueless. I did see the interview when Savanna rudely insisted the President knew about QAnon, and he said he didn't. Well, I still don't. But I am sure most of the Trump supporters at the rally in DC also didn't know. The Capitol storming should be fully and honestly investigated and get to who planned it. Even the timeline of the President's speech and the timing of the Capitol's storming don't follow. In addition, we also want investigation into the horrific incidents throughout cities, killings, burnings, attacking police, destroying property, courthouses, and police precincts among others. Trying to silence the opposition is an expertise of the left. Silence us, and distract the rest of the people with all kinds of threats to conservatives. We need to support Senators like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley among others. As far as many people and myself see the Capitol riot as a planned plot to distract us from the fraud in the election. I have seen video after video, and surprisingly in some cases allowing people to walk into the Capitol. I have also seen many different views of the killing of Ashli Babbit. Also trying to inflate the number of deaths is not honest. Certainly, it's never good to lose lives. However, it seems that at least 3 out of 4 deaths were due to medical issues. The brother of the policeman who was allegedly hit by a fire extinguisher has asked for privacy, and he did say his brother died of an aneurysm. So far, still under investigation because of no pictures of the attack. I am not justifying this horrific event, however, it's imperative to get to the root of it. I am an immigrant, and I love this country, but I am seeing it being destroyed. It seems that in the last four plus years, the Democrats believe that one "is guilty until proven innocent" that is the rule the country I came from had. Therefore, people would rot in jail trying to prove their innocence. It seems to me that now we have a double-standard system, one for the left, and one for the right. It's frightening what is happening in this country. It's being destroyed from within. The way President Trump, his family, his administration have been treated is despicable. There are many examples of inciting violence and personal harm from some of the Democrat legislators, including Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Shummer, Maxine Watters, et al. They have all gotten away with it, not to mention the higher ups in the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. Indeed the swamp is wide and deep. God help us. Thank you Governor for listening.

  • Joyce Roberts

    01/12/2021 04:39 PM

    Thank you for your newsletter. It is most informative and I appreciate the information supplied. The world is filled with too much hate. We need to get back toGod and he will give us the guidance we need. I still support our President and hate to see what happens in the next 4 years.

  • Russ Monroe

    01/12/2021 04:30 PM

    Hi Governor Mike!,

    Thanks so much for being an oasis of reason! I’m just an old retired/disabled aeromedical helicopter mechanic, and Navy Veteran, and my opinion may not count for much, but I need to point something out to you, regarding your harsh description of the Capitol protester/rioters. Will you allow me to do that?

    The framers and signers made sure the “militia” language was in A2 for a specific reason. A2 is a sacred acknowledgement, by a truly legitimate government, that all power has the potential for corruption, and it recognizes and protects the right of its citizens, and their means, to refresh by force any government that has gone out of control and no longer represents all the people. Are we there yet? I hope not. But I think it’s safe to say we have rarely been closer. So, with regard to the Capitol incursion, what do you suppose a “refresh by force” would look like? You judge it harshly Sir and maybe you‘re right to do so, but past insurrections in our nation’s history are sacred events, events that memorialize the selfless sacrifice at the core of what America has always stood for. Till now.

    Let’s look at the facts. We may well find out that this past election was indeed fraudulent. Right now we have no proof aside from some sporadic irregularities, some statistical impossibilities, and some glaring unlikelihoods. What we know for sure (at this writing) is this: 1) If the election was indeed rigged, the perpetrators would never have attempted it unless they knew they could bury deeply the mechanics and op specs of making it work insuring a solid follow through that would lead to an inauguration. Every election must accomplish two things: First, it must reveal the people’s selection(s), and second, every election must be conducted in such a way as to renew confidence in the election process itself so that there can be a peaceful transition of power. This election probably has not done the former, but most certainly ignores the latter. 2) Regardless of whether or not the election was valid Mr. Biden, Mrs.Pelosi et al have made it clear that not only will the 80 million or so Americans that voted against Mr. Biden NOT be represented in the newly installed government, but that reprisals against Republicans, or any healthy dissenting voice, will be aggressively carried out. This has already begun. And 3): Every thoughtful American blessed with the smallest measure of common sense knows that something is wrong. Something is wrong! The left ignores it’s own culpability in the summer long insurrection that destroyed cities nationwide, caused death, destruction and property loss on a heretofore unseen scale. And that includes and an attack on the District of Columbia and an assault on the White House. It is a matter of history now that Mrs. Pelosi’s left didn’t just act as apologists for this behavior, they actively supported and incited these rioters every step of the way. Not to mention the four year assault on a duly elected President with false charges in a once sacred Congress now turned into a hideous Kangaroo Court unleashing the foulest barrage of unreasoned casuistry I’ve seen in my lifetime. Mrs. Pelosi did immeasurable damage to our republic because she refused to lead like a Tip O’Niell, in respectful opposition to the president, rather, she insisted on leading like a Tony Soprano who just sought to have him whacked. History will record that Mr. Schiff’s bug eyed desperation to unseat this President was not about wrong doing on the part of Mr. Trump, but was all about directing attention away from his own yet undiscovered crimes and the many crimes of the Biden family et al, and the many other “public faith breakers“ on both sides of the isle who unconscionably profit from public service though kick backs for international aid and influence.

    History will sort it all out, if any real historians are allowed to write about it.

    Pelosi, The Bidens, Nadler, Schiff, both idiot Cuomos, and a host of others on the shallow, selfish, dishonest left should NOT be rewarded with renewed positions of leadership as this past “election” has granted, No, these are people who should be in rendition right now in orange jump suits at Guantanamo Bay awaiting trial for high treason.

    And Mr. Trump’s only crime was committing the unthinkable act of getting elected in spite of the massive elitist control of our government, and then doing the job of President better than almost anyone who’s occupied the office, and doing it for free.

    A worst case scenario, in my humble opinion, that becomes more inevitable every day is this: I think Americans will demonstrate or revolt on some level around inauguration day, then the left will use these instances to attempt to impose martial law and firearms confiscation, and then the real movement to “refresh by force” will begin. The American left, through their ineptness and their disingenuous behavior, has sought to turn our once great nation into a banana republic and they will, almost certainly, experience that to the fullest. Which, as in the case of most despotic leaders, includes a life where the leader has the most to fear from his or her own protective detail. And, as we all know, God is in the details.

    If you got this far, thanks for taking the time to read this Mike. Thanks for continuing to pray for the renewed and restored health of Our Constitutional Republic, as I do every day. God bless her. And God Bless you and yours, Sir.

  • Elizabeth Salvatierra

    01/12/2021 04:28 PM

    Keep up the good work. We love you.

  • Floy Swanagan

    01/12/2021 04:27 PM

    My favorite newsman is Edward R Murrow. This quote says it all, "We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. When loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it."

  • Cathy Watts

    01/12/2021 04:18 PM

    Hello Mike,
    I feel that you are the only source of information I can trust! Keep helping us with truth! Blessings!

  • Sue Hartman

    01/12/2021 04:17 PM

    Its just getting crazy and crazier and frankly quite scary. My question is simple. Why when over 1000 election workers filled out sworn affidavits as eye witnesses to election fraud was it all ignored. The fact that is was, will make me believe forever that Trump is still our president. It could have been simple to prove it if it was really a fair election. I honestly feel we have already become the Communist States of America.

  • Ebed Spettigue

    01/12/2021 04:15 PM

    I am baffled at what happened in DC recently. One question that has been in my mind since these events happened is, isn't the Capitol Building one of the most protected buildings in our country like the White House? Isn't it true that this building is suposed to have the most intelligent, most prepared police force on EARTH? I am kind of baffled here to think that if it is NOT or NEVER WAS, then why haven't more terrorism has occured there? In fact, if the protection of this realm of our democracy is not highly protected, then what's happenning in other sites like the Supreme Court and others like it. Are we then to say we are very unprotected? This alone scares me. Do you know the answer Mr. Huckabee? If you do, please share your comments and or answer. Thank you for your time.

  • albert j olsen

    01/12/2021 03:57 PM

    The CEO of Gab posted a letter on gab.com recently which explains Qanon quite well. Please read it and share some of the insights w/ your readers

  • Jay Mays

    01/12/2021 03:56 PM

    Governor, after reading your answer to "What the heck is QAnon?" I still don't know. I don't think the AP got it right and the NY Post gave some vague information. Maybe that's all we know. Maybe they're crazy, maybe not. I'm not in favor of pedophilia, nor of rioting. I guess maybe I wouldn't make a very good member.

  • Richard Smail

    01/12/2021 03:55 PM

    I already sub. to your newsletter and want to thank you for always searching for truth and fairness. In God we trust.

  • Eileen McGinn Miller

    01/12/2021 03:45 PM

    Thank you, Mike, as always for your newsletter!
    I tried accessing the Babylon Bee to read their article, if for nothing else for a laugh, and the site didn’t come up. Sadly, our country is looking more & more like a socialist regime.
    I pray!
    Eileen Miller

  • Sydne Ora

    01/12/2021 03:44 PM

    4 years of hatred from Democrats- now thinking they are "in control"
    What do you think of this?
    In the video, released on Tuesday, Michael Beller was heard saying Americans are “f–king dumb” and that children of Republican voters should be put into “re-education camps.” The principal counsel for the non-profit corporation, which receives millions in taxpayer funding each year, also compared President Donald Trump to Hitler while advocating throwing Molotov cocktails at the White House. “We go for all the Republican voters and Homeland Security will take their children away. What do you think about that?” Beller asked an undercover Project Veritas journalist in the undercover video. “And we’ll put them into re-education camps.”
    “Amen,” the journalist quipped. How are 100 million Americans going to react to the increased democrat liberal socialist global NWO hatred?

  • Colette Smartis

    01/12/2021 03:42 PM

    Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life states that the Trump Accountability Project (launched by a former official of the Obama administration ) is putting together a database of every Trump staffer, appointee, donor, endorser and enabler with the purpose being to keep anyone who worked with or supported President Trump from holding a job or public position. There was also talk of bank accounts being frozen. What do you know about this?

  • Madonna Kinne

    01/12/2021 03:38 PM


  • Rosie Wright

    01/12/2021 03:37 PM

    Thank you for explaining QAnon. Did not know what it was.


    01/12/2021 03:23 PM

    I signed up as a follower of Q-Anon via Twitter some time ago mainly to see if I could figure out what all their gibberish was about. The "Q" tweets were written in some kind of code. I could never make heads or tails of what it was all about. When Twitter became threatening toward Trump and anyone who followed him I broke off from using Twitter and joined Parler. I am beginning to feel we have no safe zone from Big Tech shadowing or making us paranoid so I stay off all social media. Deactivated Parler, Facebook, and Twitter.

  • Richard Jones

    01/12/2021 03:14 PM

    Q is simply military intelligence. Thought to be a high ranking military official for the NSA. I am a Q follower, commonly known as Qanon. Nothing outlandish about it.

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