Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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Updated: 8:56 AM CDT, October 24

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2. Thelma Mothershed Wair of the Little Rock Nine passes due to complications with MS.

3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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July 30, 2021

Yesterday, we wrote about a letter from a newsletter reader whose son is one of those incarcerated in the wake of the Capitol breach on January 6. (His son is one of those who didn’t even go inside the building.) Imagine how it must be to have one’s son being held in jail by the feds, with no bail, for many months (like a murderer), awaiting a trial that might not even happen until sometime in 2022. It’s not even possible for the father to have a private conversation with his own son, as phone conversations are monitored at the jail, and the son isn’t even able to meet in private with an attorney. All of this, I feel compelled to remind you, is happening in America, the land of the free.

In case you didn’t see the father’s letter and our response, here it is.


After this piece ran, we received a comment from another reader who took exception to what the father had said about his son, saying the son had nothing to apologize for and was even a hero. In fact, her letter ended in a way that seemed downright abusive to the father. (It’s all too easy to get abusive towards people we only talk to online, people we have never met and don’t know at all.) We thought this reader’s questions and observations deserved to be addressed at length. First, here is her letter...

(From Sharon)

Just a couple of questions about the father of the Capitol Hill detainee:

First of all, why would black people not support Trump people?

Because most black people do but then again these were criminals.

Also, the father says what his son did was wrong? Oh? Getting in the way of Goebbels and the Gestapo?

My father saw combat in Korea and Vietnam and if that’d been me he’d have been cheering not saying I’d done wrong.

Mister your son did right and he is a hero and if you don’t stand with him shame on you.


Dear Sharon:

Thank you for responding; we welcome responses from all sides. But I think some issues here cry out for clarification.

The father, Keith, did mention in his letter that most of the inmates at DC Correctional were black –- as are most of the residents of Washington, DC –- and that in general they were dismayed to have Trump supporters in their midst. That is not surprising and is not the same as saying black people don’t support Trump, only that these particular black people in Washington, DC, did not. And while the black conservative movement is picking up steam in some parts of the country, most black people are still not a part of that. We can deny reality if you would like, but these inmates of the DC Correctional facility, who do happen to be mostly black, are not Trump supporters. Probably some of the white ones aren’t, either; after all, this is Washington, DC. On the bright side, once they learned Alan was a Trump supporter and not a pedophile, they treated him better than they treat pedophiles.

Recall that according to the letter we previously posted from detainee Joe Biggs, some of the black people Biggs met in a Florida correctional facility were struck by what a nice guy he was. They liked him. It wasn’t the black men, but some of the white men identifying as white supremacists, who didn’t want to be associated with him. They said he was “too nice” to be in their group.

In fact, Joe said that one thing he’d learned for sure after meeting real white supremacists in this jail was that he WASN’T ONE.

Sharon, you criticize Alan’s father for saying that what his son did was wrong. We don’t know the details of the confrontation his son had with police and a reporter outside the Capitol Building, but the son does, and if he feels contrite and believes he was in the wrong, I think we should take him at his word. You know I’ve said myself that this confrontation was a bad idea and has had terrible repercussions. I’m not sure you understood me when I said the left is using this for great political benefit. In that sense, anything that was done at the Capitol Building that went beyond peaceable assembly was indeed wrong. If this young man realizes that, so much the better.

You may say he did right to fight against “Goebbels and the Gestapo,” but, again, we don’t know exactly what went down and his part in it. According to his dad, since he’s come to the Lord he’s thought deeply about the kind of man he wants to be. He’s sorry for what he did. His father respects that, and I think we should, too.

The thing that really stood out to me in this father’s letter was the dismay at the two-tier justice system. “I guess if you are a Democrat,” he said, “you can burn a city or burn a federal building with agents inside it; you may be arrested but will be out the next day without bail.”

This young man does NOT deserve to be languishing on a lower rung of our “justice” system simply because he is a Trump supporter, and he absolutely does not deserve to be held for many months with bail denied. As I’ve said, he and the other “detainees” (political prisoners) are being used as political props for the statecraft that is Nancy Pelosi’s investigatory “commission,” when they should be treated with exactly the same rights as any other American. Direct your fury at THAT, not at a father who is hurting and thinking about his son.

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Comments 21-30 of 55

  • Kathleen M Milligan

    07/30/2021 05:18 PM

    We need to put G-d back into our government, after all in the Bible, when the humans rejected G-d, He agreed to give them a king along with a profit to help the king with his decisions. We also need to put G-d back into our families and society!????

  • Shirley Pilus

    07/30/2021 04:54 PM

    Gee, Mike, there sure seems like there should be something ordinary citizens can so to help those jailed because of the Jan 1 capitol protest. It's unjust and unAmerican that they are treated in such horrible ways when the looters and rioters of last summer go free. Everyday looks more and more like the USA is a banana republic, God help us. We know we can't trust the FBI, the IRS, the White House, the CDC, who is left to uphold the union?

  • Joanne Lincoln

    07/30/2021 04:43 PM

    Mike, let me get this straight.......what they did was so bad they are hunted down, exposed, for all the world to see....these American Citizens who tried to stop what they saw as terrible injustices being done for several years with no stopping from many of our Republican Senators and Representatives voted in by the people. They are treated like some of the worse criminals imaginable, the left news media always uses the worse of words like terrorism, insurrection, and make sure that President Trumps name in thrown in there as the instigator...BUT, while they are going after these, spending money and keeping everyone stirred up with it....They allow illegal immigrants, some gang members, sexual offenders, some of the worse criminals imaginable...not to mentions the hordes of people allowed in sick, while we American Citizens are required to wear mask, get immunizations....follow the laws of the land...and saw and do nothing??? I'm very disappointed in the Republican Party...Not all, but where was all the action for US that you promised when all this stuff started happening. Im constantly getting emails to send money to help stop the terrible things the Democrats in office are doing to deceive, lie, ruin our county with their crazy ideas and lack of immorality, and taking the rights of us away...but why should we support you when you allowed so much other things to happen when you were all in a position to do something about it before. Im a patriot, a Christian who believes Gods Word. These men mentioned are being unfairly treated ...and worse then some of the worse criminals out there....Why? Why is these things happening everywhere? I want to know what is being done to stop it...why were the criminals in BLM treated with more respect....they were out there stealing, destroying with the blessing of many on the left...who stands up for the other side? who stands up for Righteousness?

  • Robert Smith

    07/30/2021 04:42 PM

    Mr Huckabee .. Very very well said.
    Rev. Robert W Smith

  • Terry Allen

    07/30/2021 04:40 PM

    Dear Governor Huckabee,

    First of all I am extremely grateful for your daily newsletters, which are a primary source of news for me, as well as for your TV show that provides a variety unmatched in that medium.

    I'm moved to write concerning what is being said about the events of Jan 6 by people on both ends of the spectrum who seemingly value inflammatory hyperbole over rational discussion of what actually happened. Your own remarks have consistently been even-handed and well thought out, it seems to me.

    Conservatives are wearily accustomed to the distortions and outright falsehoods voiced by people like the chair of the Joint Chiefs and the capital police officer who testified this week before the House committee. As onerous as those remarks are to us, some statements I've seen in your reader comments bother me almost as much. They amount to heaping fuel on the fire that the left wants to keep burning. The criticism leveled at the letter from the detainee's father was to me excessive and uncalled for.

    Believing in an unrealistic and idealized view of Jan 6 is certainly their perogative, but conservatives who do so need to realize the grave harm still being done to the movement they purport to represent.

    This response is somewhat lengthy I know so I will end here. Once again, thanks for providing a forum for rational discussion.

    Terry Allen
    Pekin, IL

  • Stephen Russell

    07/30/2021 04:17 PM

    Need to hear other accounts BUT cant acess said inmates for stories etc alone
    The more they Hide the more Truth will come out
    Need a hidden Bodycam for view or other?
    For all imprisoned & NOT yet sentenced

  • Keith Kennedy

    07/30/2021 04:08 PM

    Why exactly is the D.C. police allowed to ignore the U.S. Constitution where it comes to the speedy trial provision, or reasonable bail. Most of the people arrested and detained were non violent, and some didn't even enter the Capitol (which in itself one wonders what they are even being held for....loitering perhaps) In any court system within the U.S . these offenders would be given a bench ticket and told to appear on a certain date. Even the worst offenders in this that destroyed public property or threatened (mind you just threatened, not actually done) should not be held in isolation and without bail. I have personally seen drug dealers and murderers held for less time and allowed out on bail. And speaking of murderers...how about the Capitol police office that murdered Ashli Babbitt! Under what delusion was this officer operating under. An unarmed woman could not have represented any possible harm to that officer. Most anyone would have been able to subdue her without the use of lethal Force. If he is not guilty, then neither should Officer Sizneck (who at least had reason to believe that he or others were in danger.) Sorry if I misspelled his name. Most if not all of these detained individuals should be released and any charges dropped due to blatant disregard to their constitutional rights. And then each one of them should sue D.C. police into oblivion.

  • Stacey Buick

    07/30/2021 03:50 PM

    Just out of curiosity, how many high profile Democrats have had Covid 19! President Trump and First Lady, as well as VP Pence and his wife had it and received the vaccine but I’ve not heard of even one Democrat in a high position.

  • Pamala L Momis

    07/30/2021 03:31 PM

    Hi Mike, thank you for that needed clarification! I know no one being detained in DC but it’s infuriating that this horrible injustice is happening. Their all in my prayers, my mind and my heart. The evil in our government is running rampant. Hate to think of where all this evil leadership is sending our country. I praise God for you, Sarah, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Dan Crenshaw, Gov Greg Abbott, Gov Ron DeSantis, Jim Higgins, Jim Jordan and the many others that are leading the fight in helping the citizens of this STILL GREAT country. Forgive me for the names I missed. My prayers go out daily for all of you.

  • charles stoffel

    07/30/2021 03:28 PM

    i am Vietnam vet who had spent a lot time with all people no race no color ever came into question we as Americans' are residents of this land . People in politics are the worst people to be making decisions for all. They put their selves interest first. Trying to control the people of the USA is unnatural we are free and we want it to stay that way. This young man was incarnated on political resons only equal law to everyone just like a looter or rioters over the last year. Democrats will destroy our country just for power and control. their little sheep will go right along them .Sure we have racism here of all colors but we have been improving throughout time.i am not racist just because of the color my skin i could say that about everyone. than what you have emeries in you home ,schools , the market neighbors these people will detroy us,

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