Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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March 14, 2022
- March 15, 2022

My good friend Colonel Ken Allard has sent me this Ukraine update for my newsletter readers. I hope you will read it!


Mike Huckabee

Three weeks into the Russo-Ukraine War of 2022, it is reasonable to ask: Who is deterring whom - and from what?

So far, the only one being deterred seems to be Joe Biden, who clumsily refused to allow Polish Mig-29’s to be transferred to Ukraine despite the fervent pleas of embattled president Volodomyr Zelenskiy. Meanwhile, Old Uncle Joe was busy linking Vladimir Putin not only to the war in Ukraine but also to sky-rocketing American gas prices and rising inflation, twin outrages for which the Russian premiere bears only slight, if any, responsibility. Through such constant buffoonery, President Biden seems intent on channeling that canonical Mayor of Amity, hilariously reassuring townsfolk that a lucrative tourist season lay just ahead, despite Jaws occasionally snacking on their relatives.

Because we are a nation divorced from studying such politically incorrect subjects as military history, we can no longer distinguish the consequential from the trivial, the capillaries from the arteries.  From Afghanistan to Ukraine, our intelligence community has been hit hardest, seemingly unable to predict whether Tuesday will be followed by Wednesday. Not only were our intel weenies utterly mistaken in predicting how fast the Taliban would triumph but they also admitted last week to the House Intelligence Committee that they had seriously under-estimated the fighting spirit of Ukraine’s citizens. Naturally, they over-corrected, reciting a laundry list of Russian tactical shortcomings. Caught up in the latest zeitgeist, Francis Fukuyama - famous for predicting the end of history several decades too early - argued last week “Russia is heading for an outright defeat in Ukraine…The army in the field will reach a point whether they can no longer be supplied nor withdrawn, and morale will vaporize.” https://www.americanpurpose.com/articles/preparing-for-defeat/

While we can all hope that Professor Fukuyama will be proven right, America’s enemies seem to be a long way from desperation. While we plead for them to produce additional oil and prepare to sign yet another nuclear non-proliferation scam, the Iranians were not deterred at all - raining their rockets down on an American consulate in Irbil, Iraq. How much does Putin fear NATO - with or without a rearmed Germany - when he launches air-strikes that came within a dozen miles of Polish territory over the weekend? And for good measure also threatened to target logistical routes acting as lifelines to the Ukrainian resistance?

Please forgive me for casting doubt on such widely-cherished Beltway assumptions: But Vladimir Putin and his fellow conspirators in the new Axis nations are not desperate! Instead, they have concluded - correctly in my view - that America suffers from catastrophically weak leadership, that it has abandoned its core spiritual values, as well as the world-beating confidence that our country once took for granted. While conceding that American martial prowess can be painfully recovered (or at least not entirely ruled out) neo-Axis leaders believe that the timing will never be better for a basic re-ordering of the global order. That new order will naturally reflect non-Western interests and dismiss any weaker set of values.  

Ukraine is already one major stake in this game, Taiwan is surely next while NATO’s newly-minted Baltic states might not be far off. When measured against the potential stakes, who cares if Russian logistical problems persist, if they lose a few tanks or if they sacrifice a few more generals trying to recapture the morale of their troops? As my friend LTG Jim Dubik wrote recently, “Like other raw realists, Putin has no intention of stopping with Ukraine…Raw realists (like him) take what they can, when they can, until someone stops them.” https://thehill-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/thehill.com/opinion/national-security/596614-the-world-after-the-war-in-ukraine-who-or-what-will-stop-putin?amp

I am also a realist of sorts, one who cherishes memories of the West Point faculty but now wonders how far the fault lines extend when five cadets are hospitalized after taking fentanyl-laced cocaine while on spring break. To say nothing of that loser who belatedly forfeited his commission only after posting a selfie that argued, “Communism will win.”  It is also frustrating to see other losers with stars on the shoulders of their World War II knock-off uniforms, who have either forgotten or never learned the harsh lessons of real war.

They now confront an opponent who will shrug off small shortcomings to focus on the larger objective- using traditional Russian reliance on massed troops and massed firepower to compel the enemy’s total compliance or complete obliteration. He will not be stopped by the mindless half-measures or the bloodless counter-moves now passing for “deterrence.”

During a three-decade career, Colonel Allard advanced from draftee to the West Point faculty and Dean of the National War College. The author of four books, he was also an on-air military analyst for the networks of NBC News.

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Ukraine Update

Comments 21-30 of 45

  • Michael L. Sanders, Sr.

    03/15/2022 09:55 PM

    Colonel, I fully agree with everything you have said. This is going to turn into a real mess. I am glad that I am now too old to be recalled.

    Michael L. Sanders, Sr. SFC retired

  • Michelle Ferrer

    03/15/2022 09:38 PM

    A sobering look at the reality of our future world. Those of us who have studied history have no trouble seeing the Triple Axis of WWII re-emerging with different players, but the same goals. the downside of studying history is that you recognize when history begins to repeat itself. So, Colonel Allard, how does the United States emerge from its trivial complacency and regain our societal convictions determined by God and our Constitution?

  • Ronald Watkins

    03/15/2022 09:10 PM

    Why does the Polish government need Uncle Mumbles permission to send Ukraine jets?

    Thank you!

  • Linda Gail DeVoll

    03/15/2022 09:03 PM

    Colonel Allard thank you sir for your service. Thank you for the freedom we had before this insanity started in the White House. God bess you Sir

  • Bob Penkivich

    03/15/2022 08:46 PM

    Excellent UPDATE by Colonel Allard.
    Osama bin Laden said Americans would never see this coming.
    What we see happening today was PLANNED. American ENEMIES have been studying the United States for 100-years on how to overthrow the United States Government. What is missing in all of the articles that I read about Biden's FLAWED decision-making is the FAILURE to identify the Demonic Marxist Democratic COUP that controls Biden. Biden is the FRAIL ELDERLY FALL GUY and DUMMIE who takes his orders from the COUP.
    Obama and his team of SUBVERSIVES entered the White House in 2008 and began undermining the Executive Branch of Government.
    Today, Obama is the 2022 COUP Puppet Master for Red China, Russia and Iran.
    Want to solve the problem? Take the General Patton approach. Get a good Christian Attorney General. Arrest 4 Key Coup Members. Immediately WATERBOARD these Coup Members to UNDERMINE the TREASON CONSPIRACY. Then arrest everyone who was named during the WATERBOARDING INTERROGATION PROCESS. EVERYONE HOLD THE LINE !

  • Solange

    03/15/2022 08:40 PM

    Dear Colonel,

    Nice analysis, although your view on the Federation of Russia army is outdated.

    Ukraine lost this territorial conflict since 27th February 2022. It's not few planes Mig or any other trademarks that would have changed Ukraine fate.

    As you mentioned, that USA lost its core value, we may deduct that you do have Bible knowledge. The Federation of Russia is fulfilling its destiny of becoming a super power in the last days.

    May G-d in Jesus, the Christ bless you.

    Best Regards,

  • Daryl Sapergia

    03/15/2022 08:33 PM

    Grave tidings, indeed. Thank you for your incite.

  • Sandra Lee Smith

    03/15/2022 08:19 PM

    Just curious, sir... What sort of candidates are our academies now accepting??? Admittedly, I was a "mere" Navy Nurse Corps junior officer, & that over 50 yrs ago, but the academy admissions were a bit more character oriented still, it seemed to me, at the time, than in recent decades. It really disturbs me to hear some were "partying" with illicit drugs, spring break notwithstanding. Does the whole "duty & honor" concept elude them, now? What if we had a sudden call back to duty? They'd all be unfit, even if not dead or dying! My Dad was a junior officer in the Navy Air Corps when Pearl was bombed. I experienced an episode myself that, thankfully turned out to be NORAD playing the wrong tape by accident, but it was an immediate recall to our bases, & not a drill. It can happen. How can we function with drugged officers??? It was bad enough during the Vietnam war, as you must surely know. This has to be completely unacceptable!

  • Ivan Sury

    03/15/2022 08:14 PM

    "So far, the only one being deterred seems to be Joe Biden, who clumsily refused to allow Polish Mig-29’s to be transferred to Ukraine despite the fervent pleas of embattled president Volodomyr Zelenskiy."
    After reading this first sentence( I don't agree with Biden in anything) I came to the conclusion that you and the colonel are not only deterred but suffer from ABDS= Acquired Brain Deficiency Syndrom. Who in the right mind would escalate the conflict that already cost thousand lives and enormous destruction.
    You and all warmongers sitting in comfort thousand miles from the conflict shoud read what some of real American generals said about the war.
    Genral William Sherman : "I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fire a shot nor heard the shrieks an groans of wounded, who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation. War is hell"

    GeneralStonewall Jacks: " there are only two things we should fight for> One is defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply racket"

    General Douglas Mac Artur: "our governement has kept us in perpetual state of fear-has kept us in continuous stampede of patriotic fervor- with cry of grave national emergency"

    This is what Thomas Jefferson said already in 1793: "We wish not to meddle with internal affairs of any country, nor with the general affairs of Europe. Peace with all nations, and the right which that give us weth respect to all nations, are our objects"
    If you and all ziobochevik zealots educated yourself, what is Law of Causality ,you would recognize , who caused this problem and the consequences that followed. It was not Russia . Sometimes I got the impression that you ziobolchevick sycophant underlings,would blame Putin even for your Constipation or Diarrhoea
    I wonder if I will get your reaction and the answer, or if someone in uniform knock on my dooor at 3:30 in the morning. I had that experience in 1968 whe Warsaw Pact invaded my country. Mike, so far not once you reacted to my emails, I wonder why

  • Timothy Broman

    03/15/2022 07:52 PM

    Colonel Allard is right on... sadly. Can America come back?

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