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Trip of a Lifetime

Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

Three Stories Worth Reading

1. "When Paradise is Lost," by Col. Ken Allard.

2. "Anti-Semitism and Israel's Future," my latest video. 

3. Lawfare update: Judge Merchan and “Special Counsel” Smith seen for what they are.

Election News

The Democrats still have a chance to ruin everything!!!

March 8, 2022

Lately, Tesla and Starlink billionaire Elon Musk has been showing more common sense and leadership than we’re getting from our own White House. He stood up for increasing American oil production (even though he sells electric cars), and in less than a day, he provided satellite access and equipment for Ukraine to get back onto the Internet. But now, he’s drawing the line at what he sees as doing the same thing Russia is doing.


Putin signed a new law barring Russian news outlets from reporting on his war on Ukraine. In response, many governments (but not Ukraine’s, oddly) are pressuring media and Internet companies such as Starlink to ban Russian news outlets as propaganda. He tweeted, “We will not do so unless at gunpoint. Sorry to be a free speech absolutist.” He added, “And also my sympathies to the great people of Russia, who do not want this.”

I understand the impulse to ban Russian media outlets when we know they’re being forced to censor themselves and air Putin’s propaganda. But if we are aware of that in advance, wouldn’t it be useful for us to know what they’re telling their own people, so we know what we have to counter? Also, you never know when some brave journalist is going to slip in some helpful real information or make a stand that the world should see.

In America, the Founders gave us free speech and freedom of the press because they trusted the people to have enough sense to know when they were hearing garbage ideas and argue them down and reject them. When the government starts deciding whose ideas are incorrect and unworthy of being spoken, that’s the slippery slope to tyranny.

We were already sliding that way as it is. Letting our government use Russia as an excuse to outright ban certain media outlets from the public square would only move us further down the well-known path of all fanatics, who eventually become what they once claimed to hate.

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Comments 21-30 of 43

  • Frances Roberts

    03/13/2022 05:12 PM

    Why oh why can’t you be our president?
    You are such a voice of reason!

  • Janice Wege

    03/13/2022 05:02 PM

    Mike, love your daily updates & prayers. I received this today, and wonder if you would check it out as I have heard things re Masons etc. Download the “Spotify” app. Listen to “All out War” with Turner & Rosey Theology Culture Politics, episode #97 (its from 2020 I believe), special guest Jessie Czebator, (Setanic Ritual Abuse Survivor) , open in Thanks, please let me know what you think, it’s so hard for me to believe this is going on..and scary!!! Blessings to you. Jan Wege

  • Paula Herold

    03/13/2022 04:34 PM

    I wish YOU could write for the Russian People. They don't want war anymore than most other civilized people when you get into the trenches where the average family lives....

  • Dale Baker

    03/13/2022 04:04 PM

    I agree with Elon Musk with regard to freedom of speech. He must have the DNC worried as far as the USA is concerned.

  • Cheryl Kirwan

    03/13/2022 01:38 PM

    Hi Mike,
    I love your newsletters! Thank you for sharing your great works with us.

    Your Sunday show with the amazing DEM corruption chart was a true eye opener!!! WOW.

    God bless you and your beautiful family??

  • Gail Ostendorf

    03/13/2022 12:54 PM

    It seems logical to me that if everyone would lower their driving speeds to 55 it would save
    the world from excessive gas use, save lives and lower carbon in the air. When we are facing
    uncertain times, this seems like the right thing to do. In an hour of driving time, you would
    only loose 10 minutes.

  • Craig Wilson

    03/13/2022 12:03 PM

    Sorry Mike…I’m with Elon on this one. You didn’t say directly, but your pens body language says you may disagree with him for this. Free press should not be turned on and off by “deciders”. I have been vocal in my disgust with the Facebook and Twitter “twits” for shutting down free speech. I must, in fact, WE ALL must be consistent on this and the good sense of the public will be the “deciders” of the truth. Putin’s lies will be exposed in the fresh air of the public square.

    “I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”, is an often quoted phrase and it sums up nicely what I believe and perhaps what Mr. Musk may be saying here. I hope this is what we all believe and that it is why it is the first of the amendments of the greatest document on earth.

    Oh, and just to be neither a plagiarizer (Biden) or a spreader of false narratives (Media). This often quoted phrase is said to have come from Voltaire. But it is not from Voltaire, the 18th-century philosopher, but it was a paraphrase from a biographer named Evelyn Beatrice Hall of what she thought Voltaire was thinking.

  • Stephen Russell

    03/13/2022 10:08 AM

    Love it when Russia kicks out Google, Twitter etc from nation
    Hoorah, What Goes around Comes Around

  • Connie Barlow

    03/12/2022 09:50 AM

    E is a really Smart man. I am Glad he pointed out these things. I hope MANY read him.
    I think the Dems won't . They want it from Pelosi's mouth. Not responsible sad the devil has a hold on them. But,GOD says "it is your choice. YOU have to know Truth" and you can Not IF you don't listen & use your Brain!

  • j. debra halsmith

    03/10/2022 10:51 AM

    Last week, I mentioned that I'm STILL getting the Gov's email newsletters into my email box. Did I read something different that when I subscribe to his newsletters, the email-delivery will STOP??? Please reply...this is the 2nd time I've asked about this. Looking forward to hearing from someone on the Gov's Staff.
    Enjoy the day,

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