Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 5:51 PM, October 17


1. Both sides are reacting to Kamala Harris' interview with Brett Baier.

2. Jonathan Turley's latest column is all about Kamala Harris surrogate, Liz Cheney.

3. The plagiarism scandal around Kamala Harris' 2009 book is growing.

4. ABC debate moderators may have "fact-checked" President Trump over his claims about crime, but it turns out he was right.

5. Mike Huckabee is raising the alarm about apathy among Christian voters.

6. The Left's hysterical attacks against Trump are bordering on hilarious now.

7. 2020 Throwback: Jack Smith's latest court filing against President Trump is his wildest yet





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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January 12, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • What can be done about Big Tech?
  • The World is Watching
  • Biden's pick
  • Banned by Facebook


Mike Huckabee

What can be done about Big Tech?

By Mike Huckabee

With Big Tech companies such as Google, Apple and Amazon acting in concert to crush Parler and silence conservative political speech, the big question is, what to do about it? Rep. Devin Nunes has called for a RICO investigation, but with the DOJ under the control of the Democrats, who benefit from the collusion (ironically!), that’s not likely to happen. Conservatives tried going to other platforms, but the Silicon Valley leftists control so much of the digital infrastructure that they can cut off any competitors’ web hosting, email service, even digital payment systems.

A bill was just introduced to scale back Section 230 protections when social media companies violate free speech rights, but I have little hope of it passing under the Democrats.

This article in the New York Post calls for federal intervention, but admits that won’t happen until at least 2024, when Republicans could take back the White House and Congress. But will they be able to when their free speech and online presence have been purged for four years?

So what can be done right now? Well, there are two things, and they’re already happening. On Monday, Parler turned to the courts, where there are now a number of Trump-appointed judges who actually care about the Constitution. Parler filed a massive lawsuit against Amazon for antitrust violations, breach of contract and unlawful business interference, and demanded that their web hosting service be reinstated. Parler says their contract with Amazon requires 30 days’ notice of termination, and they got less than one day. In fact, they found out about it from the leftwing website Buzzfeed, which apparently was told an hour before Parler was informed (now we finally have an answer to the question, “Which travels faster: an email or a virtue signal?”)

Since Parler CEO John Matze says he’s getting death threats and is afraid even to go home, and I assume those were ginned up on Twitter, then under the same standard applied to Parler, Twitter is responsible for the people fomenting death threats and should be shut down.

Let’s hope this is only the first of many, many major lawsuits against the Big Tech companies. In the meantime, there is also another way to fight back, and it’s already starting. The tech giants think that they can “disappear” 75 million Americans who voted for Trump. But 75 million angry Americans can respond by refusing to do business with them. They can turn off Facebook and Twitter and actually talk to their real friends, or read a book, go outside, spend time with their families, or do something really productive, like restarting the Tea Party movement. They can shop in person at locally-owned stores instead of on Amazon.

This whole “We don’t need no stinkin’ deplorables as customers!” attitude proved its foolishness to the companies’ shareholders on Monday when Twitter’s stock value plummeted by $5 billion in one day, losing 12% of its value (that’s its stock value; I’m not sure what other value Twitter has.)

Also on Monday, other tech stocks took a beating, with Amazon losing 2.15% of its value, Google and Apple losing over 2.3%, and Facebook dropping by over 4%.

That article assumes that this is just temporary, and they’ll bounce back. Or it could be only the beginning. Show of hands: how many of you who have left Twitter plan to go back? How many plan to give money to any of these companies as long as they’re colluding to deprive you of your Constitutional rights? Wow, not seeing any hands out there.

Ultimately, the greatest power is the power of the purse. The leftist billionaires who control these tech companies are dependent on us giving them our time and money. Yet they are so arrogant and filled with hubris that they think it’s we who are dependent on them. For instance, they actually believe that if they deplatform the #WalkAway movement, it will prevent people from walking away from the left. They’re right: people are now running away.

As far as Facebook and Twitter thinking that they're here to stay and we’re permanently dependent on them: How much time have you spent on MySpace lately?

The World is Watching

By Mike Huckabee

Leftists keep telling us that President Trump is an embarrassment to America in the eyes of other nations. Personally, I find it embarrassing that the leaders of other nations around the world, even leftwing leaders, are watching American Big Tech CEOs’ outrageous censorship of Trump and his supporters and condemning the US for its failure to protect the right to free speech.

My favorite quote, from Russian opposition leader Alexy Navalny, who calls the social media purge an unacceptable form of censorship: “Don’t tell me (Trump) was banned for violating Twitter rules. I get death threats here every day for many years, and Twitter doesn’t ban anyone.”

Also worth considering: maybe you’ve gone too far when Germany is telling you you’re acting like fascists


Biden's pick

By Mike Huckabee

It’s been reported that when she was president of Harvard’s Black Students Union, Joe Biden’s pick to run the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice invited a noted anti-Semite to speak and wrote a letter to the campus newspaper, arguing that blacks have greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities than whites because they have more melanin in their skin.

Ladies and gentlemen, the “party of science!”

Banned by Facebook

By Mike Huckabee

Facebook has permanently banned a clothing retailer called Patriotic Me for alleged violations of terms of service, but the company can’t get anyone from Facebook to explain what they did wrong.

The business was started by a wife and mother who sells non-partisan clothes with patriotic themes, such as the American flag. A portion of every sale goes to the Tunnels to Towers Foundation, a charity to help injured veterans and first responders (I’ve had the founder of that group on “Huckabee” as a Huck’s Hero: https://youtu.be/rryvCv3CYJc).

Sales are down by 94% because Facebook has cut off their traffic, and the owner can’t get through to any live human to explain why so that they can correct it. Let’s hope the increased exposure forces Facebook to respond and relent. In the meantime, here’s the shop’s website, which at least is still allowed to be online.


Pelosi blames "whiteness"

By Mike Huckabee

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blamed last week’s violent protest inside the Capitol on “whiteness” and people placing "whiteness over democracy."

I think she has a point. All the power in Washington is concentrated in one racist organization whose leaders are two wealthy white men, ages 70 and 78, and a very wealthy white woman who’s 80. They all refuse to relinquish their power to younger, more diverse challengers. In the name of eradicating the corrosive power of whiteness, I call on them to resign immediately.

Well, maybe not the 78-year-old white guy. He’ll probably be replaced by a younger woman of color pretty soon anyway.



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Comments 51-75 of 100

  • Sandy Wilhelm

    01/13/2021 09:02 AM

    I’ve stopped my Amazon Prime and no longer shop at Wholefoods. Now I go to Fresh Tyme! I don’t Twitter, and I joined Parler! I’m done with those companies that want to destroy our country! More companies will follow!

  • Kathryn Leatherwood

    01/13/2021 09:02 AM

    Money is our power now!


    01/13/2021 08:34 AM

    I have never been on twitter. I have discontinued facebook. I am on Parler...if I can get on. I am going to check out myspace.

    Thanks for all you do!

  • Susan Loewen

    01/13/2021 08:32 AM

    I can't believe the best President in my lifetime is leaving the white house. Praying, praying, praying. Obviously God's plan is in motion.

  • Jane Franklin

    01/13/2021 08:26 AM

    Please support the Article V Convention of States. It is the only way we can our Republic. D.C. was never meant to be a Ruling Class. 2 Terms, SS like us etc.

  • Stephen Russell

    01/13/2021 08:25 AM

    Countering Big Tech:
    o ID other sites
    o Fund other sites from RNC side.
    o File suits.
    o Class action can Help since more users
    o Join Creative Futures etc to fight Big Tech
    o Use FOIA?
    o Use ties to CCP China.
    o Seek out Ex employees who left firm??
    o Hire IT types to move" around" FB, LinkedIn, Twitter, other sites.
    o See Idaho ISP firm banned Facebook, Twitter, so Unite ISP firms.
    o & Use RICO
    I say do ALL above in planned effort by ALL GOP etc alone
    With Big Tech loose anytime they can miscensor a Lefitst & all Hell breaks loose
    BUT will GOP unite on issues??

  • Theresa Lawver

    01/13/2021 08:04 AM

    Thank you for your respectful point of view. I watched the DOJ/FBI threats to Americans rights and freedoms and honestly, I am worried for America, like so many others. My question is, with President Trump and his administration, who will be standing up for us little people when the FBI comes knocking? Those of us that are not part of the Antifa thugs in DC that day but Trump supporters non the less that have passed along funny memes and tried mightely to open peoples eyes to not only the way some used the democratic party but the flaggrant disregard for children around the world. I miss my country.... God bless you and yours! ???????????

  • Carol Hutson

    01/13/2021 07:35 AM

    Thank you for your sensitive and knowledgeable thoughts. We, Americans need solidarity and millions of us still believe in President Trump!

  • John Murat

    01/13/2021 07:22 AM

    Maybe Mike you should address how people abuse social media by inciting hate and racism with statements. Maybe Mike you should use your influence in a positive nature instead of continuing to cause division. Sad.

  • Jeanette

    01/13/2021 07:18 AM

    Sad to see them go, I wish we could fence half the country off for Evil and the other side for all the rest of us. Have you seen what Pelosi has done to San Francisco its appalling. Biden will never Unify . A Cheater will always be a Loser .

  • Sarah Watkins

    01/13/2021 07:06 AM

    Thank you Mr. Huckabee for you news each day it is a light towards the end of this Dark Tunnel .
    I love the Bible Verse each Day and write it in a journal. The Courage and Faith you have gives me lets me know there is HOPE for our Country. Thank You

  • Nancy phariss

    01/13/2021 07:01 AM

    Thank you for keeping me informed.

  • Leigh Amiot

    01/13/2021 06:17 AM

    Governor Huckabee,
    I appreciate your newsletters. There is little to be trusted in the enemedia. Your perspective is clear and untainted by hate and lies.
    Thank you and keep up the good work.

  • Ms. Glorious hope

    01/13/2021 06:17 AM

    We must Ban together, this is a purging of that which is good

  • Riccardo

    01/13/2021 05:50 AM

    Competition could be a good medicine! Or even "antitrust" law applied !!!

  • Connie Dykiel

    01/13/2021 04:48 AM

    I felt a little silly canceling my Amazon monthly pantry. But I did. It seems so insignificant. But if everyone does that it’s powerful

  • Antonia Beus

    01/13/2021 03:46 AM

    Please stop the impeachment of President Trump

  • Diana Larson

    01/13/2021 03:05 AM

    We are Mote than 800 millions people that disagree with all those social media, but still need them to comunícate . We need a new alternative and then close all our accounts with all those unfair social media. We need them l, but they need us more. Together we can do it

  • Arleen Paul

    01/13/2021 01:38 AM

    love this!!!! THANK YOU. we are trying to get a NATIONAL BOYCOTT started agains every college/university, organization, business, media advertiser on tv or social that is censoring, blacklisting, firing etc. for trying to shut us up and take away our basic constitutional rights.

  • Vickie Olson

    01/13/2021 01:37 AM

    I think this article hits the nail on the head. Another fear for 2024 election is the cheating. It worked this time. I pray for the evil corruption in our government to be revealed.

  • Sandi Mcgraw

    01/13/2021 01:29 AM

    I’m just sick over everything there trying to do to our wonderful President who has done more for this country then anyone. And Twitter never go back Amazon canceled my prime and Facebook going soon! Keep fighting!! Patriots

  • Vaslav Nijinsky

    01/13/2021 01:17 AM

    As for Jeff B, we ceased doing business w/ AMZN ~ 1 1/2 years ago due to increasing order fulfillment issues, inacurractely filled, and inadequately packed to protect fragile(glass or compressible) items, eventually resulting in every order being inaccurate and/or damaged intransit. The breaking point was reached when AMZN essentially declined to address and redress these issues. In a nutshell Jeff B & Co decided to just "stiff you." Jeff's demonrat Wash Compost red rag was another factor in us just walking away from AMZN then and forever. What AMZN and the Wash Compost have been increasingly perpetrating since then have just confirmed and validated the principles behind our decision and actions. #WalkAway

  • mark poyhonen

    01/13/2021 01:10 AM

    Too many 'conservative' news casters refuse to mention the stolen election. It seems they forgot the vast number of affidavits and irregularities associated with the fraudulent votes that elected Biden. The democrats demands the fraud never be mentioned - you must be nice to hypocrites and thieves or we will not only call you names like racist and fascist, but punish you by taking away your livelihood and refusing travel, banking services, and free speech. But to a point or perhaps a question - is impeaching Trump a foil to keep him from challenging the election? Should the truth come out, he could be reelected but they would only continue to trample him with impeachment. So isn't it more like Steal, we win, Truth - you lose?

  • Florence Callahan

    01/13/2021 01:03 AM

    You captured every emotion conservatives are feeling right now.we are hurting for our nation.
    I pray that the 74 million Trump voters will pick up their slingshots and strike back at these Goliaths and at least put a dent in their thick skulls

  • Deborah Taylor

    01/13/2021 12:35 AM

    To me, the past week has been as sad as the week following 9/11. The big difference is that we aren’t united this time.

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