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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

January 21, 2021

The brainless January 6 attack on the Capitol was a gift to the left, giving the incoming administration an excuse to treat all Trump supporters, going forward, as domestic terrorists. So it should come as no surprise that President Joseph Robinette Biden, in his inaugural address on Wednesday, declared war on domestic terror.

Will definitions be twisted to enable this war to be waged against all those who supported Trump? Will 75 million Americans now be opposed in the same ways we opposed al-Qaeda after 9/11? And what does that do for “unity”?


Former CIA Director and world-class dangerous person John Brennan gave his impression of this “war” on MSNBC, where he now works: “...The members of the Biden team who have been nominated or have been appointed are now moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we’ve seen overseas, where they germinate in different parts of the country, and they gain strength, and it brings together an ‘unholy alliance,’ frequently, of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians. And unfortunately, I think there has been this momentum that has been generated as a result of, unfortunately, the demagogic rhetoric of people that have just departed government, but also those who continue in the halls of Congress.”

Let’s break that down. Brennan says the Biden team is now moving in “laser-like fashion” to uncover what “looks very similar” to overseas “insurgency” movements.

"Laser-like”: A laser is quick and focused. In other words, no time for judicial review and due process.

"Looks very similar”: It doesn’t have to BE an insurgency, just give the appearance of one to the people in charge.

"Insurgency”: This loose term may be applied at will. A peaceful protest held to question, say, the outcome of the election would be labeled by many –- including social media, which has the power to censor –- as an insurgency that must be held in check because it might “incite violence.”

"Unholy alliance”: This means groups that might not agree with each other on most things but happen to be on the same side about a particular issue. If no differentiation is made, an innocent group might be considered guilty by association. They wouldn’t even have to associate to be lumped together.

"Religious extremists”: Who are the extremists? Depending on who’s talking, socially-conservative Baptists and Catholics might be considered extremist, while far-left Muslims and militant atheists might not be, simply because their politics are approved by those in charge. Never mind the First Amendment; it’s the politics that will decide how various faiths are treated.

"Authoritarians”: Again, who are the real authoritarians? It seems to me we have people in control now who relish their new power and the idea of running everything way, way too much, and I’m talking about you, Nancy Pelosi and AOC. Among numerous others.

"Fascists”: At least here in America, this word applies most truthfully to those who claim to be “anti-fascist.” But who gets to decide where to slap that “fascist” label? And what if they’ve already dictated that Trump supporters will be the ones labeled fascists, even though the real fascists are the ones burning down buildings and trashing their enemies’ civil rights?

"Bigots/racists”: In the switched-around world of 2021, either of these terms can be used to refer to people who criticize the “anti-racist” movement, even to condemn those of us who think it’s best to be color-blind. If I’m the one talking, the “anti-racist” movement, so-called Critical Race Theory, is the most racist thing to come along since Jim Crow laws. But I’m not the one talking –- not in the halls of government, anyway. And not in public education and the universities. Also, it doesn't help that anyone who supported Trump is automatically labeled a racist.

"Nativists”: This word can be used to describe anyone who just wants to put America first. And –- aha –- all the people who wanted to build a wall and “Make America Great Again.” Anti-immigrant! Bad people!

"Libertarians”: These are people who want as limited a government as realistically possible and all the protections that the Constitution was intended to provide. To the current government, these might be the most dangerous people of all, especially when teamed with fed-up Republicans who lean that way. If they can be lumped in with extremists, fascists and bigots, so much the better.

I"ll translate the rest of what he said: These groups gained “momentum” from Trump-style rhetoric during the past four years, and unfortunately we still have some members of Congress who engage in that. His implication: We need to get those people out.

So, will the new administration be “moving in laser-like fashion” towards getting those people out of office? And will part of their new domestic “war” be to criminalize all of the above, with THEM writing the definitions?

Glenn Greenwald has a stunning and very important, must-read piece, available at, on this new war the left plans to wage on domestic terror.

By the way, Greenwald leans left politically, so does that make ours an “unholy alliance”? No, it does not! Read his piece, and it’s clear who the real authoritarians are. Hint: it’s not Trump supporters.


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Comments 51-75 of 81

  • Tim Foerster

    01/21/2021 02:16 PM

    As to the unifying tone of Mr. Biden's speech, I like the words of Winston Churchill. "I no longer listen to what people say, I just watch what people do. Behavior never lies."

  • Dan Charnas

    01/21/2021 02:06 PM

    Dear Governor Mike,
    Please continue to share your opinions and insight with us. We need your voice of reason now more than ever. Thank you.

  • Constance Kerber

    01/21/2021 02:04 PM

    Thank you for what you are doing keeping us informed.

  • Charles white

    01/21/2021 02:00 PM

    Nothing in the news of antifia riots in Portland on the 20th. They said they do not support Biden. Strange. What happened to all the news reelsbb by on the riotsnn B in Ca and Portland earlier and pelosi speech

  • Laura Mccament

    01/21/2021 01:59 PM

    Violent Leftist Protests Greet Biden Presidency --- I think they were paid all along. Now the Left wants the world to think they were not compensated by the Left. This is a way to "end it" , cover it up, without making it look like it was bought and paid for by the Left. NOW, NOW, To make it look like it was/is Trump supporters. Of course we were the ones crying out against it!! This is just another example of the Jan 6 situation! WHY didn't the liberal governors and mayor shut them down before now?????

  • Vickie Fiorentino

    01/21/2021 01:58 PM

    Totally disheartened at how this all played out and continue to be afraid that our Social Security will be taken away, Medicare increased to the point where no one can afford it (I still cannot affor regular healthcare with the 20k decuctible they want to give me) and yet, theya are about to allow thousands of immigrants in, who get MY COVID SHOT, Healthcare, education and food benefits whilst we have millions who cannot feed their family or provide a roof over their children's head due to the chinese and there latest strike on the US ecomomy. Where is the money coming for the Paris Climate, the WHO, etc? Is Trader Joes donating his salary like TRUMP did?

  • Floyd Unger

    01/21/2021 01:45 PM

    Sadly, tragically what’s happening to us, our country now parallels what I’ve read in “The Gulag Archipelago”

  • Suzi

    01/21/2021 01:43 PM

    I'm afraid for our future, my mother in law passed away a couple of years ago, but as a little girl she escaped with her mother a nazi concentration camp. Her mother fed the babies poppy seeds to knock them out in order to silence them while she ran at night. My heart breaks because I feel my children will be faced with this same outcome. She would be heart broken to think her family escaped to only find out her grandchildren and children will be living in similar circumstances.

  • Dennis & Virginia Ragain

    01/21/2021 01:40 PM

    Governor, following is a copy of some thoughts from "Unknown". I posted it on our Facebook account & it was immediately taken down by "Independent Fact Checkers". No clue as to what facts, but only that it was "Unacceptable".

    Thank you for giving us a place to go to listen to the truth. Sincerely, Dennis & Ginny Ragain
    From unknown:
    “This morning, I realized that everything is about to change. No matter how I vote, no matter what I say, lives are never going to be the same.
    I have been confused by the hostility of family and friends. I look at people I have known all my life so hate-filled that they agree with opinions they would never express as their own. I think that I may well have entered the Twilight Zone.
    You can't justify this insanity. We have become a nation that has lost its collective mind.
    We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan to us.
    Somehow it’s un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America.
    People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.
    Universities that advocate equality, discriminate against Asian-Americans in favor of African-Americans.
    Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.
    Criminals are caught-and-released to hurt more people, but stopping them is bad because it's a violation of THEIR rights.
    People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.
    After legislating gender, if a dude pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him.
    It was cool for Joe Biden to "blackmail" the President of Ukraine, but it’s an impeachable offense if Donald Trump inquiries about it.
    People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for their degrees.
    Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you’d better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.
    Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate to the US must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate gang-bangers who jump the southern fence are welcomed.
    $5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for “free” health care is not.
    If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college for free.
    And, pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes us "racists"!
    Nothing makes sense anymore, no values, no morals, no civility and people are dying of a Chinese virus, but it is racist to refer to it as Chinese even though it began in China.
    We are clearly living in an upside-down world where right is wrong and wrong is right, where moral is immoral and immoral is moral, where good is evil and evil is good, where killing murderers is wrong, but killing innocent babies is right.
    Wake up America. The great unsinkable ship Titanic America has hit an iceberg, is taking on water and sinking fast.
    Copied and pasted. I suggest you do the same!

  • Mary Smith

    01/21/2021 01:40 PM

    Read your newsletter last night on retailers Bed Bath & Beyond, Kohls, & Wayfair no longer carrying MyPillow products. Being curious, I unsuccessfully searched for MyPillow on the shopping network QVC and then started a "chat" with a QVC rep who informed me that they no longer carry MyPillow. I asked "why is that" and was told "QVC does not endorse any political candidate or party. Our focus at QVC is helping millions of people worldwide discover our ever-changing mix of products from thousands of brands." to which I responded "QVC provides products made by foreign companies (ie CHINA) and not AMERICAN-made products by US employees?!?" I then closed my account. You're right - I'm only one individual, but conservatives need to start pulling our purse strings too!!

  • Shauna dickerson

    01/21/2021 01:37 PM

    Mr Huckabee, I worry about you, because of your newsletter where I get items that so clearly echo my thoughts., How do you keep from being hauled in and be charged with stirring up Americans. I'm hoping you are just too beloved by Americans, too far in the forefront, that your demeanor as you speak the truth is too calm and reasoned, they don't want to incite violence by attempting to silence you. What do you think. I'd like your thoughts.

  • Donald Tygart

    01/21/2021 01:35 PM

    When the Vetting of the military moves into the entire structure - and they've cleared all the 'Trump supporters out - what will happen to the few thousands that are left? Is this the way to 'balance the budget' - or pay back the disciples? A 'planned' 70% reduction - of National Guard and Reservist? Ah, isn't Politics grand?

  • Randy MP

    01/21/2021 01:21 PM

    According to the left breaking and burning business is a Peaceful protest. The so called
    capital insurrection was let in so they cannot be accused of breaking in. Again according to the lefts definition this was a peaceful protest. The stealing of the podium and computers was justified according to the lefts view and definition of the looting last summer.
    So they have nothing to stand on these false gods with feet of clay

  • Johnny McCray

    01/21/2021 01:20 PM

    Have not I commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

  • Mable Alford

    01/21/2021 01:15 PM

    Brennan is a threat to our freedoms and the Constitution and the bill of rights and everything America stands for. He needs to look in the mirror and hear himself talk, if he wants to know the real threat.

  • Jenifer Schulz

    01/21/2021 01:14 PM

    I wish we the people could respond to the lying media and get heard. Back in April I sent an email to encourage President Trump, and instead of getting a dameon_failure, I got a message back from yahoo, "Hmmmm...we tried to send this several times. It failed." Never have I received an email failure like that. We all know that Biden did not win the presidency, but took it fraudulently. The majority of the people who are legal citizens know that. Biden, in truth, is not really the president. Everyone truly knows that.

  • Mic Rosado

    01/21/2021 01:13 PM

    Truly disturbing and worrisome for anyone regardless of race, color, creed! While my eyes are open and fixated on looking up; We must have a firm understanding of what the definitions are, in writing, with whatever labels, pronouns, descriptive adjectives, enforcement parameters (the list goes on) from Their own words. I pray for people with power, wisdom and discernment like yourself (Mike Huckabee) to fight the good fight against this with and for us.
    With much concern and vigilant watching...

  • Kay johns

    01/21/2021 01:11 PM

    Thank you for articles, most recently about John Brennen. Most of use can’t break it down so well.
    Also the article about the “My Pillow” treatment by national chains. I am going to write letters to each of those you mentioned, letting them know I will spending my money else where. I hope others will do the same.

  • Frank Long

    01/21/2021 01:07 PM

    This administration will never understand who the problem is ........ for the same reason that a parasitic cancer will never see itself as needing to be eradicated in order to keep the host alive.


    01/21/2021 01:07 PM

    A MILLION PEOPLE WERE in DC on 1/6/21 how do we know IT wasn't a few hundred antifa and BLM that intentionAlly attacked the capitol with assistance by dems in an orchestrated propaganda smear , WASNT IT THE democrats who lied and cheated and created false stories for the last 5 years trying to get trump they trhew everything at him and most of the 75 Mill Americans still believe that we were cheated and BIDEN stole the election its illogical no way old feeble career politician biden got more votes than the messiahs Obama and now they want to use GESTAPO tactics to hurt us? are they intentionally looking to start a new revoluon we can not be silenced with NAZI SS strongarm tactics, this is disgraceful and our own RHINOS are also to blame

  • Ed Thompson

    01/21/2021 12:58 PM

    I don’t have a crystal ball and I’m not a person who claims to be able to look into the future but I can guarantee you that I know everything Joe is going to do TO America ! All I have to do is look at everything Donald Trump did FOR America and there ya are—- Joe will screw it all up and call it macaroni!! Ha! Everyone better get ready for higher taxes and higher gasoline prices and higher prices on everything we use including food and anything else we use. Oh and maybe learn to speak several different languages while you’re sitting at home after losing your job. Keystone pipeline is just the beginning of what he and his wonder kids will stop cold and everything that is now used for everyday life will be under their control and if it doesn’t conform to their standards or ideology it will be ended. Socialism is coming folks. Get ready for the fun!! Vote in two years to get our country back! We can’t afford to pay the world for their lifestyle! God Bless America—please! Stay strong.

  • Joseph Turek

    01/21/2021 12:49 PM

    I have stopped all contributions to and republican organization. The RNC called and I said NO!!!!! Never again!!!!! I am sending checks to real American Humans. I have sent checks to some of the true Trump backers. And I need to identify the 15 NEW GOP will to work with criminal traitor coward biden. No one from the left tried to work wit Trump. I am starting a new business and on the door will be DEMORATS need not apply. I can not verify that they can have rational thoughts.

  • Kenny Gardner

    01/21/2021 12:49 PM

    I agree with what you are saying. As far as a gift to the left, Mo Brooks was told by an FBI Agent that there was a bus load of Antifa. The video of the guy with the horns shows he was let in! Not blaming the officer as it is the PEOPLE’S place as well. Let us look at a few facts; Mayor Bowser was offered the National Guard by Trump. Rejected. The DC Police were offered TWICE. The most BASIC protocols that a fly by night Security Firm were not adhered to. Trump was the President so he may have had info that was not privy to Bowser etc. Now the question; was it info that MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, those on the Intelligence Committee may have had? Schiff? Swalwell? Were Bowser and others told to ignore Trump’s request? Fair question as NOTHING in DC happens WITHOUT a political calculation! The 25k National Guard was not about stopping an INSURRECTION as NONE OCCURRED! It was to INSTALL Biden, I mean Kamala! Obama had the say in her being VP. Remember there are 133 million voters, LEGAL ONES, in the USA. Trump got 74 million votes. Biden 80 million! Well that is 21 million TOO MANY! That is FRAUD! I know it and SO DOES THE LEFT! They are not denying it! Instead the TROOPS are a WARNING to SHUT UP OR ELSE! A big MIDDLE FINGER to AMERICANS! Now the issue is what we DO about it. Peaceful I PRAY! The issue is the BRAZEN ARROGANCE of the Left! They are MORE ANGRY now than ever! Winners should be happy but they are not because they did NOT win; the stole. The rhetoric from the Left, the demonization of 74 million of us is like what started in the 1920’s in Germany. The BLAME GAME! Germany NEVER accepted their Nation’s actions in WWI. Now the Left REFUSES to accept their failed policies, the Blue States economic destruction, the fact the ELECTORATE HATES their political agenda! This will get very ugly. I predict in the next 100 days we will see an anti-gun executive order, to “ defuse” the insurrectionists. Then will decide whether we LOVE OUR NATION or we cower.

  • Elzi Fourcher

    01/21/2021 12:49 PM

    Thank you, Mr. Huchabee, for such precise information. We need to stand up in faith and prayers. God is not dead and He will deliver us from evil doings against us. I love this country and its people. We are in the battle of Ephesians 6. Please, let s keep strong.

  • Norman Scott

    01/21/2021 12:28 PM

    Liz Cheney is a disgraceful representative of the Republicans party! She needs to be removed from her committee leadership and voted out of office. Anyone that is dumb enough to vote for the sham second impeachment of Donald Trump should not serve as a Republican. Both McConnell and Cheney need to go. I will not give another dime to the Republican cause until something is done!

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