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October 16, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - 2 Timothy 1:7
  • "Huckabee" Preview
  • Condolences
  • Sanders harassment of Manchin hurts his cause
  • “Thank Heaven for judges”
  • Virginia School Board Outrage Updates


Mike Huckabee


"Huckabee" preview

By Mike Huckabee

There’s a chill in the air, but we have a hot new episode of “Huckabee” to warm you up tonight on TBN! I’ll talk with Arkansas Lt. Gov. Tim Griffin, and Tennessee Rep. David Kustoff will tell us about the Democrats’ plan to hire an army of IRS agents to snoop into all our bank accounts. On the lighter side, Internet chef Abby Turner will cook up a special fall chili recipe. We’ll have lots of laughs with “In Case You Missed It” and comedian Lee Hardin. And we’ll top it off with a classic soul/pop hit from the band Raydio.

Catch it all starting at 8 and 11 EST, 7 and 10 CST, and Sunday at 9 EST/8 CST, on TBN. To find out how you can watch TBN, from local cable and broadcast channels to streaming, visit and click on “Channel Finder” on the top menu. You can stream previous episodes, highlights and online-only “Digital Exclusives,” including extended interviews, “In Case You Missed It” and “Facts of the Matter” segments, and extra performances by our great musical and comedy guests, all at You can also find past shows, highlights and digital exclusives on YouTube and my Facebook page.


By Mike Huckabee

Our prayers and condolences today for the family of British Conservative Parliament Member David Amess, who was brutally murdered Friday when he was speaking at a church in Essex. A man entered and stabbed him multiple times.

Police have a 25-year-old suspect in custody. They believe he acted alone. His name wasn’t released, but the murder has been declared a terrorist incident and is being investigated for potential links to Islamic extremism.

Sanders harassment of Manchin hurts his cause

By Mike Huckabee

You would think that after one of his rabid followers nearly murdered Rep. Steve Scalise at a charity baseball game, that Sen. Bernie Sanders would have learned not to try to gin up harassment of his political opponents. These are, after all, the same leftists who are trying to blame the January 6th Capitol violence on former President Trump because he made a speech in which he called for peaceful protest.

Yet Sanders refused to sign a letter from fellow Senators condemning the nasty harassment of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema for not supporting the left’s $3.5 trillion spending orgy bill unless the letter also contained language criticizing her for not voting the way he wants (mighty big of you there, Bernie.) And now, he’s written an op-ed aimed at West Virginia voters, urging them to put pressure on their Senator, Joe Manchin, to force him to support it.

It was the typical Sanders class envy/socialist blather, claiming this spending (which he wanted to be $6 trillion) would help the working families of West Virginia. (It would somehow do that by putting the energy industries they depend on to feed their families out of business while vastly expanding government, raising taxes, boosting inflation and enriching Democrat cronies such as unions and the “green energy” industry – but I digress.) Sanders also said polls show “overwhelming support” for this bill, which means nothing unless they were taken in West Virginia, which Manchin represents (that’s how a republic works, Bernie.) And he didn’t mention that those polls also show most people don’t know what’s in it. Here’s what’s really in it, if you’re interested:

Leftists are apparently so used to people caving in immediately every time they scream, “I’m triggered!” that Sanders and others of his ilk really believe these harassment tactics will work. So far, they only seem to be making Sinema and Manchin furious and less likely to compromise with people who are trying to bully them into submission, as you can see from Manchin’s blistering response to Sanders at the link above.

In one short, magnificent paragraph, Manchin skinned Sanders alive as an out-of-stater trying to tell West Virginians what’s good for them without knowing anything about them (to be fair, that’s what “Democratic” socialists do to everybody), gave him lessons in both economics and Senate math, doubled down on his opposition to “reckless expansion of government programs,” and finished with this haymaker: “No op-ed from a self-declared Independent socialist is going to change that.”

Nice touch, reminding West Virginians, who voted for Trump over Biden by 2-1, that Sanders isn’t even a Democrat, he’s an out-and-out socialist.

I doubt that the overaged spoiled brats of the left will learn from this that their public tantrums are not going to force Sens. Manchin and Sinema to buy them a big bag of candy. They’ll probably keep doing it. And while that’s childish and reprehensible, if it makes the two Senators even more resolute about saying no, for once, the left’s utter inability to learn from their mistakes could work out to America’s benefit.

“Thank Heaven for judges”

By Mike Huckabee

As a conservative, I never thought I’d be able to say “Thank Heaven for judges,” but we’ve actually seen a few recently who’ve stepped up to save the Constitution and take a stand for the justice, freedom and rationality that went out the window when Democrats took over the other two branches of government.

For instance, US District Judge Royce Lamberth ordered the director of the D.C. Department of Corrections and the warden of the D.C. Jail held in contempt for violating the civil rights of a January 6th Capitol riot defendant.

The defendant, Proud Boys member Christopher Worrell, broke his wrist in May, was recommended for surgery in June, but still hasn’t received it, nor has the jail complied with the judge’s order to turn over his medical notes. The judge said, “It’s clear to me the civil rights of the defendant were violated by the D.C. Department of Corrections. I don’t know if it’s because he’s a January 6 defendant or not.” I assume he’s just being judicious. I think we know the answer to that one.

If he were a leftist protester who’d attacked cops and set fire to a federal building, he probably would have long ago been released without charges. Just like if he were part of the two protests that took place this week in Washington in which leftists invaded and occupied federal buildings where officials were trying to conduct government business and were treated as if they were merely unexpected house guests and not “INSURRECTIONISTS!” Instapundit has that story, along with a meme that sums up the Democrats’ two-tiered “justice” system perfectly.

And in a semi-victory, Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Jr., who was slapped with six charges and jailed for nine days for calling on top brass to take accountability for the disastrous Afghanistan pullout, was sentenced Friday. The prosecutors were pressing the judge to throw the book at him, but Scheller pleaded guilty to six misdemeanor counts and, in a surprise ruling, the judge sentenced him to receive a letter of reprimand and forfeit $5000 for one month’s pay.

I think he was treated abominably, but there are military rules against publicly badmouthing your superior officers, no matter how much they deserve it, so you could argue that this was a reasonable level of punishment.

Now, since I’m not in the military, I’ll say it on his behalf: When are the top brass going to take accountability for the disastrous pullout of Afghanistan? And let’s make it clear up front: a letter of reprimand and a month’s salary will NOT do. When will they resign or face charges?

Virginia School Board Outrage Updates

By Mike Huckabee

The liberal national media are trying desperately to ignore the bombshell revelations coming out of Loudoun County, Virginia, but word is spreading and parents are standing up and demanding justice. First, we learned that the dad who was handcuffed at a school board meeting and smeared as a “domestic terrorist” was angry because the board denied that his daughter had been brutally raped by a skirt-wearing boy in the girls’ restroom. Then it was reported that the same boy had sexually assaulted another student on school property five months earlier, and that had allegedly been covered up, too.

Now, the Daily Wire reports that there were multiple alleged sexual assaults in the schools dating back years, and that school officials failed to report them, in violation of state law.

And one school board member has now resigned, while the superintendent is still resisting demands for his resignation. But he did apologize for failing to keep kids safe and vowed to do better. This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, “Too little too late.”

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Comments 21-23 of 23

  • Vernon Thompson

    10/16/2021 05:21 PM

    I have thought this for some tome but someone finally publicly said it! The Democrat Party is now the George Soros Party. I felt this during the Obama Administration and with Biden it is back in spades. There are three prominent features of the Soros agenda:
    1. Open Borders - they cannot be anymore open than they are right now!
    2. Lax Law Enforcement - How many DAs, elected law enforcement officials, and legislatures has he bought and paid for?
    3. Global Governance - The trend of the Biden Administration is to give our right to govern ourselves away to other global bodies i.e. the UN, EU and others. With John (Let's give away the store) Kerry as the "Climate Czar" that is almost assured.
    Is Soros really the shadow President? There is not a week that goes by that one of your articles doesn't reference Soros. If we had a real FBI that was concerned about the American people, we would know a lot more about the financing behind Antifa and BLM and monies paid to rioters and disrupters!

  • Gerry Tischler

    10/16/2021 05:11 PM

    I really like your beard. I hope you decide to keep it.

  • Mike Spears

    10/16/2021 05:04 PM

    Gov Huckabee: Am glad that you are mentioning the new proposal to require Banks to report all transactions over $600 to the IRS. This is a clear violation of the 4th Amendment and MUST BE STOPPED. Not only would it overburden the reporting system and fail to address the issue of "rich tax cheats," (its purported purpose) it would give the IRS a license to steal from virtually every taxpayer. I would guess that it would give an IRS agent to power to decide he has an issue with any given $600 transaction and then go after a subpoena to audit any given bank account. My guess is that this will result in having the IRS seize an untold number of bank accounts, almost at will and with zero accountability. It will likely be a new source for the IRS to take advantage of government CIVIL FORFEITURES, which has long been criticized. The current Executive Branch of the Federal Government seems to be working hard to weaponize the Judicial System against the Citizens.

An attack on the free flow of information by Mike Huckabee

Leftists who once loved Elon Musk when he was making electric cars a reality have turned on him since he’s fighting the government waste, fraud and abuse that funds their political rackets.

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Trip of a Lifetime: Join Chonda Pierce and other Christian conservatives for another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

FBI handing over records on “investigation” of J6 pipe bombs, but NOT on the Seth Rich case by Mike Huckabee

So far, the FBI has sent the House Judiciary Committee over 400 pages “on topics the committee had long been seeking,” going back to the Biden information.

Read on Substack