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With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

August 1, 2021

Thanks to all who wrote concerning the story of the father whose son has been "detained" for months after the Capitol breach and our follow-up concerning a letter critical of the dad. Here's one we found particularly insightful and would like to highlight, from Terry...

Dear Gov. Huckabee:

First of all, I am extremely grateful for your daily newsletters, which are a primary source of news for me, as well as for your TV show that provides a variety unmatched in that medium.

I'm moved to write concerning what is being said about the events of January 6 by people on both ends of the spectrum who seemingly value inflammatory hyperbole over rational discussion of what actually happened. Your own remarks have consistently been even-handed and well thought out, it seems to me.

Conservatives are wearily accustomed to the distortions and outright falsehoods voiced by people like the chair of the Joint Chiefs and the Capitol Police officer who testified this week before the House committee. As onerous as those remarks are to us, some statements I've seen in your reader comments bother me almost as much. They amount to heaping fuel on the fire that the left wants to keep burning. The criticism leveled at the letter from the detainee's father was to me excessive and uncalled for.

Believing in an unrealistic and idealized view of Jan 6 is certainly their prerogative, but conservatives who do so need to realize the grave harm still being done to the movement they purport to represent.

This response is somewhat lengthy I know so I will end here. Once again, thanks for providing a forum for rational discussion.

Terry Allen

Pekin, IL

Dear Terry:

Thank you so much for writing. This is a point we've been trying to make ever since the event took place. It's easy to understand why Trump supporters were fed up --- especially after even the Supreme Court refused to look at evidence --- and why some of them were ready to blow and desperately wanted to make a statement, but to understand this is not the same as approving of it or defending it.

The way they chose to make their statement caused tremendous long-term harm to conservatives, by playing right into the left's hands. We should know by now how the left will twist whatever they can to further their own narrative, which in this case was that Trump supporters are crazy right-wing "insurrectionists" who want to "subvert democracy." Conservatives attended that rally because they want to PROTECT democracy. Think that case ended up being made? No, it did not.

Letters such as yours might help more conservatives see that we have to not just fight, but FIGHT SMART. Thanks again.

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Comments 21-28 of 28

  • Sonny Chance

    08/03/2021 09:10 AM

    It makes no difference what patriotic conservative Americans do or not do. Any action or comment will be "twisted and spewed" by the various medias to fit the marxist narrative and their agenda.
    Fight smart?? The other team doesn't fight smart. They fight low down and dirty without conscience and without fear of any kind of accountability.
    Antifa and blm(burn,loot, murder) can destroy at will. The Jan. 6 rally debacle was a setup. If the left doesn't have a crisis to use in order to break the law, they will create one. Covid(communist flu) being the best example.

  • John W Harlan

    08/01/2021 10:30 PM

    The one thing I haven't seen here or anywhere is a comprehensive report on the rally as opposed to the so called riot! Why? I ask because I was there. No one mentions the huge respectful patriotic crowd in multiple groups prayer and singing God Bless America at the Washington Monument!
    Nobody talks about the infiltrators of the crowd noticed by many in attendance. Nor how they disappeared 30 minutes before the speech ended to beat the crowd to the top of the Capitol steps in order to raise cain! How do I know this? I was there! And a beautiful Patriotic and religious gathering was tarnished forever by a few miscreants and some gullible unthinking people.

  • Sharon Faulkner

    08/01/2021 05:54 PM

    One last thing before I say goodbye : you see the poisoned minds and souls of the Blue Reich... you really think Elections and Church Parlor manners will defeat that?
    That say WE must be rooted out .... no. THEY must be and that is why they panicked and were forced to show their true faces ... the Capitol Hill protests scares them like it does all dictators.
    Fight fire with fire. Don't play into their hands. Best to you and Janet and Sarah.

  • Ann w

    08/01/2021 04:02 PM

    It would be nice to see all the footage of the event. But you are right it seems as though it was a failure and many got punished for it. I think it goes deeper than what we see on tv. I saw raw footage and it was the Dc police who started the riot. Very sad. If that was a real insurrection the police would have been demolished. The two pipe bombs found the day before should tell you what kind of security should have been posted there. It was a set up for sure, but I think more than that it was a distraction. Somebody wanted Mrs P laptop awful bad. When all this evidence comes out the USA public will be shocked.

  • Beverly R Thorpe

    08/01/2021 10:03 AM

    Let's now forget, however, that it is now known that FBI operatives were involved, whether just by being in the crowd, or entrapment by encouraging violence. Let's not forget that there is video which I did see "live" on TV that shows that the violence was on only one side of the building while others were welcomed into the Capitol building to tour on the other entry ways, even into the Chambers to see where our House and Senate members sit and work and vote. I saw Americans watch in horror as Anarchists broke windows and pushed into the building at one side of the building, and saw Trump supporters go up to the police and SWAT-dressed police outside asking them "why aren't you doing something? This is our Capitol." And yet, they didn't make any move whatsoever but to stand down, leaving an impression that this was expected and was being allowed to happen for some nefarious political reason. Knowing now that Nancy Pelosi, as Speaker of the House is in charge of security for the Capitol, and that we KNOW that President Trump and the Dept of Defense OFFERED 10,000-20,000 National Guard troops to keep the expected large crowd in line, few Americans are surprised at her lack of action. This security was offered to Pelosi, Capitol Police, and Mayor Bowser, and they all DECLINED the security for such a large crowd of Trump supporters. The FBI knew had heard internet chatter about violence planned, and advised Pelosi and those concerned that pipe bombs had been found, planted in hidden places around the city, and it was ANTICIPATED that there may be Anarchists causing violence, yet those in charge stepped back and LET it happen. Not one Trump supporter or even person arrested had a GUN, so they were NOT armed. Trump supporters were majority peaceful and many of mature ages, and never entered the Capitol, yet some were arrested and jailed without charges. In the drama of the literal violence starting by ANTIFA members dressed as Trump supporters, who DID have bats, and other non-gun weapons, they were joined by some real Trump supporters who jumped in thinking they were defending their own people or were itching for a fight, IN PARTICULAR, after the Capitol Policeman shot a truly UNARMED woman and killed her. The other deaths were in the stampede after violence broke out of older people, one trampled to death, others had heart attacks and strokes, including the Capitol Officer Sicknick who died a few days later of the stroke.
    Pelosi's investigative committee is another "impeachment" framing of former Pres. Trump, which will fail because now the American people KNOW who and what she truly is. Remember the guy with the animal pelts on his clothing with horns in his headgear? He has been held for 7 months now in jail with NO CHARGES FILED, by Federal Bureau of Investigations. The FBI only "investigates" and then a grand jury decides whether there is enough evidence to charge people with a crime, and this man has been held by our government while they dig around SEVEN MONTHS to find evidence of wrong doing. What has America come to? It's the NEW and CORRUPT Democrat Leadership in DC. They are totally UN-AMERICAN!

  • Victoria Dengler

    08/01/2021 09:50 AM

    I don't believe there were insurrectionists on Jan. 6. They were protesters trying to make their voices heard just like all of the other protesters around the country. The big difference was the lack of destruction and injury that occurred elsewhere. How can Jan.6 be worse than those other riots?

  • Patricia Hershwitzky

    08/01/2021 09:22 AM

    Both these letters reflect my opinion, as well. I also attribute the Capitol meltdown and excessive, undisciplined reactivity to a regrettable spirit of hopelessness by many who genuinely believed that the 2020 election was compromised. Moreover, if we are honest, many of us had our "moments" though not so publicly.However, only by accepting God's ordained and permitting will in all matters can we move forward wisely and confidently. As long as there is a world, there will be sin and suffering. Yet, only God, inn His Divine Mercy, knows the perfect balance of justice and judgment. How we respond to that truth makes all the difference for countless souls.

  • Woodrow DeVries

    08/01/2021 09:19 AM

    Democrats will take any situation and turn it into a weapon. They weaponized the Tea Party who left the park cleaner than when they arrived. We will soon find out that the Democrats and those sympathetic to the left caused much of the chaos on 1/6.
    FBI 20 unindicted co-conspirators.

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