Merry Christmas!

Twelve Christmas Stories

1. Never forget what it is like to be a kid at Christmas.

2. A Christmas Miracle.

3. Christmas memories that last forever.

4. The best gift this Christmas is giving to others.

5. Treasured Memories of Christmas.

6. A Simple Christmas.

7. This Christmas Story Will Touch Your Digestive System.

8. Coming home this Christmas.

9. Setting the Pattern For Christmas Traditions.

10. We have survived hard times.

11. The best Christmas gifts of all.

12. Christmas is about what we give, not what we get.

January 11, 2023

Just two days after posing for a photo op at a wall at the border in El Paso, President Biden met with the leaders of Canada and Mexico. Mexico’s President praised him for being the first US President in a long time who hasn’t built “even one meter of wall” on the border. How telling is that?

There’s a lot more about this summit at the link if you’re interested, but here’s the problem in a nutshell: Biden dismantled our border security and has allowed millions of illegal aliens to enter the US, many bringing with them crime, human trafficking, disease and deadly drugs such as fentanyl. (NOTE: Of course, they’re not ALL criminals, other than breaking our immigration laws. It’s ridiculous even to have to say that, but you know that will be the left’s response, since it’s the only one they have.) Rather than do his constitutional duty to enforce our immigration laws, Biden is blaming the problem on Republicans for not agreeing to “comprehensive immigration reform,” which means solving out-of-control illegal immigration by making all illegal immigrants legal. It’s the same tactic the left has used to claim crime is down in blue cities: you just stop arresting criminals, and voila! Police crime reports plummet!  

If anyone would like to dispute that, feel free. But first, you have to explain why the President of Mexico is openly praising Biden for being the first US President to do nothing at all about keeping illegal immigrants out of America.

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Comments 21-23 of 23

  • Janet Evelyn Duck

    01/15/2023 12:22 PM

    If we do not return to strict immigration laws, we are in deep trouble. We are already are on a VERY "slippery slope". A change is needed and I sincerely pray that Americans will wake up before it is too late!!!

  • Sam Vanderburg

    01/15/2023 11:14 AM

    The Mexican President's words tell me that he is working in accord with the crime cartels in Mexico.

  • jack G macdonald

    01/15/2023 11:07 AM

    You asked for a comment about the Mexican president's praise of Biden. Clearly, they are birds of a feather. Two thoroughly corrupt National "leaders". They should be staring our between bars rather than holding summits.

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