Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 5:51 PM, October 17


1. Both sides are reacting to Kamala Harris' interview with Brett Baier.

2. Jonathan Turley's latest column is all about Kamala Harris surrogate, Liz Cheney.

3. The plagiarism scandal around Kamala Harris' 2009 book is growing.

4. ABC debate moderators may have "fact-checked" President Trump over his claims about crime, but it turns out he was right.

5. Mike Huckabee is raising the alarm about apathy among Christian voters.

6. The Left's hysterical attacks against Trump are bordering on hilarious now.

7. 2020 Throwback: Jack Smith's latest court filing against President Trump is his wildest yet





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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September 14, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Matthew 5:9
  • Our “Let Them Eat Cake” Photo of the Day
  • Speaking of AOC
  • Great Column
  • Tall Tale Joe
  • U.S. To Send Tens Of Millions Of Dollars In Humanitarian Aid To Afghanistan
  • Democrats Push For More Spending


Mike Huckabee


9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

Matthew 5:9

Our “Let Them Eat Cake” Photo of the Day

By Mike Huckabee

“Democratic” Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attended the Met Gala in Manhattan, one of the most A-list celebrity-filled, exclusive, elitist events in the world with ticket prices of up to $30,000 a person. She wore a designer gown with the slogan “Tax The Rich” emblazoned across it.


Actor Michael Rappaport was among the many outraged commenters, tweeting, “AOC will soon be rich with a ginormous production deal from somewhere & done with Politics, guarantee it. Stop treating ANY of these people like celebrities, they are public servants and work for us.”

Well, aside from the “working for us” part, he’s probably right. If AOC does land an Obama-like Netflix production deal, I predict her first project will be a remake of “Clueless.”

Speaking Of AOC

By Mike Huckabee

Her “Tax The Rich” designer gown at the $30,000-a-person Met Gala, some pretty brutal reactions from folks like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump Jr., and just FYI, how much tax the rich already pay. I assume that her cut-off point for being considered “rich” is the same for her as for all socialists: One dollar more than she makes.


It’s no wonder she wants to tax the rich so much. She needs their money for her security detail. The New York Post analyzed financial disclosures from the Federal Election Commission and found that the “Squad” members who are the most vocal proponents of defunding the police for the rest of us are also among the Congress members who run up the highest tabs for private security.


Great Column

By Mike Huckabee

Anthony Esolen at American Greatness on the sorry state of most American colleges, what they’re turning out, and why he dreams of a day, sometime soon, when employers will say, “Let’s hire anybody but a college graduate.”


Tall Tale Joe

By Mike Huckabee

There seems to be no end to the new things we keep learning about President Biden. For instance, between marching for civil rights, getting arrested trying to meet Nelson Mandela, driving an 18-wheeler, being a coal miner and hitting a home run in the Congressional baseball game, he also apparently once dreamed of moving to Idaho and interviewed for a job with Boise Cascade lumber company. Except, no: he didn’t do any of those things.


Maybe that sort of thing is why this happens so often:


U.S. To Send Tens Of Millions Of Dollars In Humanitarian Aid To Afghanistan

By Mike Huckabee

After spending a couple of weeks claiming that there are only about a hundred Americans left in Afghanistan, no matter how many are evacuated, the Biden Administration just announced that it will send $64 million in “humanitarian aid” to Afghanistan.


The money will supposedly go to help “the people of Afghanistan,” via the UN and Non-Governmental Organizations, and won’t end up with the Taliban. No, of course not. Humanitarian aid to nations run by ruthless regimes never ends up in the pockets of the ruthless regimes. And if the money ends up in the hands of the Taliban while we’re still trying to get them to let our people out of there, is there some other term you could call it that’s more accurate than “humanitarian aid”? Hmm...

Democrats Push For More Spending

By Mike Huckabee

You can always tell when the Democrats are either solidly in power or think they’re about to be kicked out of power – or, as is currently the case, both. That’s when they push for massive taxing and spending. The Democrats’ reputation for taxing and spending is so well-established, Will Rogers was telling jokes about it in the 1920s, although if he’d known it would end up in a $28 trillion debt, it might have been harder to laugh about it.

When the Dems are out of power, they do everything possible to convince voters that they’ve learned the error of their ways. They’re now the new pro-business, fiscally-responsible Democrats. And the voters, prodded by a leftwing media who convince them that whatever Republicans have the economy humming and the border secure are really Nazis, believe the Dems and reelect them. And then they go on a spree like a spoiled teenager with mom’s platinum card.

Right now, the Dems are in power and sense the foot of the voters itching to kick them out of office in 2022, so they’re not only pushing two spending bills that total nearly $5 trillion, but on Monday, the House Ways and Means Committee unveiled a massive tax hike proposal to pay for it. This is their definition of fiscal responsibility now: massive inflationary spending responsibly offset by economy-killing taxes.

Here’s an analysis from Fox Business News, explaining how these proposals will once again kill American jobs and drive US businesses overseas.


It’s really astounding the way voters have to keep learning the same basic economic lessons the hard way, over and over again. But at least they learn it, even if they forget after a few years. Democrat politicians haven’t learned anything since the ‘20s. Well, at least I know I’ll always be able to recycle Will Rogers’ jokes about them.

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Comments 21-26 of 26

  • Anne Turner

    09/14/2021 06:31 PM

    Everyone should be happy and satisfied. NO MORE MEAN TWEETS. Isn’t that what the election was all about?

    AOC did look quite glamorous and the dress, if not for the red touches, was lovely. But this is a Congresswoman, oops sorry, Congressperson of the USA. Appearing on the red carpet, posing like a star and obviously preening is undignified at best and really seemed tacky.

    If she thinks she was chosen to run for her intellect she is delusional. The world, particularly, the males, sorry Governor, are pushovers for good looking babes.

    Not sure how she is affording designer dreams and 30K tickets. With the .DC cost of living, Congresspeople don’t make that much. It makes one guess she must be getting subsidized somehow. Of course, I have no way of verifying that. She does not come from money. She had a low paying job.

  • Floyd A Unger

    09/14/2021 05:59 PM

    Thank you. I wonder, will we ever learn?

  • William Fuhrer

    09/14/2021 05:33 PM


  • Pat J Green

    09/14/2021 05:27 PM

    Who ever heard of this met gala until Fox news and other conservative tv started writing and talking about it? Not me

  • Sharon Faulkner

    09/14/2021 05:18 PM

    It has been said ( tongue in cheek) a true Democrat is a friendly dictator and that a true Republican is a friendly anarchist. Maybe we shouldn't be so friendly ?

  • Carol MacMillan Godsey

    09/14/2021 05:16 PM

    And Wynken (Harris), Blynken (Antony) and Nod (Biden) sailed off in a wooden shoe. Sorry, Afghanistan, they have bigger fish to fry, like keeping the public focused on COVID-19 hoping we'll forget their disastrous foreign policy.

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