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We weren’t expecting Huck PAC to have to come to the rescue of 3 more races immediately following the 2024 elections, but the Democrats see this as their chance to un-do what the American People overwhelmingly voted for in November. Please support Huck PAC with a donation in the amount you can afford. Every dollar helps→ Donate - Huck PAC

January 10, 2023

Today is a pretty epic day for the Huckabee family.  Sarah Huckabee Sanders, youngest of our 3 children, becomes the 47th Governor of Arkansas today at noon in a swearing in ceremony on the steps of the Arkansas State Capitol.  There is no way to fully express the range of emotions I’m personally feeling watching her enter her service in an office that I had the privilege of working in for just short of 11 years.  Her move with her family to the Arkansas Governor's Mansion will mark a return to the home in which she spent a lot of her adolescent years learning places to hide.  Her 3 children will try the same stunts, no doubt, but they don’t have a chance!  She already knows where all the great hiding places are!  

Her becoming Governor is historic in that it marks the first time in American history that a daughter has followed her father in a Governor’s Office.  She is the first woman to be elected Governor in our state.  But I believe the real history is yet to be written as she will bring vision, bold ideas, and a great team of quality people to the office.  Above all, it’s my fervent prayer that she takes one piece of advice from her Dad:  “Never forget who your boss is!”  It’s not the donors who helped get you there.  It’s not the lobbyists, the legislators, the staff, or the press (certainly not!).  It’s the citizens of the state who maybe didn’t vote for you, couldn’t afford to contribute to your campaign, or have a thing they can do for you.  No matter how they dress, what they do for a living, where they live, or how much education they have or don’t have, THEY are your bosses.  Serve them.  Love them.  Pray for them daily.”

She enters with a servant’s heart and the heart of a Mom.  I’m proud of all 3 of my children, but today, it’s her special day to celebrate with her incredible husband Bryan, their 3 children Scarlett, Huck, and George, and thousands of friends from across the nation.  And her parents celebrate with her!


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  • Patricia Lee Gale (Pat)

    01/15/2023 08:06 PM

    Dear Mr. and Mrs. Huckabee, proud parents! I am pleased and proud with you of your daughter's accomplishments, both as Press Secretary and now as Governor!!
    Years ago I took a political poll and it said that Mike Huckabee was the candidate whose values most aligned with mine. Maybe it is because my dad was a World War II Vet and a Pastor. I have voted for you for President before and I now contribute $8 per month to My Faith Votes. Thank you for creating an organization that enables us ordinary citizens to try to make a difference rather than lapsing into frustration and depression with the way things are going in our beloved country. I just read your commentary on "the cult of celebrity" and couldn't agree more. It is whoever has the most camera coverage and the most money who wins!
    Governor, is there some way we can take the deceitfulness of money out of politics? We are dangerously in debt, yet just throw obscene amounts of money into every single campaign, like the losing one you just cited. What if there was a movement to thoroughly vet each candidate before they are allowed to run for office and then allocate the same amount of money and air time to each qualified candidate from our tax dollars? NO private contributions allowed!!! Thank you and God Bless!

  • Sharon Huff

    01/15/2023 07:43 PM

    Your daughter will be an awesome Governor! Congratulations to her, her family and you, her parents!

  • Dorothy Campbell

    01/15/2023 07:42 PM

    I’ve admired and trusted your daughter, having watched her during President Trumps time in office. You’re so right to be proud. I was praying she would succeed and become Governor of Arkansas. I couldn’t vote, but I could pray. I do watch the Huckabee Hour, so keep up with my kind of news. Thank you.

  • Marsha R Fowler

    01/15/2023 05:44 PM

    So proud of Sarah. I would have voted for her for sure! She will do a fabulous job. She is smart, savvy and knows where she came from....

  • Cathleen Smiley

    01/15/2023 05:10 PM

    Hello, I rejoice with you and your family also over Sarah becoming governor of the great state of Arkansas. I read her book, prayed for her, contributed to her campaign and am continuing to pray that God fills her with His wisdom and joy.
    Thank you for all you do to keep us informed, Mike. I love watching your show on TBN; my husband and I hope to come to be part of your studio audience when we visit my sister who lives in TN.

    God bless,
    Cathy Smiley

  • Nancy Davis

    01/15/2023 05:10 PM

    Congratulations for Sarah. I believe she's had an excellent mentor in her father (you??) and our God, and I believe she'll do a very good job for Arkansas and whatever she can for our country. Blessings to all of you.

  • Diane Haithcock

    01/15/2023 04:42 PM

    I am so thrilled for Sarah!! Congratulations to your whole family!

  • Judith Allen

    01/15/2023 04:29 PM

    So glad for Sarah and her family and all the Huckabees. We loved her in the White House where we got to know a little of her. Best wishes to all of you. We're confident Sarah will be a great governor like her dad.

  • Lisa Chambers

    01/15/2023 04:02 PM

    Congratulations to Sarah for becoming the first female governor of Arkansas. I hope she will also be the first female president!

  • Jeffrey Shady

    01/15/2023 03:49 PM

    What an awesome representative of faith and family for Arkansas and the world!
    Continued Blessings,
    Jeff Shady

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