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We weren’t expecting Huck PAC to have to come to the rescue of 3 more races immediately following the 2024 elections, but the Democrats see this as their chance to un-do what the American People overwhelmingly voted for in November. Please support Huck PAC with a donation in the amount you can afford. Every dollar helps→ Donate - Huck PAC

December 28, 2022

Congress passed the outrageous and unnecessary $1.7 trillion+ Omnibus spending bill, with the support of 18 Senate Republicans led by Mitch McConnell. Here are their names, and most will come as no surprise, although some are a real disappointment.

Here’s Mitt Romney explaining his vote, and I didn’t think it was possible, but he actually made it even worse.

All that was needed was a stopgap spending measure to keep the government running for another few weeks, at which time the new GOP House, elected by Americans to end the Democrats’ runaway, inflation-fueling spending and civil-rights crushing government, could have written a real budget. But nooooo. These Senate Republicans had to join with Democrats to take away their own party’s power, given by the voters in November, to rein in this Administration. So yet another Democrat assault on "our democracy."

Deroy Murdock has an excellent article on this atrocious bill, which he points out is three times longer than “War and Peace,” spends an average of over $469 million on EVERY page, and the Senators were given about 48 hours in which to read and vote on it…and they actually did (well, voted, anyway.)

In an era of unsustainable debt, this bill blows boxcars of tax dollars on such vital projects as building LGBTQ+ museums and “community spaces for gender-expansive people in Ohio;” a $3.6 million “Michelle Obama Trail” in Georgia; $212.1 million for federal prosecutors to continue hounding Americans over January 6th, which as Murdock points out is basically a slush fund for the government to keep harassing Trump and his supporters; and $410 million for “enhanced border security” in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, and Tunisia, but not here. There’s over $1.5 billion for processing more illegal migrants into the US, but the bill specifically bars any of that money from being used to keep them out.

In addition to all the pure pork and payoffs, this turkey is stuffed with Congress members renaming various things after themselves, like the “Nancy Pelosi Federal Building” in San Francisco. Personally, I’d say the $32 trillion national debt is a far more appropriate and permanent monument to their legacies than any building. But why should all these buildings be renamed after Democrats? Here’s something that deserves to be renamed after Mitch McConnell.

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  • Cate Jones

    12/28/2022 05:00 PM

    The only thing I can think to do is Convention of States. Both parties are against the American people. Our government has turned against us and there is no hope except to limit them. They are out for themselves with their power and greed. Our vote does not count anymore because politicians just lie and say they are Republicans when they are really Democrats. There is no integrity left in our government. God is our only hope.

  • Nancy Sims

    12/28/2022 04:59 PM

    Hello Again, I agree this bill just passed is outrageous and more so because of the inept Republicans who voted for it. I feel there is much the public does not know about how and why Republicans will not stand up. We are told social security is going broke and yet its being used for illegal's who have not contributed one cent. This country already has so many homeless that they should receive help first.

  • Robin Rebhan

    12/28/2022 04:21 PM

    Mitch has proved himself to be the head RINO in the Senate. He needs needs to retire or be voted out. As for the other RINO's ....Really?! In this economy??!! or any economy?! What we need is a wartime economy to be a deterrent to all enemies, which in this current world are plentiful.

  • Gianfranca Monteforte

    12/28/2022 04:00 PM

    Hello Governor Huckabee,
    To begin I wish you and your family all the best for the coming New Year,and I thank you for the good wishes you send. Regarding the Republican Traitors, they are NOT nor ever will be" effective" Republicans! The problem with these pieces of dirt is that they work for the other side, weather it is Lindsey Graham or Tom Cotton which I never liked one bit and all the others, they are all bought and payed for by McConnell and all the rest including China after all McConnell is married to a Chinese, associated with the CCP, what do you expect? Regarding Cotton, he really showed his true colors when President Trump wanted to do a recount of the legal votes and he said that he was against it, what do you expect from a guy like that? The fundamental problem is that all these bastards are sending America down the drain for all of China to take advantage, there is very little time for things to get better and we then we will be in a complete Totalitarian country, just look at what the WHO wants to implement with the Amendments to the International Health Regulations they are monstrous!! and they are doing everything in secret!!! How is this not an issue for the media like Fox to report?? They are also paid by China? It looks like it, because they are Not Reporting this egregious and unacceptable actions that the the Who wants to pass and this lack of ACTION from the media,is sick!! Plus they keep inviting both Cotton and Graham to their shows, this is the icing on the cake. It is very disturbing to see this.Can you talk to someone like Tucker or someone else to get THE WORD OUT about the Amendments?? Please,
    Regards, Gianfranca Monteforte

  • Paul Rowell

    12/28/2022 03:35 PM

    Mr. Huckabee,
    I am a Mississippi resident and Voter! It is no surprise Wicker voted democrat. He must go! Its a disgrace that Cotton fell into the pit along with Lindsey. It makes me wonder if the others these support every election will be any better. We Republicans handed them a Win and Betrayal is what we got! I will not give up but next time I will get political, voice my opinion, and get billboards to expose them!

  • Sally Brewster

    12/28/2022 03:05 PM

    My family and I are truly sickened by Republicans passing this monstrosity. Mitch McConnell has an agenda, and it’s not the USA. I was so disappointed in Tom Cotton. We live in Texas. Close this border and apply existing laws. We are a sovereign nation under God.
    As a lifetime Republican, our leaders better act in the interest of the average citizen. We are paying attention!

  • William Kaluske

    12/28/2022 02:58 PM

    TERM LIMITS! That’s the only way to end this insanity. Career politicians gotta go.
    Support every movement to end their gravy train. TERM LIMITS NOW!!!!!

  • Cindy Graham

    12/28/2022 02:49 PM

    the Democrats stick together no matter how bad their policies are but Republicans keep siding with them and then complain. They should never have had McConnell be minority leader and they only had to delay another week or 2. Awful. Funding other countries border security?
    The rules need to be changes to allow everyone to read a bill before voting on it. Absurd with 4,000 pages. sounds like the Obama Healthcare bill read it later !

  • Wilma I. Smith

    12/28/2022 02:08 PM

    I appreciate you so much. You're 'right on' and that's special. At age 90, I am heartbroken at what happened to America during the 'reign' of Obummer and now Biden. Blessings to you. W. Smith


    12/28/2022 02:03 PM

    This is despicable. Mitch needs to be pitched. I'm so disgusted with the Republicans. Need to clean house and start over

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