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Three Stories Worth Reading

1. "When Paradise is Lost," by Col. Ken Allard.

2. "Anti-Semitism and Israel's Future," my latest video. 

3. Lawfare update: Judge Merchan and “Special Counsel” Smith seen for what they are.

Election News

The Democrats still have a chance to ruin everything!!!

February 10, 2021

Yes, that's our Quote Of The Day, from North Dakota Sen. Kevin Cramer.

Next, the “Republican” Hall of Shame:

Sen. Susan Collins of Maine

Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska

Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah

Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska

Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana

Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania

These are the "Republican" senators who joined all the Democrats to vote “yes” on the question of whether the “trial” of President Trump” is constitutional.

All but Sen. Cassidy had already voted, last month, to hold the “trial.” (Note: I will be placing quotation marks around the word “trial” when it comes to this thing, which is being presided over not by a judge but by a politician who's already on record that he WILL BE voting to convict and that others should do the same. There’s another term for this: kangaroo court.) Cassidy said later that the Trump team was “disorganized; they did everything they could but to talk about the question at hand.” TOWNHALL has a good analysis.

Attorney Bruce Castor's argument got low marks from Alan Dershowitz, who tweeted, "I have no idea what he is doing." I preferred David Shoen's presentation. Here's some good analysis at

Given that this is just a big fat exercise in political theater, I honestly don’t see why even some perceived oratorical shortcomings should change Sen. Cassidy's mind. No, I'm thinking it's more likely there's been some serious arm-twisting going on behind the scenes.

You've probably seen the montage of Democrat leaders such as Maxine Waters urging unrest in ways Trump never approached. If Trump can be impeached and tried over language his political enemies choose to interpret as "incitement" --- it doesn't meet the legal definition --- then these folks can be, too, for what they said over the Antifa and BLM "Summer of Love," and a much better case can be made. (And, hey, they're still in office.) Will they think about that? No.

Sen. Sasse is said to have presidential aspirations for 2024. It’s hard to imagine someone this tone deaf even being considered for President. Worse, I hate to think that someone with this little regard for the Constitution would be considered as presidential material at all.

In fact, according to THE EPOCH TIMES, Sasse is facing growing pressure from the Republican Party in Nebraska.

In Sarpy County, Nebraska’s most populous Republican-majority county, the local Republican Party has now voted to join the GOP in two other Nebraska counties in an earlier effort to condemn Sasse, as reported in the OMAHA WORLD-HERALD.

The votes of these 6 GOP senators won’t make any difference in the final outcome of Trump's "trial," as “conviction” requires a “yea” from 67 senators out of 100. At least 17 Republicans would have to vote to “convict.” (Note: we’re using quotations marks around “convict,” too.)

In the House, Liz Cheney of Wyoming is facing a huge backlash as well. Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz has already traveled to Cheyenne to rally against her. “The truth is that the establishment in both parties have teamed up to screw our fellow Americans for generations,” he said. “Now, in Washington, DC, the private insider club of Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney, they want to return our government to its default setting –- enriching them, making them more powerful at our expense. But we can stop ‘em, and it starts right here in Wyoming.”

Donald Trump, Jr., said he would go to Wyoming as well to campaign against Liz Cheney. “It’s time to have a change at the top,” he said. “It’s time to have people who are going to start representing the people, not their own agenda, not their own nonsense, but their constituency.”

House Democrat impeachment managers, led by Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, argued in the Senate that not trying President Trump for what they allege he did in January, right before he was going to leave office, was creating a “January exception” to the Constitution. “...You can suddenly do [it] in your last few weeks in office without facing any constitutional accountability at all,” he said.

I guess that was enough to change Sen. Cassidy’s mind about voting to go ahead with the “trial,” but all it did was show that he and the others are just willfully obtuse –- they know good and well that this is all stagecraft.

In fact, speaking of stagecraft, the Democrats were ready with a highly-produced (likely by some Hollywood friends) 14-minute "movie" that edited Trump's words and intercut them with violence to make it look as though these were related. Very deceptive and manipulative. Attorney Shoen went on Tuesday's HANNITY to blast this.

Trump attorneys told senators (while Sen. Cassidy was apparently taking a nap), that there's a way to deal with FORMER Presidents who are alleged to have committed “high crimes and misdemeanors” while in office. You treat them like any other private American citizen alleged to have committed crimes: you get an arrest warrant, go out and arrest them, charge them and put them on trial. It's a real trial; senators don't get to make up the rules. The prosecution has to put on a real case with documentation and witnesses. (Note: the House did nothing of the sort in their slapdash impeachment of Trump.)

If the prosecution has no evidence, the judge dismisses the charges. If there is evidence, the judge proceeds to trial, in which a jury (not a bunch of partisan politicians) typically renders the verdict. Then, if found guilty, the accused must pay for their crimes. They might go to jail, or there is punishment in the form of probation, fines, etc. This would put an end to their political careers as well, which, as we all know, is the goal of this Senate “trial.”

Wait, I spoke too soon. If you're a Democrat, it's not that much of a deal to be convicted of a crime and come back to be, say, mayor of Washington, DC. Mayor Marion Barry served prison time on a cocaine conviction and was re-elected after being released. I digress.

Actually, I'm extremely proud of President Trump and his attorneys for the presentation they gave on Tuesday. These attorneys arrived late in the game; recall that another law firm had been intimidated into dropping the case. Of course, it didn’t matter what Trump's attorneys said; the vote to proceed to the "trial" was pre-ordained.

Sen. Rand Paul had already introduced a point-of-order resolution to preemptively declare the “trial” unconstitutional, but it didn’t get to a vote, as it was immediately tabled by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. That was on January 26, the same day the Senate voted to to move ahead, 55 to 45.

Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy has it right: ‘I think the constitutional defects of this --- both in the House and Senate --- are overwhelming,” he told CNN before the opening arguments. “You don’t have to be Judge Judy to see the constitutional defects.” That’s why I figure that the Democrats see them, all right. They just ignore them.

Tyler O’Neil at PJ MEDIA has some good observations.

He’s also done a great job of concisely laying out the arguments Trump’s attorneys are making in his defense. These were included in their brief filed Monday.


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Comments 51-75 of 106

  • Ed Gehringer

    02/10/2021 02:39 PM

    I usually agree with you 100%, but today I don't see why you are being so hard on the GOP defectors. We condemned Maxine Waters for what she said last year; Trump's comments at the rally were not nearly so bad, but he did almost nothing to stop the riot when he could have played a big role. The juxtaposition of Trump's words and the breaching of the Capitol is important, even though the riot was pre-planned.

    I entirely agree that this was not an impeachable offense, by the standards of law and of history. However, if some of our lawmakers think Presidents should be held to a higher standard, I say they are 100% entitled to that opinion. They are voting their consciences, and the party should not take action against them. I remember several times, when Ben Sasse, for example, has eloquently explained conservative principles. He is entitled to make his case, even though I think he goes too far. As for Lisa Murkowski, Liz Cheney, etc., my support of them will depend a lot more on how strongly they defend the cause of life and religious freedom than on their opinion of what should be done about Donald Trump.

  • Ellen Marie Jones

    02/10/2021 02:38 PM

    Don’t you think it’s rather interesting that there are “6” Republicans that turned against Trump. As a Christian, this number is referenced to as “The mark of the beast”. Thank you for your newsletter, and may the Lord continue to bless you in all you do????

  • Michael W R Dugan

    02/10/2021 02:37 PM

    Thank you Mike
    On another subject, that on email. Do you use or another service? I've had my current servce since 97, but would like to make a move. Any recommendations?

  • toni Gauger

    02/10/2021 02:37 PM

    i surely hope President Trump plans on suing these MORONS for this HOAX !!!!!!!

  • Dr Jonpatrick Anderson

    02/10/2021 02:30 PM

    I am appalled at what has happened thus far. If the Republicans continue to be divided, Donald Trump will be found guilty. My biggest concern is the million dollar question, why are the Democrats not being held accountable for their malicious acts and hate speech including threats to SCOTUS, Republicans, former President Trump and his family, Trump Patriots, among many others? If the conservatives do not stick together and fight back with actions (non violence of course) rather than just words nothing will get done that would be in the best interest of America. Why is the left being allowed to get away with a double standard?

  • Pat J Green

    02/10/2021 02:30 PM

    It's just a good thing I have never desired for a public life, cause if I was in President Trump's place I would blow this whole sham trail of and just go on about my life and let the country know " This is your tax dollars at work"

  • Vic ryberg

    02/10/2021 02:21 PM

    Have you heard of this?
    Nevada bill will allow technology companies to create government

    Democratic Governor Sisolak announced a plan to establish so-called “innovation zones” in Nevada. These special zones will allow companies with large tracts of land to form a government, with the same powers as the county government, including tax collection, school districts and Courts, and provide government services. The conditions are 78 square miles (202 square kilometers) of undeveloped land and at least $250 million in funding. The first company name is Blockchains.
    According to a report by Forbes magazine on January 15, Bill Gates has been quietly buying farmland from all over the United States after retiring from the science and technology industry. He currently owns 268,984 acres (about 1,089 square kilometers) of farmland, making it the largest in the United States. Private farmland owner.
    As soon as this example is opened, according to this standard, he can establish many governments in the United States according to the number of land he owns, and the Chinese White Gloves can also do the same.

  • Marilyn Mulligan Fischer

    02/10/2021 02:20 PM

    ...and the enemies of America, rejoice! FRIGHTENING to see how corrupt this entire "trial" is!!! There was NOTHING in Trump's speech on January 6, 2021, that incited violence!!! Taking a stand against a fraudulent election needs to happen!!! WE THE PEOPLE are "informed" and very upset at what is happening!!!

  • David O'Berry

    02/10/2021 02:20 PM

    How did we elect all of these, "mental giants"? Mid term repair will be a given.

  • Jacqueline Stidham

    02/10/2021 02:19 PM

    I just hope either or both parties don't use some of these "omissions" as an excuse to start tinkering with the Constitution. It's already in danger from the Dems wanting to pack the Supreme Court. I hope the Republicans will at least rally around preserving the Constitution!


    02/10/2021 02:15 PM

    All republicans that feel as the six above you mentioned as well as any others need to be removed from the senate asap! Anyone who has any common sense knows damn well President Trump did not do any of those things the commie democrats have said about him! The commie democrats are the guilty ones for chinese virus, riots in Washington state, Oregan, and other places as well. They commie democrates have been cheating, lying, thieves and they are trying their best to destroy our country and its citizens! The commies should all be arrested and locked up for treason and either be hung or shot!

  • Dianne Kaffes

    02/10/2021 02:12 PM

    i think everyone from Pelosi down on the democratic party should be impeached for inciting riots this last summer including Harris and for corruption and hate speech against President Trump

  • Laura Osborne

    02/10/2021 02:11 PM

    Regarding Senator Sasse the *ss... (Sorry, I apologize for failing to hold back my overflowing disgust in the form of profanity)... I remember when he came to my little town of Auburn, NE campaigning for his first term in the senate. He claimed to major things: 1. he was the expert who would get Obamacare repealed and replaced and 2. he was a constitutionalist. We now know both to be so false that were he Pinnochio, his nose would stretch 'round the world!

  • Robert Murphy

    02/10/2021 02:03 PM

    Governor Huckabee,
    The Spaghetti Spine Republicans who voted to run their Dog and Pony show should all be ousted from their do nothing cushy jobs. But the Democrats who took their ridiculous WALK of SHAME Articles of Impeachment to the Senate are equally shameful.

  • Margie Babik

    02/10/2021 01:54 PM

    Dear Governor Huckabee: Who is fighting for our President???? How can our wonderful President be tried by another politician (who is probably a crook) and no one is defending President Trump? Why is this kangaroo court allowed to happen. WHERE ARE THE REPUBLICANS? The evil/corrupt/demoncrats/repubs are crucifying our wonderful President Trump and the people who should be defending him are sitting by and letting it happen. God help Donald Trump.

  • Alma Walker

    02/10/2021 01:52 PM

    So grateful for you and the information you provide for us daily ??
    I thank God for you and your team. Keeping you in prayer because I know God answers prayer??
    Blessings of grace and peace,

  • Catherine Waitkus

    02/10/2021 01:51 PM

    Amazing, with all the prior protesting and burning and destroying being supported by key members of the Democratic party, that now with the tables being turned and they personally getting a taste of being on the receiving end, that they will now insist that it is a punishable crime. What hypocrites!!! Why isn't anyone saying that they are really responsible for this riot and that Americans are truly tired of their arrogance. They aren't taking care of America, just their usual selves. It is disgusting and unAmerican. They need to grow up, they should not be without censure. PS - need to add a few Republicans to this group too.

  • Ken Lawyer

    02/10/2021 01:49 PM

    Mr. Huckabee:
    With your years of experience in politics, would you explain to me that after all of the evidence "we have been told about" that supports our president (just like before in the Russia Hoax), all of the evidence "we have been told about" against Hunter and Joe Biden, the constitutionality that "we have been told about" prior to this impeachment proceeding, then why is it that we keep hearing "The Democrats and the 6 Rinos" are given all of the power to proceed in this fiasco? What alternative do "We The People" have in stopping this nonsense if it is indeed "UNCONSTITUTIONAL?!!!" Where are those ELECTED officials (Cruz, Jordan, Gaetz, Scalise, Cotton, Hawley, Meadows, etc.) in stopping this? If the law is in place then WHY isn't it being practiced by those we elected to protect us??????

  • Kathy Dean

    02/10/2021 01:47 PM

    Dog and pony show. Waste of time and money. Don’t they have real work to do?

  • Brenda Smith

    02/10/2021 01:47 PM

    How many Hollywood writers came in to write this movie for them all a pack of lies from the swamp and to bad those dummies believe their lies.Hopefully the American people are smarter than that.

  • Phyllis Hall

    02/10/2021 01:43 PM

    Did Trump's lawyers misquote the Law Professor's book as is being claimed?

  • Beverly Hummel

    02/10/2021 01:39 PM

    What is happening to our Country that laws are being ignored by the democrats and no one does anything to stop them. Thousands of US citizens cannot believe what is taking place & are disheartened. Cannot someone do something?

  • Cindy. Hayes

    02/10/2021 01:35 PM

    Keep up the good work!! Many thanks

  • Helen Tritt

    02/10/2021 01:35 PM

    Thank you Gov. Huckabee for your INTELLIGENT SUMMARY showing the outright BLATANT EVILNESS of the democrat/socialists truly are. If any of those (people) had a SHRED OF HUMILITY/EMBARRASSMENT as to HOW STUPID THEIR ACTIONS are being shown AROUND THE WORLD, but with their own EGOS AND ARROGANCE they CANNOT ADMIT THEY ARE IN THE WRONG. Personally, I find them very offensive! Their only MOTIVE FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA IS SIMPLY: POWER AND CONTROL FOR THEM NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES.
    God Bless You and your family and Thank God, you are ON OUR SIDE.

  • Dorothy Skinner

    02/10/2021 01:34 PM

    Dear Mike,
    Thank you for keeping us up to date on the news. I think you could have President Trump's ear and he needs to have his lawyers present the video collection that has run on OAN with all the Democrats calling for violence. Why does that not go to the front of the line for the world to see? They play videos during this impeachment of Republicans - why don't we see the other side?

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