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Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

Three Stories Worth Reading

1. "When Paradise is Lost," by Col. Ken Allard.

2. "Anti-Semitism and Israel's Future," my latest video. 

3. Lawfare update: Judge Merchan and “Special Counsel” Smith seen for what they are.

Election News

The Democrats still have a chance to ruin everything!!!

June 10, 2021

Democrats are so worried about the public waking up to the threat of Critical Race Theory in schools and demanding an end to it that they trotted out former President Barack Obama to poo-poo their concerns. In his patented condescending fashion, Obama dismissed parents who are upset that their kids are being taught toxic, divisive, racist hate-mongering by claiming that it’s just “right-wing media” like Fox News (the favorite bogey man of the left) “stoking the fear and resentment of a white population that is witnessing a changing America.”

First of all, I think people are right to fear anyone who wants to change America into a Marxist dystopia where people are judged entirely by their skin color. And if America’s white population are paranoid racists who fear a changing America, then who elected him President twice? It wasn’t blacks, they’re only about 13% of the population.

In fact, even his supporters in deep blue places such as Manhattan and New Jersey are standing up against CRT, not out of irrational fear but out of perfectly rational fear. I refuse to believe that the majority of Americans of any race want to see the “changing America” that the racist, Marxist radicals pushing CRT want to impose on us.

But take heart: the fact that the Democrats feel the need to employ Obama giving us one of his “I’m so disappointed in you” lectures is a great sign that they’re the ones who are afraid. And when power-mad politicians are afraid of the people, that’s a good thing.

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  • Gary W Jensen

    06/11/2021 12:11 AM

    CET is Obama's deal! He seems to want to start a race and political war in the country! Obama is the great divider!

  • JonaLee McCollough

    06/11/2021 12:10 AM

    Mr Huckabee, the so called ex president is so full of himself that he has to watch not to step in the way of his feet. Why the American people still listen to anything he has to say is beyond me. He has nothing but hate for American and I have have clue as to why someone would vote for him.
    On a positive note, I look forward to reading your newsletters every day. It gives me food for thought and puts a smile on my face the way you write it. Please keep it going!

  • Bruce W Groth

    06/11/2021 12:07 AM

    Governor Huckabee:

    I cannot express enough the IMPORTANCE of you DAILY BIBLE VERSES, Thank You for them!

    Secondly, I think you are 100% accurate in your assessment about Obama, the Democrat's are running scared. Since many American Citizens sit back last summer while BLACK LIVES MATTER and ANTIFA destroyed dozens of cities, the DEMOCRATS thought they had the American Citizens in a box of no action and no commitment to our Country. However, all the Democrats had to do is look back 20 years, OUR COUNTRY IS STRONG and IS STRONG IN IT'S COMMITMENT TO UPHOLD OUR U.S. CONSTITUTION.

    These FAR LEFT Democrats think all Americans are stupid and will sit back and allow them to DESTROY THE UNITED STATES! Well, they are beginning to see the SILENT MAJORITY waking up and coming to life in the PUSH AGAINST CRT, WOKE MENTALITY and most of all against organizations like BLM and ANTIFA by establishing their own community protection programs and stop paying taxes when they do not receive the services they were paying for, like POLICE PROTECTION! I could go on and on with some of the foul mouth propaganda from BLACK PROFESSIONAL who want to murder Whites!

  • Elizabeth Brody

    06/10/2021 11:37 PM

    I’m hoping that BO by supporting crt, lost the rest of the democrat voters with school age children.

  • Paul and Jo Ellen Christensen

    06/10/2021 11:14 PM

    You are so right. Both the Obamas hate the country that has given them so much. Sad but true.

  • Corbin William J

    06/10/2021 11:09 PM

    I never cease to be amazed that the left wingers have moved from saying we should be color blind to demanding that skin color is all important! I believe that racists come in all skin colors.

  • Marietta Pellicano

    06/10/2021 10:45 PM

    AMEN, Gov. Huckabee, AMEN!!!

  • Barbara Ann Prezioso

    06/10/2021 10:40 PM

    I believe Obama laid the foundation for the racial divide we now face. He is a racist as is his wife. I think he’s ashamed of his race and holds the in contempt.’ Further, both hé and his wifi hâte this country and sent it destroyed live all good communists.

  • Barry Moore

    06/10/2021 10:25 PM

    On your nightly email there is a video that say everyone who believes in God should watch this. That better not be a scam. It will ruin your brand.

  • Teresa Kidwell

    06/10/2021 10:22 PM

    Yes, your comments are right, there should be no discrimination based on people's skin color, and also not against whites. There is equal opportunity in the work places, with laws against discriminating against others. The laws should apply in schools, businesses, churches and other places in the U.S. The students in schools and colleges are there to get an education, learn about American history, civics, and other curriculum to prepare for careers; not to spend time about racial issues, people's skin color, and who is supposed to be superior or inferior. In schools it is equal opportunity for everyone regardless of their skin color. They should be teaching more about people's character, integrity, standing up for what is right, the Bible, and the U.S. Constitution. People have religious freedoms and freedom of speech in America. America is not a Communist, socialist dictatorship.

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