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We weren’t expecting Huck PAC to have to come to the rescue of 3 more races immediately following the 2024 elections, but the Democrats see this as their chance to un-do what the American People overwhelmingly voted for in November. Please support Huck PAC with a donation in the amount you can afford. Every dollar helps→ Donate - Huck PAC

November 30, 2021

Sunday on “Face the Nation,” I think Dr. Anthony Fauci might have finally reached his “A Face in the Crowd” moment. In that classic movie, Andy Griffith plays a “man of the people” drunk on his own power who falls from public grace after an open microphone reveals what an arrogant, power-mad demagogue he really is. In Fauci’s case, he knew the mic was on, he (as always) sought out the camera, but he still revealed in shockingly clear terms that he’s suffering from a terminal case of galloping egomania.

When asked about the justifiable criticism of him by such Senators as Ted Cruz and Rand Paul for denying under oath that his NIH funded gain-of-function research when it was later revealed that it had, Fauci scoffed that it was just “noise.” As for Cruz pointing out that lying to Congress is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison, Fauci laughed and asked, "What happened on January 6th, Senator?

For the record, Ted Cruz had nothing to do with January 6th, but the lies about gain-of-function research came directly from Dr. Fauci’s mouth. And he wasn’t wearing three masks at the time, so we all heard it clearly.

But then came the really telling moment, when Fauci tried to dismiss any criticism of him as invalid by declaring, “They’re really criticizing science, because I represent science. They’re dangerous.”

Cruz responded bluntly, blasting Fauci not only for being an "unelected technocrat who has distorted science and facts in order to exercise authoritarian control over millions of Americans" and for “ad hominem insults parroting Democratic talking points,” but also for his jaw-dropping hubris in declaring that any questioning of him is dangerous because he is the living embodiment of “science.” As I’ve had to remind people countless times over recent years, science is the process of asking questions and developing evidence that points to the truth, even if it disproves what everyone believed up to that point. This is why anyone who says, “The science is settled!” is actually admitting that they don’t know jack squat about what science is.

But now, we all know what science is. Dr. Fauci is “Science!” If he says it, it cannot be questioned! Too bad there’s no vaccine to prevent his head from swelling up bigger than a Macy’s Parade balloon. Frankly, I’m at the point where I’d put more faith in Mr. Wizard than in Dr. “Science.”

I’ll give the last word to Sen. Paul, who unlike Fauci is a doctor who’s actually treated patients:

"It’s astounding and alarming that a public health bureaucrat would even think to claim such a thing, especially one who has worked so hard to ignore the science of natural immunity."

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Comments 21-29 of 29

  • Jimmie Atkins

    12/05/2021 10:02 AM

    Please follow up on the Roundrock,Tx school board police force arrest of parents in their own homes for asking to speak at board meetings

  • Jim Samples

    12/02/2021 12:29 AM

    I feel fauci is power mad and only has his interests in mind and lying about this so called virus and he wants the demoncrats in office so he can stay right where he's at

  • Janet Griffith

    12/01/2021 11:59 PM

    Love your articles ......You tell it like it is. Even with a little humor thrown in ....Love it ..Keep it up

  • Sharyle Solis

    12/01/2021 08:06 PM

    "Dr" Fauci is indeed filled with his own importance. I don't and won't listen to anything he says. I don't have a degree, 77 years old, raised 6 kids, studied physics before going into accounting. But I kept up things anyway, my coffee mates were the doctors, heads of depts, at all the university, hospitals and medical facilities throughout my years working. Even I know better than he!

  • sandi prusa

    11/30/2021 11:26 PM

    I'd like to see this fake Dr. in a prison or in Gitmo for the murders and torture he has caused !!

  • Paula LaRue

    11/30/2021 05:19 PM

    This man is so full of his self. Didn’t Obama tell him to stop what he was doing in China before all of this hit the fan when Trump was in office? The research doctors I know(my daughter in law) aren’t so full of their selves as he is. Just watching him talk makes me sick.

  • Sandy Benavides

    11/30/2021 04:03 PM

    I am so disgusted with Fauci - he needs to be fired! How does 1 guy control the United States? He clearly was the cause of hundreds of thousands of deaths from the virus becasue of the withholding of therapeutic info and his greed. Why is he still in power and why are we listening to him?? Does he OWN the Republicans too? Does Big Pharma own the Republicans as well? Why isnt this coming out? Get him out of there!!!

  • Mary E Venable

    11/30/2021 03:31 PM

    Fauci may not have the last laugh

  • Jeanna Stevenson

    11/30/2021 12:56 PM

    I love your article, and it's true! I've also always thought highly of Ted Cruz and love it when he is able to articulate a point against our liberal foes. But I have a suspicion that when 'quote': "Fauci laughed and asked, "What happened on January 6th, Senator?" He wasn't talking about the protest. He was talking about how Cruz sold America out. Cruz had told us that he would stand up to the election fraud and "because of what happened on Jan 6th", he backed off. I will never respect him again and I believe he has taken a bribe. Fauci knew that Cruz had sold us out on that day and was reminding him that he had. Something like "Are you the pot calling the kettle black?"

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