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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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1. TRANSFORMATION in Washington | Huckabee Today

2. U.S.-Israel Alliance Strengthened | Huckabee Today

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

January 19, 2021

On Wednesday, when Joe Biden is inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States, Washington, DC, will host nearly 30,000 armed troops, more than five times the number currently stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. For the first time, the entire week preceding the inauguration was declared a “National Special Security Event.”

As described by THE EPOCH TIMES, the city has been brought “to almost a complete halt. More than a dozen Metro stations around the National Mall and the U.S. Capitol Building were closed...the streets of Washington are eerily empty. Buses, streetcars and other forms of public transportation, even bicycles, have been shut down. Most stores are closed, and many have been boarded up.”


The area for blocks around the White House looks like a war zone.

Now, if the new administration really were afraid of some kind of armed insurrection, they could've simply announced that the oath of office would take place inside the White House with streaming video for all who cared to watch. Truly, many of us will be finding better things to do. Even Trump has kindly RSVP'd that he and his "plus-one" will not be attending, thank-you-very-much.

The pandemic would've given Biden the perfect reason to take it inside. But no, Democrats WANT the accompanying visuals of an occupied city, a militarized zone, the rows of National Guard troops bussed in from every state, the bomb detectors, the dogs, the block after block of high fencing topped by razor wire. Because it makes a statement the likes of which we have never seen.

A statement about conservatives.

All this theater is to convey the message that anyone who didn’t support Biden, who (gasp) might have voted for Trump and who (double gasp) might even slightly question one single vote is –- like Trump himself –- a “dangerous extremist" and WILL be kept in check.

The media have their role to play in making this connection, of course. Don’t click on this link unless you have a strong stomach, but...this is CNN.

So far, though, things have been calm, and Trump has told his supporters to remain peaceful. He said, "In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking, and NO violence of any kind. That is not what I stand for, and it is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. Thank You.”

I will never make light of what happened on January 6 or try to shift blame away from those on the right who participated as some have done. That said, it was a relative handful of brain-dead protesters (augmented, as we have learned, by some Antifa and BLM) who breached the Capitol and horrified most conservatives.

Never mind all the looting, burning and assorted violence during 2020 in “blue” cities that were turned into occupied zones for real. And never mind the pathetic lack of crowd control around the Capitol. The left is using the Capitol Hill breach as an excuse to treat all conservatives like members of ISIS.

Think I’m kidding? Oh, this is going to get much worse.

As Tucker Carlson reported Monday night, Democrats, to ramp-up the drama, demanded that all troops sent to Washington for Inauguration Week undergo a sort of “ideological vetting” (their words), to make sure every one of them professes loyalty to the new regime. “Not loyalty to our country, not loyalty to our Constitution, but loyalty to the aims of a specific political party,” was the way he put it.

The concern among leftists apparently was that the National Guard is mostly white, male and conservative-leaning, with only about 25 percent of them having voted for Biden. Memphis Democrat Rep. Steve Cohen (also white and male, incidentally) assumes that the other 75 percent “are in the large class of folks who might want to, uh, do something.”

"Do something”? If Rep. Cohen stands by this –- he said it on CNN, among friends –- it sure sounds as if he suspects the 75 percent of the National Guard that is white, male and conservative of wanting to assassinate the incoming President.

I wonder how the more conservative members of the Guard might think about this. What about all those Americans who join out of love of country and would never dream of “doing something” to government officials of either party? Now they’re automatically suspect?

Gen. William Walker said on GOOD MORNING, AMERICA that members of the Guard are being “screened before they leave their state. It’s a “credentialing process so they’re screened and they’re repeatedly screened until they are actually put out on the street.” Also, “it's layered so the FBI is part of it, the Secret Service is part of it, and once they are certain there’s no insider threat, then that soldier, guardsman or airman is given a credential. Gen. Walker did not elaborate on the nature of the “inside threat.”


In a statement, the Army said they’re working with the FBI to identify all who were part of the attack on the Capitol to see if any of those people have a connection to the Army. And that makes sense if those individuals were part of the violence. But if they just happened to be in the huge, overwhelmingly peaceful crowd of Trump supporters, we are heading into dangerous territory.

Here’s another report about the vetting of troops, but leading into that discussion are pictures of something we don’t quite know what to make of. Are “armed” soldiers patrolling the streets around the White House and Capitol with rifles that don’t have magazines? We’re not offering any speculation about what this means, just expressing bewilderment.

It does seem we might have an intra-military conflict brewing, with those who share the ideology of the incoming administration to be trusted and those who disagree with it to be suspected. If it’s true, this is a far cry from what the military used to be, with Republicans and Democrats proudly fighting alongside one another, as buddies, to defend their flag and their nation. This radical change is a prescription for disaster.

And how will the new administration know who is with them or against them? Why, they’ll have to spy on them, of course, with a new internal spy agency created just to deal with “domestic terrorism.” And that is already in the works, in the form of a bill with over 100 co-sponsors in the House.

Leftists will love this new power as a way to go after “pro-Trump fanatics.” Every word uttered by every conservative white male in America (especially if he owns guns and a MAGA hat) will likely be monitored if this becomes law, and not just by Facebook and Twitter. It's like another Patriot Act for these times --- what could go wrong?


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Comments 76-90 of 90

  • Elizabeth Crouse

    01/19/2021 01:03 PM

    Thank you for all you are doing. All I can say is scary, evil times ahead for America.

  • Joseph Trokey

    01/19/2021 01:03 PM

    It is impossible to give any credibility to anyone who thinks their opinion is the only valid opinion. Usually these people know very little but believe they know everything.

  • Arleen C Warwick

    01/19/2021 12:50 PM

    Call me cynical. I am not so sure the violence at the Capitol wasn't a ploy by leftists to make it seem like Donald Trump incited violence. The "activists" were already at the Capitol before Trump finished his speech. My opinion is that the leftists wanted one last reason to impeach President Trump so they encouraged activists to start a riot. Breaching the Capitol was not in the repertoire of normal Conservative behavior. The Dems are the ones who promoted violence since the killing of George Floyd and our Democratic "leaders" did nothing to condemn it or act against it. The Democrats refused any help that was offered by President Trump. I believe the Democrats 'arranged" the riot ahead of time and law enforcement was kept to a minimum so the situation could get out of control. All to make our President look bad.

  • Myrtis Wilmoth

    01/19/2021 12:49 PM

    The left projects; their antifa and blm instigators were mixed in and actually made it to the Capitol Bldg way ahead of the people at the rally. You can see as people approach there are young, agile people swinging around on the scaffolding. You can hear the Trump supporters calling for them to stop breaking windows, etc. No one wants to talk about that.

  • Ken Baxter

    01/19/2021 12:34 PM

    I read your story on the DC war zone. To me, there is one big unanswered question in all this:
    Who ordered the military presence and set the Rules of Engagement? I don't think it was the President. It may have been mayor Bowser, but I think that she'd still have to make the request to Trump? To this American, it looks like "way overkill", so WHO set it up? Probably not a patriot.

  • Patricia Law

    01/19/2021 12:30 PM

    I've gotten to the point where I just don't care what happens, anymore. If it does, it does. If it don't, then it won't. The whole country has gone crazy and there's nothing we can do about it.

  • Dolphus Broxton

    01/19/2021 12:29 PM

    The new Vice President knows the election was stolen and she was afraid Trump was going to find a Judge that was not of the left's persuasion and expose it. That is the reason she waited until yesterday to resign her congressional seat.
    I am totally disappointed in Barr, I thought he was for America so we now have the FBI, Attorney Generals office and chief justice squarely against conservatives and with a 3rd term of Obama it is only going to get worse.

  • James Suttles

    01/19/2021 12:25 PM

    Just want to say I weep for America and for my children and grandchildren! This will not go away, no more than other dark periods in our history, but one thing I know: We will only be as dark as born again Christians fail to let our LIGHTS shine for Jesus! HE is the light of the world and we must be true reflectors! In God We Trust, not man!

  • Sherie Bolick

    01/19/2021 12:23 PM

    Dear Governor and Reverend Huckabee,

    I am a 78 year old retired widow. I am strong and very active. Until this COVID year I have gone on 12 International Mission trips since 2013. I love God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength! So that gives you a brief on who I am.

    NOW, that being said, My heart is breaking for my America! I read all of your updates and appreciate your insights. However, I feel really powerless and can easily get so discouraged thinking I am powerless to do anything constructive to defeat this terrible situation. I am a staunch patriot! I vote Republican in every election! I am most of all a God Honoring born again Christian and I pray all the time for our country! I KNOW God listens and acts! I am watching for HIM to show His hand! I KNOW HE is working behind the scene in ways we cannot even imagine since HIS THOUGHTS ARE HIGHER THAN OUR THOUGHTS AND HIS WAYS ARE HIGHER THAN OUR WAYS! He has had His people praying the same prayers! Millions of us! I am expecting HIM but I don’t know what to expect for sure! I LOVE HIS surprises, don’t you? ??

    What I want to ask of you brother Mike is this. Will you please begin to give us practical instructions as to what we can do RIGHT NOW and ongoing from here to counter the attack from within and without and bring America back to our rightful place! I know you keep saying VOTE REPUBLICAN, BUT that does not seem to be always the safest method these days. I have a growing distrust for ‘Republican’.
    Will you please give us some specifics we can do NOW?

    Another thing I would like is to hear you give us some hopeful things to encourage us. Is there such a thing in these days?

    I really appreciate you and trust you and your team. I look forward to hearing from you.

    On another note, your Mediterranean Tour sound so so awesome! If I could afford to do it I would be first in line. I know you will make it an amazing trip and I wish you great success and a ship full of true believers to celebrate with!

    May God richly bless you and yours!
    Your sister, Sherie Bolick

  • Stephen Russell

    01/19/2021 12:21 PM

    All they need do is block Cap Hill environs from audience & reduce NG presence in City>

  • Carol MacMillan Godsey

    01/19/2021 12:20 PM

    1984 is here - and half of our country (maybe) voted for it! God help us all!

  • Bette Mathews

    01/19/2021 12:08 PM

    I read your newsletter for relief from the craziness of the news. Why are you alone out there delivering the insanity with humor. Why are you one of the few intelligent enough to know to wait a few days for the FACTS and to never take the news as it’s presented. Usually falsely. We, Conservatives, used to only be deplorable. Now we are evil, plotting, insane, divisive, blind and what all. The Left is destroying not only the relationships of our troops but also our interpersonal relationships with people who were once friends. We are reliving Germany in the late 1930s. BUT where can we escape to?

  • Barry Wood

    01/19/2021 12:02 PM

    Governor the only thing this overblown security is communicating is that Democrats are paranoid. Just like any Marxist group, they cheat to win elections and use heavy handed suppression from the media to cover it up. They're so giddy with excitement about this that AOC is even talking about reeducation camps. They do know that 75m Americans, the largest group to ever turn out for any election, voted for President Trump. And, the majority people who voted for Biden are already dead or voted with made up identities or had Dominion voting machines change or cancel their vote. They know that if they were the ones who lost the election they would have people on the streets wearing stupid looking pink hats and screaming about bombing the White House. Conservatives, the majority of Americans, aren't going to show up with stupid pink hats on our heads, breaking out windows, and beating up our neighbors who disagree with us. That's what Democrats do. (see excerpts from the 2016 election). We will put our heads down, go back to work, regroup, and turn out again in 2022 after Biden and Harris have had a couple of years to run the country back into the ground. Like President Trump said, the fight to make America Great Again is just getting started.

  • Sydne Ora

    01/19/2021 12:02 PM

    Dear Mike: liberals have listed you as major Extremist. AOC at bar telling all her crowd huckabee going down along with all GOP, newsmax and Oann, just like PARLER. Wow. Several fake media reflecting her opinion.

  • HelenC

    01/19/2021 11:50 AM

    Our TV is turned off more & more.

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