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January 2, 2023

Happy New Year!  I can’t speak for you, but I’m glad we’re moving out of 2022.  Highest inflation in over 40 years, fuel prices double from when Donald Trump was President, interest rates climbing, a border that is easier to get through than a wet paper towel, and a lazy and irresponsible media that lies to you every day and pretends they are telling you the truth.

But one thing that has been a wonderful part of 2022 is that my wife and I started the year with 2 wonderful new puppies.  We actually got them the week between Christmas and New Year’s. 

Gumbo is a Cavalier King Charles/Bichon mix and Bandit is a Shi-Tzu/Bichon mix.  They aren’t blood brothers, but don’t tell them that.  They are virtually inseparable. The love to wrestle, chase each other, and sometimes make big messes.  But these boys have brought a lot of joy to our lives in a year that otherwise would have been at times rather depressing.

I often say “I wouldn’t live in a world without dogs,” and I really mean it.  During the past year, these 2 guys have taken more of my time than I had, caused me to do a lot of cleaning up behind them, replacing things they chewed up, and trying to figure out what they’re barking at.   But through it all, they have given a level of loyalty I sure never experienced in politics, and a steadfast love that is a true taste of God’s unfailing love for us. 

You may wonder why I’d start my 2023 newsletter talking about my dogs.  And the honest answer is, “Because I could!” 

But there’s method to the madness.  I’m convinced that dogs bring people together.  It’s hard to frown when looking into the eyes of a puppy.  It’s hard to think about harsh divisions in our nation and world when holding a puppy in your lap. So I just think a lot of our problems would be solved if people got a dog.  Maybe Democrats and Republicans would still disagree, but not be hateful about it.  And dogs can teach us a lot about being patient as well as grateful for even the smallest thing, like a tiny treat. 

I don’t mean to imply that all of 2022 has been unpleasant.  Our daughter got elected Governor of Arkansas and will sit in the old seat I sat in.  She will be sworn in in less than 2 weeks and start her own journey of leading our state.  We’re proud of all three of our children, but they have their own lives and careers.  We do as much baby-sitting of our 7 grandchildren as we are allowed, but when they aren’t there, having the dogs fills the house with activity, love, and of course noise.  Lots of noise.

Some of our friends thought we were crazy to get two dogs at the same time, but it just doubled our delight to watch them grow, play, and show us their unconditional love.  So, we’re starting 2023 with hope and anticipation and year-old puppies that got us through this past year.  From Janet and me and Gumbo and Bandit, Happy New Year, and may God give you a great year, and maybe a puppy of your own!

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  • JoEllen Stover Arthur

    01/02/2023 05:24 PM

    Thank you Gov. Huckabee for being fun and may God's blessings be upon us with His blessings.

  • Sande & Jack Wilkie

    01/02/2023 05:05 PM

    Mike, what a PERFECT way to end the year and begin a new one. You probably already know this, but GOD spelled backwards is DOG. God's representative of His perfect love on this earth. They make you smile, give you lots to do. Training and teaching them can also be a joy! You have to do that with patience and consistency, along with PRAISE! God wants us to praise Him in all things, so you get to practice by praising your fur babies when they do something good! God bless you in this new year, and please keep telling us about Gumbo and Bandits escapades and success in their growing up. Blessings to you and all that you do. Jack & Sande Wilkie

  • JRW

    01/02/2023 05:05 PM

    I'm a huge fan of Cavalier King Charles dogs, they have the most soulful faces ever in a dog. We rescued a King Charles cross puppy from a farm up the road. It was barely alive and had apparently been surviving on excrement under a barn floor. The dame had been killed on the road and the owners left it lay in the road until my wife put it on their front steps at which point she heard the crying out in back.

    All of the other 7 puppies had already died. She crawled under the barn floor (no easy feat for her) and got the puppy and went straight to our vet who suggested euthanasia after an examination. His opinion was that the pup was too far dehydrated and mal-nourished to save. My wife wouldn't hear of it! She had been a vet tech for a number of years and had also worked in a zoo for a number of years. She told him to try so the doc administered liquid vitamins and a bag of saline sub-Q. He pushed so much saline into that poor pup he looked like a small balloon.

    Fast forward... he survived but not without problems. His undernourishment caused some mental and physical issues. The 'wrist' joints in his forelegs had poorly formed ligaments as a puppy causing him to walk on his wrists instead of his paws. This problem resolved itself as he grew older and stronger but was never 'normal'. He had a shoulder nerve problem in his left foreleg that reduced his ability to control forward and aft movements. The leg was kinda wild. He learned to overcome that as he aged too. he was also incontinent and wasn't able to control his bladder although he was able to control his bowel movements. His bladder issues was the reason for his name - Lil Pee. He was a dog with heart. He didn't let anything get him down, he always had his little tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth and what appeared to be a huge smile on his face. He was always happy to do whatever, whenever. He was full of energy for 14 years.

    We rescued all breeds of critters for a couple of decades until it just became to too expensive to give them all 'forever' homes. Right now we have 7 dogs, only two of which are rescues. They range in size from giant (Anatolian Shepard/ Great Pyrenees) to (brother and sister) cattle dog mix, to a slightly smaller Texas style healer to the smallest, which is a doxipoo something. It doesn't matter the exact composition except for vaccines and flea medicines. All are my kids. All are spoiled. All cause me to live in poverty... I'm good with that.

  • Sharon Asch

    01/02/2023 04:43 PM

    Marry Christmas and Happy New Years to you and Janet! Love watching you on TBN! I’m praying for a great 2023 but since I live in CA all I can do is pray and give it to God?? I will continue to pray for our Nation that God will bring about godly change!

  • Jacque Trapp

    01/02/2023 04:41 PM

    I love your article. Dogs are the best and so are cats, horses, chickens, well...basically all animals. I'm happy for you and your wife. Happy New Year

  • Helen Murphy

    01/02/2023 04:34 PM

    It has been a year hasn't it? My husbands dementia has taken a toll on us and there were so many deaths of friends and I could go on, but, I agree about the dog only we have a cat and a dog. They are both black and I think they believe they are related and they make a real effort to get along. Our dog is a God send for sure. He walked in a decided which couch he was going to have - we were literally new to even have house dogs to much of a degree. Maverick doesn't like his name, never comes to it, he's his own man/dog. He doesn't sit on command, but will sit any time we go in the car or if we have a snack. If we like someone, he does, after he alerts us to company at all. He's mostly willing to go out side at the slightest noise, well, that is until we get up to check, then his job is done. He's a Newfoundland Lab cross. Newfie's go into a home, decide who is the alpha and if it isn't clear, they take that job. He's a big amazing character. Let's babies eat his food, if we do (ha!) let's them take toys away from him and if you scratch his back he will remember that, and you have a lifetime job. I don't think he likes Democrats, but we don't know many, so it is just a guess.

    Thanks so much for letting me talk about my dog. What a great day you made for me, there is nothing I adore more than my critters. I am so thankful for Sarah and all our other Republican governors. We live in Oregon, so we are very unhappy with the terrible control they have here, but we almost made some headway here last election. I read at le
    ast you Bible verse everyday. I thank you for that. And I thank God that He has our futures in His hands. I pray we will hear his voice and follow His way for this country.

  • Victor Olson

    01/02/2023 04:33 PM

    Hi Govenor so happy to hear you have a couple of fur babies to make you happy day in and day out they are such a joy to watch grow and for the grandkids when they are around.
    Lets hope and Pray that something in the Whitehouse will either change or at least wake up the sitting President to the extreme situation at our southern border. Illegals are rolling in day and night and the poor border patrols hands are basically tied. God help them and God help and Bless this UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!

  • Patrick Barrett

    01/02/2023 04:25 PM

    I'm trying to imagine what a Cavalier/Bichon would look like. Could we see a picture, or don't they allow pics in your news letter? Congrats! we have had 3 Cavs, one of each of the 4 colors. Each has had his own memorable personality!

  • John Chiero

    01/02/2023 04:23 PM

    Thanks Mike for the heartfelt words about our digs! My wife and I were truly heartbroken as we lost our sweet Serena the first hour after Thanksgiving we were going to take her to vet that morning but she died in my arms at home with us both holding her! She was tge most special dog we ever had! She knew actual terms like clean and pertty, your all wet, where is your chuuchy bird her favorite chew toy! Her most amazing attribute with me was she would actually sink songs with me!! She sang the star spangled banner Evils, Love Me Tender and Last Kiss were her favorites! We were devastated for about 3 weeks but her passing did bring my wife and I closer like you said! I prayed and cried to the Lord and he understood my aching heart and we found another very simikar mix dog very much like her and that has continued to keep us closer! Tgank you for tge article as you touched my heart because we actually went through that very time of losing one of our best friends but the Good Lord bringing us another special friend! Happy New Year and very Glad for ur daughter wish we could get more people like her running many of our states! Peace Always!

  • Sylvia Wilkinson

    01/02/2023 04:20 PM

    Your message has touched my sad heart. I lost my 16 year old Yorkie last month. My heart is purely broken. I loved him so very much. Is there a doggie heaven? I would love to see him again. I love watching you on TBN and your musical group. Do you think God is looking down on America today and His heart is broken also. How much more will He allow the dems to spew their demonic activity on the american people???

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