Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 5:51 PM, October 17


1. Both sides are reacting to Kamala Harris' interview with Brett Baier.

2. Jonathan Turley's latest column is all about Kamala Harris surrogate, Liz Cheney.

3. The plagiarism scandal around Kamala Harris' 2009 book is growing.

4. ABC debate moderators may have "fact-checked" President Trump over his claims about crime, but it turns out he was right.

5. Mike Huckabee is raising the alarm about apathy among Christian voters.

6. The Left's hysterical attacks against Trump are bordering on hilarious now.

7. 2020 Throwback: Jack Smith's latest court filing against President Trump is his wildest yet





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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January 10, 2021

This has been a tough week for America. It’s been an embarrassing and disgusting week for those of us who believe that the recent Presidential election was tainted with unanswered questions about fraud and massive voting irregularities. Whatever hopes we had that there might be a sincere investigation into the evidence that the media claimed didn’t exist was wiped out by a hot-headed mob at our nation’s Capitol. To be clear, of the tens of thousands of protesters and demonstrators who descended on Washington, most really were peaceful, law abiding patriots who love God, their families and their country. But those who stormed our Nation’s Capitol, ignored and fought the police, broke windows and doors and vandalized the offices of members of Congress and the Capitol itself were not patriots. They were a mob. A violent, lawless, and reckless mob engaged in criminal acts. Some of those participating in this mayhem or who tried to defend it tried to compare the actions of the mob to those of our Founders in the American Revolution. The violence at the Capitol this week was not at all like the American Revolution.


The Revolution of 1776 was carefully thought out. It was meticulously planned, and carried out by people who had exhausted all avenues to peacefully secure their liberty and to rid themselves of the intolerable behavior of their mother country, England. They declared their independence in a carefully crafted document and pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. They did not act spontaneously or compulsively. Their actions were thoroughly contemplated and the consequences were fully understood. What happened this week was carried out by hot-headed people moved by raw rage. There was no rational consideration of the consequences. There are no excuses or explanations for endangering innocent people, destroying public property, and challenging the authority of law enforcement. Even if 95% of that crowd were God-fearing law-abiding citizens who are rightfully angry that their beloved Republic is being taken over by Marxists and the useful idiots in the media who follow along, there is still no justification for the mayhem. Some of the rioters even quoted Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but Dr. King NEVER got so fed up with the horrible and unjust treatment by the government and said, “That’s it—let’s storm the Capitol and break windows and occupy the chamber.”

The American Revolution indeed became violent and resulted in a war but they were not a mob, who in a blind rage launched something they had no plan to fulfill. They articulated their grievances, requested relief, and only after all possible remedies were rebuffed did they declare independence.

WE must be the voice of reason and rationality. The mob set back the conservative patriotic cause of limited government and a government that provides justice equally. This angry mob of played right into the hands of the press and the left.


I support the many policies President Trump implemented to put America First. I’m glad he stood up to China and Russia, brought manufacturing jobs back to America, cut taxes because he believed that you could spend the money you worked for better than the government, fought to protect the lives of unborn children, protected religious liberty, stood with Israel against those who sought to annihilate her, and who appointed Constitutionalists to the courts. I don’t blame him because some who supported him devolved into criminal activity and tried to take over our nation’s Capitol. But to be fair and honest, his language about the election being stolen probably cost us 2 Senate seats in Georgia and gave some people the false sense that it was justifiable to storm past police barricades and take over the Capitol. Joe Biden will be the next President. It’s not who I voted for but I won’t burn down the country because he’s President. I will speak out for my views and I will faithfully vote in every election. But as disgusted as I was when Black Lives Matter and Antifa followers were burning our cities, looting stores and attacking police officers, I’m equally disgusted when people who may share many of my views do the same thing. I don’t care what their politics are, they are lawless thugs and need to be found, charged and prosecuted. I can’t teach my children and grandchildren to obey the rules of my house if I can’t be trusted to obey the laws of my nation!

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Comments 76-100 of 497

  • Kenneth C Clark

    01/10/2021 11:15 PM

    In all the ensuing confusion, I am not convinced that all, or even most, of the people who stormed the Capitol Building were Trump supporters. Photos have been disclosed showing people from Antifa and Black Lives Matter were present at this rampage. One individual, who was photographed (when the photo was enlarged) had a communist symbol - a sickle and hammer - tattooed on his hand. I strongly recommend that all Trump supporters read the writings of Saul Alinsky, a left wing community organizer, who recommended using tactics such as infiltrating their opponents' organizations for the purposes of confusion and diversion.

  • Carol L Pattridge

    01/10/2021 11:08 PM

    no fraud cost those seats just like everything else and all of those who will not stand up about are to blame

  • Albert L Graves

    01/10/2021 11:04 PM

    Dear Governor,
    You are correct regarding the thoughtful deliberation that proceeded the Declaration of Independence, but I would like to point out that were a number of incidents the came before July 4, 1776. The Boston Tea party was probably the most memorable event, that involved a number of rowdy gentlemen boarding an British merchant ship and tossing it’s cargo overboard into Boston Harbor. That event at the time was considered unruly and a bit of a riot.

    The storming of the Capital may have been a riot, but it may also be an advance warning of more “thoughtful” actions that may take place in the coming months and years. I’d point to the Gospel of Mark and Abraham Lincoln, “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”

    We seem to be headed for that crossroads where half of the country can’t stand the other half of the country. I had lifelong friends who refuse to speak to me because I am a conservative. I know people who have been fired from their jobs because of their conservative views. The debate has gone beyond a civil discourse.

    I am a firm believer in Voltaire’s statement, “I may not agree with what you say, but I’ll defend to the death, your right to say it.” I miss the days when we could look to that simple statement as an inspiration to find common ground. That common ground does not appear to exist anymore.

    I truly value your daily newsletters. They provide some comfort that there is still some civility in the world. We need to get back to that.

  • Charla McKernan

    01/10/2021 10:59 PM

    Can you tell us if in fact ANTIFA was also involved in the storming of the Capitol & breaking the window to enter?

  • Melanie Harwell

    01/10/2021 10:59 PM

    Surprised at you Governor. While we all know that President Trump has his faults—as I do, as you do—you can’t blame him one iota for the actions of those who stormed the capital. They made up their own minds to do such a thing, whether planned or whether done through uncontrolled anger or impulsivity. Saying he may have given them the false sense of justification to do such a violent thing is the same as blaming him—even though you just said you didn’t blame him. And his talk of fraud in the election DID NOT cause the loss of the senate seats in Georgia. The very same things that happened in the election the first time happened in the Senate election, or weren’t you watching and listening? It was a combination of those paper ballots, “technical difficulties”, and everything else. Honestly, I can’t believe I am even having to remind you! You disappoint me. The only people who haven’t disappointed me are the handful of politicians who were brave enough to stand up and object to the electors. See, Americans appreciate honesty and courage from their leaders, something that is rarely present. I am ashamed of Hagerty and Blackburn from my home state of TN. Their actions were unhonorable, I’m sorry to say. I am a Christian and I will follow God’s word. I know
    He allowed this to happen for a reason. But if this administration tries to keep us from assembling to worship or tries to force us in any way to go along with ungodly practices, I must obey God rather than man. And for that I do not apologize.

  • Fran Rambo

    01/10/2021 10:45 PM

    Mike- What if the riot was a set up? I am a young 72 year old very very active and physically capable. I raised a talented athlete and I can't think of ever one person I ever knew would think to show up with ropes and KNOW how to use them to climb up the side of any building! They looked too BOLD to be regular folks. I hope I'm right and I hope these underhanded disgusting people in "high places" with their own agendas get nailed soon! They wanted Trump out before he got in!!! They're scared to death of him! He doesn't play by their rules!!!! We ARE the silent majority and that's an advantage to them- they played to it and counted on it! Are we too sophisticated or too weak? The swamp is HUGE! Only a Trump would take it on! I just wish for one thing- that Trump would CALL UPON THE LORD to help him and give all the glory to God! I can't blame him for defending himself with the daily blasts of sometimes downright LIES he had to put up with. The enemy sure played on that!!! Through this I learned it's not enough to KNOW the Lord. We have to know the enemy too and have a close enough relationship with the Lord to CALL ON HIM every step of the way.

  • Charlotte Cox-Turner

    01/10/2021 10:43 PM

    Hi Mike,
    Enjoy so much your bible verses I get in my email. Sir, I am against what happened in the capital building on the 6th....but also realize we are being taken over by a party of incredible evil....that will, and have stomped on our constitution. Nancy Pelosi calls it a “ sacred house”. She and her ilk are the very ones turning the CITIZENS house, into a vile house of corruption. I trust completely in the Lord. He is on the throne, and I believe has the ear of the many patriots in our nation. I am a proud Trump supporter. I am amazed at the fortitude he has. Amazed at what he has endured while in office. Sir, I have spent the last days sitting with sickening rage at what we all saw as the election was stolen. We are told to pray for our enemies. Truthfully, I told my husband tonight...how do you pray for people that are committing evil right before your eyes? Thank God....I believe firmly, that my Lord is in deliverance mode now. I am trusting in Him completely, that this evil will be uncovered in the next few days. My president is a fighter. He loves this country. And as I see social media being used against us....shutting us down at every turn.....I have to wonder. What are these people so afraid of? To shut down free speech? To actually SHUT DOWN the president of the United States? I say again.....God is on the throne, and listening to His prayer warriors now. I believe a miracle is ahead.
    Sincerely, Charlotte Cox-Turner
    Goldstar Mom of Neil Isaac Turner 1990-2012

  • William Frederiksen

    01/10/2021 10:32 PM

    Check into this farther, I just saw a video of police cars escorting VANS filled with Antifa right up close and the Antita men got out with MAGA hats on sideways or backwards then I saw the police. Then I saw the Capital police open the barricades and one man on the inside was signaling with both hands, 'come on in.' I heard one man tell of being behind a group of the Antifa and heard them plan the next move to get the people riled up and heard a FOUL mouth with a bull horn spewing hatred. I sent you an email with some important info., be sure and listen to it. Thanks.

  • Hal Herweck

    01/10/2021 10:27 PM

    Sir, I hope you are being honest with me, because I trusted you and stood up for you. I think our president is way off the truth and is using good people like you.

  • Thomas Huelster

    01/10/2021 10:12 PM

    I totally agree with you. Also no honest media anymore.

  • Neeta Hale

    01/10/2021 10:04 PM

    I agree with your condemnation of the violence at the Capitol. However, I am not convinced that the mob consisted only of extremist Trump supporters. I feel the Left was involved and had a plan available to discredit objections to the certification of the election.

  • Charlotte Sullivan

    01/10/2021 10:00 PM

    Governor, do you think Senator McConnell’s resistance to allowing the Senate to pass a $2000 stimulus check played a part in the Georgia elections?

  • Janet N. Bowers

    01/10/2021 09:54 PM

    Thank you Mr. Huckabee for that reasoned and pertinent letter. I enjoy reading your column.

  • Connie Carroll

    01/10/2021 09:35 PM

    It was wrong, however there is proof it was not Trump supporters. If they were, I believe they got caught up in the ability to go into the building. The video I saw showed police/security letting them in. I believe itwas all planned out by some people to make it look bad for Trump. Trump didn't tell anyone to storm the building. He said he believes the election was stolen. Because of weak minded Republicans and the Dems we will never know. They planned and used it how they wanted, just like everything else they have done. Very sad.

  • John Hedrick

    01/10/2021 09:34 PM

    Pelosi tore up our POTUS's SOTU speech on TV last year. I"m sure it inspired rioters all over. Remove her!!!

  • Clinton McClure

    01/10/2021 09:30 PM

    Governor Huckabee you need to do some research on the idiots breaking in the Capitol building. They were ANTIFA hauled in from somewhere else. They were dressed as Trump supporters.

  • Jane Schroeder

    01/10/2021 09:27 PM

    Is there any hope that President Trump could prevail? Any patriotic judge willing to listen to the evidence of fraud in the President of the US election? Will they all sit back and let China go about its merry way taking over the world???

  • Karen Hodge

    01/10/2021 09:25 PM

    From some news I seen, there was some Antifi members there. I would say their the ones that done all the damage and climbing on the capital. I regret that this happen too. But the left does not need to blame Trump, he told us what they would do and their already starting it. My prayer is that God will still reveal who was behind the voter fraud, and we can impeach Biden and Harris both.

  • Kevin Egan

    01/10/2021 09:25 PM

    Good Mike....thank you. God wiling there will be more elections. In the interim there's plenty to take care here in America. Starting with the educational agenda blossoming right now....
    We need term limits big time.

    Be well. Sincerely

    Kevin Egan

  • Lisa A Davan

    01/10/2021 09:22 PM

    Thank you for your true and honest letters. It is so comforting to listen to a Godly voice of reason at a time like this. I keep you in my prayers and thank God for you.

  • Alan Kirkland

    01/10/2021 09:21 PM

    The people who committed genuinely lawless acts at the Capitol should be punished. Blah, blah! They were a tiny fraction of the crowd, assuming you don't consider the petty trespassing of all who marched through the building without doing any damage whatsoever to have committed a felonious act. Speaking of which, despite almost an entire year of hideous felony violence – looting and burning and assaults and murder, CHAZ, the Portland federal building, etc - how many of those "lawless thugs" were prosecuted? How many? None. So I say TO HELL with any and every Republican leader, including you, Mr. Huckabee, who wishes to participate in this dreadful double standard against patriotic Americans who are fed up with the lies and the fraud and the deception of our government and our system. If the Capitol had been burned to the ground on 1/6/21, I would have observed the event feeling equal parts mortified and elated, because the fact is, that building is infested with snakes and cockroaches, and I see little to no evidence that anything other that completely gutting its rotten interior is ever going to clean it out. If you don't stand up for American patriots and Republicans right now, you won't be able to later, because the left is going to set your @ss down forever.

  • Carmen English

    01/10/2021 09:19 PM

    In 1887 Woodrow Wilson said and I quote “ In fundamental theory socialism and democracy are almost but not quite one and the same. “
    He made this statement under socialism and democracy in 1887.
    This governor might be a nice daily statement that could be made on your newsletter.

  • Kristy Straka

    01/10/2021 09:17 PM

    I am 63 my husband is 75. We were at the Capital. Not one person had reported what really happened there yet. I’ve looked everywhere for the truth. It is no where. If you want the Truth contact me

  • Rhondelle Moldenhauer

    01/10/2021 09:15 PM

    I have seen reports on NTD tv that not everyone who was rioting was a Trump supporter. In one video, Trump supporters were trying to stop the rioters and at least some of the rioters were antifa and BLM activists.

  • Richard Hart

    01/10/2021 09:13 PM

    You could be right, but I believe you came to a conclusion without knowing all of the facts. I still don't and therefore have refrained from making any judgement. The majority of those there were making a peaceful protest against the acceptance of the Electoral College vote questioning its legality. I still do. Were those that stormed the capitol simply acting in anger or were they acting according to a preconceived plan. We know many of them were members of ANTIFA posing as Trump supporters. Was their intent to rile up those in the legislature who supported Trump enough to change their minds? If so, they were successful. There have also been reports of stolen laptops. Why would ANTIFA want them? Were they taken by Trump's team in order to get evidence against specific legislators? This event leads to as many questions as did the electoral process. With all of the corruption in both the government and the news media, will we ever know the answers to our questions. If we don't how can we judge?

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