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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

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Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

January 14, 2021

Wednesday, to nobody’s surprise, the House voted to impeach President Trump a second time, on grounds that he incited the violent protesters who stormed the Capitol. They were in such a rush to impeach him before he leaves office that they didn’t take time for the standard legal procedure of presenting evidence and letting him defend himself.

The vote was 232-197, with 10 Republicans joining the Democrats against Trump.

One Republican, Rep. Liz Cheney, was particularly outspoken, declaring, "The president of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing."

However, the FBI later announced that they had picked up evidence of plans for violence at the Capitol as early as January 5, the day before the attack, and they suspect some of the participants left the Trump rally early to pick up supplies and meet at the Capitol.


If so, that would mean that Trump’s speech, while it might have been irresponsible, did not incite the Capitol rioters, who planned their attack in advance and left before his speech to launch it.

This could mark the second time the Democrats rushed to judgement to impeach Trump, only to have their efforts collapse once they left the hyper-partisan House because they substituted partisan anger for solid legal evidence. This article explains how a Senate trial might not even happen.

Joe Biden seems to have cold feet about continuing this impeachment trial in the Senate, at least judging by his statement yesterday reminding Senators of “other urgent business” and his suggestion that they split their time between that and other things.

The fact is that by pulling this final rebuke of Trump, the House may have undercut Biden by handing the Senate a divisive, time-wasting responsibility (a trial to remove a President who’s already left office) just as Biden will be coming into office and wanting to fast-track his agenda. Mostly because they hope to ban Trump from running again, which it's doubtful the Senate has the power to do. It also tells us that for all their vilification of Trump, they still fear he might beat them in 2024.

Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats seem to think that they have put a real super-duper stain on Trump by impeaching him twice, but more so, they’ve stained themselves as rabid partisans and permanently devalued impeachment. Being “double-impeached” without proper procedure of evidence as he’s leaving office anyway is as hollow as Dean Wormer warning the frat boys in “Animal House” that they’re on “Double Secret Probation.”

Impeachment of a President is the most drastic of all remedies for the most serious of offenses. It’s a grave Constitutional crisis that should be undertaken with the utmost seriousness. By talking about impeaching Trump from the moment he was elected, then impeaching him over a phone call and having the Senate throw it out -- and then impeaching him again when he’s leaving office over a riot incitement charge that not only wouldn’t pass legal muster, but if it did, the people accusing him of it would be as guilty as he is -- they’ve reduced that most solemn of last-resort responsibilities to a nakedly partisan political ploy.

Want proof? A Georgia Republican Representative announced that she plans to introduce impeachment articles against Joe Biden the day after he takes office, over corruption related to China and Ukraine.

Of course, it won’t go anywhere in a Democrat House. But as satisfying as it might be for Republicans who’ve had to put up with Trump being attacked from day one – and now accused of attempting a coup by the same people who enabled the Russian Collusion attempted coup, and of inciting violent rioters by people who’ve spent the past year defending violent rioters – do we really want a banana republic-style nation where impeachment is just a meaningless political weapon that every President can expect to get hurled at him by the other party, like a mudball?



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Comments 76-100 of 196

  • Bob Gire

    01/14/2021 03:48 PM

    Dear Gov. Huckabee,
    I am a conservative Republican and have enjoyed listening to you for many years. I think you have been accurate, wise and measured in your opinion and counsel.
    However, on last week’s program, you said,”He (Trump) gave some the false sense that it was justifiable to storm past the police barricades and take over the Capitol. His (Trump) rhetoric certainly inflamed a lot of those passions we saw Wednesday.”
    I am very disappointed in you because I believe your comments to be totally inaccurate and therefore harmful to our Nation. I listened to every word of Trump’s rally speech and didn’t hear anything that would even come close to inciting or even encouraging a riot. He even said he wanting their protest at the Capitol to be peaceful and patriotic. What evidence do you have to support your comments above in this article and on your program last week?
    Respectfully, Bob


    01/14/2021 03:47 PM

    [email protected]

  • Deborah Sparkman

    01/14/2021 03:36 PM

    Documents have been released with proof that the first impeachment was based on lies. Can the President do anything about it? be expunged?

  • Robert Balsley

    01/14/2021 03:35 PM

    Again, governor, you’re knocking the President. What was so irresponsible about his speech? You can’t say he didn’t say anything to cause the break in while saying his speech was irresponsible. I just don’t get it.

  • Ursula Leach

    01/14/2021 03:33 PM

    We need to get rid of the democrats - PERIOD they are a detriment to the USA and once we are rid of them recall Trump to office and put biden and that wanna be president harrass in jail right next to pelousy schumer and most other dems

  • Stephen Russell

    01/14/2021 03:32 PM

    2nd Impeachment:
    Deny benefits given to Ex Presidents & invoke 14th Amend
    But cant 14th apply to Cong & Senate too

  • Beverly Schreiber

    01/14/2021 03:31 PM

    President Trump should have never been impeached. An innocent man, both times. Biden should be impeached and Harris also, for her ties bailing out the rioters, that burn down cities, injured and killing police.

  • Peggy Goodson

    01/14/2021 03:20 PM

    Dear Mike, It was a sad day to see the Impeachment of President Donald Trump. The Democrats and some Republicans hate him so much that they did this.

  • Lee Marsh

    01/14/2021 03:20 PM

    Are the pop up survey questions in your email from you or another organization?
    For example, the survey question in today’s email was, “do you still stand with Trump?

  • Margaret Zurn

    01/14/2021 03:13 PM

    All those Republicans who voted to impeach Trump better be prepared to lose their seat at the next election.

  • Robert Rhodes

    01/14/2021 03:11 PM

    No matter who is POTUS, my God remains on the throne. I voted for president Trump and being a veteran it makes me sick to my stomach how the left has invoked so much hate to get rid of him. We have went from the most idolized free nation in the world to a country that has gone under. No matter what happens, my God is the one I put all my trust in. ??????????????

  • Forrest Plummer

    01/14/2021 03:11 PM

    Huck --ENOUGH is ENOUGH Republicans must focus 2yrs ahead Pick one or two marginal Dems and RINOs Find good candidates and throw them out. Pralar under cover build a platform that is open Money is out there. Get it up and running before it can be sabatoged. Keep it up Huck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Royce Humphreys

    01/14/2021 03:08 PM

    I loved your article regarding the Impeachment debacle, but I do take issue with you stating that the President's comments on Wednesday January 6th were "Irresponsible". The Presidents said nothing in that speech that could be deemed irresponsible. I have listened to the speech and spoke to those in attendance and it was peace loving. Do not let the fake news dictate what everyone can clearly see was BS!
    Respectfully Submitted;
    Royce A. Humphreys
    PS, I enjoy your commentary and respect you gratefully!

  • Gary Slemp

    01/14/2021 03:07 PM

    How did your poll on who thinks the election was stolen and who would support Biden go? Any figures available?

  • Jay S

    01/14/2021 03:04 PM

    Fraudsters never WIN

  • Marcel Emigh

    01/14/2021 02:48 PM

    Mr. Huckabee,
    What hope, if any, do we have that America will remain America?

  • Kathy Michael

    01/14/2021 02:45 PM

    Governor Mike, You post great articles, and you always remain cool & calm, with a nice sense of humor. My vote was for you for the 2016 Presidency. Just wanted to let you know that. You would have made a wonderful President. Watch your show every week, and have all of your books, including just ordered the most recent one. You are also a wonderful writer & speaker. Love your humor! Never stop doing what you're doing. Love Sarah too!!

  • Erika Maurer

    01/14/2021 02:41 PM

    Near as I can tell, the sum effect of the impeachment was to end 10 Republican House members' careers...

  • Frank Giesbrecht

    01/14/2021 02:41 PM

    Republicans operate too divided and at a snail's pace. By the time they are organized another crisis is presents itself. Not having the Durham report released is a real crime in itself

  • Carol Jean Sleeth

    01/14/2021 02:37 PM

    I stand with the President. I am ready to impeach President elect Biden for all of the things he has said and done. He has provoked many of the riots and has said many things that are not good for our country and has not said anything to unite the country, only bad stuff. I am ready to impeach him for all of the stuff he has said to incite the riots and those who have caused the uproar. I am ready to start a new party for Trump.

  • Vickie Hendrick

    01/14/2021 02:32 PM

    Governor Huckabee, first I’d like to say Thank You for your voice of reason. I just last year listened to Sarah read her audio version of her wonderful book. I have sent it on text to many friends & family. It was such an awesome view into her life outside & inside the Trump Administration. I’ve heard many times over the years the generosity of our President. I also LOVED watching her tackle the vicious MSM almost daily. I want to start with this. I watched a conference the FBI did yesterday I think, my days are running together. They stood in front of God & everyone saying they had iintel from field offices & other sources, of what was gonna go down that day. I guess I’m kinda confused?? If they had the information, why didn’t they share with the President, and PREPARE?? I myself know if I’m expecting something simple like a medication delivery, I’m prepared to be here to sign for it. I know that sounds simple, but I’m baffled why they didn’t place the talk barriers they have now around the Capital? It’s almost like they wanted it to happen!! Then I saw video of officers opening a gate & allowing rioters in to storm the Capital. My precious Aunt is 87 & sits all day watching CBS, and other local news channels. She hates President Trump when all my family voted for him & are very proud of what he’s accomplished. This I know is personal, she had 2 stillbirths, ended up adopting a son, I have another adopted cousin. So you can see my view on abortion. But her son is 51, & I’m 61. He takes such good care of her!! He does everything for her because she’s homebound. I help her a lot also. I’m a RN that tries to help my family, friends, and my church in Gallatin, Tn. where my sin & I have attended since before he was born I guess I should say. 28 years, Saved & Baptized as a 12 year old. I’m not perfect, & my Nanny I adored reminded me many times there was only one Perfect individual to walk this earth & im not him!??. I felt it was my responsibility to raise my son as I was. He’s 23 as of January 6, 2021. Imagine that! Back to my Aunt, her son has never in his life raised his voice or ever talked back to his mom. The other morning he called me on his way to work & said Cuz I had it out with my mom this morning & I feel awful. But sad he was so tired of her blasting Trump because she sat & listened to MSM garbage every day, and was brainwashed. He was very upset. I understand I’ve expressed my opinion to her also, but she doesn’t listen. I think it’s a shame & disgrace how this is allowed. Especially to older people that can only get one side. I feel President Trump has lived up to his promises. I told you my age & i have voted many times, and remember listening to my parents discussing elections as a child. I wanted to be my own person & believe things I learn for myself. I don’t let anyone manipulate me. I hope you don’t think I’m saying this because of everything that’s happening & my political beliefs, I truly feel he’s been the best President in my lifetime. I loved Reagan very much also, but I’m proud of how our President has fought for all Americans of all socioeconomic standing, race, Religion, etc! I heard someone say the other day: why would a billionaire want a job where he was bullied, condemned, ridiculed, and blasted with negativity for no salary, unless he loved this country. I am trying to have faith, but it’s truly been tested this last year. My little brother overdosed & passed away February 29th last year. Shortly after in March I got Covid for the first time, called my Dr. and took medication, monitored myself, and treated myself at home. I have lupus, RA, & Sjogrens disease, and I survived it. Then the riots, & the things I saw, just threw me!! Then church family passing away, 2 High School friends in nursing homes that a couple of us went & visited, we couldn’t see anymore. One which had a stroke a few years ago & can’t communicate. I know she wonders why we haven’t been. She was in the Facility in Gallatin that was all over the news of being rampaged by COVID, they moved her & I had no idea for months where she was and neither did her daughter & mother.????. Then the election fraud, yes I believe it like many nit just republicans!! I kept my mouth shut for months felt like I was walking on eggshells around friends from the left that voiced their opinions. Finally I told a story of my experience at Vanderbilt as a Labor & delivery RN. Where they did elective abortions. I was in on only one. Delivered a 18 week old Down syndrome baby I had to take into a room & watch him flail his arms & die. Footprint, handprint, swaddle, place in a bag, and carry to the basement morgue. Leave him in a refrigerator & walk away. I cried so hard. I left that department for that reason. I told that story. On Facebook! A High school classmate & her son attacked me. He called me a liar!! How could I have held a fully formed baby, Tennessee didn’t do term abortions, he checked with friends & said I should be ashamed for telling a lie! Moot point to try & tell a young man a baby doesn’t have to be term to be fully formed. It broke my heart. He did delete the post, but I screenshot it. So I could show anyone of my friends how I was attacked & called a liar. When I began school I was 5 no kindergarten in my hometown off Portland, Tn. My teacher Ms. Reddick asked us to pledge, listen to a scripture message, & pray every morning. I hate that our children have lost that because some only heard that at school. They wonder what has happened to our young people, and the hate, and disbelief of God!! My son at 23 still leads prayers every night at my bedside. He graduated May 8, 2020, and still hasn’t found a job. With a double major in Political Science & French. Studied abroad in Toulouse France spring 2019. Very intelligent young man I’m so proud of. This was our first year in many years to not go to Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. It was online, we sang at home & lit our candles however. I got Covid again right before Christmas, I’m still perplexed about that?? I’m so careful & clean all the time. I get in my mom who lives with us nerves cleaning! It’s just been a year that’s tested my faith so very much. I’m saddened of our Presidents treatments for 4+ years. The hypocrisy is mind blowing!! So much hate! My Sunday School teachers favorite scripture is fruits of the spirit. My gosh don’t we need people to read that. It’s been a tough year on us all. Our Pastor quoted Warren Weirsbe: it’s easier to identify the lion as it’s roaring, than detect the serpent as it’s slithering into our lives! Trump is our lion. I wrote many congressmen & senators quoting that message. I’ll end with my short story!????. Bill O’Reilly said 2 things I know is true. 1) President Trump will go down as the greatest one term President in history! 2) everything that goes wrong in the Biden administration will be Trumps fault!! Pray pray pray is all we can do. Rights are being stripped daily. God Help Us All!! But this might be his Alter Call!! Have a blessed day!! Love you show, & message. Don’t quit!! ??????????????????????????????

  • Virginia Newton

    01/14/2021 02:32 PM

    As a resident of Wyoming, I can tell you that Liz Cheney does not speak for the majority of us. When she was approached about this she stated that it was conscience and not politics that caused her behavior. I say "Hogwash"! What about the opinions of the people of the state she supposedly represents? She won't have my vote again!

  • Barbara Emmett

    01/14/2021 02:32 PM

    If my choices are a banana republic-style nation where impeachment is a meaningless political weapon, or a banana republic-style nation where impeachment by one party constantly attacks and the other party accepts, I'm choosing the first option.

  • Cindy Ambanta

    01/14/2021 02:29 PM

    Thank you for publishing this newsletter. It is so informative and better yet from a man whom I can trust. Your work is very much a blessing for those of us wanting to know the truth because we certainly can't get it from the media these days. I'm sure I can never get word to President Trump how much I appreciate what he did for our country so I'm hopeful you will one day talk to him and give him this message. I also pray for protection for him and his entire family on a daily basis because people have gone crazy. This entire deception in America is so troubling. America has turned their backs on God and my prayer is we put God back where he belongs and that's FIRST. Thanks again and God Bless You Mike Huckabee!

  • Laura gahan

    01/14/2021 02:26 PM

    Why do political paid leaders get to waste Americans hard earned tax $? I want my $ back!! I have not seen Nancy Pelosi do ANYTHING to help me!!! EVER!!

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