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We weren’t expecting Huck PAC to have to come to the rescue of 3 more races immediately following the 2024 elections, but the Democrats see this as their chance to un-do what the American People overwhelmingly voted for in November. Please support Huck PAC with a donation in the amount you can afford. Every dollar helps→ Donate - Huck PAC

June 2, 2022

The House Judiciary Committee will hold an emergency meeting today to put together a bill that will reportedly include eight new gun control measures. It includes “proposals to raise the minimum age for purchasing a semi-automatic weapon from 18 to 21, ban ‘high capacity magazines,’ establish a registry for bump stocks and more.” True to form, it’s not called the “Gun Control Omnibus Act” but the “Protect Our Kids Act.” So when you hear that term, you’ll know what it actually is.

Never let it be said that we don’t listen to all sides of an issue. Here’s an op-ed by Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut, detailing what he says are some small changes that could be made to gun laws and increasing support for mental health that could help reduce gun violence and prevent school shootings and that members of both parties could agree on.

I invite you to read what he has to say and tell us in the comments whether you would be willing to compromise on such measures, whether you think they would help, and why or why not.

For more, here’s Derek Hunter of analyzing a New York Times editorial demanding more gun control and explaining the holes in their thinking.

In his inimitable way, Kurt Schlichter explains that the problem isn’t a lack of gun laws, it’s a shortage of duty and accountability.

Finally, the uncle of one of the young victims of the Uvalde school shooting spoke out against people using their family’s name to promote more anti-gun laws. He said their own family are responsible gun owners, and they believe enhanced security at schools is a far better solution.

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Comments 31-40 of 64

  • Gary G Coates

    06/05/2022 02:57 PM

    We have already added more laws and haven't stoped it. We theach kids it is alright to kill babiees and that they are no more thatn an animal throuh evolution with not going to church therefore there n o teaching of the here after.

  • Joseph E Trokey

    06/05/2022 02:51 PM

    As always, the politicians go around kicking the tires instead of checking out the engine. How about the first thing is requiring prosecution of anyone who commits a crime with a firearm, have a minimum sentence of 20 years without parole and that all prosecuting attorneys be made to prosecute, no exceptions. I'm not talking of those who protect themselves from those who threaten a life just those who are the perpetrators. If the prosecutor fails to prosecute then he serves 2 years jail time with no probation. There shall be no bail for anyone committing a crime with a firearm. This would be a good incremental start. The type of firearm nor the amount of rounds it holds in its' magazine makes any difference. Background checks will not help as a person can show no problems one day and the next go off the deep end.

  • Lisa Peterson

    06/05/2022 02:49 PM

    Does that mean that if this Gun Confiscating Act means that our 18 year olds will not be permitted to hold a firearm if they are in the military until they reach 21?
    How will that work?

  • Robert Bruce Holstein

    06/05/2022 02:48 PM

    You can not compromise with the liberal / communist Dems. Remember they promised abortion safe, legal and rare. , Now there are 60 million dead babies and the libs want to leave babies being aborted that end up being born alive to die. Once the libs get any concession, they will continue to seek more and more concessions. Therefore I vote NO on any compromise with them.


  • Marietta Pellicano

    06/05/2022 02:35 PM

    I believe ALL responsible citizens (gun owners/not gun owners) are absolutely sick at heart regarding these pure evil acts of violence against the innocent in community places (schools, grocery stores, shopping malls). But, Gov. Huckabee, there are just too many happening on a consecutive sequential timeline. It just makes me suspicious. On the whole, I don't believe this is random. TPTB will stop at nothing to destroy this Republic. JMHO.

  • Alan Lasley

    06/05/2022 02:35 PM

    Gun control ignores the problem. Witness Chicago, etc. The real issue is to make places harder targets and make people more aware of problem individuals. Most mass shooters seem to tip there hand right before they go off their rocker, so to speak. When someone is crying out for help those of us who are stable at that point should recognize “Joe” is having a problem and notify someone.

  • Steve Ackerman

    06/05/2022 02:21 PM

    Any new law which infringes ('shall not be') on my God given right to own the guns and accessories I currently do will be ignored, with derision. The problem is the Dems don't believe in God given rights because they don't believe in God. You can't believe in abortion on demand and lie every day and believe in the One true God. The goal is taking guns to prevent citizens rising against tyranny, this is obvious. The answer to shootings is more armed citizens and teachers. When 3 punks in a row are taken about by a concealed weapon with few or no victims a lot of would be punks will think again. The media is another problem which needs to be addressed by loosening and encouraging citizens to sue the heck out of them for their lies or lack of coverage. Their hyping the punks breeds more. Lastly, our 'representatives' need to address the real problems, act like a responsible business. Analyse the weaknesses in security and address them. Locked doors, computerized access, armed guards at entrances, NO gun Free zones. The stats are plain, armed citizens stop shooters.

  • Lisa Chambers

    06/05/2022 02:12 PM

    After hearing statements like "Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare" and "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor", I don't trust Democrats to even know what common sense gun control is.

  • Lori Lake

    06/05/2022 01:58 PM

    I don’t believe that stricter laws are the answer. Bad people don’t generally follow the rules. Someone with evil intent will get a gun legally or illegally. If they can’t get a gun they will find some other means with which to get the attention or result they want.

  • Kenneth Nicholson

    06/05/2022 01:42 PM

    I think hardening schools is the best action to take.
    It can be done quickly and it is very effective.
    Next we should work on restoring Christian principles.

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