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Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

February 12, 2021

The case brought yesterday by the House impeachment managers was a master class, not in how to present a factual case but how NOT to –- how to avoid the facts and skillfully create a piece of propaganda.

"What I think is really glaring as the House managers wrapped up their case was what was not in that case,” said legal analyst Jonathan Turley to Sean Hannity on Thursday night. “You know, after doing that snap impeachment, there were four weeks where the House did nothing in terms of locking in testimony. There were a dozen people who were around the President who spoke publicly about things he did or said during those critical hours. The House never called any of them as witnesses, never locked in their testimony, never created the record that they failed to create when they did this snap impeachment. And the question is why?”

Instead, Turley pointed out, they quoted NEWS ARTICLES about potential witnesses that they never called, either in the impeachment or the "trial." Very curiously, they chose not to use direct evidence from these witnesses.

He said it was particularly glaring on Wednesday, when the managers repeatedly claimed they had information on Trump’s “state of mind.” That’s not the charge; in the one article of impeachment, Trump is charged with insurrection to violence.

Trump isn’t being charged for being “a lousy person,” Turley said. He was impeached on the charge of trying to incite an actual rebellion. They’ve “dug a very deep hole” that they “didn’t really try” to fill, so why didn’t they bring in their evidence? Even if they wanted to stress Trump’s state of mind, they brought in very little evidence of that.

But we do have a LOT of evidence that the breach of the Capitol Building was planned well in advance. Trump could not have “incited” an “insurrection” unless he got in a time machine and went back to November/December and told them to do it, or unless he was actively plotting with them at the time. There is no evidence of that, or of the time machine, either.

Turley wrote at length about the House managers’ problem with the lack of direct witness testimony and what it says about the credibility of their case. Highly recommended reading.

So, with Trump’s attorneys presenting their defense on Friday, how should they proceed? Turley said the House managers have “opened the door” to examining “reckless rhetoric,” which they should not want, considering all the horrific examples that can be cited from the Democrats. “It may be difficult to distinguish from the accused, the prosecutors and the jury,” Turley said. “We’re living in an age of rage, and people say irresponsible things.” Oddly, the managers have moved away from the impeachment article they drafted to focus on Trump’s language generally, showing a lot of clips of past speeches. And, according to Turley, “they really didn’t prove that case.”

The way to counter that is, of course, to show a long montage of clips of Democrat senators and representatives using violent and threatening language, of which there are many. Some of them are so dark and chilling, so hateful, they go way beyond anything Trump has said. Try to imagine President Trump saying those things --- he wouldn’t.

Turley has said previously that Trump shouldn’t put on a defense at all and just “rest on the constitutional challenge.” Personally, though, I would love to see him “fight” --- there’s that word --- with some fabulous pushback to devastate and humiliate those who put together this sham. They deserve a good slap-down, and, gosh, I apologize for my use of violent rhetoric. Trump’s attorneys should do this quickly, though, in just a few hours, and not allow the left to continue distracting the country with this show trial.

Much has been said about the 13-minute “movie” that the Democrats had produced and showed on the first day of the “trial,” specifically about the emotional effect it seemed to have on its audience. There were reports that the room went utterly silent at the end of it. This was the centerpiece of the propaganda presented at this “trial.” It would never have been permitted in a real trial, as it was deceptively edited to link Trump’s words to violent actions from different times and places; there was no actual link established. Most importantly, producers chose to leave out the key piece of exculpatory evidence –- Trump’s own words, revealing his assumption that the crowd would be going to the Capitol Building “peacefully and patriotically.”

THAT ONE FACT –- that in their manipulative little Hollywood production, they conveniently left out the words “peacefully and patriotically” –- is enough right there to discredit their entire case. At least to my mind it is.

I can sum it up in two words: “falsifying evidence.”

Alan Dershowitz commented that “the President made a statement, a speech, which was so within the parameters of our First Amendment and Brandenburg [Brandenburg v. Ohio, 1968], notwithstanding the fact that 144 scholars have said it would be unethical –- unethical –- to even raise a First Amendment issue...” He went on to rail that these people are trying to intimidate Trump’s attorneys from using the First Amendment to defend him. This, he said, would be “depriving all of America and the Senate of the opportunity to hear how the First Amendment precludes this impeachment.’

David Shoen is “a very good lawyer,” Dershowitz said, adding that he expects that Friday we’ll get a few hours of laser-like focus on the First Amendment. (I would add this that might be extremely instructive to the rest of the country, as everyone could use a good lecture on the First Amendment right now.) He said they should also spend some time on the jurisdictional issue –- the fact that Trump is now a private citizen –- as some senators might acquit more on free speech grounds, others more on jurisdictional grounds. Since only a third of the senators have to vote to acquit, he expects an acquittal.

"The Democrats overplayed their hand [Thursday],” he said. “They went on too long, [they were] too repetitious, they should have rested...” Trump’s lawyers “will do a good job by making it neat and clean and to the point and short.”

Shoen told reporters on Thursday that Democrats have failed to tie Trump to the breach of the Capitol Building. “I think they’re making a movie,” he said. “...And I think it’s offensive. Quite frankly, it’s antithetical [to] to the healing process to continue to show the tragedy that happened here that Donald Trump has condemned, and I think it tears at the American people, quite frankly.”

It sure does. And to the Democrats, tearing at us is an extra benefit of this sideshow. It’s just one more way to go after Trump supporters, one more way to make us feel crushed and defeated. But it will backfire, because we’re smarter than that, we can see through them, and we can spot all the fakery and the strings being pulled.


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Comments 76-100 of 101

  • Linda Cooper

    02/12/2021 10:50 AM

    I have a difficult time wrapping my head around how these people think and how low they will go. they obviously do not understand that Trump supporters will never back down. We have God and His truth on our side and I truly believe this has been a war between good versus evil.
    Very much enjoy your commentaries Mike and have followed you for many years.

  • Barbara Lipian

    02/12/2021 10:50 AM

    I value Your words as truth, when it’s so hard to hear the truth today. I am very concerned and a bit afraid of the Chinese communist in our midst and the new socialist regime. I only pray that our Republican leaders will be strong and fight for us.

  • David Beachy

    02/12/2021 10:47 AM

    Spot on Mike!!

  • Marietta Fahl

    02/12/2021 10:41 AM

    Thanks for the daily updates without which I would be stumbling about in the dark of leftist idiocies. And you verse a day is always inspiring but the new feature of the glory of Creation i.e. Zion National Park is just stunning! Grateful to whoever instigated that!
    Blessings to you and all your staff. Marietta Fahl

  • Peter Rodi

    02/12/2021 10:22 AM

    I agree with 100% of what attorneys Turley and Dershowitz said, and I think 80 million other American citizens will also !!!

  • Leah Sessum

    02/12/2021 10:19 AM

    Mike, I have to think there is something more sinister to this impeachment. Is it a distraction while Joe signs a multiplicity of unconstitutional executive orders? Or is it to demoralize Trump supporters? Could it be a Marxist play to move the country toward the Great Reset? Otherwise why put on such an elaborate show?

  • Mary C Young

    02/12/2021 10:17 AM

    Governor you move in larger circles than we do. Now the buzz is that the Dems will hurry in the heat of the moment to censure President Trump to deprive him his right to run for any office ever again. I hope you will raise our voices that, if that is applied, it applies to all violators including Schumer, Waters, Pelosi, and on and on. Selectivity cannot stand.
    Thank you.

  • Judy Campbell

    02/12/2021 10:12 AM

    More and more it seems like we are living in the days of Jeremiah who tried to prophecy to the Israelites and encourage them to repent and return to God. They refused to listen. Somehow my sense is the following scriptures may soon fall upon us: Jeremiah 5: “15-17:
    15 “Behold, I am bringing against you a nation from afar, O house of Israel,
    declares the Lord. It is an enduring nation; it is an ancient nation, a nation whose language you do not know, nor can you understand what they say.
    16 Their quiver is like an open tomb they are all mighty warriors.
    17 They shall eat up your harvest and your food; they shall eat up your sons and your daughters; they shall eat up your flocks and your herds; they shall eat up your vines and your fig trees; your fortified cities in which you trust they shall beat down with the sword.”
    Even so come Lord Jesus.

  • Kevin Johnson

    02/12/2021 10:09 AM

    I think God has got this. That's why the dumbocrats didn't have anything to go with. They're just grasping at straws. Trumps attorneys should flip the tables as Jesus did and it's time to clean house. We need a God fearing business man in the White House and get away from the career politicians.
    God Bless you Governor. You should run again

  • Larry Ricks

    02/12/2021 10:07 AM

    I too am convinced that this 'trial' has no basis and is strictly a 'show'. But I remain convinced that no one on the Trump side are capable of defending the man. They haven't so far and to me, there is no reason for them to be able to do now. I certainly don't know why, but I just don't see it.
    Larry Ricks

  • Mary Kathleen Neier

    02/12/2021 10:05 AM

    Thank you for reviewing the trial on a daily basis. Sorry to say, cannot watch the sham by our so-called political representation. So upset by their unprofessional and predictable behavior. Biased to the bone there doesn’t seem to be a single point of what the majority of the Republic wants to take place. This disunity procedure is devastating to all Americans, and, why doesn’t the current President in all his “wisdom” shut the proceedings (use the term loosely) down? DIVISION AND DIVISIVENESS IS NECESSARY TO CREATE THEIR WORLD OF DEPENDENCY. 2022 cannot arrive soon enough to resolve the damage of the current administration and rule of domination. But this cowgirl has started to dialogue with future voters and opposition voices. Find the breach in their wall of intolerance and infiltrate their thoughts. PragerU has been a salvation of mine as a great resource, as well as your guiding words. Patience, faith, and reward... to quite Job’s teachings. God’s blessings.

  • Phil Klober

    02/12/2021 10:02 AM

    History will compare this to the Salem Witch Trials, assuming history is not blotted out by the Democrats.

  • Charles Simmons

    02/12/2021 10:01 AM

    Democrats float on a body of lies ... for democrats lying is as natural as breathing.

  • Eileen McGinn Miller

    02/12/2021 09:58 AM

    Good day, Mike!
    I saw a video clip of the sham “impeachment trial” in which Senator Lee made an objection to blatant false testimony presented by the Democratic managers (perhaps these hacks should get back to managing what “we the people” voted them to do) & the president of the kangaroo court (there unconstitutionally) appeared to be so confused that Senator Leahy had no clue how to address the objection & the woman in front of his throne directing his confusion was more confused in her directions than he was!! Are you confused yet? Talk about a political partisan waste of taxpayers money!! When do you suppose, Mike, that the Congress will get back to the task of running this country instead of running from being responsible, sensible adults?
    God bless & help us all!!
    Thank you for caring for US, Mike, through the truth of your newsletters!
    Eileen Miller, a WI chump

  • Mike Miller

    02/12/2021 09:53 AM

    When you have no morals lying is perfectly alright. As instruments of Satan (demons). We have gone from the issues to trying to destroy Trump in anyway they can. I do pity them since Judgement Day is coming. All Liars shall have their place in Hell unless they have their sins for given by accepting Chirst as their Rdeemer. Pray for them and stand for what is Right!

  • Jbtx

    02/12/2021 09:41 AM

    Isaiah 5:20

  • R. F. Conard

    02/12/2021 09:34 AM

    Your picture of Delicate Arch in Arches NP in yesterday's newsletter was beautiful.... but highly misleading for anyone with very little geography education/knowledge. The picture shows Delicate Arch with a background of an ocean with the waves breaking on the shore line. I know the Dims are trying to mess with our brains, but the last time I was at Delicate Arch I was about 1000 miles east of the Pacific, and 2000 miles west of the Atlantic. Plus the La Sal mountains are the actual background for that picture. I managed to get my wife up there a few years ago when we were both in our 70s. It is about 3 miles from the trailhead, and an elevation gain of 500 ft.... more or less.

  • Mike Horst

    02/12/2021 09:29 AM

    Governor Mike, I love receiving your twice daily newsletters. It is one of the few sources of truth these days. Thank you so much! That said, let me give the hard in your face truth that most informed people already know. Virtually every self respecting Democrat politician from birth has learned to lie to achieve their ends no matter who or what it damages. They have proven to me, especially over the last 5 years that there is no low too low for them to achieve their political ends! This "phony lying Democrat "impeachment trial" is exhibit A. By the way, I haven't watched a minute of the "trial" yet. I already know that Democrat lies will flood forward! Most likely by next week it will be over and as always the Democrats will have over played their hand, lied and proven exactly why they should never be allowed to hold any office up to and including Dog Catcher! Democrat is a cuss word around my house so watch your speech!

  • Bette solomon

    02/12/2021 09:28 AM

    Darn tootin’ he should testify! I have a speech prepared - stealing the election, as proven by Time magazine; first amendment rights of peaceful assembly to protest; and on and on. And Alan Dershowitz is ‘talk’s Cheap’ if he doesn’t go down there and represent President Trump!! This is a perfect time to rally the troops. Trump’s hunch is correct!!

  • Angie Wallace

    02/12/2021 09:20 AM

    Love the new America the beautiful feature and that the Bible verse is at the beginning now. Thanks for all you do! my New Year’s resolution was to turn off all the tv news so your newsletters are my only source of what’s going on. And I can say it’s really all you need! You do a great job sharing, explaining and adding some humor! Keep up the great work it’s very much appreciated!

  • ken moore

    02/12/2021 09:13 AM

    this more of a question than a comment
    how are voting machines calibrated to record votes as cast without this correction was last moch election last one we can have hope in

  • William Fuhrer

    02/12/2021 09:01 AM

    Someone should tell Megan McCcain that her enemies and the enemies of her father were the Chinese Communists and Socialists who put him in a prisoner of war camp and not ex President Donald Trump. The Chinese Communist also gave the world COVID

  • Ronda Shallow

    02/12/2021 08:43 AM

    First I want to Thank You Governor Huckabee for being so Cool, Compassionate, and Intelligent! You raised your daughter the Best one could too!
    My comment today is why all this lawyer talk when it comes to exposing the Truth on National TV ... why can’t President Trumps lawyer’s just speak in layman’s terms like Hannity and You? Then it would be so easily digested among most all people! You can throw professional lingual out the door and just get down to the bones! So much more powerful in communication then this righteous BS!

  • Stephen Russell

    02/12/2021 08:34 AM

    Said videos were "editted" for trial use only , only showed Lies to the world.
    & were to take Dems seriously.
    Love to see Raw video vs Dems video of 1-6 event alone & compare

  • David Schader

    02/12/2021 08:20 AM

    Thank you so much for all the news you keep us updated on. I am trilled knowing your daughter is running for governor, I will be supporting her even if l do live in upstate NY we need all the republican governors possible to help protect our Constitution. Thank you again and hang in tight.

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