Today's News Stories

October 26, 2022

Before I get into the details of last night’s shocking Pennsylvania Senate debate between John Fetterman and Dr. Mehmet Oz, I want to say something that needs to be said and repeated far and wide:

What we saw last night was not merely a sad display of someone struggling to do something he was clearly not capable of, it was also a live televised expose of a major conspiracy to commit election fraud on the voters of Pennsylvania.

I don’t blame Fetterman himself. It’s possible that he’s not even aware of how impaired he really is. Maybe in his mind, what he’s saying seems perfectly lucid. But the people around him, his wife and campaign team, obviously knew better. This is why they tried to lower expectations the day before the debate. It’s also why they tried to avoid a debate at all until they were pressured into it by even the liberal media outlets.

RELATED: The Pennsylvania Senate Debate

Even then, they delayed it as long as possible in hopes of racking up the maximum number of early votes before the public discovered the truth (this is another reason why I don’t like early voting and urge people to wait until they know everything that’s going to come out.)

As one commentator pointed out, that was Fetterman at his absolute best. That was him after months of therapy and recuperation, with weeks of debate prep, the questions written out for him on a 70-inch monitor, and the chance to rehearse with the monitor. Even with every possible advantage, that was the best he could do. Imagine what he must be like when it isn’t all teed up for him and he hasn’t had weeks of rehearsal.

And the people closest to him KNEW that. They knew this man was incapable of doing the job, but they tried to hide that fact from voters. If you voted early for Fetterman based on their false assurances that he was completely fine except for a tiny auditory processing problem, wouldn’t you be furious at being hoodwinked? Maybe you’d like your ballot back so you could change it. Tough luck, sucker! It’s too late now.

I never again want to hear some Democrat pushing the ridiculous notion that there’s no such thing as election fraud (or that it exists only when a Democrat loses an election.) The next time someone says that to me, I’ll dare them to go to YouTube and watch this entire debate all over again. I can’t think of better evidence of naked election fraud, or a more painful punishment to have to endure.


YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Dr. Oz takes the lead

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Comments 31-40 of 40

  • Madelyn S Smallberg

    10/26/2022 03:14 PM

    What the Democrats did to Fetterman was cruel. He is impaired and may never recover. Joe Biden is just as bad. The people of this country suffer even more from their woke agenda!

  • Dana Christensen

    10/26/2022 03:12 PM

    I think many Dems have so much hate inside that they really don't care about truth, etc.!!!

  • Darlene F. Donston

    10/26/2022 03:04 PM

    Well, he sounds just like another Biden to me and his Wife sounds like Dr. Jill!!! He should never have been where he is from what I have read! Wasn't Biden and Obama there? That says it ALL about them!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • R Reedy

    10/26/2022 02:59 PM

    How do these candidates get selected? What is the process?

  • Tom Davis

    10/26/2022 02:31 PM

    Dear Governor: It was less a debate and more a debacle!

  • Terri Brooks

    10/26/2022 02:04 PM

    Hello Mike. Thank you for your newsletters. I just wanted to comment about how sad and shameful it is, not only for the Democratic Party, but for the wives of both Fetterman and Biden! They both know their husbands condition, yet, out of either greed or want of position, they allow them to push forward. The job of President as well as any other office takes it's toll. When the person running is mentally impaired, they are not fit for the job. As was pointed out (possibly on Tucker?) Fetterman's wife seems to be the one running the show as if SHE were the actual candidate.

  • Jeanette Cloud

    10/26/2022 01:58 PM

    Gov Huckabee, you are spot on!! John Fetterman's family (personal & political) should be ashamed of themselves. But then again, I guess they follow the example of our president and his cronies.

  • stephen russell

    10/26/2022 01:25 PM

    What shock thats Std MO for Dems
    Remember Joe on the campaign trail?
    Same for Fetterman

  • Jeannine C Hickman

    10/26/2022 12:05 PM

    This is the same coverup for Biden. Family and friends lie yet they still want the power and the money. Have they no shame. How awful and non caring are these people. Sold their soul to the Devil.

  • Mary Schott

    10/26/2022 11:41 AM

    Surely leaves me wondering... I don't have any particular affection for Dr. Oz. I wish there were a different candidate. I don't trust him. But he is obviously up against someone who is rabidly incapable of performing at such a high level as Senator or Governor. Sheesh. Sad. I pray this isn't a weird twist of the left or Satan himself. Sigh. Please, God --- soon.

Election 2024 Coverage

October 26, 2022

Before I get into the details of last night’s shocking Pennsylvania Senate debate between John Fetterman and Dr. Mehmet Oz, I want to say something that needs to be said and repeated far and wide:

What we saw last night was not merely a sad display of someone struggling to do something he was clearly not capable of, it was also a live televised expose of a major conspiracy to commit election fraud on the voters of Pennsylvania.

I don’t blame Fetterman himself. It’s possible that he’s not even aware of how impaired he really is. Maybe in his mind, what he’s saying seems perfectly lucid. But the people around him, his wife and campaign team, obviously knew better. This is why they tried to lower expectations the day before the debate. It’s also why they tried to avoid a debate at all until they were pressured into it by even the liberal media outlets.

RELATED: The Pennsylvania Senate Debate

Even then, they delayed it as long as possible in hopes of racking up the maximum number of early votes before the public discovered the truth (this is another reason why I don’t like early voting and urge people to wait until they know everything that’s going to come out.)

As one commentator pointed out, that was Fetterman at his absolute best. That was him after months of therapy and recuperation, with weeks of debate prep, the questions written out for him on a 70-inch monitor, and the chance to rehearse with the monitor. Even with every possible advantage, that was the best he could do. Imagine what he must be like when it isn’t all teed up for him and he hasn’t had weeks of rehearsal.

And the people closest to him KNEW that. They knew this man was incapable of doing the job, but they tried to hide that fact from voters. If you voted early for Fetterman based on their false assurances that he was completely fine except for a tiny auditory processing problem, wouldn’t you be furious at being hoodwinked? Maybe you’d like your ballot back so you could change it. Tough luck, sucker! It’s too late now.

I never again want to hear some Democrat pushing the ridiculous notion that there’s no such thing as election fraud (or that it exists only when a Democrat loses an election.) The next time someone says that to me, I’ll dare them to go to YouTube and watch this entire debate all over again. I can’t think of better evidence of naked election fraud, or a more painful punishment to have to endure.


YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Dr. Oz takes the lead

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A bounce back?

Inconvenient Truth

Comments 31-40 of 40

  • Madelyn S Smallberg

    10/26/2022 03:14 PM

    What the Democrats did to Fetterman was cruel. He is impaired and may never recover. Joe Biden is just as bad. The people of this country suffer even more from their woke agenda!

  • Dana Christensen

    10/26/2022 03:12 PM

    I think many Dems have so much hate inside that they really don't care about truth, etc.!!!

  • Darlene F. Donston

    10/26/2022 03:04 PM

    Well, he sounds just like another Biden to me and his Wife sounds like Dr. Jill!!! He should never have been where he is from what I have read! Wasn't Biden and Obama there? That says it ALL about them!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • R Reedy

    10/26/2022 02:59 PM

    How do these candidates get selected? What is the process?

  • Tom Davis

    10/26/2022 02:31 PM

    Dear Governor: It was less a debate and more a debacle!

  • Terri Brooks

    10/26/2022 02:04 PM

    Hello Mike. Thank you for your newsletters. I just wanted to comment about how sad and shameful it is, not only for the Democratic Party, but for the wives of both Fetterman and Biden! They both know their husbands condition, yet, out of either greed or want of position, they allow them to push forward. The job of President as well as any other office takes it's toll. When the person running is mentally impaired, they are not fit for the job. As was pointed out (possibly on Tucker?) Fetterman's wife seems to be the one running the show as if SHE were the actual candidate.

  • Jeanette Cloud

    10/26/2022 01:58 PM

    Gov Huckabee, you are spot on!! John Fetterman's family (personal & political) should be ashamed of themselves. But then again, I guess they follow the example of our president and his cronies.

  • stephen russell

    10/26/2022 01:25 PM

    What shock thats Std MO for Dems
    Remember Joe on the campaign trail?
    Same for Fetterman

  • Jeannine C Hickman

    10/26/2022 12:05 PM

    This is the same coverup for Biden. Family and friends lie yet they still want the power and the money. Have they no shame. How awful and non caring are these people. Sold their soul to the Devil.

  • Mary Schott

    10/26/2022 11:41 AM

    Surely leaves me wondering... I don't have any particular affection for Dr. Oz. I wish there were a different candidate. I don't trust him. But he is obviously up against someone who is rabidly incapable of performing at such a high level as Senator or Governor. Sheesh. Sad. I pray this isn't a weird twist of the left or Satan himself. Sigh. Please, God --- soon.

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    Latest News

    October 26, 2022

    Before I get into the details of last night’s shocking Pennsylvania Senate debate between John Fetterman and Dr. Mehmet Oz, I want to say something that needs to be said and repeated far and wide:

    What we saw last night was not merely a sad display of someone struggling to do something he was clearly not capable of, it was also a live televised expose of a major conspiracy to commit election fraud on the voters of Pennsylvania.

    I don’t blame Fetterman himself. It’s possible that he’s not even aware of how impaired he really is. Maybe in his mind, what he’s saying seems perfectly lucid. But the people around him, his wife and campaign team, obviously knew better. This is why they tried to lower expectations the day before the debate. It’s also why they tried to avoid a debate at all until they were pressured into it by even the liberal media outlets.

    RELATED: The Pennsylvania Senate Debate

    Even then, they delayed it as long as possible in hopes of racking up the maximum number of early votes before the public discovered the truth (this is another reason why I don’t like early voting and urge people to wait until they know everything that’s going to come out.)

    As one commentator pointed out, that was Fetterman at his absolute best. That was him after months of therapy and recuperation, with weeks of debate prep, the questions written out for him on a 70-inch monitor, and the chance to rehearse with the monitor. Even with every possible advantage, that was the best he could do. Imagine what he must be like when it isn’t all teed up for him and he hasn’t had weeks of rehearsal.

    And the people closest to him KNEW that. They knew this man was incapable of doing the job, but they tried to hide that fact from voters. If you voted early for Fetterman based on their false assurances that he was completely fine except for a tiny auditory processing problem, wouldn’t you be furious at being hoodwinked? Maybe you’d like your ballot back so you could change it. Tough luck, sucker! It’s too late now.

    I never again want to hear some Democrat pushing the ridiculous notion that there’s no such thing as election fraud (or that it exists only when a Democrat loses an election.) The next time someone says that to me, I’ll dare them to go to YouTube and watch this entire debate all over again. I can’t think of better evidence of naked election fraud, or a more painful punishment to have to endure.


    YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Dr. Oz takes the lead

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    More Stories

    A bounce back?

    Inconvenient Truth

    Comments 31-40 of 40

    • Madelyn S Smallberg

      10/26/2022 03:14 PM

      What the Democrats did to Fetterman was cruel. He is impaired and may never recover. Joe Biden is just as bad. The people of this country suffer even more from their woke agenda!

    • Dana Christensen

      10/26/2022 03:12 PM

      I think many Dems have so much hate inside that they really don't care about truth, etc.!!!

    • Darlene F. Donston

      10/26/2022 03:04 PM

      Well, he sounds just like another Biden to me and his Wife sounds like Dr. Jill!!! He should never have been where he is from what I have read! Wasn't Biden and Obama there? That says it ALL about them!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • R Reedy

      10/26/2022 02:59 PM

      How do these candidates get selected? What is the process?

    • Tom Davis

      10/26/2022 02:31 PM

      Dear Governor: It was less a debate and more a debacle!

    • Terri Brooks

      10/26/2022 02:04 PM

      Hello Mike. Thank you for your newsletters. I just wanted to comment about how sad and shameful it is, not only for the Democratic Party, but for the wives of both Fetterman and Biden! They both know their husbands condition, yet, out of either greed or want of position, they allow them to push forward. The job of President as well as any other office takes it's toll. When the person running is mentally impaired, they are not fit for the job. As was pointed out (possibly on Tucker?) Fetterman's wife seems to be the one running the show as if SHE were the actual candidate.

    • Jeanette Cloud

      10/26/2022 01:58 PM

      Gov Huckabee, you are spot on!! John Fetterman's family (personal & political) should be ashamed of themselves. But then again, I guess they follow the example of our president and his cronies.

    • stephen russell

      10/26/2022 01:25 PM

      What shock thats Std MO for Dems
      Remember Joe on the campaign trail?
      Same for Fetterman

    • Jeannine C Hickman

      10/26/2022 12:05 PM

      This is the same coverup for Biden. Family and friends lie yet they still want the power and the money. Have they no shame. How awful and non caring are these people. Sold their soul to the Devil.

    • Mary Schott

      10/26/2022 11:41 AM

      Surely leaves me wondering... I don't have any particular affection for Dr. Oz. I wish there were a different candidate. I don't trust him. But he is obviously up against someone who is rabidly incapable of performing at such a high level as Senator or Governor. Sheesh. Sad. I pray this isn't a weird twist of the left or Satan himself. Sigh. Please, God --- soon.