Merry Christmas!

Twelve Christmas Stories

1. Never forget what it is like to be a kid at Christmas.

2. A Christmas Miracle.

3. Christmas memories that last forever.

4. The best gift this Christmas is giving to others.

5. Treasured Memories of Christmas.

6. A Simple Christmas.

7. This Christmas Story Will Touch Your Digestive System.

8. Coming home this Christmas.

9. Setting the Pattern For Christmas Traditions.

10. We have survived hard times.

11. The best Christmas gifts of all.

12. Christmas is about what we give, not what we get.

August 2, 2021

There’s a key difference between how those on the right and the left view the economy and the role of the government. We’re experiencing the stark contrasts as the Biden administration carries out its policies that lean to the left—in some cases to the far left.

Here are some basic truths about how the economy works. The rule of supply and demand says that if the demand is higher than the supply, prices go up. So if a lot of people want a car or a house but there is a low inventory of cars and houses, the prices will go up. The more demand, the higher the price. That’s true for gasoline, groceries, or gravel. Conversely, if there is a huge supply and little demand, prices will plummet. This is true of labor as well. If there are lots of help wanted signs and job openings but not many workers willing to take the jobs, employers will have to bid up the wages and pay more. But they may try to function with fewer employees, which in the long run means fewer jobs.

Another truth is that taxes taken by the government mean less money for a family or a business. We need taxes to pay for essential services and functions, whether having a military, having airports, waterways, police departments, fire trucks, roads and highways, parks, or sewer systems. But whatever the government does for you, it takes FROM you to do it. If they do stuff you don’t want or need, it costs you in real money. That’s money you don’t keep to buy clothes for your teenager, buy food, pay your housing costs or utilities, or put gas in your car.

When prices go up but wages don’t, that’s inflation. Inflation is a silent tax on you. If the cost of your electricity, gasoline, food, building supplies, and the cost of labor goes up, you have less money left to do things you want to do and less money to buy things you want to buy. The decrease in what you can afford to buy leads to fewer things being sold, which means fewer things will be manufactured and transported which means some people who made, shipped, or sold those things will lose their jobs. Everyone gets hurt by inflation and we are seeing a uptick in inflation right now under the policies of the Biden administration and the Democrats in Congress. Those on the left believes that government should do more to redistribute the money in the economy by taking more from the people who have worked and giving it to those who either didn’t work or who didn’t earn as much as others. Sometimes government promises to “do things” for people for providing “FREE college or childcare.” But it isn’t free at all. The government will have to take more of your money to pay for it. And when taxes are higher, you have less money. And your employer has less money. You can’t buy things you want and your employer can’t increase your wages or benefits. And a store can’t afford to put more items on the shelf which means fewer things are ordered, fewer things are shipped, and fewer things are made. Get the picture? Good, because the folks on the left don’t seem to. They truly believe they can spend your money better than you can. If you actually believe that, you will love those who govern from the left. If you believe you’d spend your money better than the government would, then you’ll want to vote for people on the right.

It’s really not that complicated. How you vote will determine how you live. Elections do have consequences. And if you’ve bought gasoline, clothes, food or planned a vacation lately, I hope you’ve noticed the consequences!

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Comments 31-40 of 40

  • Christine Battaglio

    08/02/2021 01:24 PM

    I live in Pennsylvania, have contacted all my representatives, and see no sign of any willingness to make changes in laws that encourage voter fraud. Without open and transparent voting and voter ID, how do imagine 2022 will be any better than 2020? Only intervention from God can change things and we seem to be under judgment.

  • Bruce Obermeyer

    08/02/2021 01:22 PM

    How we vote is irrelevant if the election is stolen. We must repair the damage done from the steal of the 2020 election and restore the true winners or no future elections will be trusted or relevant. It isn't how WE vote that matters, it is how the votes are "counted," and we have indisputable evidence from the few audits in progress that the votes in the 2020 election were intentionally miscounted.

  • Marilyn Mitchell

    08/02/2021 01:09 PM

    Great explanation of what is happening to our economy right now. Wish Joe Biden understood it!!!

  • Katherine L. Anderson

    08/02/2021 01:01 PM

    I read them! Thank you!


    08/02/2021 12:47 PM

    Until Dominion/Smartmatic are shut down, and their executives imprisoned or executed for treason, our votes are meaningless, as proven by the current occupiers of the White House.

  • Bobby james Jarreau

    08/02/2021 12:39 PM

    I believe we have a lot of politicians in Washington and every state claiming to be Republicans when they are actually Democratic in other word RINOS and that is killing us you see you can't get elected with a D by there name so they have an R by there name wake up America and do your home work before you vote. I left the Republican party because of this I'm now an Independent.

    God Bless

  • Timothy Bashor

    08/02/2021 12:13 PM

    When a government makes decisions that they cannot convince their constituency to follow through leadership and solid reasoning, a totalitarian government will turn to propaganda, control of the message through the media and finally to force.

    Is anyone out there seeing the progression here in our own government? God Bless our founding fathers who put checks and balances into our Constitution to prevent what is being attempted right now by the Democratic Socialist Party. Even though they technically control both houses of the legislature, they have a bare minimum majority (not enough to over come a unified minority opposition) and an independent judiciary that was strengthened by President Trump while he was in office.

  • Sanford Winnerman

    08/02/2021 11:54 AM

    If the votes are cast and counted fairly I have no doubt Democrats will lose big in 2022. But without voter approval integrity laws and enforcement we could lose anyway. To paraphrase Stalin, It’s not who casts the votes but who counts them.

  • Pam Hudson

    08/02/2021 11:48 AM

    I honestly don’t understand WHY everyone; no matter race, political side, or belief: WHY is this happening? Have we lost our values of independence because of social media? I am elderly, worked all my life, when I was laid off of work, I’d find something else...never unemployment....
    Even our President should listen to ALL the people. Not just the ones that shelter him in place away from others....I’m sadden that the America we knew is not the America we are becoming...

  • Stephen Russell

    08/02/2021 11:45 AM

    Chinese take out: ordered Chinese from New Moon & had old menu, got a new menu & prices up by 5.00 since last menu.

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