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We weren’t expecting Huck PAC to have to come to the rescue of 3 more races immediately following the 2024 elections, but the Democrats see this as their chance to un-do what the American People overwhelmingly voted for in November. Please support Huck PAC with a donation in the amount you can afford. Every dollar helps→ Donate - Huck PAC

June 10, 2021

How badly has Vice President Kamala Harris botched her first big assignment, to clean up the disaster President Biden created on the border? Let me count the ways…

(1.) As of today, she’s had the assignment for 78 days and has yet to even visit the border…(2.) When asked about that by a reporter, she laughed oddly and said she hadn’t visited Europe either, as if she’s in charge of keeping Frenchmen from swimming across the Atlantic to enter New Jersey illegally…(3.) She went to Guatemala and was greeted by protesters with signs reading “Trump won,” “Go home” and “Guatemala is pro-life”…(4.) She claimed the root causes of illegal immigration were climate change and hostility to LGBTQ people…(5.) The President of Guatemala personally contradicted her by telling “Face the Nation” that the cause of the surge was Biden undoing Trump’s border security policies.

And now, to make it an even half dozen: she’s done such a lousy job that even the Biden White House is letting it be known that they are frustrated, perplexed and “not thrilled” with her inexplicably incompetent performance.

At this rate, she really needs to up her game if she ever hopes to take over the job of being President from Jill Biden.

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Comments 31-37 of 37

  • Betty Friend

    06/10/2021 11:26 PM

    Loved that parting shot Governor!!! You nailed that one perfectly

  • Mary Louise Newlon

    06/10/2021 11:13 PM

    In 1776, George Washington gave his inaugural address; he said that if this Nation did not keep God's directives in mind, the possibilities would be that He would remove His protective arm. Looking at all of the things happening now, would suspect that His protective arm might already be gone.

  • John W. King

    06/10/2021 11:09 PM

    Do nothing people do nothing well.

  • Deborah McCallum

    06/10/2021 10:41 PM

    Sir, do not overlook sneaky Joe releasing quietly Gitmo's dangerous 911 organizers. He's intent on doing what Obama could not, closing Gitmo. The Gitmo folks still hate us and can rejoun others who are ready to mobilize while Joe naps.
    Very concerning.

  • Mike Johnson

    06/10/2021 10:41 PM

    Whoever wrote up the email, at end of border comments the name Jill replaced Joe accidentally I’m sure

  • Barbara Koontz

    06/10/2021 10:17 PM

    I always have to go to the NIV Bible to understand your KJV of verses you post. I love your scripture but I am not able to understand KJV. Keep on doing what you’re doing. You are a wonderful man.

  • Bonita E Clark

    06/10/2021 10:10 PM

    I love how you tell it like it really is! Twice recently I have been asked who is not president... I really couldn't say. My answer is"on paper it is Joe Biden, but who knows who is really being in charge." I may change the answer to Jill next time I am asked. I love you sense of humor! Bonnie

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