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We weren’t expecting Huck PAC to have to come to the rescue of 3 more races immediately following the 2024 elections, but the Democrats see this as their chance to un-do what the American People overwhelmingly voted for in November. Please support Huck PAC with a donation in the amount you can afford. Every dollar helps→ Donate - Huck PAC

October 28, 2021

Election Day for the Virginia gubernatorial race, and for other down-ballot votes as well, is this coming Tuesday, November 2, and the stakes could hardly be higher –- or the choice clearer. Earlier in the week, our commentary on the lurking presence in Virginia of DNC lawyer/activist and infamous election manipulator Marc Elias drew quite a bit of reader response.

You know, it’s impossible for me to respond to every letter --- even though they’re all read --- but now and then it’s instructive to respond to a particular letter for a particular reason. That’s the case with the following letter from Carol, because of one thing she said about the election that really stood out and makes a timely response critical before Election Day. Read her letter and see if you can pick out the part I mean. Then I’ll explain what the very important issue is.

From Carol (with slight editing):

I am in Georgia. Wherever Stacey Abrams goes, the laws are broken. This is what she advocated and got done in Georgia for the 2020 election. She is in Virginia now and the [requirement for the] last four digits of [a voter’s] Social Security number has been deleted even though it is the law there.

This is how it is done and how the election was stolen in 2020, and unless it is stopped, 2022 and 2024 will go the way of 2020. They only win by changing the laws to suit their outcome. Many understand this and will not vote because they say and believe it is rigged. Even the Supreme Court are cowards in taking up the suits that would have proven that.

...Keep America sick and mail-in ballots will again be the next way votes are stolen and elections rigged.

From the Gov:

Thank you for writing, Carol. Yes, we discussed some of the recent changes to the voting laws in Virginia --- also the fact that it’s illegal for the government to ignore laws it doesn’t want to enforce. Marc Elias and Stacey Abrams make quite a team, don’t they?

Another good point is that as long as state and county officials can use COVID-19 as an excuse for mass mail-in voting, cheating will be easy and largely undetectable. And their hope is that we’ll get so used to the convenience of just mailing in our ballots, most people will prefer that whether COVID is still a major concern or not. But we need to do what the French did in 1975 after seeing the fraud caused by mail-in voting: scrap it except on a limited basis, by request when people have a legitimate reason for not being able to get to the polls. That will not happen in battleground states until they’re run by people who don’t want to keep their thumb on the election scales. Those people must be voted out.

That brings me to the part of the letter that has to be addressed. Did you guess it? “MANY...WILL NOT VOTE BECAUSE THEY...BELIEVE THE VOTE IS RIGGED.”

If enough Republicans stay home to make the margin of victory, say, 300 votes instead of 30,000, how much easier have we made it for Democrats to cheat? Cheaters love close races; it’s much harder to see big statistical anomalies and much easier to “find” the relatively small number of votes they need. It’s clear this is what happened in Georgia’s last senatorial election; fed-up Republicans stayed home and let their opponents just take it. We blew our chance to temper the Biden administration with a Republican-led Senate just because some Republicans sat on their hands.

Conversely, it might seem impossible to stop cheaters, but one way to do it is to turn out in such large numbers that they can’t make up the difference with fake votes. It has to be a blowout.

Anyone thinking of sitting out this or any other Election Day had better realize: you are doing exactly what the opposition wants you to. They want you to give up, to resign yourself to the fate they are choosing for you. Don’t do it. Instead, do the opposite of what they want.

It’s kind of a catch: in order to fix the cheating, we have to win in spite of the cheating! I know that seems overwhelming, but if conservative turnout is high enough, it will happen. (I would think that this time, all the justifiably angry parents in Virginia could really make the difference.) Once we’re in, then we work state-by-state to reform the system. Yes, Democrats will fight us every step of the way, so, as I said in speaking of Marc Elias, our lawyers have to be better than their lawyers. And they have to be everywhere.

But polls show conclusively that most Americans want accurate and honest elections. As Jason Snead, executive director of the Honest Elections Project, said, “Voters want it to be easy to vote, but also hard to cheat.” It has become ridiculously easy to vote, and easy to cheat, too. Half the country has lost faith in our elections. If that half of the country stays home on Election Day, the other half wins by default.

As Mollie Hemingway says in RIGGED, “The left’s path to future victory requires it to cow its opposition into silence...A growing number of Americans are outraged by the way the left seizes and deploys power. They are sick of the lies, manipulation, and distortion that a corrupt ruling class spins on a regular basis. Those courageous citizens, not the decaying establishment, will determine the fate of the nation.”

Carol, I want to thank you for writing, because you reminded me, however inadvertently, of something I'd really wanted to mention before Tuesday’s election. Virginians, no matter how you feel about what the left has done to corrupt the system, it is critical that you turn out and vote! Get everyone you know to the polls. Start the red wave.

I’ll close with some good news from John Solomon on the election reform front. In the wake of the Maricopa County audit report –- which was quite bad despite the media’s sugar-coat –- the demand for 2020 forensic audits in all 50 states is gaining support, now up to 38 states, with 150 state legislators signing an open letter to that effect. (Note: I think they’d have more participation if they didn’t call for decertifications as well; the emphasis needs to be on forensic analysis and reform of the system for future elections.) Here’s an excerpt:

“In addition to Arizona, sworn affidavits have accumulated from many states detailing rampant corruption and mismanagement in the election process...We have come to the conclusion that all 50 states need to be forensically audited. Voter rolls should be scrubbed with a canvass of the voters to ensure future integrity of our elections...We call on each state to decertify its electors where it has been shown the elections were certified prematurely and inaccurately.”

In fact, a problematic audit report in Wisconsin has prompted the state senate to launch its own investigation of the 2020 election in that state.

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Comments 41-50 of 61

  • Connie Nolen

    10/28/2021 03:42 PM

    Judicial Watch: FDA Under Obama Paid For Fresh Fetal Body Parts To Create ‘humanized mice’

  • Donald Spencer

    10/28/2021 03:40 PM

    We might as well face the truth.Elections from 2020 and on into the future will be totally fraudulent.We only have a few alternatives.Survival mode or rebellion mode...Pay attention to coming up Tuesdays governor election in North Carolina.We will see how corrupt our election system has become.

  • Luz Maria King

    10/28/2021 03:22 PM

    You are SPOT ON!! We, the People of this great Republic, the United States of America, do need to fight, fight, and fight even more. We are not losers, we are WINNERS! With all due respect, but I do believe that the 2020 Presidential election was rigged. Truth be told, I am deeply disappointed with the way the GOP managed this subject matter. Furthermore, my personal perspective is that these Republican senators and representatives (with a few exceptions!) put their own interests first, instead of fighting to unfold the TRUTH. Donald J. Trump was abandoned by his own party. As an American citizen, I abide by the Rule of Law and our Constitution. Our founding fathers were smart people, if you ask me. As a Peruvian citizen, I have witnessed domestic terrorism, and I can certainly state here that our parents should never be considered "domestic terrorists". Our country is being destroyed by the left, and I am appalled by the level of corruption in this current administration. With all due respect, but in my dear mother country, Perú, we marched on the streets pacifically and respectfully, and the corrupted president in office had no other choice, but to RESIGN. The United States of America is the Home of the BRAVE!!! There are always legal avenues to fight against a corrupted administration that shouldn't be in office in the first place!!! A coup d'etat is another option, although not my favorite one, if you ask me. I happened to witness two coup d'etats in Perú, and I wouldn't recommend this option unless it's extremely necessary. Nevertheless, I also happened to witness a peaceful transition to democracy after 12 years under the military forces. I was only 18 years old when we finally transitioned to a democratic government.

  • Pete Courtsal

    10/28/2021 03:20 PM

    Mike Lindell conclusively showed that ALL voting machines used in 2020 were hacked by the Chinese. Not only was Trump's overwhelming re-election fraudulently overturned, but many
    Senate races as well as local and state-wide races were also stolen by the Communist Party (formerly known as the Democratic Party). What they did then, and got away with, they will continue to do as long as these machines are in use. Good luck winning any political races with the outcome already assured by this electronic manipulation!

  • Joe K. Sweeney

    10/28/2021 03:15 PM

    Thanks for what you do Mike !!!! Keep getting this timely message out to the public so we can win this battle fairly. Make us aware who is sitting on the butts and not helping. Committees that are not doing their jobs, and mainly the legal system.

  • Donald Spencer

    10/28/2021 03:15 PM

    This governors election will go the same way as California's recall election.100% fraudulent.This is plain as day..No election will be legit today and into the future.The only things left are survival and total resistance to the "State". Armed rebellion is coming.

  • Larry Garrison

    10/28/2021 03:13 PM

    Mike, I think your comments to Carol are spot on. I did want to add one point that I think it crucial. This sort of defeatist thinking (no need to vote as it is already lost) has been perpetuated by those who are pushing the 'elections are stolen' narrative. I often disagree with the decisions falling out of courts these days but there are consequences for our actions, as well as inaction. Repeating that elections are stolen is leading to more and more disenfranchised voters who understandably are disappointed and feel as if their vote is not counted. Please do what you can to stay away from that narrative as I believe it serves no one better than those who are more than happy to see certain portions of the population throw up their arms in defeat and forgo stepping out to vote.

  • michael d swift

    10/28/2021 03:10 PM

    Thanks for all you write everyday I enjoy the Real News
    I want Trump But i also want him to take some advice Maybe you can talk with Him

    Stop chanting the media is Bad and fake We know it just dont need to hear it everyday

    Also A lot of my friends went to the Trump Rally in Des Moines the last 30 minutes was about the Rigged election We know there are a lot of issues and it looks like some states are working on fixing them

    There is no doubt the numbers were not correct But Trump can bring it up Say these things are being worked on And talk about how we take it back

    Biden has a terrible record and even worse now Trump needs to get more than just us beleivers to get him back in He needs to realize this

    He is a smart man But needs to change his game just a little Tell him you will be like his Golf Coach Not going to change his whole game Just want to tweak it a bit

    Too many Dems will Not ever vote Trump The Hate is clear But there is still time to change a little bring the middle and win this back

    I own a business here in town Next to us is a business with trump signs etc This customer said if they are yours i was going to walk out? I wish Trump would undertsand this

    He needs to appeal to these people that hate him Bring a few back Election 2024 No Brainer

    You can help him with some Southern Hospitality Kill them with Kindness Bless their Hearts

    But be firm


    Mike Swift

    Des Moines Iowa

  • Bessie O. Houck

    10/28/2021 03:07 PM

    Do you believe the day will ever come that any of the breaking of laws by the democrats will be punished? I am so angry at all the money that was used to try to impeach President Trump of something of which he was not guilty. To me, it is very disheartening that they continue to break the law and yet suffer. no consequences.

  • Edwin Raby

    10/28/2021 02:53 PM

    I think that making voting day a national Holliday would cut down the need for voting by mail !

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Leftists who once loved Elon Musk when he was making electric cars a reality have turned on him since he’s fighting the government waste, fraud and abuse that funds their political rackets.

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