Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 5:51 PM, October 17


1. Both sides are reacting to Kamala Harris' interview with Brett Baier.

2. Jonathan Turley's latest column is all about Kamala Harris surrogate, Liz Cheney.

3. The plagiarism scandal around Kamala Harris' 2009 book is growing.

4. ABC debate moderators may have "fact-checked" President Trump over his claims about crime, but it turns out he was right.

5. Mike Huckabee is raising the alarm about apathy among Christian voters.

6. The Left's hysterical attacks against Trump are bordering on hilarious now.

7. 2020 Throwback: Jack Smith's latest court filing against President Trump is his wildest yet





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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January 10, 2021

This has been a tough week for America. It’s been an embarrassing and disgusting week for those of us who believe that the recent Presidential election was tainted with unanswered questions about fraud and massive voting irregularities. Whatever hopes we had that there might be a sincere investigation into the evidence that the media claimed didn’t exist was wiped out by a hot-headed mob at our nation’s Capitol. To be clear, of the tens of thousands of protesters and demonstrators who descended on Washington, most really were peaceful, law abiding patriots who love God, their families and their country. But those who stormed our Nation’s Capitol, ignored and fought the police, broke windows and doors and vandalized the offices of members of Congress and the Capitol itself were not patriots. They were a mob. A violent, lawless, and reckless mob engaged in criminal acts. Some of those participating in this mayhem or who tried to defend it tried to compare the actions of the mob to those of our Founders in the American Revolution. The violence at the Capitol this week was not at all like the American Revolution.


The Revolution of 1776 was carefully thought out. It was meticulously planned, and carried out by people who had exhausted all avenues to peacefully secure their liberty and to rid themselves of the intolerable behavior of their mother country, England. They declared their independence in a carefully crafted document and pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. They did not act spontaneously or compulsively. Their actions were thoroughly contemplated and the consequences were fully understood. What happened this week was carried out by hot-headed people moved by raw rage. There was no rational consideration of the consequences. There are no excuses or explanations for endangering innocent people, destroying public property, and challenging the authority of law enforcement. Even if 95% of that crowd were God-fearing law-abiding citizens who are rightfully angry that their beloved Republic is being taken over by Marxists and the useful idiots in the media who follow along, there is still no justification for the mayhem. Some of the rioters even quoted Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but Dr. King NEVER got so fed up with the horrible and unjust treatment by the government and said, “That’s it—let’s storm the Capitol and break windows and occupy the chamber.”

The American Revolution indeed became violent and resulted in a war but they were not a mob, who in a blind rage launched something they had no plan to fulfill. They articulated their grievances, requested relief, and only after all possible remedies were rebuffed did they declare independence.

WE must be the voice of reason and rationality. The mob set back the conservative patriotic cause of limited government and a government that provides justice equally. This angry mob of played right into the hands of the press and the left.


I support the many policies President Trump implemented to put America First. I’m glad he stood up to China and Russia, brought manufacturing jobs back to America, cut taxes because he believed that you could spend the money you worked for better than the government, fought to protect the lives of unborn children, protected religious liberty, stood with Israel against those who sought to annihilate her, and who appointed Constitutionalists to the courts. I don’t blame him because some who supported him devolved into criminal activity and tried to take over our nation’s Capitol. But to be fair and honest, his language about the election being stolen probably cost us 2 Senate seats in Georgia and gave some people the false sense that it was justifiable to storm past police barricades and take over the Capitol. Joe Biden will be the next President. It’s not who I voted for but I won’t burn down the country because he’s President. I will speak out for my views and I will faithfully vote in every election. But as disgusted as I was when Black Lives Matter and Antifa followers were burning our cities, looting stores and attacking police officers, I’m equally disgusted when people who may share many of my views do the same thing. I don’t care what their politics are, they are lawless thugs and need to be found, charged and prosecuted. I can’t teach my children and grandchildren to obey the rules of my house if I can’t be trusted to obey the laws of my nation!

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Comments 101-125 of 497

  • Roger Davenport

    01/10/2021 09:12 PM

    Amen ?? ????????

  • Mark Oestmann

    01/10/2021 09:10 PM

    I am appalled at the damage done to the Capitol and I suggest that it should be repaired ASAP.
    It is easy to say that the mob participants should pay, but that would take forever. I also don't think it is a good idea to pay for the repairs from taxpayer funds.
    What I suggest is a competition to raise the money to make the repairs, sort of like the canned food drives we had in elementary school.
    I just want to see it fixed. While any of the damage remains, it is a festering sore on the USA.
    I think there are enough Americans that are disgusted with what happened who would be inclined to contribute to repair the damage.
    A positive action for this new year!

  • C. Miller

    01/10/2021 09:10 PM

    I totally agree with comments made in your newsletters and really enjoy reading them because you bring out many things that we don't hear about in our regular newscasts. There is one comment you made in this newsletter article "A Tough Week for America" that I don't quite agree with. The statement, "Whatever hopes we had that there might be a sincere investigation into the evidence that the media claimed didn’t exist was wiped out by a hot-headed mob at our nation’s Capitol. " I disagree that a sincere investigation has been wiped out. As you have preached and our church preacher (just today) preached, there is always hope. We just have to trust God to help us. I feel that perhaps God is trying to tell us something, i.e. that we have strayed too far from Him. I hope that He is opening the eyes of a lot of people. I'm also hoping that if we can stave off the Liberals' agenda for a couple of years, maybe there's a chance that people's eyes will be opened during that length of time, and we can vote in more Conservatives in the House and Senate. We also need to get our voting systems straightened out. The Conservatives are going to have to start speaking up and back up what they say with action. We must not be intimidated and threatened by these Satanic people. Only God is in control, and we have to trust Him. Thank you. God Bless You.

  • Wendy Storm

    01/10/2021 09:10 PM

    I am one of the outraged! I am one of the frustrated! I am one of the disillusioned! My first act today to take back some of the power I had over my own life is to shut down my FB page. I do not use any other social media platforms. I would close my Amazon account, but I've spent a great deal of money buying movies & cannot afford to loose that investment. I will, however, spend all monies in the future on other shopping sites. As much as I am not in support of the violence at the Capitol I can fully understand the rage these people are feeling. I think this stimulus package was, for me, the icing on the cake. It was an "in your face" total disregard of the needs of the american people. To have the audacity to spend my money for extremely frivolous & unnecessary things & the worst part is this bill should have been done for stimulus support & NOTHING else. And to add insult to injury we sent all that money to foreign countries! Is anyone as outraged about this as I am??? I'm to the point I want to shoot every liberal leftest democrat that I see, but I won't do that. No I won't, but I want to!

  • Najana Ferguson

    01/10/2021 09:09 PM

    So you don’t believe the election was stolen? Why do you think he caused us the Georgia seats?

  • Jewelz Martorana

    01/10/2021 09:08 PM

    The police were a part of it & moved aside & opened doors & waved them in, etc. That I saw with my own eyes. But I would not have went inside. Great way to get hurt, or worse. But I can understand people doing it because most people probably want to anyway, & we feel at the end of our ropes for what our "elected officials" get away with. Then in the towns we live in, judges, DAs & everyone else is evil there too. The American people don't know what to do to defend ourselves AND, most importantly our families. Also we are done with the hypocrisy & we are sick of the elite freaks calling us appalling, etc. We are open to input bc we can't allow this country to become Communist. We are most disturbed over there not even being a fake investigation. These ppl thieving off of our money insult us constantly. We are all very sick of it.

  • David R Allenson

    01/10/2021 09:05 PM

    Dear Gov.
    While I appreciate your news letter and comments, and support you 100%, I am sick and tired of American's being "railroaded" by these Godless Democrats and the media. I personally hope and pray that Donald Trump invokes Martial Law and comes down on these Satan inspired Democrats and does ALL that he needs to do. Enough is enough. It is time for America to take a stand and stand up to these godless people. I am praying that God Almighty moves in a great way over this land. ALL these godless people always say "May God bless America." Why should He? America as we know it, has turned her back on God. "May God arise and the enemies be scattered!" This is my prayer.

  • Teresa Brazil

    01/10/2021 09:05 PM

    Your comment that President Trump caused the loss of two senators from Georgia is inaccurate. It was fraud, plain and simple. And while the storming of the senate floor was not the right thing to do, it is in no way comparable to the many and many businesses being destroyed. It in no way compared to the extreme rabble rousing fear mongering the liberals caused about the covid. It is no way compared to the attack currently made in the 1st Amendment

  • Lynn Fay

    01/10/2021 09:02 PM

    That's true, Mike. But these people have been attacked along with their president for FOUR years. You had FOUR years of them calling him illegitimate, calling him Hitler and a traitor. For FOUR years, they were allowed to commit a coup, weaponizing our justice dept., and they orchestrated it daily. And Donald Trump is not allowed to say this election was fraudulent and call for a PEACEFUl march on Washington. THAT is insurrection. And you should forget about those idiots and realize you are helping these fascists who are censoring us, get Trump impeached, and you are helping orchestrate a civil war possibly or a police state--one of the two because you are not calling out who is responsible for this -- not just the socialist Democrats, but the COWARDLY Republicans who should have demanded an investigation, en MASSE instead of behaving like the cowards and elitists and establishment jerks they are. Their terrorists are glorified. It's ok for Madonna to say she's going to blow up the capitol, memes of Trump beheaded or beat up, Republicans attacked in ball fields or mowing their lawn or walking down the street, and THEIR politicians openly encouraging it, while they get THEIR terrorists out of jail. Just because you are right that they shouldn't have done it, doesn't mean you should let this narrative get hijacked and you are helping do that. THEY caused it. The fascist Democrats and the cowardly Republicans who never stand up for the Republic.

  • Kathleen Bottroff

    01/10/2021 09:02 PM

    Well said.

  • Theresa Gunther

    01/10/2021 09:00 PM

    Good Evening so many correct things you said. I also didn’t vote for Biden or Obama but they are/were our President. Just so sad Trump wasn’t give that benefit. But that’s because the right are peaceful, excepting God loving people and unfortunately the left are not they have a agenda and nothing and I mean nothing with stop them.
    What I’m not looking for is our future. Future in the party. Who to support financially. We need to come together now. Hope you can guide us.
    God Bless & God Bless America

  • Maria Ferrantelli

    01/10/2021 09:00 PM

    No, President Trump reminding the people of a stolen election did NOT cause the loss of two senate seats. That comment is insulting and totally illogical.

    If the coward republicans would've investigated the first election, the second election wouldn't have been STOLEN, also. How dumb can republicans be?

    I'm truly disgusted with the inaction of the GOP around the nation in dealing with and resolving critical issues.
    Hence, the most treasonous election and big tech censorship are destroying our nation.

    I'm also fed up with all the criticism coming from liberals and many on the right over Trump's past tweeting. It's meaningless compared to the vile, inflammatory lies, ethics violations and criminal behavior coming from many democrat politicians.

    The GOP self-righteousness is nauseating.

  • Dorothy Soileau

    01/10/2021 08:56 PM

    There is so much evidence that it very may have been stolen, but no one has been willing to allow it to be presented. If the liberals are so very sure they won fair and square then “let’s examine the evidence”! Mike, I respect you and read you daily and regard your wisdom...but Trump is not going to lay down when he sees so much that says “fraud”! Neither should you or I...this our country we are talking about...our children and grandchildren need us to step up and see reality! Our grandparents and parents and brothers fought and many died for our right to free and trustworthy elections..our grandsons serve today to protect our freedoms! Many are seeking to pillage and replace this Democratic Republic...NOT!

  • Leonard Lugo

    01/10/2021 08:46 PM

    ??Mr. Huckabee. The (some of the Senators backed down who were going to object, scared) violence is bad, I just wonder if that was a setup, planned? It delayed the electoral count, but, yet, abbreviated it so a few objectors were not heard and process went forward, and certified a treasonous criminal demonic team late that night! Now, wicked Pelosi is telling Pence to invoke 25th to remove President Trump? ??I'm baffled, is Pence carrying water for the swamp? He was so loyal to the President, lifted up Christ, is he being "threatened"! ? Is his family being threatened! I mean he stood for America, with President Trump, shoulder to shoulder for God's sake! Then, to not do what Constitutionally he could, and, essentially threw America, and President Trump over the cliff so to speak, into Socialism? He wasn't asked to reverse it for the President, but, to remove illegitimate votes, delay, send back to States in question? I don't know Pence, there is a lot of pressure on him. I watched Mark Levin, A Constitutional Crises, explaining what Bidens thugs, dressed as lawyers, violated Article 2, Section 1, clause 2. Legislators are to direct, Republicans controlled, and, how Bidens thugs got around it, changed election laws on & on! So they could win, which they did! In ten days the demonic duo will be running the Country! Crooked, Criminals, Liars, (Cheaters! Mob boss J Biden &, Harris are boasting, gloating, sneering, shaking their fists in God's face, a fearful place to be in), they got away with it with man(spinless), but, not with God! Be blessed.??

  • Daniel Passer

    01/10/2021 08:46 PM

    I still want to see research and investigations into the truth of the election fraud during the elections of 2020. Also, Big Tech needs to be put in their place. Big Tech has no right whatsoever to censure the President, or to shut off Parler. This is a war against sharing information and honest discussions. None of these companies should be tax-exempt.

  • Dani

    01/10/2021 08:38 PM

    Thank you

  • doris a green

    01/10/2021 08:33 PM

    even those close to him know the election was fair,,stop trying to keep the lie going!! i stopped watching your show because you are so far right and so close minded..Its people like you who have kept this mess going,and inspired a lot of craziness..You and all those so called prophets,who were wrong,and will not say so..They are really not hearing from God,or they wouldnt be wrong.It would be awesome if you used your visibility for unity instead of division..Thanks to people like Trump and you,i will never again vote republican

  • Connie Harper

    01/10/2021 08:30 PM

    Hi Mike,
    Can you tell me going forward how we will ever have a fair election again?
    Thank you,
    Connie Harpet

  • Stephanie Staker

    01/10/2021 08:29 PM

    Hi, Governor. I just watched a 44 minute video from a man who was inside the Capitol with the crowd. I have to tell you that MOST of the people were just walking around. Occasionally, they would start chanting but no one tore down statues or damaged anything. In fact, many shouted, "don't destroy anything!" There was a very small percentage that did anything and I have to wonder just what their agenda was since the rest of the crowd was peaceful, respectful to the police there. Someone had broken some glass at one of the doors BEFORE the majority of the crowd got there. I sadly saw the woman shot too. :( If you are interested in seeing the video, it's here: https://banned.video/watch?id=5ff6857e00bac0328da8e888. God bless you!

  • Colleen Monson

    01/10/2021 08:28 PM

    I hope you’re not drinking the koolaid! I’m sure they will continue to find more antifa and BLM members involved in this attack. It’s already been proven that they were involved.
    Please don’t turn on us now, we need people with a voice of reason.

  • Carolyn Hopper

    01/10/2021 08:22 PM

    I have seen several videos from people who were in WDC, showing the ones who storm the Capitol were not conservatives but Antifa and BLM radicals in disguise. Two even had video showing their tattoos. Your commentary made it sound like it was only conservatives. I have always read your commentary and agree with it but this time I think you missed something.

  • Kenny Gardner

    01/10/2021 08:22 PM

    I agree Governor. Problem is there will be no elections anymore since there is NO TRUST! How can one state we need NEW LAWS when the old ones were violated? The officials in charged FAILED! Federal level, State level etc. I do not want violence! Bill Barr FAILED. SCOTUS failed! Laws are only meaningful when there is a will to enforce them irregardless of fallout political and otherwise. I agree with what you have said, Rand Paul and others. Again when there is NO WILL to defend the Laws, hence the American People what then? In a PERFECT World the States would take their powers back. Will they? Doubtful. Graham, Toomey, Thune all cowered. Give up on Dems. They have too much to gain to do right. America has ALLOWED this for too long, the corruption the media etc. The cost unfortunately to fix this will be high! Very high!

  • Firewagon

    01/10/2021 08:21 PM

    "This angry mob of played right into the hands of the press and the left." I believe, Mike, that you fail to identify what part of the "angry mob" were ANY Trump supporters. There was video of some vehicle prepositioning a pallet of bricks for use as missiles at this "Trump Rally." That is the modus operandi of ANTIFA/BLM and NOT any 'Trump Rally!' I could win BIG money in Vegas betting that only 1/10th of 1% of the people breaching the Capitol building were members of that "Trump Rally" and the majority of those compelling the "riot" were 'paid' ANTIFA/BLM radicals! True, there were more than a few "Trump supporters" that entered the Capitol building, with one shot dead probably inadvertently, but those 'misguided' souls were witlessly in the wrong place at the wrong time!

  • Valery Yeramianchuk

    01/10/2021 08:10 PM

    Even a fool understands that all the opaque games of donkeys and traitors to America's freedom! I support TRUMP and will support his desire to make America a great country of FREEDOM again and cleanse it of the filth.

  • Melanie

    01/10/2021 08:08 PM

    Surprised at you Governor. While we all know that President Trump has his faults—as I do, as you do—you can’t blame him one iota for the actions of those who stormed the capital. They made up their own minds to do such a thing, whether planned or whether done through uncontrolled anger or impulsivity. Saying he may have given them the false sense of justification to do such a violent thing is the same as blaming him—even though you just said you didn’t blame him. And his talk of fraud in the election DID NOT cause the loss of the senate seats in Georgia. The very same things that happened in the election the first time happened in the Senate election, or weren’t you watching and listening? It was a combination of those paper ballots, “technical difficulties”, and everything else. Honestly, I can’t believe I am even having to remind you! You disappoint me. The only people who haven’t disappointed me are the handful of politicians who were brave enough to stand up and object to the electors. See, Americans appreciate honesty and courage from their leaders, something that is rarely present. I am ashamed of Hagerty and Blackburn from my home state of TN. Their actions were unhonorable, I’m sorry to say. I am a Christian and I will follow God’s word. I know
    He allowed this to happen for a reason. But if this administration tries to keep us from assembling to worship or tries to force us in any way to go along with ungodly practices, I must obey God rather than man. And for that I do not apologize.

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