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We weren’t expecting Huck PAC to have to come to the rescue of 3 more races immediately following the 2024 elections, but the Democrats see this as their chance to un-do what the American People overwhelmingly voted for in November. Please support Huck PAC with a donation in the amount you can afford. Every dollar helps→ Donate - Huck PAC

July 18, 2021

For reasons that make no sense, Democrats are dead set against requiring a person to have a photo ID in order to vote. The “idea” of an “ID” is simple enough—you should vote, but your vote should be protected by making sure you are the person doing the voting. If someone votes your ballot, they are stealing it from you.

I’m fairly well known and most places I go, I’m recognized and called by my name before I even sign in at the front desk. This happens at the airport, at a doctor’s or dentist’s office, and at a bank when I wish to withdraw funds. Even so, without a photo ID, I couldn’t see a doctor, fly on a plane, or pay for groceries with a check. I couldn’t take out a loan, check into a hotel or rent a car, or pick up baseball tickets at the will-call window. In most cities I couldn’t even enter a large office building. So why the heartburn about having a photo ID to vote?

The argument that it’s racist to require the ID for voting is not just laughable—it’s insulting to people of color to assume they are somehow less capable than white people to function in our current world. Black or brown people are as smart as I am, and I know they too go to doctors, hospitals, hotels, office buildings, and fly on planes. To suggest that obtaining or using a photo is just too complicated for a black or brown person is outrageous and denigrating. Do Democrats really think so little of minorities? It’s not racist to ask ALL people, whatever color they are, to have a photo ID when they vote. It is 100% racist to insinuate that a minority person is too dumb or lacks the basic life skills to obtain or use a photo ID.

Vice President Kamala Harris insulted people in rural America this week by saying that a photo ID would be too much to ask of people in rural parts of the country, because if we had to make a photo copy (or as she said if we had to Xerox our ID or go to Kinkos), we wouldn’t have the ability to do that.

She needs to visit rural America more. She might be surprised to find out we have electricity, running water, paved roads, cable tv indoor plumbing, and yes, even connections to the INTERWEB! We even wear shoes and store-bought britches. Heck, a bunch of us have even been to an airport and flown on those big jet planes. And we even have toilet paper. If we run out, we have the NY Times, since the Sears catalog no longer gets printed. I’ll bet she doesn’t even know that we quit using horse drawn carriages years ago and drive big ol’ fancy cars like the folks in California. Now I admit, we ain’t all as fancy as the folks in CA where she comes from. We still sometimes use plastic straws, eat real ribeye steaks instead of tofu, and believe that church is more essential than a casino or topless bar. And if the VP wants to come down for a visit, we can show her that all our folk no matter what color—know how to get and use photo ID. And we also know how to get and use a cast iron skillet and this might really mess her up—we know how to get and use a rifle, shotgun, or pistol. Most of us would never think of using those things on people unless they are dumb enough to try and invade our homes or threaten our families. And then it’s not us that will need a photo ID. It’s the dumb son of a gun who tried to break into our house. He’ll need a photo ID so the authorities can notify the next of kin.

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Comments 41-50 of 113

  • Kristine Moore

    07/19/2021 08:50 AM

    Kinko’s doesn’t exist anymore and Xeroxing something is completely outdated and in the past. She’s an idiot.

  • Sandy Hewett

    07/19/2021 08:49 AM

    Amazing that I live in the country and I hold a BA. so us country folk even go to college and needed an id for that. This is a silly argument on the Dems behalf because the while world asks for id. There are people being killed all over America and massacred in other countries and this is what they choose to argue about? Not s big deal unless you want to cheat.

  • Christine Carter

    07/19/2021 08:06 AM

    First of all, I am a devoted reader of you news letter and a fan of Sarah's, whom I have donated to.

    On to the topic of Biden/ Harris opinion of rural America...they must also think that rural Americans have no way to hear about the vaccine or to obtain one which is their excuse for the door-to-door program. I don't think you can turn on a TV or go to any Wal-Mart, CVS, or Walgreens without seeing signs for vaccine availability. I figure if a person is so isolated that they have no TV, no home health care, never go to stores and have no family member that does who visits them (if there are such filjs) then they probably don't need it since they won't be in a position to catch Covid anyway.

  • Renee Kendrick

    07/19/2021 06:41 AM

    Duhmala and the DIMS need to realize the world does not revolve around them! But then again, this world is all they have to hold on to at this point. If they had any concept about rural America, they would see that many small businesses exist in the rural part of the nation. In those small businesses exist a copy machine or two. Neighbors help neighbors. Rural areas are the heartbeat of this nation. Gardens are cultivated by farmers to feed snobby dingbats like her. Let rural America go on strike and watch the big cities crumble.

    Oh be careful what you say, DIMS! Rural Democrats are turning Red...and I don't mean from embarrassment or sunburn. Hindsight IS 2020!

  • Lamar Stowe

    07/19/2021 05:39 AM

    Amen to the I.D. to Identify the remains for next of kin. Break into my house, You'll Meet Your Maker. And That's God, By The Way. We Can Read Bibles Too Kamala. Gosh Darnit, We Each Have About 3 or 4 I.D's On Us All The Time, Just In Case We Need A Library Book.

  • Toni Baker

    07/18/2021 11:30 PM

    Well said, Gov!!! There are a bunch of "educated idiots" in high places in this nation and your monologue exposed VP Harris and all the others that demonize real, patriotic Americans every day. Keep up the good reporting and exposing them. Hopefully, by the next election, those that were mislead by Biden & Harris will vote Republican if the Republicans unite & stand up for America.

  • Elsie Tuholsky

    07/18/2021 10:52 PM

    Dear Gov. Huckabee, Your deep faith in the Holy Trinity, Father son and Holy Spirit, is reassuring and inspiring to me as it manifests in truth,clear, courageous,critical thinking and last but certainly not least your sense of humor without vileness lifts me up and causes me to laugh and helps mitigate my frustration and anger at the rampant sheer evil of radical left’s tunnel vision, lack of genuine compassion for our nation’s ideals, and its people,
    In my verbose way, thank you for all you do and have done to preserve our Constitution and cooperate with God’s grace in exposing widespread contamination of conscience.

  • Karen Shido

    07/18/2021 10:22 PM

    She is insulting herself as she refers to herself as a person of color.

  • Tracey Melluish

    07/18/2021 09:43 PM

    Very true! Those of us in rural America have drivers licenses, passports, and are capable of keeping up with those from CA. Only thing I may have added was rural Americans are hard working and earn every cent made. Unlike a person that doesn't do their job and is window dressing, such as the Vice President of America.

  • Betty Robinson

    07/18/2021 09:25 PM

    Love your article regarding Harris' insult on rural America!!!!! She is an insult to the office of the vice president!!!!

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